// NewCloudformation creates a new Cloudformation from the AWS API's cloudformation.Stack
func NewCloudformation(region string, stack *cloudformation.Stack) *Cloudformation {
	a := Cloudformation{
		Resource: Resource{
			region:      reapable.Region(region),
			id:          reapable.ID(*stack.StackId),
			Name:        *stack.StackName,
			Tags:        make(map[string]string),
			reaperState: state.NewStateWithUntil(time.Now().Add(config.Notifications.FirstStateDuration.Duration)),
		Stack: *stack,

	// because getting resources is rate limited...
	go func() {
		for resource := range cloudformationResources(a.Region().String(), a.ID().String()) {
			a.Resources = append(a.Resources, *resource)

	for _, tag := range stack.Tags {
		a.Resource.Tags[*tag.Key] = *tag.Value

	if a.Tagged(reaperTag) {
		// restore previously tagged state
		a.reaperState = state.NewStateWithTag(a.Resource.Tag(reaperTag))
	} else {
		// initial state
		a.reaperState = state.NewState()

	return &a
// NewAutoScalingGroup creates an AutoScalingGroup from the AWS API's autoscaling.Group
func NewAutoScalingGroup(region string, asg *autoscaling.Group) *AutoScalingGroup {
	a := AutoScalingGroup{
		Resource: Resource{
			region: reapable.Region(region),
			id:     reapable.ID(*asg.AutoScalingGroupName),
			Name:   *asg.AutoScalingGroupName,
			Tags:   make(map[string]string),
		Group: *asg,

	for _, instance := range asg.Instances {
		a.Instances = append(a.Instances, reapable.ID(*instance.InstanceId))

	for _, tag := range asg.Tags {
		a.Resource.Tags[*tag.Key] = *tag.Value

	if a.Tagged("aws:cloudformation:stack-name") {
		a.Dependency = true
		a.IsInCloudformation = true

	if a.Tagged(reaperTag) {
		// restore previously tagged state
		a.reaperState = state.NewStateWithTag(a.Tag(reaperTag))
	} else {
		// initial state
		a.reaperState = state.NewState()

	return &a
// NewSecurityGroup creates an SecurityGroup from the AWS API's ec2.SecurityGroup
func NewSecurityGroup(region string, sg *ec2.SecurityGroup) *SecurityGroup {
	s := SecurityGroup{
		Resource: Resource{
			id:     reapable.ID(*sg.GroupId),
			region: reapable.Region(region),

			Name: *sg.GroupName,
			Tags: make(map[string]string),
		SecurityGroup: *sg,

	for _, tag := range sg.Tags {
		s.Resource.Tags[*tag.Key] = *tag.Value
	if s.Tagged("aws:cloudformation:stack-name") {
		s.Dependency = true
		s.IsInCloudformation = true
	if s.Tagged(reaperTag) {
		// restore previously tagged state
		s.reaperState = state.NewStateWithTag(s.Resource.Tag(reaperTag))
	} else {
		// initial state
		s.reaperState = state.NewState()

	return &s
// AutoScalingGroupInstanceIDs returns a map of regions to a map of ids to bools
// the bool value is whether the instance with that region/id is in an ASG
func AutoScalingGroupInstanceIDs(a *AutoScalingGroup) map[reapable.Region]map[reapable.ID]bool {
	// maps region to id to bool
	inASG := make(map[reapable.Region]map[reapable.ID]bool)
	for _, region := range config.Regions {
		inASG[reapable.Region(region)] = make(map[reapable.ID]bool)
	for _, instanceID := range a.Instances {
		// add the instance to the map
		inASG[a.Region()][instanceID] = true
	return inASG
// NewInstance creates an Instance from the AWS API's ec2.Instance
func NewInstance(region string, instance *ec2.Instance) *Instance {
	a := Instance{
		Resource: Resource{
			id:     reapable.ID(*instance.InstanceId),
			region: reapable.Region(region), // passed in cause not possible to extract out of api
			Tags:   make(map[string]string),
		SecurityGroups: make(map[reapable.ID]string),
		Instance:       *instance,

	for _, sg := range instance.SecurityGroups {
		if sg != nil {
			a.SecurityGroups[reapable.ID(*sg.GroupId)] = *sg.GroupName

	for _, tag := range instance.Tags {
		a.Resource.Tags[*tag.Key] = *tag.Value

	if a.Tagged("aws:cloudformation:stack-name") {
		a.Dependency = true
		a.IsInCloudformation = true

	if a.Tagged("aws:autoscaling:groupName") {
		a.Dependency = true

	if a.Tagged("aws:autoscaling:groupName") {
		a.AutoScaled = true

	a.Name = a.Tag("Name")

	if a.Tagged(reaperTag) {
		// restore previously tagged state
		a.reaperState = state.NewStateWithTag(a.Tag(reaperTag))
	} else {
		// initial state
		a.reaperState = state.NewState()

	return &a
// Filter is part of the filter.Filterable interface
func (a *AutoScalingGroup) Filter(filter filters.Filter) bool {
	matched := false
	// map function names to function calls
	switch filter.Function {
	case "SizeGreaterThan":
		if i, err := filter.Int64Value(0); err == nil && a.sizeGreaterThan(i) {
			matched = true
	case "SizeLessThan":
		if i, err := filter.Int64Value(0); err == nil && a.sizeLessThan(i) {
			matched = true
	case "SizeEqualTo":
		if i, err := filter.Int64Value(0); err == nil && a.sizeEqualTo(i) {
			matched = true
	case "SizeLessThanOrEqualTo":
		if i, err := filter.Int64Value(0); err == nil && a.sizeLessThanOrEqualTo(i) {
			matched = true
	case "SizeGreaterThanOrEqualTo":
		if i, err := filter.Int64Value(0); err == nil && a.sizeGreaterThanOrEqualTo(i) {
			matched = true
	case "CreatedTimeInTheLast":
		d, err := time.ParseDuration(filter.Arguments[0])
		if err == nil && a.CreatedTime != nil && time.Since(*a.CreatedTime) < d {
			matched = true
	case "CreatedTimeNotInTheLast":
		d, err := time.ParseDuration(filter.Arguments[0])
		if err == nil && a.CreatedTime != nil && time.Since(*a.CreatedTime) > d {
			matched = true
	case "InCloudformation":
		if b, err := filter.BoolValue(0); err == nil && a.IsInCloudformation == b {
			matched = true
	case "Region":
		for _, region := range filter.Arguments {
			if a.Region() == reapable.Region(region) {
				matched = true
	case "NotRegion":
		// was this resource's region one of those in the NOT list
		regionSpecified := false
		for _, region := range filter.Arguments {
			if a.Region() == reapable.Region(region) {
				regionSpecified = true
		if !regionSpecified {
			matched = true
	case "Tagged":
		if a.Tagged(filter.Arguments[0]) {
			matched = true
	case "NotTagged":
		if !a.Tagged(filter.Arguments[0]) {
			matched = true
	case "TagNotEqual":
		if a.Tag(filter.Arguments[0]) != filter.Arguments[1] {
			matched = true
	case "ReaperState":
		if a.reaperState.State.String() == filter.Arguments[0] {
			matched = true
	case "NotReaperState":
		if a.reaperState.State.String() != filter.Arguments[0] {
			matched = true
	case "Named":
		if a.Name == filter.Arguments[0] {
			matched = true
	case "NotNamed":
		if a.Name != filter.Arguments[0] {
			matched = true
	case "IsDependency":
		if b, err := filter.BoolValue(0); err == nil && a.Dependency == b {
			matched = true
	case "NameContains":
		if strings.Contains(a.Name, filter.Arguments[0]) {
			matched = true
	case "NotNameContains":
		if !strings.Contains(a.Name, filter.Arguments[0]) {
			matched = true
		log.Error(fmt.Sprintf("No function %s could be found for filtering AutoScalingGroups.", filter.Function))
	return matched
// Filter is part of the filter.Filterable interface
func (a *SecurityGroup) Filter(filter filters.Filter) bool {
	matched := false
	// map function names to function calls
	switch filter.Function {
	case "InCloudformation":
		if b, err := filter.BoolValue(0); err == nil && a.IsInCloudformation == b {
			matched = true
	case "Region":
		for _, region := range filter.Arguments {
			if a.Region() == reapable.Region(region) {
				matched = true
	case "NotRegion":
		// was this resource's region one of those in the NOT list
		regionSpecified := false
		for _, region := range filter.Arguments {
			if a.Region() == reapable.Region(region) {
				regionSpecified = true
		if !regionSpecified {
			matched = true
	case "Tagged":
		if a.Tagged(filter.Arguments[0]) {
			matched = true
	case "NotTagged":
		if !a.Tagged(filter.Arguments[0]) {
			matched = true
	case "TagNotEqual":
		if a.Tag(filter.Arguments[0]) != filter.Arguments[1] {
			matched = true
	case "ReaperState":
		if a.reaperState.State.String() == filter.Arguments[0] {
			matched = true
	case "NotReaperState":
		if a.reaperState.State.String() != filter.Arguments[0] {
			matched = true
	case "Named":
		if a.Name == filter.Arguments[0] {
			matched = true
	case "NotNamed":
		if a.Name != filter.Arguments[0] {
			matched = true
	case "IsDependency":
		if b, err := filter.BoolValue(0); err == nil && a.Dependency == b {
			matched = true
	case "NameContains":
		if strings.Contains(a.Name, filter.Arguments[0]) {
			matched = true
	case "NotNameContains":
		if !strings.Contains(a.Name, filter.Arguments[0]) {
			matched = true
		log.Error(fmt.Sprintf("No function %s could be found for filtering SecurityGroups.", filter.Function))
	return matched
func processToken(h *HTTPApi) func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) {
	return func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
		if err := req.ParseForm(); err != nil {
			writeResponse(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "Bad query string")

		userToken := req.Form.Get(h.conf.Token)
		if userToken == "" {
			writeResponse(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "Token Missing")

		if u, err := url.QueryUnescape(userToken); err == nil {
			userToken = u
		} else {
				http.StatusBadRequest, "Invalid Token, could not decode data")

		job, err := token.Untokenize(h.conf.TokenSecret, userToken)
		if err != nil {
				http.StatusBadRequest, "Invalid Token, Could not untokenize")

		if job.Expired() == true {
			writeResponse(w, http.StatusBadRequest, "Token expired")

		// find reapable associated with the job
		r, err := reapables.Get(reapable.Region(job.Region), reapable.ID(job.ID))
		if err != nil {
			writeResponse(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, err.Error())

		switch job.Action {
		case token.J_DELAY:
			log.Debug("Delay request received for %s in region %s until %s",
			s := r.ReaperState()
			ok, err := r.Save(state.NewStateWithUntilAndState(s.Until.Add(job.IgnoreUntil), s.State))
			if err != nil {
				writeResponse(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, err.Error())
			if !ok {
				writeResponse(w, http.StatusInternalServerError,
					fmt.Sprintf("Delay failed for %s.", r.ReapableDescriptionTiny()))
			reaperevents.NewEvent("Reaper: Delay Request Received",
				fmt.Sprintf("Delay for %s in region %s until %s",
			reaperevents.NewCountStatistic("reaper.reapables.requests", []string{"type:delay"})
		case token.J_TERMINATE:
			log.Debug("Terminate request received for %s in region %s.", job.ID, job.Region)
			ok, err := r.Terminate()
			if err != nil {
				writeResponse(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, err.Error())
			if !ok {
				writeResponse(w, http.StatusInternalServerError,
					fmt.Sprintf("Terminate failed for %s.", r.ReapableDescriptionTiny()))
			reaperevents.NewEvent("Reaper: Terminate Request Received",
				r.ReapableDescriptionShort(), nil, []string{})
		case token.J_WHITELIST:
			log.Debug("Whitelist request received for %s in region %s", job.ID, job.Region)
			ok, err := r.Whitelist()
			if err != nil {
				writeResponse(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, err.Error())
			if !ok {
				writeResponse(w, http.StatusInternalServerError,
					fmt.Sprintf("Whitelist failed for %s.", r.ReapableDescriptionTiny()))
			reaperevents.NewEvent("Reaper: Whitelist Request Received",
				r.ReapableDescriptionShort(), nil, []string{})
		case token.J_STOP:
			log.Debug("Stop request received for %s in region %s", job.ID, job.Region)
			ok, err := r.Stop()
			if err != nil {
				writeResponse(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, err.Error())
			if !ok {
				writeResponse(w, http.StatusInternalServerError,
					fmt.Sprintf("Stop failed for %s.", r.ReapableDescriptionTiny()))
			reaperevents.NewEvent("Reaper: Stop Request Received",
				r.ReapableDescriptionShort(), nil, []string{})
			reaperevents.NewCountStatistic("reaper.reapables.requests", []string{"type:stop"})
			log.Error("Unrecognized job token received.")
			writeResponse(w, http.StatusInternalServerError, "Unrecognized job token.")

		var consoleURL *url.URL
		switch t := r.(type) {
		case *reaperaws.Instance:
			consoleURL = t.AWSConsoleURL()
		case *reaperaws.AutoScalingGroup:
			consoleURL = t.AWSConsoleURL()
			log.Error("No AWSConsoleURL")
		writeResponse(w, http.StatusOK,
			fmt.Sprintf("Success. Check %s out on the <a href=\"%s\">AWS Console.</a>",
				r.ReapableDescriptionTiny(), consoleURL))
// Filter is part of the filter.Filterable interface
func (a *Cloudformation) Filter(filter filters.Filter) bool {
	matched := false
	// map function names to function calls
	switch filter.Function {
	case "Status":
		if a.StackStatus != nil && *a.StackStatus == filter.Arguments[0] {
			// one of:
			matched = true
	case "NotStatus":
		if a.StackStatus != nil && *a.StackStatus != filter.Arguments[0] {
			matched = true
	case "CreatedTimeInTheLast":
		d, err := time.ParseDuration(filter.Arguments[0])
		if err == nil && a.CreationTime != nil && time.Since(*a.CreationTime) < d {
			matched = true
	case "CreatedTimeNotInTheLast":
		d, err := time.ParseDuration(filter.Arguments[0])
		if err == nil && a.CreationTime != nil && time.Since(*a.CreationTime) > d {
			matched = true
	case "Region":
		for _, region := range filter.Arguments {
			if a.Region() == reapable.Region(region) {
				matched = true
	case "NotRegion":
		// was this resource's region one of those in the NOT list
		regionSpecified := false
		for _, region := range filter.Arguments {
			if a.Region() == reapable.Region(region) {
				regionSpecified = true
		if !regionSpecified {
			matched = true
	case "Tagged":
		if a.Tagged(filter.Arguments[0]) {
			matched = true
	case "NotTagged":
		if !a.Tagged(filter.Arguments[0]) {
			matched = true
	case "TagNotEqual":
		if a.Tag(filter.Arguments[0]) != filter.Arguments[1] {
			matched = true
	case "ReaperState":
		if a.reaperState.State.String() == filter.Arguments[0] {
			matched = true
	case "NotReaperState":
		if a.reaperState.State.String() != filter.Arguments[0] {
			matched = true
	case "Named":
		if a.Name == filter.Arguments[0] {
			matched = true
	case "NotNamed":
		if a.Name != filter.Arguments[0] {
			matched = true
	case "IsDependency":
		if b, err := filter.BoolValue(0); err == nil && a.Dependency == b {
			matched = true
	case "NameContains":
		if strings.Contains(a.Name, filter.Arguments[0]) {
			matched = true
	case "NotNameContains":
		if !strings.Contains(a.Name, filter.Arguments[0]) {
			matched = true
		log.Error(fmt.Sprintf("No function %s could be found for filtering Cloudformations.", filter.Function))
	return matched
// makes a slice of all filterables by appending
// output of each filterable types aggregator function
func allReapables() []reaperevents.Reapable {
	var resources []reaperevents.Reapable

	// initialize dependency and isInCloudformation
	dependency := make(map[reapable.Region]map[reapable.ID]bool)
	for _, region := range config.AWS.Regions {
		dependency[reapable.Region(region)] = make(map[reapable.ID]bool)

	isInCloudformation := make(map[reapable.Region]map[reapable.ID]bool)
	for _, region := range config.AWS.Regions {
		isInCloudformation[reapable.Region(region)] = make(map[reapable.ID]bool)

	// initialize the map of instances in ASGs
	instancesInASGs := make(map[reapable.Region]map[reapable.ID]bool)
	for _, region := range config.AWS.Regions {
		instancesInASGs[reapable.Region(region)] = make(map[reapable.ID]bool)

	// without getCloudformations cannot populate basic dependency logic
	for c := range getCloudformations() {
		// because getting resources is rate limited...
		for _, resource := range c.Resources {
			if resource.PhysicalResourceId != nil {
				dependency[c.Region()][reapable.ID(*resource.PhysicalResourceId)] = true
				isInCloudformation[c.Region()][reapable.ID(*resource.PhysicalResourceId)] = true
		if config.Cloudformations.Enabled {
			resources = append(resources, c)

	for a := range getAutoScalingGroups() {
		// ASGs can be identified by name...
		if isInCloudformation[a.Region()][a.ID()] ||
			isInCloudformation[a.Region()][reapable.ID(a.Name)] {
			a.IsInCloudformation = true

		if dependency[a.Region()][a.ID()] ||
			dependency[a.Region()][reapable.ID(a.Name)] {
			a.Dependency = true

		// identify instances in an ASG
		instanceIDsInASGs := reaperaws.AutoScalingGroupInstanceIDs(a)
		for region := range instanceIDsInASGs {
			for instanceID := range instanceIDsInASGs[region] {
				instancesInASGs[region][instanceID] = true
				dependency[region][instanceID] = true

		if config.AutoScalingGroups.Enabled {
			resources = append(resources, a)

	// get all instances
	for i := range getInstances() {
		// add security groups to map of in use
		for id, name := range i.SecurityGroups {
			dependency[i.Region()][reapable.ID(name)] = true
			dependency[i.Region()][id] = true

		if dependency[i.Region()][i.ID()] {
			i.Dependency = true
		if isInCloudformation[i.Region()][i.ID()] {
			i.IsInCloudformation = true
		if instancesInASGs[i.Region()][i.ID()] {
			i.AutoScaled = true

		if config.Instances.Enabled {
			resources = append(resources, i)

	// get all security groups
	for s := range getSecurityGroups() {
		// if the security group is in use, it isn't reapable
		// names and IDs are used interchangeably by different parts of the API
		if isInCloudformation[s.Region()][s.ID()] {
			s.IsInCloudformation = true
		if dependency[s.Region()][s.ID()] ||
			dependency[s.Region()][reapable.ID(*s.GroupName)] {
			s.Dependency = true
		if config.SecurityGroups.Enabled {
			resources = append(resources, s)

	// get all the volumes
	for v := range getVolumes() {
		// if the volume is in use, it isn't reapable
		// names and IDs are used interchangeably by different parts of the API

		// sort of doesn't make sense for volume
		if isInCloudformation[v.Region()][v.ID()] {
			v.IsInCloudformation = true

		// if it is a dependency or is attached to an instance
		if dependency[v.Region()][v.ID()] || len(v.AttachedInstanceIDs) > 0 {
			v.Dependency = true
		if config.Volumes.Enabled {
			resources = append(resources, v)
	return resources
func (a *Instance) Filter(filter filters.Filter) bool {
	matched := false
	// map function names to function calls
	switch filter.Function {
	case "State":
		if a.State != nil && *a.State.Name == filter.Arguments[0] {
			matched = true
	case "InstanceType":
		if a.InstanceType != nil && *a.InstanceType == filter.Arguments[0] {
			matched = true
	case "HasPublicIpAddress":
		if b, err := filter.BoolValue(0); err == nil && b == (a.PublicIpAddress != nil) {
			matched = true
	case "PublicIpAddress":
		if a.PublicIpAddress != nil && *a.PublicIpAddress == filter.Arguments[0] {
			matched = true
	case "InCloudformation":
		if b, err := filter.BoolValue(0); err == nil && a.IsInCloudformation == b {
			matched = true
	case "AutoScaled":
		if b, err := filter.BoolValue(0); err == nil && a.AutoScaled == b {
			matched = true
	// uses RFC3339 format
	// https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3339.txt
	case "LaunchTimeBefore":
		t, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, filter.Arguments[0])
		if err == nil && a.LaunchTime != nil && t.After(*a.LaunchTime) {
			matched = true
	case "LaunchTimeAfter":
		t, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, filter.Arguments[0])
		if err == nil && a.LaunchTime != nil && t.Before(*a.LaunchTime) {
			matched = true
	case "LaunchTimeInTheLast":
		d, err := time.ParseDuration(filter.Arguments[0])
		if err == nil && a.LaunchTime != nil && time.Since(*a.LaunchTime) < d {
			matched = true
	case "LaunchTimeNotInTheLast":
		d, err := time.ParseDuration(filter.Arguments[0])
		if err == nil && a.LaunchTime != nil && time.Since(*a.LaunchTime) > d {
			matched = true
	case "Region":
		for _, region := range filter.Arguments {
			if a.Region() == reapable.Region(region) {
				matched = true
	case "NotRegion":
		// was this resource's region one of those in the NOT list
		regionSpecified := false
		for _, region := range filter.Arguments {
			if a.Region() == reapable.Region(region) {
				regionSpecified = true
		if !regionSpecified {
			matched = true
	case "Tagged":
		if a.Tagged(filter.Arguments[0]) {
			matched = true
	case "NotTagged":
		if !a.Tagged(filter.Arguments[0]) {
			matched = true
	case "TagNotEqual":
		if a.Tag(filter.Arguments[0]) != filter.Arguments[1] {
			matched = true
	case "ReaperState":
		if a.reaperState.State.String() == filter.Arguments[0] {
			matched = true
	case "NotReaperState":
		if a.reaperState.State.String() != filter.Arguments[0] {
			matched = true
	case "Named":
		if a.Name == filter.Arguments[0] {
			matched = true
	case "NotNamed":
		if a.Name != filter.Arguments[0] {
			matched = true
	case "IsDependency":
		if b, err := filter.BoolValue(0); err == nil && a.Dependency == b {
			matched = true
	case "NameContains":
		if strings.Contains(a.Name, filter.Arguments[0]) {
			matched = true
	case "NotNameContains":
		if !strings.Contains(a.Name, filter.Arguments[0]) {
			matched = true
		log.Error(fmt.Sprintf("No function %s could be found for filtering Instances.", filter.Function))
	return matched