// Round trips the request to one of the endpoints and returns the response.
func (l *HttpLocation) RoundTrip(req request.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
	// Get options and transport as one single read transaction.
	// Options and transport may change if someone calls SetOptions
	o, tr := l.GetOptionsAndTransport()
	originalRequest := req.GetHttpRequest()

	//  Check request size first, if that exceeds the limit, we don't bother reading the request.
	if l.isRequestOverLimit(req) {
		return nil, errors.FromStatus(http.StatusRequestEntityTooLarge)

	// Read the body while keeping this location's limits in mind. This reader controls the maximum bytes
	// to read into memory and disk. This reader returns anerror if the total request size exceeds the
	// prefefined MaxSizeBytes. This can occur if we got chunked request, in this case ContentLength would be set to -1
	// and the reader would be unbounded bufio in the http.Server
	body, err := netutils.NewBodyBufferWithOptions(originalRequest.Body, netutils.BodyBufferOptions{
		MemBufferBytes: o.Limits.MaxMemBodyBytes,
		MaxSizeBytes:   o.Limits.MaxBodyBytes,
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if body == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Empty body")

	// Set request body to buffered reader that can replay the read and execute Seek
	// Note that we don't change the original request Body as it's handled by the http server
	defer body.Close()

	for {
		_, err := req.GetBody().Seek(0, 0)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		endpoint, err := l.loadBalancer.NextEndpoint(req)
		if err != nil {
			log.Errorf("Load Balancer failure: %s", err)
			return nil, err

		// Adds headers, changes urls. Note that we rewrite request each time we proxy it to the
		// endpoint, so that each try gets a fresh start
		req.SetHttpRequest(l.copyRequest(originalRequest, req.GetBody(), endpoint))

		// In case if error is not nil, we allow load balancer to choose the next endpoint
		// e.g. to do request failover. Nil error means that we got proxied the request successfully.
		response, err := l.proxyToEndpoint(tr, &o, endpoint, req)
		if o.ShouldFailover(req) {
		} else {
			return response, err
	log.Errorf("All endpoints failed!")
	return nil, fmt.Errorf("All endpoints failed")
func (rw *Rewriter) ProcessRequest(r request.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
	req := r.GetHttpRequest()

	if clientIP, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(req.RemoteAddr); err == nil {
		if rw.TrustForwardHeader {
			if prior, ok := req.Header[headers.XForwardedFor]; ok {
				clientIP = strings.Join(prior, ", ") + ", " + clientIP
		req.Header.Set(headers.XForwardedFor, clientIP)

	if xfp := req.Header.Get(headers.XForwardedProto); xfp != "" && rw.TrustForwardHeader {
		req.Header.Set(headers.XForwardedProto, xfp)
	} else if req.TLS != nil {
		req.Header.Set(headers.XForwardedProto, "https")
	} else {
		req.Header.Set(headers.XForwardedProto, "http")

	if req.Host != "" {
		req.Header.Set(headers.XForwardedHost, req.Host)
	req.Header.Set(headers.XForwardedServer, rw.Hostname)

	// Remove hop-by-hop headers to the backend.  Especially important is "Connection" because we want a persistent
	// connection, regardless of what the client sent to us.
	netutils.RemoveHeaders(headers.HopHeaders, req.Header)

	// We need to set ContentLength based on known request size. The incoming request may have been
	// set without content length or using chunked TransferEncoding
	totalSize, err := r.GetBody().TotalSize()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	req.ContentLength = totalSize
	// Remove TransferEncoding that could have been previously set
	req.TransferEncoding = []string{}

	return nil, nil
// Maps request to it's size in bytes
func RequestToBytes(req request.Request) (int64, error) {
	return req.GetBody().TotalSize()