文件: reader.go 项目: JustinJudd/heka
// Loads a logstreamlocation from a file or returns an empty one if no journal
// record was found.
func LogstreamLocationFromFile(path string) (l *LogstreamLocation, err error) {
	l = new(LogstreamLocation)
	l.JournalPath = path
	l.lastLine = ringbuf.New(LINEBUFFERLEN)

	// So that we can check to see if it exists or not.
	var seekJournal *os.File
	if seekJournal, err = os.Open(l.JournalPath); err != nil {
		// The logfile doesn't exist, nothing special to do.
		if os.IsNotExist(err) {
			// File doesn't exist, but that's ok, not a real error.
			err = nil
	contents := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
	defer seekJournal.Close()
	io.Copy(contents, seekJournal)

	defer func() {
		if r := recover(); r != nil {
			err = errors.New("Error parsing the journal file")

	cBytes := contents.Bytes()
	cBytes = bytes.TrimSpace(cBytes)
	if len(cBytes) == 0 {
		// File is empty, skip it.
	err = json.Unmarshal(cBytes, l)
文件: reader.go 项目: JustinJudd/heka
func (l *LogstreamLocation) Reset() {
	l.Filename = ""
	l.SeekPosition = int64(0)
	l.Hash = ""
	l.lastLine = ringbuf.New(LINEBUFFERLEN)
func ReaderSpec(c gs.Context) {
	here, err := os.Getwd()
	c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
	dirPath := filepath.Join(here, "testdir", "reader")
	testDirPath := filepath.Join(here, "testdir", "filehandling")

	c.Specify("A journal file can be read", func() {
		l, err := LogstreamLocationFromFile(filepath.Join(dirPath, "location.json"))

		// Restore the oldest position
		l.Filename = filepath.Join(testDirPath, "2010", "07", "error.log.2")
		l.SeekPosition = 500
		l.Hash = "dc6d00ed4a287968635b8b5b96a505547e9161d3"

		regex := `/(?P<Year>\d+)/(?P<Month>\d+)/error\.log(\.(?P<Seq>\d+))?`
		if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
			regex = `\\(?P<Year>\d+)\\(?P<Month>\d+)\\error\.log(\.(?P<Seq>\d+))?`
		sp := &SortPattern{
			FileMatch:      regex,
			Translation:    make(SubmatchTranslationMap),
			Priority:       []string{"Year", "Month", "^Seq"},
			Differentiator: []string{"errorlog"},
		fivey, _ := time.ParseDuration("5y")
		ls, err := NewLogstreamSet(sp, fivey, testDirPath, dirPath)
		c.Expect(err, gs.IsNil)

		names, err := ls.ScanForLogstreams()
		c.Expect(len(names), gs.Equals, 1)

		stream, ok := ls.GetLogstream("errorlog")
		c.Expect(ok, gs.Equals, true)
		c.Expect(len(stream.logfiles), gs.Equals, 26)

		stream.position = l
		c.Expect(stream.FileHashMismatch(), gs.Equals, false)
		b := make([]byte, 500)
		n, err := stream.Read(b)
		c.Expect(err, gs.IsNil)
		c.Expect(n, gs.Equals, 500)
		c.Expect(string(b[:10]), gs.Equals, "- [05/Feb/")

		// Read the remainder of the file
		n, err = stream.Read(b)
		c.Expect(n, gs.Equals, 160)

		// This should move us to the next file
		n, err = stream.Read(b)
		c.Expect(l.Filename, gs.Equals, filepath.Join(testDirPath, "2010", "07", "error.log"))
		c.Expect(err, gs.IsNil)
		c.Expect(n, gs.Equals, 500)
		c.Expect(l.Hash, gs.Equals, "bc544cb727a809dcf0464da1628aeedd4243e81c")
		c.Expect(string(b[:10]), gs.Equals, "2013-11-05")

		// Now read till we get an err
		var newn int
		for err == nil {
			newn, err = stream.Read(b)
			if newn > 0 {
				n = newn
		// We should be at the last file
		c.Expect(l.Filename, gs.Equals, filepath.Join(testDirPath, "2013", "08", "error.log"))
		c.Expect(l.SeekPosition, gs.Equals, int64(1969))
		b = b[:n]
		c.Expect((string(b[len(b)-10:])), gs.Equals, "re.bundle'")

	c.Specify("Multiple journal files can be read", func() {
		var err error
		regex := `/(?P<Year>\d+)/(?P<Month>\d+)/(?P<Type>.*?)\.log(\.(?P<Seq>\d+))?`
		if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
			regex = `\\(?P<Year>\d+)\\(?P<Month>\d+)\\(?P<Type>.*?)\.log(\.(?P<Seq>\d+))?`
		sp := &SortPattern{
			FileMatch:      regex,
			Translation:    make(SubmatchTranslationMap),
			Priority:       []string{"Year", "Month", "^Seq"},
			Differentiator: []string{"Type", "-log"},
		fivey, _ := time.ParseDuration("5y")
		ls, err := NewLogstreamSet(sp, fivey, testDirPath, dirPath)
		c.Expect(err, gs.IsNil)

		names, err := ls.ScanForLogstreams()
		errs, _ := err.(*MultipleError)
		c.Assume(errs.IsError(), gs.Equals, false)
		c.Expect(len(names), gs.Equals, 2)

		stream, ok := ls.GetLogstream("error-log")
		c.Expect(ok, gs.Equals, true)
		c.Expect(len(stream.logfiles), gs.Equals, 26)

		// Restore the oldest position
		l := stream.position
		l.Filename = filepath.Join(testDirPath, "2010", "07", "error.log.2")
		l.SeekPosition = 500
		l.Hash = "dc6d00ed4a287968635b8b5b96a505547e9161d3"

		b := make([]byte, 500)
		n, err := stream.Read(b)
		c.Expect(err, gs.IsNil)
		c.Expect(n, gs.Equals, 500)

		// Now read till we get an err
		var newn int
		for err == nil {
			newn, err = stream.Read(b)
			if newn > 0 {
				n = newn

		// We should be at the last file
		c.Expect(l.Filename, gs.Equals, filepath.Join(testDirPath, "2013", "08", "error.log"))
		c.Expect(l.SeekPosition, gs.Equals, int64(1969))
		b = b[:n]
		c.Expect((string(b[len(b)-10:])), gs.Equals, "re.bundle'")

		// Now go through the access log
		stream, ok = ls.GetLogstream("access-log")
		c.Expect(ok, gs.Equals, true)
		c.Expect(len(stream.logfiles), gs.Equals, 26)

		l = stream.position
		l.Filename = filepath.Join(testDirPath, "2010", "05", "access.log.3")
		l.SeekPosition = 0
		l.Hash = ""

		// Now read till we get an err
		b = b[:cap(b)]
		err = nil
		for err == nil {
			newn, err = stream.Read(b)
			if newn > 0 {
				n = newn
		l = stream.position
		// We should be at the last file
		c.Expect(l.Filename, gs.Equals, filepath.Join(testDirPath, "2013", "08", "access.log"))
		c.Expect(l.SeekPosition, gs.Equals, int64(1174))
		b = b[:n]
		c.Expect((string(b[len(b)-10:])), gs.Equals, "le.bundle'")

	c.Specify("Short files are hashed correctly", func() {
		l := new(LogstreamLocation)
		l.lastLine = ringbuf.New(LINEBUFFERLEN)
		l.Filename = filepath.Join(here, "testdir", "shortlog", "short.log")
		f, err := os.Open(l.Filename)
		c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
		b := make([]byte, LINEBUFFERLEN)
		n, err := f.Read(b)
		c.Assume(err, gs.IsNil)
		// This is the hash for the contents of the `short.log` file,
		// prepended by 0 bytes to fill out a length of 500.
		c.Expect(l.Hash, gs.Equals, "4a9ab34da77c10e87cb6566bbf061d9715985551")