func doGet(c *cli.Context) { argURL := c.Args().Get(0) doUpdate := c.Bool("update") if argURL == "" { cli.ShowCommandHelp(c, "get") os.Exit(1) } url, err := url.Parse(argURL) utils.DieIf(err) if !url.IsAbs() { url.Scheme = "https" url.Host = "" if url.Path[0] != '/' { url.Path = "/" + url.Path } } remote, err := NewRemoteRepository(url) utils.DieIf(err) if remote.IsValid() == false { utils.Log("error", fmt.Sprintf("Not a valid repository: %s", url)) os.Exit(1) } getRemoteRepository(remote, doUpdate) }
func doGet(c *cli.Context) { argURL := c.Args().Get(0) branch := c.String("branch") doUpdate := c.Bool("update") isShallow := c.Bool("shallow") isRecursive := c.Bool("recursive") if argURL == "" { cli.ShowCommandHelp(c, "get") os.Exit(1) } if isShallow && isRecursive { utils.Log("error", "Cannot specify both --shallow and --recursive options") os.Exit(1) } // If argURL is a "./foo" or "../bar" form, // find repository name trailing after parts := strings.Split(argURL, string(filepath.Separator)) if parts[0] == "." || parts[0] == ".." { if wd, err := os.Getwd(); err == nil { path := filepath.Clean(filepath.Join(wd, filepath.Join(parts...))) var repoPath string for _, r := range localRepositoryRoots() { p := strings.TrimPrefix(path, r+string(filepath.Separator)) if p != path && (repoPath == "" || len(p) < len(repoPath)) { repoPath = p } } if repoPath != "" { // Guess it utils.Log("resolved", fmt.Sprintf("relative %q to %q", argURL, "https://"+repoPath)) argURL = "https://" + repoPath } } } url, err := NewURL(argURL) utils.DieIf(err) isSSH := c.Bool("p") if isSSH { // Assume Git repository if `-p` is given. url, err = ConvertGitURLHTTPToSSH(url) utils.DieIf(err) } remote, err := NewRemoteRepository(url) utils.DieIf(err) if remote.IsValid() == false { utils.Log("error", fmt.Sprintf("Not a valid repository: %s", url)) os.Exit(1) } getRemoteRepository(remote, branch, doUpdate, isShallow, isRecursive) }
func doGet(c *cli.Context) { argURL := c.Args().Get(0) doUpdate := c.Bool("update") isShallow := c.Bool("shallow") if argURL == "" { cli.ShowCommandHelp(c, "get") os.Exit(1) } url, err := NewURL(argURL) utils.DieIf(err) isSSH := c.Bool("p") if isSSH { // Assume Git repository if `-p` is given. url, err = ConvertGitURLHTTPToSSH(url) utils.DieIf(err) } remote, err := NewRemoteRepository(url) utils.DieIf(err) if remote.IsValid() == false { utils.Log("error", fmt.Sprintf("Not a valid repository: %s", url)) os.Exit(1) } getRemoteRepository(remote, doUpdate, isShallow) }
func doImportPocket(c *cli.Context) { if pocket.ConsumerKey == "" { utils.Log("error", "Built without consumer key set") return } accessToken, err := GitConfig("ghq.pocket.token") utils.PanicIf(err) if accessToken == "" { receiverURL, ch, err := pocket.StartAccessTokenReceiver() utils.PanicIf(err) utils.Log("pocket", "Waiting for Pocket authentication callback at "+receiverURL) utils.Log("pocket", "Obtaining request token") authRequest, err := pocket.ObtainRequestToken(receiverURL) utils.DieIf(err) url := pocket.GenerateAuthorizationURL(authRequest.Code, receiverURL) utils.Log("open", url) <-ch utils.Log("pocket", "Obtaining access token") authorized, err := pocket.ObtainAccessToken(authRequest.Code) utils.DieIf(err) utils.Log("authorized", authorized.Username) accessToken = authorized.AccessToken utils.Run("git", "config", "ghq.pocket.token", authorized.AccessToken) } utils.Log("pocket", "Retrieving entries") res, err := pocket.RetrieveGitHubEntries(accessToken) utils.DieIf(err) for _, item := range res.List { url, err := url.Parse(item.ResolvedURL) if err != nil { utils.Log("error", fmt.Sprintf("Could not parse URL <%s>: %s", item.ResolvedURL, err)) continue } remote, err := NewRemoteRepository(url) if utils.ErrorIf(err) { continue } if remote.IsValid() == false { utils.Log("skip", fmt.Sprintf("Not a valid repository: %s", url)) continue } getRemoteRepository(remote, c.Bool("update")) } }
func doGet(c *cli.Context) { argURL := c.Args().Get(0) category := c.Args().Get(1) doUpdate := c.Bool("update") isShallow := c.Bool("shallow") if argURL == "" { cli.ShowCommandHelp(c, "get") os.Exit(1) } url, err := NewURL(argURL) utils.DieIf(err) isSSH := c.Bool("p") if isSSH { // Assume Git repository if `-p` is given. url, err = ConvertGitURLHTTPToSSH(url) utils.DieIf(err) } remote, err := NewRemoteRepository(url) utils.DieIf(err) if remote.IsValid() == false { utils.Log("error", fmt.Sprintf("Not a valid repository: %s", url)) os.Exit(1) } getRemoteRepository(remote, doUpdate, isShallow) if category != "" { localPath := LocalRepositoryFromURL(remote.URL()).FullPath categoryFile := path.Dir(localPath) + "/." + path.Base(localPath) if doUpdate { utils.Log("overwrite category", fmt.Sprintf("%s as %s", localPath, category)) ioutil.WriteFile(categoryFile, []byte(category+"\n"), 0644) } else { _, err := os.Stat(localPath) if err != nil { utils.PanicIf(err) } else { utils.Log("new category", fmt.Sprintf("%s as %s", localPath, category)) ioutil.WriteFile(categoryFile, []byte(category+"\n"), 0644) } } } }
func doImportStarred(c *cli.Context) { user := c.Args().First() if user == "" { cli.ShowCommandHelp(c, "starred") os.Exit(1) } client := github.NewClient(nil) options := &github.ActivityListStarredOptions{Sort: "created"} for page := 1; ; page++ { options.Page = page repositories, res, err := client.Activity.ListStarred(user, options) utils.DieIf(err) utils.Log("page", fmt.Sprintf("%d/%d", page, res.LastPage)) for _, repo := range repositories { url, err := url.Parse(*repo.HTMLURL) if err != nil { utils.Log("error", fmt.Sprintf("Could not parse URL <%s>: %s", repo.HTMLURL, err)) continue } remote, err := NewRemoteRepository(url) if utils.ErrorIf(err) { continue } if remote.IsValid() == false { utils.Log("skip", fmt.Sprintf("Not a valid repository: %s", url)) continue } getRemoteRepository(remote, c.Bool("update")) } if page >= res.LastPage { break } } }
func doImport(c *cli.Context) { var ( branch = "" doUpdate = c.Bool("update") isSSH = c.Bool("p") isShallow = c.Bool("shallow") isRecursive = c.Bool("recursive") ) var ( in io.Reader finalize func() error ) if isShallow && isRecursive { utils.Log("error", "Cannot specify both --shallow and --recursive options") os.Exit(1) } if len(c.Args()) == 0 { // `ghq import` reads URLs from stdin in = os.Stdin finalize = func() error { return nil } } else { // Handle `ghq import starred motemen` case // with `git config --global ghq.import.starred "!github-list-starred"` subCommand := c.Args().First() command, err := GitConfigSingle("ghq.import." + subCommand) if err == nil && command == "" { err = fmt.Errorf("ghq.import.%s configuration not found", subCommand) } utils.DieIf(err) // execute `sh -c 'COMMAND "$@"' -- ARG...` // TODO: Windows command = strings.TrimLeft(command, "!") shellCommand := append([]string{"sh", "-c", command + ` "$@"`, "--"}, c.Args().Tail()...) utils.Log("run", strings.Join(append([]string{command}, c.Args().Tail()...), " ")) cmd := exec.Command(shellCommand[0], shellCommand[1:]...) cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr in, err = cmd.StdoutPipe() utils.DieIf(err) err = cmd.Start() utils.DieIf(err) finalize = cmd.Wait } scanner := bufio.NewScanner(in) for scanner.Scan() { line := scanner.Text() fields := strings.Fields(line) if len(fields) > 0 { line = fields[0] if len(fields) > 1 { branch = fields[1] } else { branch = "" } } url, err := NewURL(line) if err != nil { utils.Log("error", fmt.Sprintf("Could not parse URL <%s>: %s", line, err)) continue } if isSSH { url, err = ConvertGitURLHTTPToSSH(url) if err != nil { utils.Log("error", fmt.Sprintf("Could not convert URL <%s>: %s", url, err)) continue } } remote, err := NewRemoteRepository(url) if utils.ErrorIf(err) { continue } if remote.IsValid() == false { utils.Log("error", fmt.Sprintf("Not a valid repository: %s", url)) continue } getRemoteRepository(remote, branch, doUpdate, isShallow, isRecursive) } if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil { utils.Log("error", fmt.Sprintf("While reading input: %s", err)) os.Exit(1) } utils.DieIf(finalize()) }
func doImportStarred(c *cli.Context) { user := c.Args().First() doUpdate := c.Bool("update") isSSH := c.Bool("p") isShallow := c.Bool("shallow") if user == "" { cli.ShowCommandHelp(c, "starred") os.Exit(1) } githubToken := os.Getenv("GHQ_GITHUB_TOKEN") if githubToken == "" { var err error githubToken, err = GitConfigSingle("ghq.github.token") utils.PanicIf(err) } var client *github.Client if githubToken != "" { oauthTransport := &oauth.Transport{ Token: &oauth.Token{AccessToken: githubToken}, } client = github.NewClient(oauthTransport.Client()) } else { client = github.NewClient(nil) } options := &github.ActivityListStarredOptions{Sort: "created"} for page := 1; ; page++ { options.Page = page repositories, res, err := client.Activity.ListStarred(user, options) utils.DieIf(err) utils.Log("page", fmt.Sprintf("%d/%d", page, res.LastPage)) for _, repo := range repositories { url, err := url.Parse(*repo.HTMLURL) if err != nil { utils.Log("error", fmt.Sprintf("Could not parse URL <%s>: %s", repo.HTMLURL, err)) continue } if isSSH { url, err = ConvertGitURLHTTPToSSH(url) if err != nil { utils.Log("error", fmt.Sprintf("Could not convert URL <%s>: %s", repo.HTMLURL, err)) continue } } remote, err := NewRemoteRepository(url) if utils.ErrorIf(err) { continue } if remote.IsValid() == false { utils.Log("skip", fmt.Sprintf("Not a valid repository: %s", url)) continue } getRemoteRepository(remote, doUpdate, isShallow) } if page >= res.LastPage { break } } }