文件: db_images.go 项目: jameinel/lxd
// dbImageGet gets an ImageBaseInfo object from the database.
// The argument fingerprint will be queried with a LIKE query, means you can
// pass a shortform and will get the full fingerprint.
// There can never be more than one image with a given fingerprint, as it is
// enforced by a UNIQUE constraint in the schema.
func dbImageGet(db *sql.DB, fingerprint string, public bool, strictMatching bool) (int, *shared.ImageInfo, error) {
	var err error
	var create, expire, used, upload *time.Time // These hold the db-returned times

	// The object we'll actually return
	image := shared.ImageInfo{}
	id := -1
	arch := -1

	// These two humongous things will be filled by the call to DbQueryRowScan
	outfmt := []interface{}{&id, &image.Fingerprint, &image.Filename,
		&image.Size, &image.Cached, &image.Public, &image.AutoUpdate, &arch,
		&create, &expire, &used, &upload}

	var query string

	var inargs []interface{}
	if strictMatching {
		inargs = []interface{}{fingerprint}
		query = `
            id, fingerprint, filename, size, cached, public, auto_update, architecture,
            creation_date, expiry_date, last_use_date, upload_date
        WHERE fingerprint = ?`
	} else {
		inargs = []interface{}{fingerprint + "%"}
		query = `
            id, fingerprint, filename, size, cached, public, auto_update, architecture,
            creation_date, expiry_date, last_use_date, upload_date
        WHERE fingerprint LIKE ?`

	if public {
		query = query + " AND public=1"

	err = dbQueryRowScan(db, query, inargs, outfmt)

	if err != nil {
		return -1, nil, err // Likely: there are no rows for this fingerprint

	// Some of the dates can be nil in the DB, let's process them.
	if create != nil {
		image.CreationDate = *create
	} else {
		image.CreationDate = time.Time{}

	if expire != nil {
		image.ExpiryDate = *expire
	} else {
		image.ExpiryDate = time.Time{}

	if used != nil {
		image.LastUsedDate = *used
	} else {
		image.LastUsedDate = time.Time{}

	image.Architecture, _ = shared.ArchitectureName(arch)

	// The upload date is enforced by NOT NULL in the schema, so it can never be nil.
	image.UploadDate = *upload

	// Get the properties
	q := "SELECT key, value FROM images_properties where image_id=?"
	var key, value, name, desc string
	inargs = []interface{}{id}
	outfmt = []interface{}{key, value}
	results, err := dbQueryScan(db, q, inargs, outfmt)
	if err != nil {
		return -1, nil, err

	properties := map[string]string{}
	for _, r := range results {
		key = r[0].(string)
		value = r[1].(string)
		properties[key] = value

	image.Properties = properties

	// Get the aliases
	q = "SELECT name, description FROM images_aliases WHERE image_id=?"
	inargs = []interface{}{id}
	outfmt = []interface{}{name, desc}
	results, err = dbQueryScan(db, q, inargs, outfmt)
	if err != nil {
		return -1, nil, err

	aliases := []shared.ImageAlias{}
	for _, r := range results {
		name = r[0].(string)
		desc = r[0].(string)
		a := shared.ImageAlias{Name: name, Description: desc}
		aliases = append(aliases, a)

	image.Aliases = aliases

	_, source, err := dbImageSourceGet(db, id)
	if err == nil {
		image.Source = &source

	return id, &image, nil