func SaveRecipes(mongoUri string, recipes []*m.Recipe) error { session := lib.DBConnect(mongoUri) defer lib.DBClose(session) collection := session.DB("").C("Recipe") totalUpdates := 0 totalInserts := 0 for _, recipe := range recipes { // make sure the recipe doesn't have _id before upsert to avoid strange bugs stuff temp := *recipe temp.Id = "" info, err := collection.Upsert(bson.M{"article_id": recipe.ArticleId}, temp) if err != nil { panic(err) } if info.UpsertedId != nil { recipe.Id = info.UpsertedId.(bson.ObjectId) totalInserts++ } else { totalUpdates++ } } recipeDebugger.Println(totalUpdates, "recipes updated,", totalInserts, "recipes added") return nil }
func processArticle(articleUrl string, session *mgo.Session) bool { artDebugger.Println("article url ", articleUrl) processor := a.ParseArticleAtURL(articleUrl, true) if processor.Err != nil { artDebugger.Println("Failed to process article: ", processor.Err) return false } var isNew bool var err error if globalConfig.MongoUrl != "" { if session == nil { session = lib.DBConnect(globalConfig.MongoUrl) defer lib.DBClose(session) } artDebugger.Println("Attempting to save article: ", processor.Article) isNew, err = processor.Article.Save(session) if err != nil { lib.Logger.Println(err) } } artDebugger.Println(processor.Article) return isNew }
func LoadAllRecipes(mongoUri string) ([]*m.Recipe, error) { session := lib.DBConnect(mongoUri) defer lib.DBClose(session) collection := session.DB("").C("Recipe") var result []*m.Recipe err := collection.Find(nil).All(&result) return result, err }
func LoadArticleById(mongoUri string, articleId int) (*m.Article, error) { session := lib.DBConnect(mongoUri) defer lib.DBClose(session) articleCol := session.DB("").C("Article") var result *m.Article err := articleCol.Find(bson.M{"article_id": articleId}).One(&result) return result, err }
func LoadArticles(mongoUri string) ([]*m.Article, error) { session := lib.DBConnect(mongoUri) defer lib.DBClose(session) articleCol := session.DB("").C("Article") var result []*m.Article err := articleCol.Find(nil).All(&result) return result, err }
func CheckRecipeURLs(mongoUri string, urls []string) ([]string, error) { session := lib.DBConnect(mongoUri) defer lib.DBClose(session) articleCol := session.DB("").C("Recipe") var rows []*struct { Url string `bson:"url"` } err := articleCol.Find(bson.M{"url": bson.M{"$in": urls}}).Select(bson.M{"url": 1}).All(&rows) foundURLs := make([]string, 0, len(rows)) for _, row := range rows { foundURLs = append(foundURLs, row.Url) } return foundURLs, err }
} else { sections = strings.Split(sectionStr, ",") } /*if output { w.Init(os.Stdout, 0, 8, 0, '\t', 0) fmt.Fprintln(w, "Source\tSection\tHeadline\tURL\tTimestamp") }*/ feedUrls := formatFeedUrls(sites, sections) // create one session for all saves bruh var session *mgo.Session if globalConfig.MongoUrl != "" { session = lib.DBConnect(globalConfig.MongoUrl) defer lib.DBClose(session) } newArticles := 0 updatedArticles := 0 var wg sync.WaitGroup ach := make(chan *a.ArticleUrlsChan) for _, url := range feedUrls { go a.GetArticleUrlsFromFeed(url, ach) aurls := <-ach for _, aurl := range aurls.Urls { host, _ := lib.GetHost(url) wg.Add(1) go func(url string) { defer wg.Done()
func RunChartbeatCommands(beats []f.Beat) { // Set up environment var session *mgo.Session if globalConfig.MongoUrl != "" { session = lib.DBConnect(globalConfig.MongoUrl) defer lib.DBClose(session) } var sites []string if siteStr == "all" { sites = lib.Sites } else { sites = strings.Split(siteStr, ",") } gnapiDomain := "" if globalConfig.GnapiDomain != "" { gnapiDomain = globalConfig.GnapiDomain } for { startTime := time.Now() // Run the actual meat of the program var beatWait sync.WaitGroup for _, beat := range beats { beatWait.Add(1) go func(beat f.Beat) { var _copy *mgo.Session if session != nil { _copy = session.Copy() defer _copy.Close() } beat.Run(_copy, globalConfig.ChartbeatApiKey, gnapiDomain, sites) beatWait.Done() }(beat) } beatWait.Wait() getElapsedTime(&startTime) sumRes, err := processSummaries() if err != nil { chartbeatDebugger.Println("Summarizer failed: ", err) } else { chartbeatDebugger.Printf("%v", sumRes) } if loop != -1 { chartbeatDebugger.Printf("Looping! Sleeping for %d seconds...", loop) time.Sleep(time.Duration(loop) * time.Second) chartbeatDebugger.Printf("...and now I'm awake!") if session != nil { session.Refresh() } } else { break } } }
func TestSaveTimeInterval(t *testing.T) { t.Skip("No Mongo tests allowed") mongoUri := os.Getenv("MONGO_URI") if mongoUri == "" { t.Fatalf("No MONGO_URI env variable set") } session := lib.DBConnect(mongoUri) defer lib.DBClose(session) // Save a bunch of articles numArticles := 20 articles := make([]*m.Article, 0, numArticles) for i := 0; i < numArticles; i++ { article := &m.Article{} article.ArticleId = i + 1 articles = append(articles, article) } /*err := a.SaveArticles(mongoUri, articles) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("%v", err) }*/ // Calculate a bunch of the time intervals topPages := make([]*mc.TopArticle, 0, numArticles) visits := map[int]int{} for i := 0; i < numArticles; i++ { article := &mc.TopArticle{} articleId := i + 1 numVisits := lib.RandomInt(500) article.ArticleId = articleId article.Visits = numVisits visits[articleId] = numVisits topPages = append(topPages, article) } CalculateTimeInterval(topPages, session) // Now check the articles saved and make sure they updated the visits savedArticles := make([]*m.Article, 0, numArticles) articleCol := session.DB("").C("Article") articleCol.Find(bson.M{ "article_id": bson.M{ "$gte": 1, "$lte": 20, }, }).All(&savedArticles) if len(savedArticles) != numArticles { t.Fatalf("Failed to get the right number of articles from the DB") } // Verify the visits match up for _, article := range savedArticles { articleId := article.ArticleId if len(article.Visits) != 1 { t.Fatalf("Should be exactly one visit in the array, there are %d", len(article.Visits)) } numVisits, ok := visits[articleId] if !ok { t.Fatalf("Failed to find visits in map for articleId=%d", articleId) } if numVisits != article.Visits[0].Max { t.Fatalf("Article %d: Expected: %d visits. Actual: %d visits", articleId, numVisits, article.Visits[0].Max) } } }