func ghWalkFunc(fullPath string, fi2 os.FileInfo, err error, reportFilename string, dirs []string, tp tasks.TaskParams, format string, report tasks.BtReport) error { excludeResources := tp.Settings.GetTaskSettingString(tasks.TASK_PUBLISH_GITHUB, "exclude") excludeGlobs := core.ParseCommaGlobs(excludeResources) versionDir := filepath.Join(tp.OutDestRoot, tp.Settings.GetFullVersionName()) relativePath := strings.Replace(fullPath, versionDir, "", -1) relativePath = strings.TrimPrefix(relativePath, "/") //fmt.Printf("relative path %s, full path %s\n", relativePath, fullPath) if fi2.IsDir() { //check globs ... for _, excludeGlob := range excludeGlobs { ok, err := filepath.Match(excludeGlob, fi2.Name()) if err != nil { return err } if ok { if tp.Settings.IsVerbose() { log.Printf("Excluded: %s (pattern %v)", relativePath, excludeGlob) } return filepath.SkipDir } } return nil } if fi2.Name() == reportFilename { return nil } owner := tp.Settings.GetTaskSettingString(tasks.TASK_PUBLISH_GITHUB, "owner") user := tp.Settings.GetTaskSettingString(tasks.TASK_PUBLISH_GITHUB, "user") if user == "" { user = owner } apikey := tp.Settings.GetTaskSettingString(tasks.TASK_PUBLISH_GITHUB, "apikey") repository := tp.Settings.GetTaskSettingString(tasks.TASK_PUBLISH_GITHUB, "repository") apiHost := tp.Settings.GetTaskSettingString(tasks.TASK_PUBLISH_GITHUB, "apihost") uploadApiHost := "" downloadsHost := tp.Settings.GetTaskSettingString(tasks.TASK_PUBLISH_GITHUB, "downloadshost") includeResources := tp.Settings.GetTaskSettingString(tasks.TASK_PUBLISH_GITHUB, "include") resourceGlobs := core.ParseCommaGlobs(includeResources) //log.Printf("IncludeGlobs: %v", resourceGlobs) //log.Printf("ExcludeGlobs: %v", excludeGlobs) matches := false for _, resourceGlob := range resourceGlobs { ok, err := filepath.Match(resourceGlob, fi2.Name()) if err != nil { return err } if ok { matches = true } } if matches == false { if tp.Settings.IsVerbose() { log.Printf("Not included: %s (pattern %v)", relativePath, includeResources) } return nil } for _, excludeGlob := range excludeGlobs { ok, err := filepath.Match(excludeGlob, fi2.Name()) if err != nil { return err } if ok { if tp.Settings.IsVerbose() { log.Printf("Excluded: %s (pattern %v)", relativePath, excludeGlob) } return nil } } first := true parent := filepath.Dir(relativePath) //platform := strings.Replace(parent, "_", "/", -1) //fmt.Fprintf(f, "\n * **%s**:", platform) for _, d := range dirs { if d == parent { first = false } } if first { dirs = append(dirs, parent) } //fmt.Printf("relative path %s, platform %s\n", relativePath, parent) text := fi2.Name() version := tp.Settings.GetFullVersionName() isVerbose := tp.Settings.IsVerbose() isQuiet := tp.Settings.IsQuiet() contentType := httpc.GetContentType(text) prefix := tp.Settings.GetTaskSettingString(tasks.TASK_TAG, "prefix") tagName := prefix + version release, err := ghGetReleaseForTag(apiHost, owner, apikey, repository, tagName, isVerbose) if err != nil { return err } err = ghDoUpload(uploadApiHost, apikey, owner, repository, release, relativePath, fullPath, contentType, isVerbose, isQuiet) if err != nil { return err } if first { first = false } else { //commaIfRequired = "," } if format == "markdown" { text = strings.Replace(text, "_", "\\_", -1) } category := tasks.GetCategory(relativePath) downloadsUrl := downloadsHost + "/" + owner + "/" + repository + "/releases/download/" + version + "/" + relativePath + "" download := tasks.BtDownload{Text: text, RelativeLink: downloadsUrl} v, ok := report.Categories[category] var existing []tasks.BtDownload if !ok { existing = []tasks.BtDownload{} } else { existing = *v } existing = append(existing, download) report.Categories[category] = &existing return err }
func walkFunc(fullPath string, fi2 os.FileInfo, err error, reportFilename string, dirs []string, tp TaskParams, format string, report BtReport) error { if fi2.IsDir() || fi2.Name() == reportFilename { return nil } subject := tp.Settings.GetTaskSettingString(TASK_BINTRAY, "subject") user := tp.Settings.GetTaskSettingString(TASK_BINTRAY, "user") if user == "" { user = subject } apikey := tp.Settings.GetTaskSettingString(TASK_BINTRAY, "apikey") repository := tp.Settings.GetTaskSettingString(TASK_BINTRAY, "repository") pkg := tp.Settings.GetTaskSettingString(TASK_BINTRAY, "package") apiHost := tp.Settings.GetTaskSettingString(TASK_BINTRAY, "apihost") downloadsHost := tp.Settings.GetTaskSettingString(TASK_BINTRAY, "downloadshost") includeResources := tp.Settings.GetTaskSettingString(TASK_BINTRAY, "include") excludeResources := tp.Settings.GetTaskSettingString(TASK_BINTRAY, "exclude") versionDir := filepath.Join(tp.OutDestRoot, tp.Settings.GetFullVersionName()) relativePath := strings.Replace(fullPath, versionDir, "", -1) relativePath = strings.TrimPrefix(relativePath, "/") fmt.Printf("relative path %s, full path %s\n", relativePath, fullPath) resourceGlobs := core.ParseCommaGlobs(includeResources) //log.Printf("IncludeGlobs: %v", resourceGlobs) excludeGlobs := core.ParseCommaGlobs(excludeResources) //log.Printf("ExcludeGlobs: %v", excludeGlobs) matches := false for _, resourceGlob := range resourceGlobs { ok, err := filepath.Match(resourceGlob, fi2.Name()) if err != nil { return err } if ok { matches = true } } if matches == false { if !tp.Settings.IsQuiet() { log.Printf("Not included: %s (pattern %v)", relativePath, includeResources) } return nil } for _, excludeGlob := range excludeGlobs { ok, err := filepath.Match(excludeGlob, fi2.Name()) if err != nil { return err } if ok { if !tp.Settings.IsQuiet() { log.Printf("Excluded: %s (pattern %v)", relativePath, excludeGlob) } return nil } } first := true parent := filepath.Dir(relativePath) //platform := strings.Replace(parent, "_", "/", -1) //fmt.Fprintf(f, "\n * **%s**:", platform) for _, d := range dirs { if d == parent { first = false } } if first { dirs = append(dirs, parent) } //fmt.Printf("relative path %s, platform %s\n", relativePath, parent) text := fi2.Name() /* text := strings.Replace(fi2.Name(), "_", "\\_", -1) if strings.HasSuffix(fi2.Name(), ".zip") { text = "zip" } else if strings.HasSuffix(fi2.Name(), ".deb") { text = "deb" } else if strings.HasSuffix(fi2.Name(), ".tar.gz") { text = "tar.gz" } else if fi2.Name() == tp.AppName || fi2.Name() == tp.AppName+".exe" { text = "executable" } */ //PUT /content/:subject/:repo/:package/:version/:path url := apiHost + "/content/" + subject + "/" + repository + "/" + pkg + "/" + tp.Settings.GetFullVersionName() + "/" + relativePath // for some reason there's no /pkg/ level in the downloads url. downloadsUrl := downloadsHost + "/content/" + subject + "/" + repository + "/" + relativePath + "?direct" contentType := httpc.GetContentType(text) resp, err := httpc.UploadFile("PUT", url, subject, user, apikey, fullPath, relativePath, contentType, !tp.Settings.IsQuiet()) if err != nil { if serr, ok := err.(httpc.HttpError); ok { if serr.StatusCode == 409 { //conflict. skip //continue but dont publish. //TODO - provide an option to replace existing artifact //TODO - ?check exists before attempting upload? log.Printf("WARNING - file already exists. Skipping. %v", resp) return nil } else { return err } } else { return err } } if !tp.Settings.IsQuiet() { log.Printf("File uploaded. (expected empty map[]): %v", resp) } //commaIfRequired := "" if first { first = false } else { //commaIfRequired = "," } if format == "markdown" { text = strings.Replace(text, "_", "\\_", -1) } category := GetCategory(relativePath) download := BtDownload{text, downloadsUrl} v, ok := report.Categories[category] var existing []BtDownload if !ok { existing = []BtDownload{} } else { existing = *v } existing = append(existing, download) report.Categories[category] = &existing //_, err = fmt.Fprintf(f, "%s [[%s](%s)]", commaIfRequired, text, downloadsUrl) if err != nil { return err } err = publish(apiHost, user, apikey, subject, repository, pkg, tp.Settings.GetFullVersionName(), !tp.Settings.IsQuiet()) return err }