func CreateGoal(enc encoder.Encoder, goal Goal) (int, []byte) { goalId, err := uuid.NewV4() if err != nil { return 500, encoder.Must(enc.Encode("")) } goal.Id = goalId.String() if goal.TargetType == "user" { user, ok := users[goal.Target] if !ok { return 400, encoder.Must(enc.Encode("Target does not exist")) } user.Goals[goal.Id] = &goal } else if goal.TargetType == "team" { team, ok := teams[goal.Target] if !ok { return 400, encoder.Must(enc.Encode("Target does not exist")) } team.Goals[goal.Id] = &goal } else { return 400, encoder.Must(enc.Encode("Unknown target type")) } goals[goal.Id] = &goal return 201, encoder.Must(enc.Encode(goal.Id)) }
func GetUsers(dataStore DataStore, enc encoder.Encoder) (int, []byte) { users, err := dataStore.GetAllUsers() if err != nil { return http.StatusNoContent, encoder.Must(enc.Encode(NewError(ErrInternal, "Can't get users try again later"))) } return http.StatusOK, encoder.Must(enc.Encode(users)) }
func GetGoal(enc encoder.Encoder, params martini.Params) (int, []byte) { goal, ok := goals[params["id"]] if ok { return 200, encoder.Must(enc.Encode(goal)) } return 404, encoder.Must(enc.Encode()) }
func GetMac(res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, enc encoder.Encoder) (int, []byte) { ip := strings.Split(req.RemoteAddr, ":")[0] mac, err := GetMacAddress("/proc/net/arp", ip) if err != nil { return http.StatusNotFound, encoder.Must(enc.Encode(NewError(ErrMacNotFound, err.Error()))) } return http.StatusOK, encoder.Must(enc.Encode(map[string]string{"mac": mac})) }
func GetServer(enc encoder.Encoder, db database.DB, parms martini.Params) (int, []byte) { fmt.Printf("begin get server\n") id, err := strconv.ParseInt(parms["id"], 10, 64) al := db.Get(id) if err != nil || al == nil { msg := fmt.Sprintf("the album with id %s does not exist", parms["id"]) return http.StatusNotFound, encoder.Must(enc.Encode( NewError{errcode: 404, errmsg: msg})) } return http.StatusOK, encoder.Must(enc.Encode(al)) }
func FindServer(enc encoder.Encoder, db database.DB, r *http.Request) (int, []byte) { fmt.Printf("begin find server\n") params := r.URL.Query() roomId, err := strconv.ParseInt(params.Get("room_id"), 10, 64) al := db.Find(roomId) if err != nil || al == nil { msg := fmt.Sprintf("server witch room_id %s does not exist", params.Get("id")) return http.StatusNotFound, encoder.Must(enc.Encode( NewError{errcode: 404, errmsg: msg})) } return http.StatusOK, encoder.Must(enc.Encode(al)) }
func GetUser(dataStore DataStore, enc encoder.Encoder, params martini.Params) (int, []byte) { id, err := strconv.Atoi(params["id"]) if err != nil { return http.StatusNotFound, encoder.Must(enc.Encode(NewError(ErrInternal, "Invalid id"))) } user, dbErr := dataStore.GetUser(id) if dbErr != nil { return http.StatusNotFound, encoder.Must(enc.Encode(NewError(ErrUserNotFound, dbErr.Error()))) } return http.StatusOK, encoder.Must(enc.Encode(user)) }
func main() { api := &api.API{ ApiKey: "122cc483be92bd806b696e7d458596ac", DataCacheRenewalInterval: 15, } api.Setup() go api.CyclicCacheRenewal() m := martini.Classic() m.Map(api) m.Use(cors.Allow(&cors.Options{ AllowAllOrigins: true, AllowCredentials: true, })) m.Use(func(c martini.Context, w http.ResponseWriter) { c.MapTo(encoder.JsonEncoder{}, (*encoder.Encoder)(nil)) w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8") }) m.Get("/photos/:name", func(params martini.Params, enc encoder.Encoder) (int, []byte) { name, ok := params["name"] if ok { photos, _ := api.GetPhotosForUser(name) return http.StatusOK, encoder.Must(enc.Encode(photos)) } return 404, []byte("Not Found") }) m.Run() }
func FetchStatus(s *Status, ms *mgo.Session, enc encoder.Encoder, r *http.Request) (int, []byte) { s.Log["MongoDB"] = NewLog(true, "") if err := ms.Ping(); err != nil { s.Log["MongoDB"] = NewLog(false, err.Error()) } return http.StatusOK, encoder.Must(enc.Encode(s)) }
func CompleteGoal(enc encoder.Encoder, params martini.Params, jsonParams GoalCompleteParams) (int, []byte) { goal, ok := goals[params["id"]] if !ok { return 404, encoder.Must(enc.Encode()) } if _, ok := users[jsonParams.UserId]; !ok { return 400, encoder.Must(enc.Encode("User does not exist")) } goal.NumberOfCompletions-- if goal.NumberOfCompletions > 0 { goal.State = "progress" return 200, encoder.Must(enc.Encode(goal.State)) //what should be returned here? } goal.State = "completed" return 200, encoder.Must(enc.Encode(goal.Reward)) }
func CreatePreset( params martini.Params, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, enc encoder.Encoder) (int, []byte) { bytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body) if err != nil { return http.StatusBadRequest, encoder.Must(enc.Encode(&Error{err.Error()})) } preset := &Preset{} err = json.Unmarshal(bytes, &preset) if err != nil { return http.StatusBadRequest, encoder.Must(enc.Encode(&Error{err.Error()})) } presets.Add(preset) w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8") return http.StatusCreated, encoder.Must(enc.Encode(preset)) }
func NewEncoder(opts ...Options) martini.Handler { return func(c martini.Context, w http.ResponseWriter) { wrappedWriter := newWrappedResponseWriter(w) c.MapTo(wrappedWriter, (*http.ResponseWriter)(nil)) c.MapTo(encoder.JsonEncoder{PrettyPrint: true}, (*encoder.Encoder)(nil)) var rtnHandler martini.ReturnHandler rtnHandler = func(ctx martini.Context, vals []reflect.Value) { rv := ctx.Get(inject.InterfaceOf((*http.ResponseWriter)(nil))) res := rv.Interface().(http.ResponseWriter) var responseVal reflect.Value if len(vals) > 1 && vals[0].Kind() == reflect.Int { res.WriteHeader(int(vals[0].Int())) responseVal = vals[1] } else if len(vals) > 0 { responseVal = vals[0] } if isNil(responseVal) { wrappedRes := res.(*wrappedResponseWriter) code := wrappedRes.statusCode if code == 0 { panic(errors.New("No return code set for error")) } responseVal = reflect.ValueOf(errorResponse{Error: code, Message: http.StatusText(code)}) } if canDeref(responseVal) { responseVal = responseVal.Elem() } if isByteSlice(responseVal) { res.Write(responseVal.Bytes()) } else if isStruct(responseVal) || isStructSlice(responseVal) { encv := ctx.Get(inject.InterfaceOf((*encoder.Encoder)(nil))) enc := encv.Interface().(encoder.Encoder) res.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8") buf := bytes.NewBuffer(encoder.Must(enc.Encode(responseVal.Interface()))) if len(opts) > 0 { if opts[0].Html { val := buf.Bytes() buf.Reset() json.HTMLEscape(buf, val) } if opts[0].Indent { val := buf.Bytes() buf.Reset() json.Indent(buf, val, "", "\t") } } res.Write(buf.Bytes()) } else { res.Write([]byte(responseVal.String())) } } c.Map(rtnHandler) } }
func listLocations(enc encoder.Encoder, r *http.Request, db *mgo.Database) (int, []byte) { var locations []Location c := db.C("locations") err := c.Find(nil).All(&locations) if err != nil { return http.StatusInternalServerError, []byte("Impossible to retrieve the locations: " + err.Error()) } return http.StatusOK, encoder.Must(enc.Encode(locations)) }
func main() { // 使用crawldata包里面的Crawl()抓取需要的数据存到数据库 // crawldata.Crawl() m := martini.New() route := martini.NewRouter() var ( results Results err error ) m.Use(func(c martini.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { // 将 encoder.JsonEncoder{} 按照 encoder.Encoder 接口(注意大小写)类型注入到内部 c.MapTo(encoder.JsonEncoder{}, (*encoder.Encoder)(nil)) w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8") }) route.Get("/", func(enc encoder.Encoder) (int, []byte) { result := Results{10001, "Not Found Data", nil} return http.StatusOK, encoder.Must(enc.Encode(result)) }) route.Get("/api", func(enc encoder.Encoder) (int, []byte) { results.Datas, err = crawldata.GetAllImages() if err != nil { fmt.Println(s.Join([]string{"获取数据失败", err.Error()}, "-->")) result := Results{10001, "Data Error", nil} return http.StatusOK, encoder.Must(enc.Encode(result)) } else { results.Err = 10000 results.Msg = "获取数据成功" return http.StatusOK, encoder.Must(enc.Encode(results)) } }) m.Action(route.Handle) m.Run() }
func getLocation(params martini.Params, enc encoder.Encoder, db *mgo.Database) (int, []byte) { var location Location if !bson.IsObjectIdHex(params["id"]) { return http.StatusNotFound, []byte("Location with id \"" + params["id"] + "\" not found") } c := db.C("locations") err := c.FindId(bson.ObjectIdHex(params["id"])).One(&location) if err != nil { return http.StatusNotFound, []byte("Location with id \"" + params["id"] + "\" not found") } return http.StatusOK, encoder.Must(enc.Encode(location)) }
// Satisfies the Source interface and starts listening to the specified port func (s *Http) Listen(wg sync.WaitGroup) { s.Log.Info("Start listening (http:%s:%d)", s.BindIp, s.Port) m := martini.New() route := martini.NewRouter() m.Use(func(c martini.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { // Use indentations. &pretty=1 pretty, _ := strconv.ParseBool(r.FormValue("pretty")) // Use null instead of empty object for json &null=1 null, _ := strconv.ParseBool(r.FormValue("null")) // Some content negotiation switch r.Header.Get("Accept") { case "application/xml": c.MapTo(encoder.XmlEncoder{PrettyPrint: pretty}, (*encoder.Encoder)(nil)) w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/xml; charset=utf-8") default: c.MapTo(encoder.JsonEncoder{PrettyPrint: pretty, PrintNull: null}, (*encoder.Encoder)(nil)) w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8") } }) route.Post("/event", func(enc encoder.Encoder, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (int, []byte) { defer r.Body.Close() body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body) if err != nil { return http.StatusInternalServerError, []byte{} } result := s.processRaw(string(body)) return http.StatusOK, encoder.Must(enc.Encode(result)) }) m.Action(route.Handle) port := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", s.BindIp, s.Port) if err := http.ListenAndServe(port, m); err != nil { s.Log.Error(err.Error()) } wg.Done() }
func main() { runtime.GOMAXPROCS(runtime.NumCPU()) pool := newPool(":6379") defer pool.Close() db := newDB(pool) defer db.Close() m := martini.New() m.Map(db) m.Use(func(c martini.Context, w http.ResponseWriter) { c.MapTo(encoder.JsonEncoder{}, (*encoder.Encoder)(nil)) w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8") }) r := martini.NewRouter() r.Post("/users", binding.Bind(User{}), func(db *DB, u User) (int, string) { if err := db.SaveUser(&u); err != nil { return http.StatusInternalServerError, err.Error() } return http.StatusCreated, "OK" }) r.Get("/users/:id", func(db *DB, params martini.Params, enc encoder.Encoder) (int, []byte) { str := params["id"] id, err := strconv.Atoi(str) if err != nil { return http.StatusBadRequest, []byte{} } u, err := db.LoadUser(id) if err != nil { return http.StatusNotFound, []byte{} } return http.StatusOK, encoder.Must(enc.Encode(u)) }) m.Action(r.Handle) m.Run() }
func createLocation(newLocation NewLocationForm, enc encoder.Encoder, db *mgo.Database) (int, []byte) { // transform the form struct into a real Location location := Location{ ID: bson.NewObjectId(), Coordinates: Coordinates{ Lat: newLocation.Lat, Long: newLocation.Long, }, Name: newLocation.Name, Description: newLocation.Description, Visited: newLocation.Visited, CreatedAt: time.Now(), } // and try to insert it c := db.C("locations") err := c.Insert(&location) if err != nil { return http.StatusInternalServerError, []byte("Impossible to insert the location: " + err.Error()) } return http.StatusCreated, encoder.Must(enc.Encode(location)) }
func GetTeams(enc encoder.Encoder) (int, []byte) { return 200, encoder.Must(enc.Encode(teams)) }
func GetUsers(enc encoder.Encoder) (int, []byte) { return 200, encoder.Must(enc.Encode(users)) }
func CreateTeam(enc encoder.Encoder, team Team) (int, []byte) { team.Users = make(map[string]string) team.Goals = make(map[string]*Goal) teams[team.Id] = &team return 201, encoder.Must(enc.Encode(team.Id)) }
func CreateUser(enc encoder.Encoder, user User) (int, []byte) { user.Teams = make(map[string]string) user.Goals = make(map[string]*Goal) users[user.Id] = &user return 201, encoder.Must(enc.Encode(user.Id)) }
func GetPreset(enc encoder.Encoder, w http.ResponseWriter) (int, []byte) { w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8") return http.StatusOK, encoder.Must(enc.Encode(&presets)) }
func init() { m = martini.New() // Setup middleware m.Use(martini.Recovery()) m.Use(martini.Logger()) m.Use(martini.Static("public")) // Setup encoder m.Use(func(c martini.Context, w http.ResponseWriter) { c.MapTo(encoder.JsonEncoder{}, (*encoder.Encoder)(nil)) w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8") }) // Setup and inject event broker b = NewBroker() m.Map(b) // Setup routes r := martini.NewRouter() r.Get("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { files, _ := filepath.Glob("dashboards/*.gerb") for _, file := range files { dashboard := file[11 : len(file)-5] if dashboard != "layout" { http.Redirect(w, r, "/"+dashboard, http.StatusTemporaryRedirect) return } } http.NotFound(w, r) return }) r.Get("/events", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, e encoder.Encoder, b *Broker) { f, ok := w.(http.Flusher) if !ok { http.Error(w, "Streaming unsupported!", http.StatusInternalServerError) return } c, ok := w.(http.CloseNotifier) if !ok { http.Error(w, "Close notification unsupported!", http.StatusInternalServerError) return } // Create a new channel, over which the broker can // send this client events. events := make(chan *Event) // Add this client to the map of those that should // receive updates b.newClients <- events // Remove this client from the map of attached clients // when the handler exits. defer func() { b.defunctClients <- events }() w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/event-stream") w.Header().Set("Cache-Control", "no-cache") w.Header().Set("Connection", "keep-alive") w.Header().Set("X-Accel-Buffering", "no") closer := c.CloseNotify() for { select { case event := <-events: data := event.Body data["id"] = event.ID data["updatedAt"] = int32(time.Now().Unix()) if event.Target != "" { fmt.Fprintf(w, "event: %s\n", event.Target) } fmt.Fprintf(w, "data: %s\n\n", encoder.Must(e.Encode(data))) f.Flush() case <-closer: log.Println("Closing connection") return } } }) r.Get("/:dashboard", func(r *http.Request, w http.ResponseWriter, params martini.Params) { template, err := gerb.ParseFile(true, "dashboards/"+params["dashboard"]+".gerb", "dashboards/layout.gerb") if err != nil { http.NotFound(w, r) return } w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=UTF-8") template.Render(w, map[string]interface{}{ "dashboard": params["dashboard"], "development": os.Getenv("DEV") != "", "request": r, }) return }) r.Post("/dashboards/:id", func(r *http.Request, params martini.Params, b *Broker) (int, string) { if r.Body != nil { defer r.Body.Close() } var data map[string]interface{} if err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&data); err != nil { return 400, "" } <- &Event{params["id"], data, "dashboards"} return 204, "" }) r.Post("/widgets/:id", func(r *http.Request, params martini.Params, b *Broker) (int, string) { if r.Body != nil { defer r.Body.Close() } var data map[string]interface{} if err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&data); err != nil { return 400, "" } <- &Event{params["id"], data, ""} return 204, "" }) r.Get("/views/:widget.html", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, params martini.Params) { template, err := gerb.ParseFile(true, "widgets/"+params["widget"]+"/"+params["widget"]+".html") if err != nil { http.NotFound(w, r) return } w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=UTF-8") template.Render(w, nil) return }) // Add the router action m.Action(r.Handle) }
func (this *Response) Error(message interface{}) (int, []byte) { enc := encoder.JsonEncoder{} return 400, encoder.Must(enc.Encode(map[string]interface{}{ "message": message, })) }
func main() { // TODO move to own handler // create a global App var to hold your app id and secret. globalApp := fb.New(os.Getenv("FACEBOOK_APP_ID"), os.Getenv("FACEBOOK_SECRET")) globalApp.RedirectUri = "http://localhost:3000/auth/facebook/callback" // TODO // globalApp.EnableAppsecretProof = true // instantiate Martini m := martini.Classic() m.Use(martini.Logger()) // setup database dbmap = initDb() defer dbmap.Db.Close() // CORS m.Use(cors.Allow(&cors.Options{ AllowOrigins: []string{"http://localhost:*"}, AllowMethods: []string{"GET", "POST"}, AllowHeaders: []string{"Origin", "Authorization", "Content-Type"}, ExposeHeaders: []string{"Content-Length"}, AllowCredentials: true, })) // Authentication m.Use(func(c martini.Context, res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { accessToken := req.Header.Get("Authorization") // TODO expect "Bearer: {TOKEN}" format? session := globalApp.Session(accessToken) // TODO DELETE ME log.Printf("accessToken=%s", accessToken) // TODO make currentUser globally available // TODO add User struct and use res.Decode(&user) var user *User attrs, err := session.Get("/me", nil) if err != nil { // err can be an facebook API error. // if so, the Error struct contains error details. if e, ok := err.(*fb.Error); ok { log.Printf("Facebook error. [message:%v] [type:%v] [code:%v] [subcode:%v]", e.Message, e.Type, e.Code, e.ErrorSubcode) } res.WriteHeader(http.StatusUnauthorized) } else { user = findOrCreateUser(attrs) c.Map(user) } if user != nil { log.Printf("Logged in as: %s %s", user.FirstName, user.LastName) } }) // Encoding m.Use(func(c martini.Context, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { // Use indentations. &pretty=1 pretty, _ := strconv.ParseBool(r.FormValue("pretty")) // Use null instead of empty object for json &null=1 null, _ := strconv.ParseBool(r.FormValue("null")) // JSON no matter what c.MapTo(encoder.JsonEncoder{PrettyPrint: pretty, PrintNull: null}, (*encoder.Encoder)(nil)) w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8") }) m.Get("/", func(user *User) string { // serve SPA ? return "Hello world" + user.FirstName }) m.Get("/tells", func(enc encoder.Encoder, user *User) (int, []byte) { // get all tells for user and render JSON array tells := user.getTells() return http.StatusOK, encoder.Must(enc.Encode(tells)) }) m.Post("/tells", binding.Bind(Tell{}), func(enc encoder.Encoder, user *User, tell Tell) (int, []byte) { // create new tell for user tell = user.Tell(tell) return http.StatusOK, encoder.Must(enc.Encode(tell)) }) m.Run() }
func (this *Response) Error(message interface{}) (int, []byte) { fmt.Println(message) enc := encoder.JsonEncoder{} return 400, encoder.Must(enc.Encode(message)) }
func GetTeam(enc encoder.Encoder, params martini.Params) (int, []byte) { if team, ok := teams[params["id"]]; ok { return 200, encoder.Must(enc.Encode(team)) } return 404, encoder.Must(enc.Encode()) }
func GetUserGoals(enc encoder.Encoder, params martini.Params) (int, []byte) { if user, ok := users[params["id"]]; ok { return 200, encoder.Must(enc.Encode(user.Goals)) } return 404, encoder.Must(enc.Encode()) }
func (this *Response) Success(data interface{}) (int, []byte) { enc := encoder.JsonEncoder{} return 200, encoder.Must(enc.Encode(data)) }