// Euler method, can be used as solver.Step.
func (s *BackwardEuler) Step() {
	util.AssertMsg(MaxErr > 0, "Backward euler solver requires MaxErr > 0")

	t0 := Time

	y := M.Buffer()

	y0 := cuda.Buffer(VECTOR, y.Size())
	defer cuda.Recycle(y0)
	data.Copy(y0, y)

	dy0 := cuda.Buffer(VECTOR, y.Size())
	defer cuda.Recycle(dy0)
	if s.dy1 == nil {
		s.dy1 = cuda.Buffer(VECTOR, y.Size())
	dy1 := s.dy1

	Dt_si = FixDt
	dt := float32(Dt_si * GammaLL)
	util.AssertMsg(dt > 0, "Backward Euler solver requires fixed time step > 0")

	// Fist guess
	Time = t0 + 0.5*Dt_si // 0.5 dt makes it implicit midpoint method

	// with temperature, previous torque cannot be used as predictor
	if Temp.isZero() {
		cuda.Madd2(y, y0, dy1, 1, dt) // predictor euler step with previous torque

	cuda.Madd2(y, y0, dy0, 1, dt) // y = y0 + dt * dy

	// One iteration
	cuda.Madd2(y, y0, dy1, 1, dt) // y = y0 + dt * dy1

	Time = t0 + Dt_si

	err := cuda.MaxVecDiff(dy0, dy1) * float64(dt)

	// adjust next time step
	//if err < MaxErr || Dt_si <= MinDt || FixDt != 0 { // mindt check to avoid infinite loop
	// step OK
	//} else {
	// undo bad step
	//	util.Assert(FixDt == 0)
	//	Time = t0
	//	data.Copy(y, y0)
	//	NUndone++
文件: euler.go 项目: callistoaz/3
// Euler method, can be used as solver.Step.
func (_ *Euler) Step() {
	y := M.Buffer()
	dy0 := cuda.Buffer(VECTOR, y.Size())
	defer cuda.Recycle(dy0)


	// Adaptive time stepping: treat MaxErr as the maximum magnetization delta
	// (proportional to the error, but an overestimation for sure)
	var dt float32
	if FixDt != 0 {
		Dt_si = FixDt
		dt = float32(Dt_si * GammaLL)
	} else {
		dt = float32(MaxErr / LastTorque)
		Dt_si = float64(dt) / GammaLL
	util.AssertMsg(dt > 0, "Euler solver requires fixed time step > 0")
	setLastErr(float64(dt) * LastTorque)

	cuda.Madd2(y, y, dy0, 1, dt) // y = y + dt * dy
	Time += Dt_si
// For a nanowire magnetized in-plane, with mx = mxLeft on the left end and
// mx = mxRight on the right end (both -1 or +1), add a B field needed to compensate
// for the surface charges on the left and right edges.
// This will mimic an infinitely long wire.
func RemoveLRSurfaceCharge(region int, mxLeft, mxRight float64) {
	defer SetBusy(false)
	util.Argument(mxLeft == 1 || mxLeft == -1)
	util.Argument(mxRight == 1 || mxRight == -1)
	bsat := Msat.GetRegion(region) * mag.Mu0
	util.AssertMsg(bsat != 0, "RemoveSurfaceCharges: Msat is zero in region "+fmt.Sprint(region))
	B_ext.Add(compensateLRSurfaceCharges(Mesh(), mxLeft, mxRight, bsat), nil)
文件: exchange.go 项目: callistoaz/3
// Adds the current exchange field to dst
func AddExchangeField(dst *data.Slice) {
	inter := !Dind.isZero()
	bulk := !Dbulk.isZero()
	switch {
	case !inter && !bulk:
		cuda.AddExchange(dst, M.Buffer(), lex2.Gpu(), regions.Gpu(), M.Mesh())
	case inter && !bulk:
		// DMI kernel has space-dependent parameters, but
		// correct averaging between regions not yet clear nor tested, so disallow.
		util.AssertMsg(allowUnsafe || (Msat.IsUniform() && Aex.IsUniform() && Dind.IsUniform()), "DMI: Msat, Aex, Dex must be uniform")
		cuda.AddDMI(dst, M.Buffer(), lex2.Gpu(), din2.Gpu(), regions.Gpu(), M.Mesh()) // dmi+exchange
	case bulk && !inter:
		util.AssertMsg(allowUnsafe || (Msat.IsUniform() && Aex.IsUniform() && Dbulk.IsUniform()), "DMI: Msat, Aex, Dex must be uniform")
		cuda.AddDMIBulk(dst, M.Buffer(), lex2.Gpu(), dbulk2.Gpu(), regions.Gpu(), M.Mesh()) // dmi+exchange
	case inter && bulk:
		util.Fatal("Cannot have induced and interfacial DMI at the same time")
文件: run.go 项目: callistoaz/3
// adapt time step: dt *= corr, but limited to sensible values.
func adaptDt(corr float64) {
	if FixDt != 0 {
		Dt_si = FixDt

	// corner case triggered by err = 0: just keep time step.
	// see test/regression017.mx3
	if math.IsNaN(corr) {
		corr = 1

	util.AssertMsg(corr != 0, "Time step too small, check if parameters are sensible")
	corr *= Headroom
	if corr > 2 {
		corr = 2
	if corr < 1./2. {
		corr = 1. / 2.
	Dt_si *= corr
	if MinDt != 0 && Dt_si < MinDt {
		Dt_si = MinDt
	if MaxDt != 0 && Dt_si > MaxDt {
		Dt_si = MaxDt
	if Dt_si == 0 {
		util.Fatal("time step too small")

	// do not cross alarm time
	if Time < alarm && Time+Dt_si > alarm {
		Dt_si = alarm - Time

	util.AssertMsg(Dt_si > 0, fmt.Sprint("Time step too small: ", Dt_si))
文件: exchange.go 项目: jsampaio/3
// Adds the current exchange field to dst
func AddExchangeField(dst *data.Slice) {
	inter := !Dind.isZero()
	bulk := !Dbulk.isZero()
	switch {
	case !inter && !bulk:
		cuda.AddExchange(dst, M.Buffer(), lex2.Gpu(), regions.Gpu(), M.Mesh())
	case inter && !bulk:
		cuda.AddDMI(dst, M.Buffer(), lex2.Gpu(), din2.Gpu(), regions.Gpu(), M.Mesh()) // dmi+exchange
	case bulk && !inter:
		util.AssertMsg(allowUnsafe || (Msat.IsUniform() && Aex.IsUniform() && Dbulk.IsUniform()), "DMI: Msat, Aex, Dex must be uniform")
		cuda.AddDMIBulk(dst, M.Buffer(), lex2.Gpu(), dbulk2.Gpu(), regions.Gpu(), M.Mesh()) // dmi+exchange
	case inter && bulk:
		util.Fatal("Cannot have induced and interfacial DMI at the same time")
文件: torque.go 项目: jsampaio/3
// Adds the current spin transfer torque to dst
func AddSTTorque(dst *data.Slice) {
	if J.isZero() {
	util.AssertMsg(!Pol.isZero(), "spin polarization should not be 0")
	jspin, rec := J.Slice()
	if rec {
		defer cuda.Recycle(jspin)
	fl, rec := FixedLayer.Slice()
	if rec {
		defer cuda.Recycle(fl)
	if !DisableZhangLiTorque {
		msat := Msat.MSlice()
		defer msat.Recycle()
		j := J.MSlice()
		defer j.Recycle()
		alpha := Alpha.MSlice()
		defer alpha.Recycle()
		xi := Xi.MSlice()
		defer xi.Recycle()
		pol := Pol.MSlice()
		defer pol.Recycle()
		cuda.AddZhangLiTorque(dst, M.Buffer(), msat, j, alpha, xi, pol, Mesh())
	if !DisableSlonczewskiTorque && !FixedLayer.isZero() {
		msat := Msat.MSlice()
		defer msat.Recycle()
		j := J.MSlice()
		defer j.Recycle()
		fixedP := FixedLayer.MSlice()
		defer fixedP.Recycle()
		alpha := Alpha.MSlice()
		defer alpha.Recycle()
		pol := Pol.MSlice()
		defer pol.Recycle()
		lambda := Lambda.MSlice()
		defer lambda.Recycle()
		epsPrime := EpsilonPrime.MSlice()
		defer epsPrime.Recycle()
		cuda.AddSlonczewskiTorque2(dst, M.Buffer(),
			msat, j, fixedP, alpha, pol, lambda, epsPrime, Mesh())
文件: torque.go 项目: jmptrader/3
// Adds the current spin transfer torque to dst
func AddSTTorque(dst *data.Slice) {
	if J.isZero() {
	util.AssertMsg(!Pol.isZero(), "spin polarization should not be 0")
	jspin, rec := J.Slice()
	if rec {
		defer cuda.Recycle(jspin)
	if !DisableZhangLiTorque {
		cuda.AddZhangLiTorque(dst, M.Buffer(), jspin, Bsat.gpuLUT1(),
			Alpha.gpuLUT1(), Xi.gpuLUT1(), Pol.gpuLUT1(), regions.Gpu(), Mesh())
	if !DisableSlonczewskiTorque && !FixedLayer.isZero() {
		cuda.AddSlonczewskiTorque(dst, M.Buffer(), jspin, FixedLayer.gpuLUT(), Msat.gpuLUT1(),
			Alpha.gpuLUT1(), Pol.gpuLUT1(), Lambda.gpuLUT1(), EpsilonPrime.gpuLUT1(), regions.Gpu(), Mesh())
文件: mfmkernel.go 项目: kyeongdong/3
// Kernel for the vertical derivative of the force on an MFM tip due to mx, my, mz.
// This is the 2nd derivative of the energy w.r.t. z.
func MFMKernel(mesh *d.Mesh, lift, tipsize float64) (kernel [3]*d.Slice) {

	const TipCharge = 1 / Mu0 // tip charge
	const Δ = 1e-9            // tip oscillation, take 2nd derivative over this distance
	util.AssertMsg(lift > 0, "MFM tip crashed into sample, please lift the new one higher")

	{ // Kernel mesh is 2x larger than input, instead in case of PBC
		pbc := mesh.PBC()
		sz := padSize(mesh.Size(), pbc)
		cs := mesh.CellSize()
		mesh = d.NewMesh(sz[X], sz[Y], sz[Z], cs[X], cs[Y], cs[Z], pbc[:]...)

	// Shorthand
	size := mesh.Size()
	pbc := mesh.PBC()
	cellsize := mesh.CellSize()
	volume := cellsize[X] * cellsize[Y] * cellsize[Z]
	fmt.Println("calculating MFM kernel")

	// Sanity check
		util.Assert(size[Z] >= 1 && size[Y] >= 2 && size[X] >= 2)
		util.Assert(cellsize[X] > 0 && cellsize[Y] > 0 && cellsize[Z] > 0)
		util.AssertMsg(size[X]%2 == 0 && size[Y]%2 == 0, "Even kernel size needed")
		if size[Z] > 1 {
			util.AssertMsg(size[Z]%2 == 0, "Even kernel size needed")

	// Allocate only upper diagonal part. The rest is symmetric due to reciprocity.
	var K [3][][][]float32
	for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
		kernel[i] = d.NewSlice(1, mesh.Size())
		K[i] = kernel[i].Scalars()

	r1, r2 := kernelRanges(size, pbc)
	progress, progmax := 0, (1+r2[Y]-r1[Y])*(1+r2[Z]-r1[Z])

	for iz := r1[Z]; iz <= r2[Z]; iz++ {
		zw := wrap(iz, size[Z])
		z := float64(iz) * cellsize[Z]

		for iy := r1[Y]; iy <= r2[Y]; iy++ {
			yw := wrap(iy, size[Y])
			y := float64(iy) * cellsize[Y]
			util.Progress(progress, progmax, "Calculating MFM kernel")

			for ix := r1[X]; ix <= r2[X]; ix++ {
				x := float64(ix) * cellsize[X]
				xw := wrap(ix, size[X])

				for s := 0; s < 3; s++ { // source index Ksxyz
					m := d.Vector{0, 0, 0}
					m[s] = 1

					var E [3]float64 // 3 energies for 2nd derivative

					for i := -1; i <= 1; i++ {
						I := float64(i)
						R := d.Vector{-x, -y, z - (lift + (I * Δ))}
						r := R.Len()
						B := R.Mul(TipCharge / (4 * math.Pi * r * r * r))

						R = d.Vector{-x, -y, z - (lift + tipsize + (I * Δ))}
						r = R.Len()
						B = B.Add(R.Mul(-TipCharge / (4 * math.Pi * r * r * r)))

						E[i+1] = B.Dot(m) * volume // i=-1 stored in  E[0]

					dFdz_tip := ((E[0] - E[1]) + (E[2] - E[1])) / (Δ * Δ) // dFz/dz = d2E/dz2

					K[s][zw][yw][xw] += float32(dFdz_tip) // += needed in case of PBC

	return kernel
文件: read.go 项目: kyeongdong/3
func (r *reader) readSlice() (s *data.Slice, info data.Meta, err error) {
	r.err = nil // clear previous error, if any
	magic := r.readString()
	if r.err != nil {
		return nil, data.Meta{}, r.err
	if magic != MAGIC {
		r.err = fmt.Errorf("dump: bad magic number:%v", magic)
		return nil, data.Meta{}, r.err
	nComp := r.readInt()
	size := [3]int{}
	size[2] = r.readInt() // backwards compatible coordinates!
	size[1] = r.readInt()
	size[0] = r.readInt()
	cell := [3]float64{}
	cell[2] = r.readFloat64()
	cell[1] = r.readFloat64()
	cell[0] = r.readFloat64()
	info.CellSize = cell

	info.MeshUnit = r.readString()
	info.Time = r.readFloat64()
	_ = r.readString() // time unit

	s = data.NewSlice(nComp, size)

	info.Name = r.readString()
	info.Unit = r.readString()
	precission := r.readUint64()
	util.AssertMsg(precission == 4, "only single precission supported")

	if r.err != nil {

	host := s.Tensors()
	ncomp := s.NComp()
	for c := 0; c < ncomp; c++ {
		for iz := 0; iz < size[2]; iz++ {
			for iy := 0; iy < size[1]; iy++ {
				for ix := 0; ix < size[0]; ix++ {
					host[c][iz][iy][ix] = r.readFloat32()

	// Check CRC
	var mycrc uint64 // checksum by this reader
	if r.crc != nil {
		mycrc = r.crc.Sum64()
	storedcrc := r.readUint64() // checksum from data stream. 0 means not set
	if r.err != nil {
		return nil, data.Meta{}, r.err
	if r.crc != nil {
		r.crc.Reset() // reset for next frame
	if r.crc != nil && storedcrc != 0 && mycrc != storedcrc {
		r.err = fmt.Errorf("dump CRC error: expected %16x, got %16x", storedcrc, mycrc)
		return nil, data.Meta{}, r.err

	return s, info, nil
文件: q.go 项目: jsampaio/3
func EvalTo(q Q, dst *data.Slice) {
	util.AssertMsg(q.NComp() == dst.NComp() && SizeOf(q) == dst.Size(), "size mismatch")
// Returns the saturation magnetization in Tesla.
// Cannot be set. Set Msat and bsat() will automatically be updated.
func bSat() float64 {
	util.AssertMsg(Msat.IsUniform(), "Remove surface charge: Msat must be uniform")
	return mag.Mu0 * Msat.GetRegion(0)