func init() {
	const (
		defaultGopher = "pocket"
		usage         = "the variety of gopher"
	flag.StringVar(&gopherType, "gopher_type", defaultGopher, usage)
	flag.StringVar(&gopherType, "g", defaultGopher, usage+" (shorthand)")
func init() {

	logger = log.NewLogger(os.Stdout, "botyard:"+VERSION)

	flag.StringVar(&Host, "host", "", "host address")
	flag.StringVar(&Port, "port", "7000", "host port")
	flag.StringVar(&DBPath, "dbpath", "/var/data/botyardq", "db path")

文件: main.go 项目: bentrevor/calhoun
func main() {
	var (
		rootDir   string
		assetPath string
		srvPath   string
		ui        string

	flag.StringVar(&rootDir, "root-dir", "/home/vagrant/go/src/github.com/bentrevor/calhoun", "project root")
	flag.StringVar(&assetPath, "asset-path", "web/assets", "asset path")
	flag.StringVar(&srvPath, "srv-path", fmt.Sprintf("%s/images/srv", assetPath), "path to save uploaded files")
	flag.StringVar(&ui, "ui", "web", "")


	var server app.CalhounServer
	postgresDB := db.NewPostgresDB("dev")
	realFS := db.RealFS{RootDir: srvPath}
	store := app.CalhounStore{DB: postgresDB, FS: realFS, SrvPath: srvPath}
	calhoun := app.Calhoun{Store: store}

	switch ui {
	case "web":
		calhoun.Renderer = web.BrowserRenderer{
			ViewsPath:  fmt.Sprintf("%s/web/views", rootDir),
			PhotosPath: srvPath,

		server = &web.WebServer{
			App:           calhoun,
			AssetPath:     assetPath,
			FullAssetPath: fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", rootDir, assetPath),
	case "cli":
		calhoun.Renderer = cli.ConsoleRenderer{}

		server = cli.ConsoleServer{
			App:  calhoun,
			Args: flag.Args(),
		log.Fatal(ui, " not supported")

	app.Run("dev", server)
文件: gopher.go 项目: Invacio/flag
func main() {
	var (
		config string
		length float64
		age    int
		name   string
		female bool

	flag.StringVar(&config, "config", "", "help message")
	flag.StringVar(&name, "name", "", "help message")
	flag.IntVar(&age, "age", 0, "help message")
	flag.Float64Var(&length, "length", 0, "help message")
	flag.BoolVar(&female, "female", false, "help message")


	fmt.Println("length:", length)
	fmt.Println("age:", age)
	fmt.Println("name:", name)
	fmt.Println("female:", female)
func init() {
	flag.StringVar(&host, "host", "", "host to bind to")
	flag.IntVar(&port, "port", 2121, "port to bind to")
	flag.StringVar(&username, "ftp-username", "ftp2s3", "FTP username")
	flag.StringVar(&password, "ftp-password", "ftp2s3", "FTP password")
	flag.StringVar(&serverName, "ftp-server-name", "FTP2S3", "FTP server name")

	flag.StringVar(&awsRegion, "aws-region", "us-east-1", "AWS region")
	flag.StringVar(&awsAccessKeyID, "aws-access-key-id", "", "AWS access key ID")
	flag.StringVar(&awsSecretAccessKey, "aws-secret-access-key", "", "AWS secret access key")
	flag.StringVar(&awsBucketName, "aws-bucket-name", "", "S3 bucket name")

	flag.String("config", "", "path to config file")

文件: dennis.go 项目: namsral/dennis
func main() {
	runtime.GOMAXPROCS(runtime.NumCPU() * 4)

	flag.BoolVar(&printf, "printf", false, "print replies")
	flag.BoolVar(&compress, "compress", false, "compress replies")
	flag.StringVar(&tsig, "tsig", "", "use MD5 hmac tsig: keyname:base64")
	flag.StringVar(&config, "config", "", "alternative configuration file")
	flag.StringVar(&bind_addr, "bind_addr", "", "bind HTTP to HOST and PORT")
	flag.StringVar(&dnsfwd_addr, "dnsfwd_addr", "", "DNS server to forward request to")
	flag.StringVar(&redis_addr, "redis_addr", "", "address of Redis instance")
	flag.StringVar(&portal_addr, "portal_addr", "", "address of portal")
	flag.StringVar(&log_file, "log_file", "", "path to log file")

	var name, secret string
	flag.Usage = func() {

	// Setup Log file
	if len(log_file) > 0 {
		f, err := os.OpenFile(log_file, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND, 0640)
		defer f.Close()
		if err != nil {
			log.Fatalf("Error opening file: %v", err)

	// Tsig
	if tsig != "" {
		a := strings.SplitN(tsig, ":", 2)
		name, secret = dns.Fqdn(a[0]), a[1] // fqdn the name, which everybody forgets...

	// DNS
	dns.HandleFunc(".", handleAll)

	go serve("tcp", name, secret)
	go serve("udp", name, secret)
	log.Printf("* Running on %s\n", bind_addr)
	sig := make(chan os.Signal)
	signal.Notify(sig, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM)
	for {
		select {
		case s := <-sig:
			fmt.Printf("Signal (%d) received, stopping\n", s)
			break forever
func NewSettings(version, home string, locations []string) (*Settings, error) {
	location := searchConfig(locations)
	if location == "" {
		msg := "Unable to find mediagui.conf\nIt should be placed at any these locations:\n$HOME/.mediagui/\n/usr/local/etc\n<app directory>"
		return nil, errors.New(msg)

	var config, dataDir, webDir, logDir, mediaFolders, ginMode, cpuprofile, unraidHosts string
	var logtostderr, unraidMode bool
	flag.BoolVar(&logtostderr, "logtostderr", true, "true/false log to stderr")
	flag.StringVar(&config, "config", "", "config location")
	flag.StringVar(&dataDir, "datadir", filepath.Join(home, ".mediagui/db"), "folder containing the database files")
	flag.StringVar(&webDir, "webdir", filepath.Join(home, ".mediagui/web"), "folder where web app will be read from")
	flag.StringVar(&logDir, "logdir", "", "folder where log file will be written to")
	flag.StringVar(&mediaFolders, "mediafolders", "/mnt/user/films", "folders that will be scanned for media")
	flag.StringVar(&ginMode, "gin_mode", "release", "gin mode")
	flag.StringVar(&cpuprofile, "cpuprofile", "", "write cpu profile to file")
	flag.BoolVar(&unraidMode, "unraid_mode", true, "if true the app will work distributed with a service running on the unraid host")
	flag.StringVar(&unraidHosts, unraidHosts, "wopr|hal", "specify which unraid hosts will be scanned for movies. the service agent must be running in that host")

	flag.Set("config", location)

	// fmt.Printf("mediaFolders: %s\n", mediaFolders)

	s := &Settings{}
	if mediaFolders == "" {
		s.MediaFolders = make([]string, 0)
	} else {
		s.MediaFolders = strings.Split(mediaFolders, "|")
	s.Version = version
	s.DataDir = dataDir
	s.WebDir = webDir
	s.LogDir = logDir
	s.Location = location
	s.GinMode = ginMode
	s.CpuProfile = cpuprofile
	s.UnraidMode = unraidMode
	if unraidHosts == "" {
		s.UnraidHosts = make([]string, 0)
	} else {
		s.UnraidHosts = strings.Split(unraidHosts, "|")

	return s, nil
// WithFlag adds a standard flag to the global flag instance that allows
// configuration of the default socket. Users who call Default() must call this
// function before flags are parsed, for example in an init() block.
// When selecting the default bind string, this function will examine its
// environment for hints about what port to bind to, selecting the GOJI_BIND
// environment variable, Einhorn, systemd, the PORT environment variable, and
// the port 8000, in order. In most cases, this means that the default behavior
// of the default socket will be reasonable for use in your circumstance.
func WithFlag() {
	defaultBind := ":8000"
	if s := Sniff(); s != "" {
		defaultBind = s
	flag.StringVar(&bind, "bind", defaultBind,
		`Address to bind on. If this value has a colon, as in ":8000" or
		"", it will be treated as a TCP address. If it
		begins with a "/" or a ".", it will be treated as a path to a
		UNIX socket. If it begins with the string "fd@", as in "fd@3",
		it will be treated as a file descriptor (useful for use with
		systemd, for instance). If it begins with the string "einhorn@",
		as in "einhorn@0", the corresponding einhorn socket will be
		used. If an option is not explicitly passed, the implementation
		will automatically select among "einhorn@0" (Einhorn), "fd@3"
		(systemd), and ":8000" (fallback) based on its environment.`)
func main() {
	var (
		port          = 3001
		redisDatabase = 0
		redisPoolSize = 10
		clientID      = ""
		clientSecret  = ""
		hashKey       = "randomishstringthatsi32charslong"
		blockKey      = "randomishstringthatsi32charslong"
		deferPanicKey = ""
	flag.IntVar(&port, "port", port, "Port to start the server on")
	flag.IntVar(&procs, "procs", 1, "Number of CPU processors (0 to use max)")
	flag.BoolVar(&debug, "debug", false, "Debug mode")
		&redisURL, "redisURL", redisURL,
		"Redis URL to tcp connect to")
		&staticPrefix, "staticPrefix", staticPrefix,
		"Prefix in front of static assets in HTML")
	flag.IntVar(&redisDatabase, "redisDatabase", redisDatabase,
		"Redis database number to connect to")
		&clientID, "clientID", clientID,
		"OAuth Client ID")
		&clientSecret, "clientSecret", clientSecret,
		"OAuth Client Secret")
	flag.BoolVar(&usingHTTPS, "usingHTTPS", usingHTTPS,
		"Whether requests are made under HTTPS")
		&hashKey, "hashKey", hashKey,
		"HMAC hash key to use for encoding cookies")
		&blockKey, "blockKey", blockKey,
		"Block key to encrypt cookie values")
		&deferPanicKey, "deferPanicKey", deferPanicKey,
		"Auth key for deferpanic.com")

	dfs := deferstats.NewClient(deferPanicKey)
	if deferPanicKey == "" {
	go dfs.CaptureStats()

	oauthConf.ClientID = clientID
	oauthConf.ClientSecret = clientSecret

	sCookie = securecookie.New([]byte(hashKey), []byte(blockKey))

	log.Println("REDIS DATABASE:", redisDatabase)
	log.Println("DEBUG MODE:", debug)
	log.Println("STATIC PREFIX:", staticPrefix)

	if !debug {
		redisPoolSize = 100

	// Figuring out how many processors to use.
	maxProcs := runtime.NumCPU()
	if procs == 0 {
		procs = maxProcs
	} else if procs < 0 {
		panic("PROCS < 0")
	} else if procs > maxProcs {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("PROCS > max (%v)", maxProcs))
	log.Println("PROCS:", procs)

	renderer = render.New(render.Options{
		IndentJSON:    debug,
		IsDevelopment: debug,

	df := func(network, addr string) (*redis.Client, error) {
		client, err := redis.Dial(network, addr)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		err = client.Cmd("SELECT", redisDatabase).Err
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		// if err = client.Cmd("AUTH", "SUPERSECRET").Err; err != nil {
		// 	client.Close()
		// 	return nil, err
		// }
		return client, nil

	var err error
	redisPool, err = pool.NewCustomPool("tcp", redisURL, redisPoolSize, df)

	mux := mux.NewRouter()
	mux.HandleFunc("/", dfs.HTTPHandler(indexHandler)).Methods("GET", "HEAD")
	mux.HandleFunc("/v1/ping", dfs.HTTPHandler(pingHandler)).Methods("GET", "HEAD")
	mux.HandleFunc("/v1", dfs.HTTPHandler(fetchHandler)).Methods("GET", "HEAD")
	mux.HandleFunc("/v1", dfs.HTTPHandler(updateHandler)).Methods("POST", "PUT")
	mux.HandleFunc("/v1", dfs.HTTPHandler(deleteHandler)).Methods("DELETE")
	mux.HandleFunc("/v1/stats", dfs.HTTPHandler(privateStatsHandler)).Methods("GET")
	mux.HandleFunc("/v1/flush", dfs.HTTPHandler(flushHandler)).Methods("DELETE")
	mux.HandleFunc("/v1/bulk", dfs.HTTPHandler(bulkHandler)).Methods("POST", "PUT")
	mux.HandleFunc("/login", dfs.HTTPHandler(handleGitHubLogin)).Methods("GET")
	mux.HandleFunc("/logout", dfs.HTTPHandler(logoutHandler)).Methods("GET", "POST")
	mux.HandleFunc("/github_oauth_cb", dfs.HTTPHandler(handleGitHubCallback)).Methods("GET")
	mux.HandleFunc("/domainkeys/new", domainkeyNewHandler).Methods("POST")
	mux.HandleFunc("/domainkeys/delete", domainkeyDeleteHandler).Methods("POST")

	n := negroni.Classic()

	n.Run(fmt.Sprintf(":%d", port))
文件: main.go 项目: plietar/builder
func main() {
	var listen string
	var dockerHost string
	var dockerTLSVerify bool
	var dockerCertPath string
	var debugMode bool
	var debugListen string
	var registryURL string
	var cachePath string
	var dsn string
	var sqlAdapter string

	flag.StringVar(&listen, "listen", ":3000", "host:port to listen on")
	flag.StringVar(&dockerHost, "docker-host", "unix:///var/run/docker.sock", "address of Docker host")
	flag.BoolVar(&dockerTLSVerify, "docker-tls-verify", false, "use TLS client for Docker")
	flag.StringVar(&dockerCertPath, "docker-cert-path", "", "path to the cert.pem, key.pem, and ca.pem for authenticating to Docker")
	flag.BoolVar(&debugMode, "debug", false, "enable /debug endpoints on DEBUG_LISTEN")
	flag.StringVar(&debugListen, "debug-listen", ":3001", "host:port to listen on for debug requests")
	flag.StringVar(&registryURL, "registry-url", "", "host:port of the registry for pushing images")
	flag.StringVar(&cachePath, "cache-path", "cache/", "path to the directory where cached repos will be stored")
	flag.StringVar(&dsn, "dsn", "file::memory:?cache=shared", "DSN string for connecting to the database")
	flag.StringVar(&sqlAdapter, "sql-adapter", "sqlite3", "adapter to use for the DSN string (currently only supports sqlite3)")

	router := gin.Default()
	router.StaticFile("/", "static/index.html")
	router.Use(static.Serve("/", static.LocalFile("static", false)))

	client := dockerClient(dockerHost, dockerTLSVerify, dockerCertPath)
	db, err := sql.Open(sqlAdapter, dsn)
	if err != nil {
	buildRepo := builds.NewRepository(sqlAdapter, db)
	logRepo := builds.NewLogRepository(sqlAdapter, db)
	streamRepo := streams.NewRepository()
	builder := builds.NewBuilder(registryURL, client, cachePath)
	buildQueue := builds.NewQueue(buildRepo, streamRepo, logRepo, builder)

	webhookHandler := api.NewWebhookHandler(buildRepo, buildQueue)
	router.POST("/webhooks/github", webhookHandler.Github)

	buildsResource := api.NewBuildsResource(buildRepo, buildQueue)
	router.GET("/builds", buildsResource.Index)
	router.POST("/builds", buildsResource.Create)
	router.GET("/builds/:id", buildsResource.Show)

	streamsResource := api.NewStreamsResource(buildRepo, streamRepo)
	router.GET("/builds/:id/streams/:type", streamsResource.Show)

	logsResource := api.NewLogsResource(buildRepo, logRepo)
	router.GET("/builds/:id/logs/:type", logsResource.Show)

	go buildQueue.Run()

	if debugMode {
		log.Println("Starting debug server on :3001")
		go http.ListenAndServe(debugListen, http.DefaultServeMux)

文件: main.go 项目: gymer/pusher-api
func init() {
	flag.StringVar(&env, "env", "dev", "set app environment")
	flag.StringVar(&port, "port", defaultPort, "listening port")
func init() {
	flag.StringVar(&port, "port", "5005", "Server port number")
	flag.StringVar(&openWeatherAppId, "appid", "64b793d6792528f2b716206c1789ac82", "openweathermap.org app id")
文件: main.go 项目: makerbot/go-cron
func init() {
	flag.StringVar(&crontabPath, "file", "crontab", "crontab file path")
	flag.IntVar(&numCPU, "cpu", runtime.NumCPU(), "maximum number of CPUs")
func init() {
	flag.IntVar(&WebPort, "web-port", 8080, "Port to bind to")
	flag.StringVar(&EndPointURL, "endpoint", "http://*****:*****@getfishtank.ca", "SMTP username")
	flag.StringVar(&SmtpPassword, "smtp-password", "", "SMTP password")

	flag.StringVar(&DatabaseStore, "database", "mongodb://", "database")

	flag.StringVar(&GplusKey, "gplus-key", "1049113770955-agedcvcoi68qlbc9mm321odb5qdqlgrg.apps.googleusercontent.com", "Google+ OAuth Key")
	flag.StringVar(&GplusSecret, "gplus-secret", "TjdRDltddkFtlx9dyStuaa5w", "Google+ OAuth Secret")
	flag.StringVar(&FacebookKey, "facebook-key", "1667094910175363", "facebook key")
	flag.StringVar(&FacebookSecret, "facebook-secret", "63472dc2deb3269d298f529cc727b9f2", "facebook secret")
	flag.StringVar(&TwitterKey, "twitter-key", "QVO8QAPqpvnfX6CY3291GkauQ", "twitter key")
	flag.StringVar(&TwitterSecret, "twitter-secret", "YpaY8TsSR2aLOJh4o9XIqXSgtRubhACmRI2oWTPJs608hdJYv9", "twitter secret")

	log.Printf("Config file						%s", config)
	log.Printf("Web folder						%s", StaticAssets)
	log.Printf("Web host						%s", WebHost)
	log.Printf("Web port						%s", WebPort)
	log.Printf("End point						%s", EndPointURL)
	log.Printf("Use SSL							%s", UseSSL)
	log.Printf("certification file				%s", CertFile)
	log.Printf("key file						%s", KeyFile)
	log.Printf("run folder						%s", RunFolder)
	log.Printf("template folder					%s", TemplateFolder)
	log.Printf("end point						%s", EndPointURL)
	log.Printf("SMTP host						%s", SmtpHost)
	log.Printf("SMTP port 						%s", SmtpPort)
	log.Printf("SMTP username					%s", SmtpUsername)
	log.Printf("SMTP password					%s", SmtpPassword)
	log.Printf("Database						%s", DatabaseStore)
	log.Printf("JWT File						%s", JwtFile)
	log.Printf("Google plus						%s", GplusKey)
	log.Printf("Google Secret					%s", GplusSecret)
	log.Printf("facebook						%s", FacebookKey)
	log.Printf("facebook secret					%s", FacebookSecret)
	log.Printf("twitter							%s", TwitterKey)
	log.Printf("twitter secret					%s", TwitterSecret)
