func TestScraper(t *testing.T) { Convey("Testing the scraper to search within wikipedia", t, func() { rb := new(scraper.RequestBit) rb.Url = "" + url.QueryEscape("database") + "&format=json" rb.ResponseObjectInterface = new(requestStruct.WikiSearch) rb.Work() response := *rb.ResponseObjectInterface.(*requestStruct.WikiSearch) Convey("should have the correct url", func() { So(rb.Url, ShouldEqual, "") }) Convey("should store the plain response string", func() { So(rb.PlainResponse, ShouldContainSubstring, `"title":"Database","snippet":"A <span class='searchmatch'>database</span> is an organized collection of data .`) So(rb.PlainResponse, ShouldContainSubstring, `{"query-continue":{"search":{"sroffset":10}},"query":{"searchinfo":`) }) Convey("should store the given struct as a the response object", func() { log.Printf("Length word list: %+v", rb.ResponseObjectRawJson) So(reflect.TypeOf(rb.ResponseObjectRawJson).String(), ShouldEqual, "json.RawMessage") So(reflect.TypeOf(rb.ResponseArrayRawJson).String(), ShouldEqual, "[]json.RawMessage") }) Convey("should Unmarschal the actual response into the response object and the first result should be ", func() { So(response.Query.Search[0].Title, ShouldEqual, "Database") So(len(response.Query.Search), ShouldBeGreaterThan, 0) }) }) Convey("Testing the scraper to get a page from wikipedia", t, func() { rb := new(scraper.RequestBit) rb.Url = "|categories&rvprop=content&action=query&titles=Yanqing_County" rb.ResponseObjectInterface = new(requestStruct.WikiPage) rb.Work() response := *rb.ResponseObjectInterface.(*requestStruct.WikiPage) Convey("should have the correct url", func() { So(rb.Url, ShouldEqual, "|categories&rvprop=content&action=query&titles=Yanqing_County") }) Convey("should store the plain response string", func() { So(rb.PlainResponse, ShouldNotEqual, nil) }) Convey("should store the given struct as a the response object", func() { So(reflect.TypeOf(response).String(), ShouldEqual, "requestStruct.WikiPage") }) Convey("should Unmarschal the actual response into the response object", func() { So(response.Query.Pages["2256752"].Title, ShouldEqual, "Yanqing County") So(response.Query.Pages["2256752"].PageId, ShouldEqual, 2256752) }) Convey("should Unmarschal the actual response into the response object and contain the wanted data", func() { So(response.Query.Pages["2256752"].Rev[0].RawContent, ShouldContainSubstring, `name = {{raise|0.2em|Yanqing County}}`) }) }) }
/** * will get the content of a wikipedia page */ func GetWikipediaPage(firstPage string) string { // lets create a new http request object rb := new(scraper.RequestBit) rb.Url = "|categories&rvprop=content&action=query&titles=" + url.QueryEscape(firstPage) glog.Infof("Url crawling in SearchWikipedia: %+v", rb.Url) // inject the struct for the json response rb.ResponseObjectInterface = new(requestStruct.WikiPage) rb.Work() // fire the request // for type assertion we need to explicite set the type of the returned interface object again // @TODO it would be nice to work without an interface here at all, but on the other hand to be flexible on the struct w2 := *rb.ResponseObjectInterface.(*requestStruct.WikiPage) // as the attribute 'Pages' is a map we neet to iterate trough it and return the first result, assuming this one is the page content for _, value := range w2.Query.Pages { return value.Rev[0].RawContent } // otherwise return an empty string return "" }
/** * will search wikipedia for a search term and return existing matching pages */ func SearchWikipedia(searchTerm string) []string { // lets create a new http request object rb := new(scraper.RequestBit) rb.Url = "" + url.QueryEscape(searchTerm) + "&format=json" glog.Infof("Url crawling in SearchWikipedia: %+v", rb.Url) // inject the struct for the json response rb.ResponseObjectInterface = new(requestStruct.WikiSearch) rb.Work() // fire the request w2 := *rb.ResponseObjectInterface.(*requestStruct.WikiSearch) var results []string for _, value := range w2.Query.Search { // results[len(results)] = value.Rev[0].RawContent // results = append(results, value.Title) } return results }