func lease(c context.Context, maxTasks int, queueName string, leaseTime int, groupByTag bool, tag []byte) ([]*Task, error) {
	if queueName == "" {
		queueName = "default"
	req := &pb.TaskQueueQueryAndOwnTasksRequest{
		QueueName:    []byte(queueName),
		LeaseSeconds: proto.Float64(float64(leaseTime)),
		MaxTasks:     proto.Int64(int64(maxTasks)),
		GroupByTag:   proto.Bool(groupByTag),
		Tag:          tag,
	res := &pb.TaskQueueQueryAndOwnTasksResponse{}
	if err := internal.Call(c, "taskqueue", "QueryAndOwnTasks", req, res); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	tasks := make([]*Task, len(res.Task))
	for i, t := range res.Task {
		tasks[i] = &Task{
			Payload:    t.Body,
			Name:       string(t.TaskName),
			Method:     "PULL",
			ETA:        time.Unix(0, *t.EtaUsec*1e3),
			RetryCount: *t.RetryCount,
			Tag:        string(t.Tag),
	return tasks, nil
func (cn *Conn) Write(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
	const lim = 1 << 20 // max per chunk

	for n < len(b) {
		chunk := b[n:]
		if len(chunk) > lim {
			chunk = chunk[:lim]

		req := &pb.SendRequest{
			SocketDescriptor: &cn.desc,
			Data:             chunk,
			StreamOffset:     &cn.offset,
		res := &pb.SendReply{}
		if !cn.writeDeadline.IsZero() {
			req.TimeoutSeconds = proto.Float64(cn.writeDeadline.Sub(time.Now()).Seconds())
		ctx, cancel := withDeadline(cn.ctx, cn.writeDeadline)
		defer cancel()
		if err = internal.Call(ctx, "remote_socket", "Send", req, res); err != nil {
			// assume zero bytes were sent in this RPC
		n += int(res.GetDataSent())
		cn.offset += int64(res.GetDataSent())

func (cn *Conn) Read(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
	const maxRead = 1 << 20
	if len(b) > maxRead {
		b = b[:maxRead]

	req := &pb.ReceiveRequest{
		SocketDescriptor: &cn.desc,
		DataSize:         proto.Int32(int32(len(b))),
	res := &pb.ReceiveReply{}
	if !cn.readDeadline.IsZero() {
		req.TimeoutSeconds = proto.Float64(cn.readDeadline.Sub(time.Now()).Seconds())
	ctx, cancel := withDeadline(cn.ctx, cn.readDeadline)
	defer cancel()
	if err := internal.Call(ctx, "remote_socket", "Receive", req, res); err != nil {
		return 0, err
	if len(res.Data) == 0 {
		return 0, io.EOF
	if len(res.Data) > len(b) {
		return 0, fmt.Errorf("socket: internal error: read too much data: %d > %d", len(res.Data), len(b))
	return copy(b, res.Data), nil
// toRetryParameter converts RetryOptions to pb.TaskQueueRetryParameters.
func (opt *RetryOptions) toRetryParameters() *pb.TaskQueueRetryParameters {
	params := &pb.TaskQueueRetryParameters{}
	if opt.RetryLimit > 0 {
		params.RetryLimit = proto.Int32(opt.RetryLimit)
	if opt.AgeLimit > 0 {
		params.AgeLimitSec = proto.Int64(int64(opt.AgeLimit.Seconds()))
	if opt.MinBackoff > 0 {
		params.MinBackoffSec = proto.Float64(opt.MinBackoff.Seconds())
	if opt.MaxBackoff > 0 {
		params.MaxBackoffSec = proto.Float64(opt.MaxBackoff.Seconds())
	if opt.MaxDoublings > 0 || (opt.MaxDoublings == 0 && opt.ApplyZeroMaxDoublings) {
		params.MaxDoublings = proto.Int32(opt.MaxDoublings)
	return params
文件: save.go 项目: nildev/account
func interfaceToProto(iv interface{}) (p *pb.Value, errStr string) {
	val := new(pb.Value)
	switch v := iv.(type) {
	case int:
		val.IntegerValue = proto.Int64(int64(v))
	case int32:
		val.IntegerValue = proto.Int64(int64(v))
	case int64:
		val.IntegerValue = proto.Int64(v)
	case bool:
		val.BooleanValue = proto.Bool(v)
	case string:
		val.StringValue = proto.String(v)
	case float32:
		val.DoubleValue = proto.Float64(float64(v))
	case float64:
		val.DoubleValue = proto.Float64(v)
	case *Key:
		if v != nil {
			val.KeyValue = keyToProto(v)
	case time.Time:
		if v.Before(minTime) || v.After(maxTime) {
			return nil, fmt.Sprintf("time value out of range")
		val.TimestampMicrosecondsValue = proto.Int64(toUnixMicro(v))
	case []byte:
		val.BlobValue = v
		if iv != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Sprintf("invalid Value type %t", iv)
	// TODO(jbd): Support ListValue and EntityValue.
	// TODO(jbd): Support types whose underlying type is one of the types above.
	return val, ""
// ModifyLease modifies the lease of a task.
// Used to request more processing time, or to abandon processing.
// leaseTime is in seconds and must not be negative.
func ModifyLease(c context.Context, task *Task, queueName string, leaseTime int) error {
	if queueName == "" {
		queueName = "default"
	req := &pb.TaskQueueModifyTaskLeaseRequest{
		QueueName:    []byte(queueName),
		TaskName:     []byte(task.Name),
		EtaUsec:      proto.Int64(task.ETA.UnixNano() / 1e3), // Used to verify ownership.
		LeaseSeconds: proto.Float64(float64(leaseTime)),
	res := &pb.TaskQueueModifyTaskLeaseResponse{}
	if err := internal.Call(c, "taskqueue", "ModifyTaskLease", req, res); err != nil {
		return err
	task.ETA = time.Unix(0, *res.UpdatedEtaUsec*1e3)
	return nil
文件: save.go 项目: nildev/account
// valueToProto converts a named value to a newly allocated Property.
// The returned error string is empty on success.
func valueToProto(defaultAppID, name string, v reflect.Value, multiple bool) (p *pb.Property, errStr string) {
	var (
		pv          pb.PropertyValue
		unsupported bool
	switch v.Kind() {
	case reflect.Invalid:
		// No-op.
	case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
		pv.Int64Value = proto.Int64(v.Int())
	case reflect.Bool:
		pv.BooleanValue = proto.Bool(v.Bool())
	case reflect.String:
		pv.StringValue = proto.String(v.String())
	case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
		pv.DoubleValue = proto.Float64(v.Float())
	case reflect.Ptr:
		if k, ok := v.Interface().(*Key); ok {
			if k != nil {
				pv.Referencevalue = keyToReferenceValue(defaultAppID, k)
		} else {
			unsupported = true
	case reflect.Struct:
		switch t := v.Interface().(type) {
		case time.Time:
			if t.Before(minTime) || t.After(maxTime) {
				return nil, "time value out of range"
			pv.Int64Value = proto.Int64(toUnixMicro(t))
		case appengine.GeoPoint:
			if !t.Valid() {
				return nil, "invalid GeoPoint value"
			// NOTE: Strangely, latitude maps to X, longitude to Y.
			pv.Pointvalue = &pb.PropertyValue_PointValue{X: &t.Lat, Y: &t.Lng}
			unsupported = true
	case reflect.Slice:
		if b, ok := v.Interface().([]byte); ok {
			pv.StringValue = proto.String(string(b))
		} else {
			// nvToProto should already catch slice values.
			// If we get here, we have a slice of slice values.
			unsupported = true
		unsupported = true
	if unsupported {
		return nil, "unsupported datastore value type: " + v.Type().String()
	p = &pb.Property{
		Name:     proto.String(name),
		Value:    &pv,
		Multiple: proto.Bool(multiple),
	if v.IsValid() {
		switch v.Interface().(type) {
		case []byte:
			p.Meaning = pb.Property_BLOB.Enum()
		case ByteString:
			p.Meaning = pb.Property_BYTESTRING.Enum()
		case appengine.BlobKey:
			p.Meaning = pb.Property_BLOBKEY.Enum()
		case time.Time:
			p.Meaning = pb.Property_GD_WHEN.Enum()
		case appengine.GeoPoint:
			p.Meaning = pb.Property_GEORSS_POINT.Enum()
	return p, ""
文件: save.go 项目: nildev/account
func propertiesToProto(defaultAppID string, key *Key, props []Property) (*pb.EntityProto, error) {
	e := &pb.EntityProto{
		Key: keyToProto(defaultAppID, key),
	if key.parent == nil {
		e.EntityGroup = &pb.Path{}
	} else {
		e.EntityGroup = keyToProto(defaultAppID, key.root()).Path
	prevMultiple := make(map[string]bool)

	for _, p := range props {
		if pm, ok := prevMultiple[p.Name]; ok {
			if !pm || !p.Multiple {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("datastore: multiple Properties with Name %q, but Multiple is false", p.Name)
		} else {
			prevMultiple[p.Name] = p.Multiple

		x := &pb.Property{
			Name:     proto.String(p.Name),
			Value:    new(pb.PropertyValue),
			Multiple: proto.Bool(p.Multiple),
		switch v := p.Value.(type) {
		case int64:
			x.Value.Int64Value = proto.Int64(v)
		case bool:
			x.Value.BooleanValue = proto.Bool(v)
		case string:
			x.Value.StringValue = proto.String(v)
			if p.NoIndex {
				x.Meaning = pb.Property_TEXT.Enum()
		case float64:
			x.Value.DoubleValue = proto.Float64(v)
		case *Key:
			if v != nil {
				x.Value.Referencevalue = keyToReferenceValue(defaultAppID, v)
		case time.Time:
			if v.Before(minTime) || v.After(maxTime) {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("datastore: time value out of range")
			x.Value.Int64Value = proto.Int64(toUnixMicro(v))
			x.Meaning = pb.Property_GD_WHEN.Enum()
		case appengine.BlobKey:
			x.Value.StringValue = proto.String(string(v))
			x.Meaning = pb.Property_BLOBKEY.Enum()
		case appengine.GeoPoint:
			if !v.Valid() {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("datastore: invalid GeoPoint value")
			// NOTE: Strangely, latitude maps to X, longitude to Y.
			x.Value.Pointvalue = &pb.PropertyValue_PointValue{X: &v.Lat, Y: &v.Lng}
			x.Meaning = pb.Property_GEORSS_POINT.Enum()
		case []byte:
			x.Value.StringValue = proto.String(string(v))
			x.Meaning = pb.Property_BLOB.Enum()
			if !p.NoIndex {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("datastore: cannot index a []byte valued Property with Name %q", p.Name)
		case ByteString:
			x.Value.StringValue = proto.String(string(v))
			x.Meaning = pb.Property_BYTESTRING.Enum()
			if p.Value != nil {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("datastore: invalid Value type for a Property with Name %q", p.Name)

		if p.NoIndex {
			e.RawProperty = append(e.RawProperty, x)
		} else {
			e.Property = append(e.Property, x)
			if len(e.Property) > maxIndexedProperties {
				return nil, errors.New("datastore: too many indexed properties")
	return e, nil
// RoundTrip issues a single HTTP request and returns its response. Per the
// http.RoundTripper interface, RoundTrip only returns an error if there
// was an unsupported request or the URL Fetch proxy fails.
// Note that HTTP response codes such as 5xx, 403, 404, etc are not
// errors as far as the transport is concerned and will be returned
// with err set to nil.
func (t *Transport) RoundTrip(req *http.Request) (res *http.Response, err error) {
	methNum, ok := pb.URLFetchRequest_RequestMethod_value[req.Method]
	if !ok {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("urlfetch: unsupported HTTP method %q", req.Method)

	method := pb.URLFetchRequest_RequestMethod(methNum)

	freq := &pb.URLFetchRequest{
		Method:                        &method,
		Url:                           proto.String(urlString(req.URL)),
		FollowRedirects:               proto.Bool(false), // http.Client's responsibility
		MustValidateServerCertificate: proto.Bool(!t.AllowInvalidServerCertificate),
	if deadline, ok := t.Context.Deadline(); ok {
		freq.Deadline = proto.Float64(deadline.Sub(time.Now()).Seconds())

	for k, vals := range req.Header {
		for _, val := range vals {
			freq.Header = append(freq.Header, &pb.URLFetchRequest_Header{
				Key:   proto.String(k),
				Value: proto.String(val),
	if methodAcceptsRequestBody[req.Method] && req.Body != nil {
		// Avoid a []byte copy if req.Body has a Bytes method.
		switch b := req.Body.(type) {
		case interface {
			Bytes() []byte
			freq.Payload = b.Bytes()
			freq.Payload, err = ioutil.ReadAll(req.Body)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err

	fres := &pb.URLFetchResponse{}
	if err := internal.Call(t.Context, "urlfetch", "Fetch", freq, fres); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	res = &http.Response{}
	res.StatusCode = int(*fres.StatusCode)
	res.Status = fmt.Sprintf("%d %s", res.StatusCode, statusCodeToText(res.StatusCode))
	res.Header = make(http.Header)
	res.Request = req

	// Faked:
	res.ProtoMajor = 1
	res.ProtoMinor = 1
	res.Proto = "HTTP/1.1"
	res.Close = true

	for _, h := range fres.Header {
		hkey := http.CanonicalHeaderKey(*h.Key)
		hval := *h.Value
		if hkey == "Content-Length" {
			// Will get filled in below for all but HEAD requests.
			if req.Method == "HEAD" {
				res.ContentLength, _ = strconv.ParseInt(hval, 10, 64)
		res.Header.Add(hkey, hval)

	if req.Method != "HEAD" {
		res.ContentLength = int64(len(fres.Content))

	truncated := fres.GetContentWasTruncated()
	res.Body = &bodyReader{content: fres.Content, truncated: truncated}
文件: search.go 项目: nildev/account
func fieldsToProto(src []Field) ([]*pb.Field, error) {
	// Maps to catch duplicate time or numeric fields.
	timeFields, numericFields := make(map[string]bool), make(map[string]bool)
	dst := make([]*pb.Field, 0, len(src))
	for _, f := range src {
		if !validFieldName(f.Name) {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("search: invalid field name %q", f.Name)
		fieldValue := &pb.FieldValue{}
		switch x := f.Value.(type) {
		case string:
			fieldValue.Type = pb.FieldValue_TEXT.Enum()
			fieldValue.StringValue = proto.String(x)
		case Atom:
			fieldValue.Type = pb.FieldValue_ATOM.Enum()
			fieldValue.StringValue = proto.String(string(x))
		case HTML:
			fieldValue.Type = pb.FieldValue_HTML.Enum()
			fieldValue.StringValue = proto.String(string(x))
		case time.Time:
			if timeFields[f.Name] {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("search: duplicate time field %q", f.Name)
			timeFields[f.Name] = true
			fieldValue.Type = pb.FieldValue_DATE.Enum()
			fieldValue.StringValue = proto.String(strconv.FormatInt(x.UnixNano()/1e6, 10))
		case float64:
			if numericFields[f.Name] {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("search: duplicate numeric field %q", f.Name)
			if !validFloat(x) {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("search: numeric field %q with invalid value %f", f.Name, x)
			numericFields[f.Name] = true
			fieldValue.Type = pb.FieldValue_NUMBER.Enum()
			fieldValue.StringValue = proto.String(strconv.FormatFloat(x, 'e', -1, 64))
		case appengine.GeoPoint:
			if !x.Valid() {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf(
					"search: GeoPoint field %q with invalid value %v",
					f.Name, x)
			fieldValue.Type = pb.FieldValue_GEO.Enum()
			fieldValue.Geo = &pb.FieldValue_Geo{
				Lat: proto.Float64(x.Lat),
				Lng: proto.Float64(x.Lng),
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("search: unsupported field type: %v", reflect.TypeOf(f.Value))
		if f.Language != "" {
			switch f.Value.(type) {
			case string, HTML:
				if !validLanguage(f.Language) {
					return nil, fmt.Errorf("search: invalid language for field %q: %q", f.Name, f.Language)
				fieldValue.Language = proto.String(f.Language)
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("search: setting language not supported for field %q of type %T", f.Name, f.Value)
		if p := fieldValue.StringValue; p != nil && !utf8.ValidString(*p) {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("search: %q field is invalid UTF-8: %q", f.Name, *p)
		dst = append(dst, &pb.Field{
			Name:  proto.String(f.Name),
			Value: fieldValue,
	return dst, nil