// GET: /job
// To do:
// - Iterate job queries
func (cr *JobController) ReadMany(cx *goweb.Context) {

	// Try to authenticate user.
	u, err := request.Authenticate(cx.Request)
	if err != nil && err.Error() != e.NoAuth {
		cx.RespondWithErrorMessage(err.Error(), http.StatusUnauthorized)

	// Gather query params
	query := &Query{Li: cx.Request.URL.Query()}

	// Setup query and jobs objects
	q := bson.M{}
	jobs := core.Jobs{}

	if u != nil {
		// Add authorization checking to query if the user is not an admin
		if u.Admin == false {
			q["$or"] = []bson.M{bson.M{"acl.read": "public"}, bson.M{"acl.read": u.Uuid}, bson.M{"acl.owner": u.Uuid}, bson.M{"acl": bson.M{"$exists": "false"}}}
	} else {
		// User is anonymous
		if conf.ANON_READ {
			// select on only jobs that are publicly readable
			q["acl.read"] = "public"
		} else {
			cx.RespondWithErrorMessage(e.NoAuth, http.StatusUnauthorized)

	limit := conf.DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE
	offset := 0
	order := "info.submittime"
	direction := "desc"
	if query.Has("limit") {
		limit, err = strconv.Atoi(query.Value("limit"))
		if err != nil {
			cx.RespondWithErrorMessage(err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest)
	if query.Has("offset") {
		offset, err = strconv.Atoi(query.Value("offset"))
		if err != nil {
			cx.RespondWithErrorMessage(err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest)
	if query.Has("order") {
		order = query.Value("order")
	if query.Has("direction") {
		direction = query.Value("direction")

	// Gather params to make db query. Do not include the
	// following list.
	skip := map[string]int{"limit": 1,
		"offset":     1,
		"query":      1,
		"recent":     1,
		"order":      1,
		"direction":  1,
		"active":     1,
		"suspend":    1,
		"registered": 1,
		"verbosity":  1,
		"userattr":   1,
	if query.Has("query") {
		const shortForm = "2006-01-02"
		date_query := bson.M{}
		for key, val := range query.All() {
			_, s := skip[key]
			if !s {
				// special case for date range, either full date-time or just date
				if (key == "date_start") || (key == "date_end") {
					opr := "$gte"
					if key == "date_end" {
						opr = "$lt"
					if t_long, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, val[0]); err != nil {
						if t_short, err := time.Parse(shortForm, val[0]); err != nil {
							cx.RespondWithErrorMessage("Invalid datetime format: "+val[0], http.StatusBadRequest)
						} else {
							date_query[opr] = t_short
					} else {
						date_query[opr] = t_long
				} else {
					// handle either multiple values for key, or single comma-spereated value
					if len(val) == 1 {
						queryvalues := strings.Split(val[0], ",")
						q[key] = bson.M{"$in": queryvalues}
					} else if len(val) > 1 {
						q[key] = bson.M{"$in": val}
		// add submittime and completedtime range query
		if len(date_query) > 0 {
			q["$or"] = []bson.M{bson.M{"info.submittime": date_query}, bson.M{"info.completedtime": date_query}}
	} else if query.Has("active") {
		q["state"] = bson.M{"$in": core.JOB_STATS_ACTIVE}
	} else if query.Has("suspend") {
		q["state"] = core.JOB_STAT_SUSPEND
	} else if query.Has("registered") {
		q["state"] = bson.M{"$in": core.JOB_STATS_REGISTERED}

	//getting real active (in-progress) job (some jobs are in "submitted" states but not in the queue,
	//because they may have failed and not recovered from the mongodb).
	if query.Has("active") {
		err := jobs.GetAll(q, order, direction)
		if err != nil {
			logger.Error("err " + err.Error())
			cx.RespondWithErrorMessage(err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest)

		filtered_jobs := []core.Job{}
		act_jobs := core.QMgr.GetActiveJobs()
		length := jobs.Length()

		skip := 0
		count := 0
		for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
			job := jobs.GetJobAt(i)
			if _, ok := act_jobs[job.Id]; ok {
				if skip < offset {
					skip += 1
				job.Registered = true
				filtered_jobs = append(filtered_jobs, job)
				count += 1
				if count == limit {
		cx.RespondWithPaginatedData(filtered_jobs, limit, offset, len(act_jobs))

	//geting suspended job in the current queue (excluding jobs in db but not in qmgr)
	if query.Has("suspend") {
		err := jobs.GetAll(q, order, direction)
		if err != nil {
			logger.Error("err " + err.Error())

		filtered_jobs := []core.Job{}
		suspend_jobs := core.QMgr.GetSuspendJobs()
		length := jobs.Length()

		skip := 0
		count := 0
		for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
			job := jobs.GetJobAt(i)
			if _, ok := suspend_jobs[job.Id]; ok {
				if skip < offset {
					skip += 1
				job.Registered = true
				filtered_jobs = append(filtered_jobs, job)
				count += 1
				if count == limit {
		cx.RespondWithPaginatedData(filtered_jobs, limit, offset, len(suspend_jobs))

	if query.Has("registered") {
		err := jobs.GetAll(q, order, direction)
		if err != nil {
			logger.Error("err " + err.Error())

		paged_jobs := []core.Job{}
		registered_jobs := []core.Job{}
		length := jobs.Length()

		total := 0
		for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
			job := jobs.GetJobAt(i)
			if core.QMgr.IsJobRegistered(job.Id) {
				job.Registered = true
				registered_jobs = append(registered_jobs, job)
				total += 1
		count := 0
		for i := offset; i < len(registered_jobs); i++ {
			paged_jobs = append(paged_jobs, registered_jobs[i])
			count += 1
			if count == limit {
		cx.RespondWithPaginatedData(paged_jobs, limit, offset, total)

	if query.Has("verbosity") && (query.Value("verbosity") == "minimal") {
		// TODO - have mongo query only return fields needed to populate JobMin struct
		total, err := jobs.GetPaginated(q, limit, offset, order, direction)
		if err != nil {
			logger.Error("err " + err.Error())
		minimal_jobs := []core.JobMin{}
		length := jobs.Length()
		for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
			job := jobs.GetJobAt(i)
			// create and populate minimal job
			mjob := core.JobMin{}
			mjob.Id = job.Id
			mjob.Name = job.Info.Name
			mjob.SubmitTime = job.Info.SubmitTime
			mjob.CompletedTime = job.Info.CompletedTime
			// get size of input
			var size_sum int64 = 0
			for _, v := range job.Tasks[0].Inputs {
				size_sum = size_sum + v.Size
			mjob.Size = size_sum
			// add userattr fields
			if query.Has("userattr") {
				mjob.UserAttr = map[string]string{}
				for _, attr := range query.List("userattr") {
					if val, ok := job.Info.UserAttr[attr]; ok {
						mjob.UserAttr[attr] = val

			if (job.State == "completed") || (job.State == "deleted") {
				// if completed or deleted move on, empty task array
				mjob.State = append(mjob.State, job.State)
			} else if job.State == "suspend" {
				// get failed task if info available, otherwise empty task array
				mjob.State = append(mjob.State, "suspend")
				parts := strings.Split(job.LastFailed, "_")
				if (len(parts) == 2) || (len(parts) == 3) {
					if tid, err := strconv.Atoi(parts[1]); err == nil {
						mjob.Task = append(mjob.Task, tid)
			} else {
				// get multiple tasks in state queued or in-progress
				for j := 0; j < len(job.Tasks); j++ {
					task := job.Tasks[j]
					if (task.State == "in-progress") || (task.State == "queued") {
						mjob.State = append(mjob.State, task.State)
						mjob.Task = append(mjob.Task, j)
				// otherwise get oldest pending or init task
				if len(mjob.State) == 0 {
					for j := 0; j < len(job.Tasks); j++ {
						task := job.Tasks[j]
						if (task.State == "pending") || (task.State == "init") {
							mjob.State = append(mjob.State, task.State)
							mjob.Task = append(mjob.Task, j)
			minimal_jobs = append(minimal_jobs, mjob)
		cx.RespondWithPaginatedData(minimal_jobs, limit, offset, total)

	total, err := jobs.GetPaginated(q, limit, offset, order, direction)
	if err != nil {
		logger.Error("err " + err.Error())
	filtered_jobs := []core.Job{}
	length := jobs.Length()
	for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
		job := jobs.GetJobAt(i)
		if core.QMgr.IsJobRegistered(job.Id) {
			job.Registered = true
		} else {
			job.Registered = false
		filtered_jobs = append(filtered_jobs, job)
	cx.RespondWithPaginatedData(filtered_jobs, limit, offset, total)
// GET: /job
// To do:
// - Iterate job queries
func (cr *JobController) ReadMany(cx *goweb.Context) {

	// Try to authenticate user.
	u, err := request.Authenticate(cx.Request)
	if err != nil && err.Error() != e.NoAuth {
		cx.RespondWithErrorMessage(err.Error(), http.StatusUnauthorized)

	// If no auth was provided, and anonymous read is allowed, use the public user
	if u == nil {
		if conf.ANON_READ == true {
			u = &user.User{Uuid: "public"}
		} else {
			cx.RespondWithErrorMessage(e.NoAuth, http.StatusUnauthorized)

	// Gather query params
	query := &Query{Li: cx.Request.URL.Query()}

	// Setup query and jobs objects
	q := bson.M{}
	jobs := core.Jobs{}

	// Add authorization checking to query if the user is not an admin
	if u.Admin == false {
		q["$or"] = []bson.M{bson.M{"acl.read": "public"}, bson.M{"acl.read": u.Uuid}, bson.M{"acl.owner": u.Uuid}, bson.M{"acl": bson.M{"$exists": "false"}}}

	limit := conf.DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE
	offset := 0
	order := "updatetime"
	direction := "desc"
	if query.Has("limit") {
		limit, err = strconv.Atoi(query.Value("limit"))
		if err != nil {
			cx.RespondWithErrorMessage(err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest)
	if query.Has("offset") {
		offset, err = strconv.Atoi(query.Value("offset"))
		if err != nil {
			cx.RespondWithErrorMessage(err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest)
	if query.Has("order") {
		order = query.Value("order")
	if query.Has("direction") {
		direction = query.Value("direction")

	// Gather params to make db query. Do not include the
	// following list.
	skip := map[string]int{"limit": 1,
		"offset":     1,
		"query":      1,
		"recent":     1,
		"order":      1,
		"direction":  1,
		"active":     1,
		"suspend":    1,
		"registered": 1,
	if query.Has("query") {
		for key, val := range query.All() {
			_, s := skip[key]
			if !s {
				queryvalues := strings.Split(val[0], ",")
				q[key] = bson.M{"$in": queryvalues}
	} else if query.Has("active") {
		q["state"] = bson.M{"$in": core.JOB_STATS_ACTIVE}
	} else if query.Has("suspend") {
		q["state"] = core.JOB_STAT_SUSPEND
	} else if query.Has("registered") {
		q["state"] = bson.M{"$in": core.JOB_STATS_REGISTERED}

	//getting real active (in-progress) job (some jobs are in "submitted" states but not in the queue,
	//because they may have failed and not recovered from the mongodb).
	if query.Has("active") {
		err := jobs.GetAll(q, order, direction)
		if err != nil {
			logger.Error("err " + err.Error())
			cx.RespondWithErrorMessage(err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest)

		filtered_jobs := []core.Job{}
		act_jobs := core.QMgr.GetActiveJobs()
		length := jobs.Length()

		skip := 0
		count := 0
		for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
			job := jobs.GetJobAt(i)
			if _, ok := act_jobs[job.Id]; ok {
				if skip < offset {
					skip += 1
				job.Registered = true
				filtered_jobs = append(filtered_jobs, job)
				count += 1
				if count == limit {
		cx.RespondWithPaginatedData(filtered_jobs, limit, offset, len(act_jobs))

	//geting suspended job in the current queue (excluding jobs in db but not in qmgr)
	if query.Has("suspend") {
		err := jobs.GetAll(q, order, direction)
		if err != nil {
			logger.Error("err " + err.Error())

		filtered_jobs := []core.Job{}
		suspend_jobs := core.QMgr.GetSuspendJobs()
		length := jobs.Length()

		skip := 0
		count := 0
		for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
			job := jobs.GetJobAt(i)
			if _, ok := suspend_jobs[job.Id]; ok {
				if skip < offset {
					skip += 1
				job.Registered = true
				filtered_jobs = append(filtered_jobs, job)
				count += 1
				if count == limit {
		cx.RespondWithPaginatedData(filtered_jobs, limit, offset, len(suspend_jobs))

	if query.Has("registered") {
		err := jobs.GetAll(q, order, direction)
		if err != nil {
			logger.Error("err " + err.Error())

		paged_jobs := []core.Job{}
		registered_jobs := []core.Job{}
		length := jobs.Length()

		total := 0
		for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
			job := jobs.GetJobAt(i)
			if core.QMgr.IsJobRegistered(job.Id) {
				job.Registered = true
				registered_jobs = append(registered_jobs, job)
				total += 1
		count := 0
		for i := offset; i < len(registered_jobs); i++ {
			paged_jobs = append(paged_jobs, registered_jobs[i])
			count += 1
			if count == limit {
		cx.RespondWithPaginatedData(paged_jobs, limit, offset, total)

	total, err := jobs.GetPaginated(q, limit, offset, order, direction)
	if err != nil {
		logger.Error("err " + err.Error())
	filtered_jobs := []core.Job{}
	length := jobs.Length()
	for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
		job := jobs.GetJobAt(i)
		if core.QMgr.IsJobRegistered(job.Id) {
			job.Registered = true
		} else {
			job.Registered = false
		filtered_jobs = append(filtered_jobs, job)
	cx.RespondWithPaginatedData(filtered_jobs, limit, offset, total)