func newRateLimiter(perSec int, maxBurst time.Duration) *rateLimiter {
	maxPerBatch := int64(perSec / int(time.Second/maxBurst))
	return &rateLimiter{
		limitPerSec: perSec,
		resolution:  maxBurst,
		time:        clock.New(),
		maxPerBatch: maxPerBatch,
// Profile will wrap a writer and reader pair and profile where
// time is spent: writing or reading. The result is returned when
// the `done` func is called. The `done` func can be called multiple
// times.
// There is a small performance overhead of ~µs per Read/Write call.
// This is negligible in most I/O workloads. If the overhead is too
// much for your needs, use the `ProfileSample` call.
func Profile(w io.Writer, r io.Reader) (pw io.Writer, pr io.Reader, done func() TimeProfile) {
	return profile(clock.New(), w, r)
// ProfileSample will wrap a writer and reader pair and collect
// samples of where time is spent: writing or reading. The result
// is an approximation that is returned when the `done` func is
// called. The `done` func can be called *only once*.
// This call is not as precise as the `Profile` call, but the
// performance overhead is much reduced.
func ProfileSample(w io.Writer, r io.Reader, res time.Duration) (pw io.Writer, pr io.Reader, done func() SamplingProfile) {
	return profileSample(clock.New(), w, r, res)
func newCounter() *rateCounter {
	return &rateCounter{
		time: clock.New(),