func getAssets(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { // Get the listType assetType := chi.URLParam(r, "assetType") var resp interface{} var errs []error // multi-region var err error // single region switch assetType { case "addresses": resp, errs = aws.GetAddresses("", false) case "alarms": resp, errs = aws.GetAlarms() case "autoscalegroups": resp, errs = aws.GetAutoScaleGroups("") case "iamusers": resp, err = aws.GetIAMUsers("") case "images": resp, errs = aws.GetImages("", false) case "instances": resp, errs = aws.GetInstances("", false) case "keypairs": resp, errs = aws.GetKeyPairs("") case "launchconfigurations": resp, errs = aws.GetLaunchConfigurations("") case "loadbalancers": resp, errs = aws.GetLoadBalancers() case "scalingpolicies": resp, errs = aws.GetScalingPolicies() case "securitygroups": resp, errs = aws.GetSecurityGroups("") case "simpledbdomains": resp, errs = aws.GetSimpleDBDomains("") case "snapshots": resp, errs = aws.GetSnapshots("", false) case "subnets": resp, errs = aws.GetSubnets("") case "volumes": resp, errs = aws.GetVolumes("", false) case "vpcs": resp, errs = aws.GetVpcs("") /* case "buckets": // TODO resp, errs = aws.GetBuckets() */ default: err = errors.New("Unknown list type") } // Combine errors if err != nil { errs = append(errs, err) } if len(errs) == 0 { render.JSON(w, r, map[string]interface{}{"assetType": assetType, "assets": resp, "success": true}) } else { errStrs := make([]string, len(errs)) for i, e := range errs { errStrs[i] = e.Error() } render.JSON(w, r, map[string]interface{}{"assetType": assetType, "assets": resp, "success": false, "errors": errStrs}) } }
// Main Function ////////////////.......... func main() { // Check for Creds found := aws.CheckCreds() if !found { return } // Check for the awsm db if !config.CheckDB() { create := terminal.BoxPromptBool("No awsm database found!", "Do you want to create one now?") if !create { terminal.Information("Ok then, maybe next time.. ") return } err := config.CreateAwsmDatabase() if err != nil { terminal.ErrorLine(err.Error()) return } } var dryRun bool var force bool var double bool // optional flag when updating an auto-scale group app := cli.NewApp() app.Name = "awsm" app.Usage = "AWSM Interface" app.Version = "1.0" app.Author = "Ahmad A" app.Email = "*****@*****.**" app.EnableBashCompletion = true app.Flags = []cli.Flag{ cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "dry-run", Destination: &dryRun, Usage: "dry-run (Don't make any real changes)", }, } app.Commands = []cli.Command{ { Name: "api", Usage: "Start the awsm api server", Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { api.StartAPI() return nil }, }, /* { Name: "dashboard", Usage: "Launch the awsm Dashboard GUI", Flags: []cli.Flag{ cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "dev-mode", Destination: &dryRun, Usage: "dev-mode (Don't reopen dashboard on each restart)", }, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { aws.RunDashboard(c.Bool("dev-mode")) return nil }, }, */ { Name: "attachVolume", Usage: "Attach an AWS EBS Volume to an EC2 Instance", Arguments: []cli.Argument{ cli.Argument{ Name: "volume", Description: "The volume to attach", Optional: false, }, cli.Argument{ Name: "instance", Description: "The instance to attach the volume to", Optional: false, }, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { err := aws.AttachVolume(c.NamedArg("volume"), c.NamedArg("instance"), dryRun) if err != nil { terminal.ErrorLine(err.Error()) } return nil }, }, { Name: "installKeyPair", Usage: "Installs a Key Pair locally", Arguments: []cli.Argument{ cli.Argument{ Name: "class", Description: "The class of the key pair", Optional: false, }, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { err := aws.InstallKeyPair(c.NamedArg("class"), dryRun) if err != nil { terminal.ErrorLine(err.Error()) } return nil }, }, { Name: "copyImage", Usage: "Copy an AWS Machine Image to another region", Arguments: []cli.Argument{ cli.Argument{ Name: "search", Description: "The image to copy", Optional: false, }, cli.Argument{ Name: "region", Description: "The region to copy the image to", Optional: false, }, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { err := aws.CopyImage(c.NamedArg("search"), c.NamedArg("region"), dryRun) if err != nil { terminal.ErrorLine(err.Error()) } return nil }, }, { Name: "copySnapshot", Usage: "Copy an AWS EBS Snapshot to another region", Arguments: []cli.Argument{ cli.Argument{ Name: "search", Description: "The snapshot to copy", Optional: false, }, cli.Argument{ Name: "region", Description: "The region to copy the snapshot to", Optional: false, }, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { err := aws.CopySnapshot(c.NamedArg("search"), c.NamedArg("region"), dryRun) if err != nil { terminal.ErrorLine(err.Error()) } return nil }, }, { Name: "createAddress", Usage: "Create an AWS Elastic IP Address", Arguments: []cli.Argument{ cli.Argument{ Name: "region", Description: "The region to create the elastic ip in", Optional: false, }, cli.Argument{ Name: "domain", Description: "The domain to create the elastic ip in (classic or vpc)", Optional: false, }, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { err := aws.CreateAddress(c.NamedArg("region"), c.NamedArg("domain"), dryRun) if err != nil { terminal.ErrorLine(err.Error()) } return nil }, }, { Name: "createAutoScaleGroups", Usage: "Create an AWS AutoScaling Groups", Arguments: []cli.Argument{ cli.Argument{ Name: "class", Description: "The class of the autoscaling groups to create", Optional: false, }, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { err := aws.CreateAutoScaleGroups(c.NamedArg("class"), dryRun) if err != nil { terminal.ErrorLine(err.Error()) } return nil }, }, { Name: "createIAMUser", Usage: "Create an IAM User", Arguments: []cli.Argument{ cli.Argument{ Name: "username", Description: "The username for this IAM user", Optional: false, }, cli.Argument{ Name: "path", Description: "The optional path for the user", Optional: true, }, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { err := aws.CreateIAMUser(c.NamedArg("username"), c.NamedArg("path")) if err != nil { terminal.ErrorLine(err.Error()) } return nil }, }, { Name: "createImage", Usage: "Create an AWS Machine Image from a running instance", Arguments: []cli.Argument{ cli.Argument{ Name: "search", Description: "The AMI to create an image of", Optional: false, }, cli.Argument{ Name: "class", Description: "The class of the new image", Optional: false, }, cli.Argument{ Name: "name", Description: "The name of the new image", Optional: false, }, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { err := aws.CreateImage(c.NamedArg("search"), c.NamedArg("class"), c.NamedArg("name"), dryRun) if err != nil { terminal.ErrorLine(err.Error()) } return nil }, }, { Name: "createLaunchConfigurations", Usage: "Create an AWS AutoScaling Launch Configurations", Arguments: []cli.Argument{ cli.Argument{ Name: "class", Description: "The class of the launch configuration groups to create", Optional: false, }, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { err := aws.CreateLaunchConfigurations(c.NamedArg("class"), dryRun) if err != nil { terminal.ErrorLine(err.Error()) } return nil }, }, { Name: "createKeyPair", Usage: "Create an AWS Key Pair in the specified region", Arguments: []cli.Argument{ cli.Argument{ Name: "class", Description: "The class of the key pair", Optional: false, }, cli.Argument{ Name: "region", Description: "The region to create the keypair in", Optional: false, }, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { err := aws.CreateKeyPair(c.NamedArg("class"), c.NamedArg("region"), dryRun) if err != nil { terminal.ErrorLine(err.Error()) } return nil }, }, { Name: "createSimpleDBDomain", Usage: "Create an AWS SimpleDB Domain", Arguments: []cli.Argument{ cli.Argument{ Name: "domain", Description: "The domain of the db", Optional: false, }, cli.Argument{ Name: "region", Description: "The region of the db", Optional: false, }, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { err := aws.CreateSimpleDBDomain(c.NamedArg("domain"), c.NamedArg("region")) if err != nil { terminal.ErrorLine(err.Error()) } return nil }, }, { Name: "createSnapshot", Usage: "Create an AWS EBS snapshot of a volume", Arguments: []cli.Argument{ cli.Argument{ Name: "search", Description: "The volume to create a snapshot from", Optional: false, }, cli.Argument{ Name: "class", Description: "The class of the new snapshot", Optional: false, }, cli.Argument{ Name: "name", Description: "The name of the new snapshot", Optional: false, }, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { err := aws.CreateSnapshot(c.NamedArg("search"), c.NamedArg("class"), c.NamedArg("name"), dryRun) if err != nil { terminal.ErrorLine(err.Error()) } return nil }, }, { Name: "createVolume", Usage: "Create an AWS EBS volume", Arguments: []cli.Argument{ cli.Argument{ Name: "class", Description: "The class of the new volume", Optional: false, }, cli.Argument{ Name: "name", Description: "The name of the new volume", Optional: false, }, cli.Argument{ Name: "az", Description: "The Availability Zone to create the volume in", Optional: false, }, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { err := aws.CreateVolume(c.NamedArg("class"), c.NamedArg("name"), c.NamedArg("az"), dryRun) if err != nil { terminal.ErrorLine(err.Error()) } return nil }, }, { Name: "createVpc", Usage: "Create an AWS VPC", Arguments: []cli.Argument{ cli.Argument{ Name: "class", Description: "The class of VPC to create", Optional: false, }, cli.Argument{ Name: "name", Description: "The name of the VPC", Optional: false, }, cli.Argument{ Name: "ip", Description: "The IP address of this VPC (not including CIDR)", Optional: false, }, cli.Argument{ Name: "region", Description: "The region to create the VPC in", Optional: false, }, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { err := aws.CreateVpc(c.NamedArg("class"), c.NamedArg("name"), c.NamedArg("ip"), c.NamedArg("region"), dryRun) if err != nil { terminal.ErrorLine(err.Error()) } return nil }, }, { Name: "createSubnet", Usage: "Create an AWS VPC Subnet", Arguments: []cli.Argument{ cli.Argument{ Name: "class", Description: "The class of Subnet to create", Optional: false, }, cli.Argument{ Name: "name", Description: "The name of the Subnet", Optional: false, }, cli.Argument{ Name: "vpc", Description: "The VPC to create the Subnet in", Optional: false, }, cli.Argument{ Name: "ip", Description: "The IP address of this Subnet (not including CIDR)", Optional: false, }, cli.Argument{ Name: "az", Description: "The Availability Zone to create the Subnet in", Optional: true, }, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { err := aws.CreateSubnet(c.NamedArg("class"), c.NamedArg("name"), c.NamedArg("vpc"), c.NamedArg("ip"), c.NamedArg("az"), dryRun) if err != nil { terminal.ErrorLine(err.Error()) } return nil }, }, { Name: "deleteAddresses", Usage: "Delete AWS Elastic IP Addresses", Arguments: []cli.Argument{ cli.Argument{ Name: "search", Description: "The search term for the elastic ip to delete", Optional: false, }, cli.Argument{ Name: "region", Description: "The region to delete the elastic ip from", Optional: true, }, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { err := aws.DeleteAddresses(c.NamedArg("search"), c.NamedArg("region"), dryRun) if err != nil { terminal.ErrorLine(err.Error()) } return nil }, }, { Name: "deleteAutoScaleGroups", Usage: "Delete AWS AutoScaling Groups", Arguments: []cli.Argument{ cli.Argument{ Name: "search", Description: "The search term for the autoscaling group to delete", Optional: false, }, cli.Argument{ Name: "region", Description: "The region to delete the autoscaling group from", Optional: true, }, }, Flags: []cli.Flag{ cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "force", Destination: &force, Usage: "force (Force deletes all instances and lifecycle actions)", }, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { err := aws.DeleteAutoScaleGroups(c.NamedArg("search"), c.NamedArg("region"), force, dryRun) if err != nil { terminal.ErrorLine(err.Error()) } return nil }, }, { Name: "deleteIAMUsers", Usage: "Delete AWS IAM Users", Arguments: []cli.Argument{ cli.Argument{ Name: "search", Description: "The search term for iam username", Optional: false, }, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { err := aws.DeleteIAMUsers(c.NamedArg("search")) if err != nil { terminal.ErrorLine(err.Error()) } return nil }, }, { Name: "deleteImages", Usage: "Delete AWS Machine Images", Arguments: []cli.Argument{ cli.Argument{ Name: "search", Description: "The search term for images to delete", Optional: false, }, cli.Argument{ Name: "region", Description: "The region of the images (optional)", Optional: true, }, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { err := aws.DeleteImages(c.NamedArg("search"), c.NamedArg("region"), dryRun) if err != nil { terminal.ErrorLine(err.Error()) } return nil }, }, { Name: "deleteKeyPairs", Usage: "Delete AWS KeyPairs", Arguments: []cli.Argument{ cli.Argument{ Name: "name", Description: "The name of the AWS KeyPair to delete", Optional: false, }, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { errs := aws.DeleteKeyPairs(c.NamedArg("name"), dryRun) if errs != nil { return cli.NewExitError("Errors Deleting KeyPair!", 1) } return nil }, }, { Name: "deleteLaunchConfigurations", Usage: "Delete AWS AutoScaling Launch Configurations", Arguments: []cli.Argument{ cli.Argument{ Name: "search", Description: "The search term for the launch configuration to delete", Optional: false, }, cli.Argument{ Name: "region", Description: "The region to delete the launch configuration from", Optional: true, }, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { err := aws.DeleteLaunchConfigurations(c.NamedArg("search"), c.NamedArg("region"), dryRun) if err != nil { terminal.ErrorLine(err.Error()) } return nil }, }, { Name: "deleteSecurityGroups", Usage: "Delete AWS Security Groups", Arguments: []cli.Argument{ cli.Argument{ Name: "search", Description: "The search term for the security group to delete", Optional: false, }, cli.Argument{ Name: "region", Description: "The region to delete the security group from", Optional: true, }, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { err := aws.DeleteSecurityGroups(c.NamedArg("search"), c.NamedArg("region"), dryRun) if err != nil { terminal.ErrorLine(err.Error()) } return nil }, }, { Name: "deleteSnapshots", Usage: "Delete AWS EBS Snapshots", Arguments: []cli.Argument{ cli.Argument{ Name: "search", Description: "The search term for snapshots to delete", Optional: false, }, cli.Argument{ Name: "region", Description: "The region of the snapshots (optional)", Optional: true, }, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { err := aws.DeleteSnapshots(c.NamedArg("search"), c.NamedArg("region"), dryRun) if err != nil { terminal.ErrorLine(err.Error()) } return nil }, }, { Name: "deleteSimpleDBDomains", Usage: "Delete AWS SimpleDB Domains", Arguments: []cli.Argument{ cli.Argument{ Name: "search", Description: "The search term for simpleDB domain to delete", Optional: false, }, cli.Argument{ Name: "region", Description: "The region of the DBs (optional)", Optional: true, }, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { err := aws.DeleteSimpleDBDomains(c.NamedArg("search"), c.NamedArg("region")) if err != nil { terminal.ErrorLine(err.Error()) } return nil }, }, { Name: "deleteVolumes", Usage: "Delete AWS EBS Volumes", Arguments: []cli.Argument{ cli.Argument{ Name: "volume", Description: "The volume to delete", Optional: false, }, cli.Argument{ Name: "region", Description: "The region of the volumes (optional)", Optional: true, }, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { err := aws.DeleteVolumes(c.NamedArg("volume"), c.NamedArg("region"), dryRun) if err != nil { terminal.ErrorLine(err.Error()) } return nil }, }, { Name: "deleteSubnets", Usage: "Delete AWS VPC Subnets", Arguments: []cli.Argument{ cli.Argument{ Name: "search", Description: "The search term for Subnets to delete", Optional: false, }, cli.Argument{ Name: "region", Description: "The region of the subnets (optional)", Optional: true, }, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { err := aws.DeleteSubnets(c.NamedArg("search"), c.NamedArg("region"), dryRun) if err != nil { terminal.ErrorLine(err.Error()) } return nil }, }, { Name: "deleteVpcs", Usage: "Delete AWS VPCs", Arguments: []cli.Argument{ cli.Argument{ Name: "search", Description: "The search term for VPCs to delete", Optional: false, }, cli.Argument{ Name: "region", Description: "The region of the VPCs (optional)", Optional: true, }, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { err := aws.DeleteVpcs(c.NamedArg("search"), c.NamedArg("region"), dryRun) if err != nil { terminal.ErrorLine(err.Error()) } return nil }, }, { Name: "detachVolume", Usage: "Detach an AWS EBS Volume", Arguments: []cli.Argument{ cli.Argument{ Name: "volume", Description: "The volume to detach", Optional: false, }, cli.Argument{ Name: "instance", Description: "The instance to detach the volume from", Optional: false, }, }, Flags: []cli.Flag{ cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "force", Destination: &force, Usage: "force detach", }, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { err := aws.DetachVolume(c.NamedArg("volume"), c.NamedArg("instance"), force, dryRun) if err != nil { terminal.ErrorLine(err.Error()) } return nil }, }, { Name: "stopInstances", Usage: "Stop AWS instances", Arguments: []cli.Argument{ cli.Argument{ Name: "search", Description: "The search term for instance to stop", Optional: false, }, cli.Argument{ Name: "region", Description: "The region of the instance (optional)", Optional: true, }, }, Flags: []cli.Flag{ cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "force", Destination: &force, Usage: "force (Force deletes all instances and lifecycle actions)", }, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { err := aws.StopInstances(c.NamedArg("search"), c.NamedArg("region"), force, dryRun) if err != nil { terminal.ErrorLine(err.Error()) } return nil }, }, { Name: "startInstances", Usage: "Start AWS instances", Arguments: []cli.Argument{ cli.Argument{ Name: "search", Description: "The search term for Instance to start", Optional: false, }, cli.Argument{ Name: "region", Description: "The region of the instance (optional)", Optional: true, }, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { err := aws.StartInstances(c.NamedArg("search"), c.NamedArg("region"), dryRun) if err != nil { terminal.ErrorLine(err.Error()) } return nil }, }, { Name: "rebootInstances", Usage: "Reboot AWS instances", Arguments: []cli.Argument{ cli.Argument{ Name: "search", Description: "The search term for instance to reboot", Optional: false, }, cli.Argument{ Name: "region", Description: "The region of the instance (optional)", Optional: true, }, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { err := aws.RebootInstances(c.NamedArg("search"), c.NamedArg("region"), dryRun) if err != nil { terminal.ErrorLine(err.Error()) } return nil }, }, { Name: "terminateInstances", Usage: "Terminate AWS instances", Arguments: []cli.Argument{ cli.Argument{ Name: "name", Description: "The search term for instance to terminate", Optional: false, }, cli.Argument{ Name: "region", Description: "The region of the instance (optional)", Optional: true, }, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { err := aws.TerminateInstances(c.NamedArg("name"), c.NamedArg("region"), dryRun) if err != nil { terminal.ErrorLine(err.Error()) } return nil }, }, { Name: "launchInstance", Usage: "Launch an EC2 instance", Arguments: []cli.Argument{ cli.Argument{ Name: "class", Description: "The class of the instance (dev, stage, etc)", Optional: false, }, cli.Argument{ Name: "sequence", Description: "The sequence of the instance (1...100)", Optional: false, }, cli.Argument{ Name: "az", Description: "The availability zone to launch the instance in (us-west-2a, us-east-1a, etc)", Optional: false, }, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { err := aws.LaunchInstance(c.NamedArg("class"), c.NamedArg("sequence"), c.NamedArg("az"), dryRun) if err != nil { terminal.ErrorLine(err.Error()) } return nil }, }, { Name: "listAddresses", Usage: "Lists AWS Elastic IP Addresses", Arguments: []cli.Argument{ cli.Argument{ Name: "search", Description: "The keyword to search for", Optional: true, }, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { addresses, errs := aws.GetAddresses(c.NamedArg("search"), false) if errs != nil { return cli.NewExitError("Error Listing Addresses!", 1) } addresses.PrintTable() return nil }, }, { Name: "listAlarms", Usage: "Lists CloudWatch Alarms", Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { alarms, errs := aws.GetAlarms() if errs != nil { return cli.NewExitError("Error Listing Alarms!", 1) } alarms.PrintTable() return nil }, }, { Name: "listAutoScaleGroups", Usage: "Lists AutoScale Groups", Arguments: []cli.Argument{ cli.Argument{ Name: "search", Description: "The keyword to search for", Optional: true, }, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { groups, errs := aws.GetAutoScaleGroups(c.NamedArg("search")) if errs != nil { return cli.NewExitError("Error Listing Auto Scale Groups!", 1) } groups.PrintTable() return nil }, }, { Name: "listIAMUsers", Usage: "Lists IAM Users", Arguments: []cli.Argument{ cli.Argument{ Name: "search", Description: "The keyword to search for", Optional: true, }, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { iam, errs := aws.GetIAMUsers(c.NamedArg("search")) if errs != nil { return cli.NewExitError("Error Listing IAM Users!", 1) } iam.PrintTable() return nil }, }, { Name: "listImages", Usage: "Lists AWS Machine Images owned by us", Arguments: []cli.Argument{ cli.Argument{ Name: "search", Description: "The keyword to search for", Optional: true, }, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { images, errs := aws.GetImages(c.NamedArg("search"), false) if errs != nil { return cli.NewExitError("Error Listing Images!", 1) } images.PrintTable() return nil }, }, { Name: "listInstances", Usage: "Lists AWS EC2 Instances", Arguments: []cli.Argument{ cli.Argument{ Name: "search", Description: "The keyword to search for", Optional: true, }, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { instances, errs := aws.GetInstances(c.NamedArg("search"), false) if errs != nil { return cli.NewExitError("Error Listing Instances!", 1) } instances.PrintTable() return nil }, }, { Name: "listKeyPairs", Usage: "Lists AWS Key Pairs", Arguments: []cli.Argument{ cli.Argument{ Name: "search", Description: "The keyword to search for", Optional: true, }, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { keyPairs, errs := aws.GetKeyPairs(c.NamedArg("search")) if errs != nil { return cli.NewExitError("Error Listing Key Pairs!", 1) } keyPairs.PrintTable() return nil }, }, { Name: "listLaunchConfigurations", Usage: "Lists Launch Configurations", Arguments: []cli.Argument{ cli.Argument{ Name: "search", Description: "The keyword to search for", Optional: true, }, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { launchConfigs, errs := aws.GetLaunchConfigurations(c.NamedArg("search")) if errs != nil { return cli.NewExitError("Error Listing Launch Configurations!", 1) } launchConfigs.PrintTable() return nil }, }, { Name: "listLoadBalancers", Usage: "Lists Elastic Load Balancers", Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { loadBalancers, errs := aws.GetLoadBalancers() if errs != nil { return cli.NewExitError("Error Listing Load Balancers!", 1) } loadBalancers.PrintTable() return nil }, }, { Name: "listScalingPolicies", Usage: "Lists Scaling Policies", Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { policies, errs := aws.GetScalingPolicies() if errs != nil { return cli.NewExitError("Error Listing Auto Scaling Policies!", 1) } policies.PrintTable() return nil }, }, { Name: "listSecurityGroups", Usage: "Lists Security Groups", Arguments: []cli.Argument{ cli.Argument{ Name: "search", Description: "The keyword to search for", Optional: true, }, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { groups, errs := aws.GetSecurityGroups(c.NamedArg("search")) if errs != nil { return cli.NewExitError("Error Listing Security Groups!", 1) } groups.PrintTable() return nil }, }, { Name: "listSnapshots", Usage: "Lists AWS EBS Snapshots", Arguments: []cli.Argument{ cli.Argument{ Name: "search", Description: "The keyword to search for", Optional: true, }, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { snapshots, errs := aws.GetSnapshots(c.NamedArg("search"), false) if errs != nil { return cli.NewExitError("Error Listing Snapshots!", 1) } snapshots.PrintTable() return nil }, }, { Name: "listSubnets", Usage: "Lists AWS Subnets", Arguments: []cli.Argument{ cli.Argument{ Name: "search", Description: "The keyword to search for", Optional: true, }, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { subnets, errs := aws.GetSubnets(c.NamedArg("search")) if errs != nil { return cli.NewExitError("Error Listing Subnets!", 1) } subnets.PrintTable() return nil }, }, { Name: "listSimpleDBDomains", Usage: "Lists AWS SimpleDB Domains", Arguments: []cli.Argument{ cli.Argument{ Name: "search", Description: "The keyword to search for", Optional: true, }, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { domains, errs := aws.GetSimpleDBDomains(c.NamedArg("search")) if errs != nil { return cli.NewExitError("Error Listing Simple DB Domains!", 1) } domains.PrintTable() return nil }, }, { Name: "listVolumes", Usage: "Lists AWS EBS Volumes", Arguments: []cli.Argument{ cli.Argument{ Name: "search", Description: "The keyword to search for", Optional: true, }, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { volumes, errs := aws.GetVolumes(c.NamedArg("search"), false) if errs != nil { return cli.NewExitError("Error Listing Volumes!", 1) } volumes.PrintTable() return nil }, }, { Name: "listVpcs", Usage: "Lists AWS Vpcs", Arguments: []cli.Argument{ cli.Argument{ Name: "search", Description: "The keyword to search for", Optional: true, }, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { vpcs, errs := aws.GetVpcs(c.NamedArg("search")) if errs != nil { return cli.NewExitError("Error Listing VPCs!", 1) } vpcs.PrintTable() return nil }, }, { Name: "resumeProcesses", Usage: "Resume scaling processes on autoscaling groups", Arguments: []cli.Argument{ cli.Argument{ Name: "search", Description: "The search term for the autoscaling group to resume", Optional: false, }, cli.Argument{ Name: "region", Description: "The region to resume the processes in", Optional: true, }, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { err := aws.ResumeProcesses(c.NamedArg("search"), c.NamedArg("region"), dryRun) if err != nil { terminal.ErrorLine(err.Error()) } return nil }, }, { Name: "runCommand", Usage: "Run a command on a set of instances", Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { // TODO return nil }, }, { Name: "suspendProcesses", Usage: "Suspend scaling processes on autoscaling groups", Arguments: []cli.Argument{ cli.Argument{ Name: "search", Description: "The search term for the autoscaling group to suspend", Optional: false, }, cli.Argument{ Name: "region", Description: "The region to suspend the processes in", Optional: true, }, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { err := aws.SuspendProcesses(c.NamedArg("search"), c.NamedArg("region"), dryRun) if err != nil { terminal.ErrorLine(err.Error()) } return nil }, }, { Name: "updateAutoScaleGroups", Usage: "Update AutoScaling Groups", Arguments: []cli.Argument{ cli.Argument{ Name: "search", Description: "The search term autoscaling group to update", Optional: false, }, cli.Argument{ Name: "version", Description: "The version of the launch configuration group to use (defaults to the most recent)", Optional: true, }, }, Flags: []cli.Flag{ cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "double", Destination: &double, Usage: "double (Doubles the desired-capacity and max-capacity)", }, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { err := aws.UpdateAutoScaleGroups(c.NamedArg("search"), c.NamedArg("version"), double, dryRun) if err != nil { terminal.ErrorLine(err.Error()) } return nil }, }, { Name: "updateSecurityGroups", Usage: "Update Security Groups", Arguments: []cli.Argument{ cli.Argument{ Name: "search", Description: "The search term autoscaling group to update", Optional: false, }, cli.Argument{ Name: "region", Description: "The region to update the security groups in (optional)", Optional: true, }, }, Flags: []cli.Flag{ cli.BoolFlag{ Name: "double", Destination: &double, Usage: "double (Doubles the desired-capacity and max-capacity)", }, }, Action: func(c *cli.Context) error { err := aws.UpdateSecurityGroups(c.NamedArg("search"), c.NamedArg("region"), dryRun) if err != nil { terminal.ErrorLine(err.Error()) } return nil }, }, } app.Run(os.Args) }