func newFontFromLOGFONT(lf *win.LOGFONT, dpi int) (*Font, error) { if lf == nil { return nil, newError("lf cannot be nil") } family := win.UTF16PtrToString(&lf.LfFaceName[0]) pointSize := int(win.MulDiv(lf.LfHeight, 72, int32(dpi))) if pointSize < 0 { pointSize = -pointSize } var style FontStyle if lf.LfWeight > win.FW_NORMAL { style |= FontBold } if lf.LfItalic == win.TRUE { style |= FontItalic } if lf.LfUnderline == win.TRUE { style |= FontUnderline } if lf.LfStrikeOut == win.TRUE { style |= FontStrikeOut } return NewFont(family, pointSize, style) }
func (tt *ToolTip) Text(tool Widget) string { ti := tt.toolInfo(tool) if ti == nil { return "" } return win.UTF16PtrToString(ti.LpszText) }
// Text returns the current text data of the clipboard. func (c *ClipboardService) Text() (text string, err error) { err = c.withOpenClipboard(func() error { hMem := win.HGLOBAL(win.GetClipboardData(win.CF_UNICODETEXT)) if hMem == 0 { return lastError("GetClipboardData") } p := win.GlobalLock(hMem) if p == nil { return lastError("GlobalLock()") } defer win.GlobalUnlock(hMem) text = win.UTF16PtrToString((*uint16)(p)) return nil }) return }