// isPackageLevel reports whether obj is a package-level object.
func isPackageLevel(obj types.Object) bool {
	// TODO(adonovan): fix go/types bug:
	//   obj.Parent().Parent() == obj.Pkg().Scope()
	// doesn't work because obj.Parent() gets mutated during
	// dot-imports.
	return obj.Pkg().Scope().Lookup(obj.Name()) == obj
// packageLevelValue returns the package-level value corresponding to
// the specified named object, which may be a package-level const
// (*Const), var (*Global) or func (*Function) of some package in
// prog.  It returns nil if the object is not found.
func (prog *Program) packageLevelValue(obj types.Object) Value {
	if pkg, ok := prog.packages[obj.Pkg()]; ok {
		return pkg.values[obj]
	return nil