// ChangedClusterRoles returns the roles that must be created and/or updated to
// match the recommended bootstrap policy
func (o *ReconcileClusterRolesOptions) ChangedClusterRoles() ([]*authorizationapi.ClusterRole, error) {
	changedRoles := []*authorizationapi.ClusterRole{}

	bootstrapClusterRoles := bootstrappolicy.GetBootstrapClusterRoles()
	for i := range bootstrapClusterRoles {
		expectedClusterRole := &bootstrapClusterRoles[i]

		actualClusterRole, err := o.RoleClient.Get(expectedClusterRole.Name)
		if kapierrors.IsNotFound(err) {
			changedRoles = append(changedRoles, expectedClusterRole)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		if !kapi.Semantic.DeepEqual(expectedClusterRole.Rules, actualClusterRole.Rules) {
			if o.Union {
				_, missingRules := rulevalidation.Covers(expectedClusterRole.Rules, actualClusterRole.Rules)
				expectedClusterRole.Rules = append(expectedClusterRole.Rules, missingRules...)
			changedRoles = append(changedRoles, expectedClusterRole)

	return changedRoles, nil
// ChangedClusterRoles returns the roles that must be created and/or updated to
// match the recommended bootstrap policy
func (o *ReconcileClusterRolesOptions) ChangedClusterRoles() ([]*authorizationapi.ClusterRole, error) {
	changedRoles := []*authorizationapi.ClusterRole{}

	bootstrapClusterRoles := bootstrappolicy.GetBootstrapClusterRoles()
	for i := range bootstrapClusterRoles {
		expectedClusterRole := &bootstrapClusterRoles[i]

		actualClusterRole, err := o.RoleClient.Get(expectedClusterRole.Name)
		if kapierrors.IsNotFound(err) {
			changedRoles = append(changedRoles, expectedClusterRole)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		// Copy any existing labels/annotations, so the displayed update is correct
		// This assumes bootstrap roles will not set any labels/annotations
		// These aren't actually used during update; the latest labels/annotations are pulled from the existing object again
		expectedClusterRole.Labels = actualClusterRole.Labels
		expectedClusterRole.Annotations = actualClusterRole.Annotations

		if !kapi.Semantic.DeepEqual(expectedClusterRole.Rules, actualClusterRole.Rules) {
			if o.Union {
				_, missingRules := rulevalidation.Covers(expectedClusterRole.Rules, actualClusterRole.Rules)
				expectedClusterRole.Rules = append(expectedClusterRole.Rules, missingRules...)
			changedRoles = append(changedRoles, expectedClusterRole)

	return changedRoles, nil
func TestBootstrapClusterRoles(t *testing.T) {
	roles := bootstrappolicy.GetBootstrapClusterRoles()
	list := &api.List{}
	for i := range roles {
		list.Items = append(list.Items, &roles[i])
	testObjects(t, list, "bootstrap_cluster_roles.yaml")
func (o CreateBootstrapPolicyFileOptions) CreateBootstrapPolicyFile() error {
	if err := os.MkdirAll(path.Dir(o.File), os.FileMode(0755)); err != nil {
		return err

	policyTemplate := &api.Template{}

	clusterRoles := bootstrappolicy.GetBootstrapClusterRoles()
	for i := range clusterRoles {
		versionedObject, err := kapi.Scheme.ConvertToVersion(&clusterRoles[i], latest.Version.String())
		if err != nil {
			return err
		policyTemplate.Objects = append(policyTemplate.Objects, versionedObject)

	clusterRoleBindings := bootstrappolicy.GetBootstrapClusterRoleBindings()
	for i := range clusterRoleBindings {
		versionedObject, err := kapi.Scheme.ConvertToVersion(&clusterRoleBindings[i], latest.Version.String())
		if err != nil {
			return err
		policyTemplate.Objects = append(policyTemplate.Objects, versionedObject)

	openshiftRoles := bootstrappolicy.GetBootstrapOpenshiftRoles(o.OpenShiftSharedResourcesNamespace)
	for i := range openshiftRoles {
		versionedObject, err := kapi.Scheme.ConvertToVersion(&openshiftRoles[i], latest.Version.String())
		if err != nil {
			return err
		policyTemplate.Objects = append(policyTemplate.Objects, versionedObject)

	openshiftRoleBindings := bootstrappolicy.GetBootstrapOpenshiftRoleBindings(o.OpenShiftSharedResourcesNamespace)
	for i := range openshiftRoleBindings {
		versionedObject, err := kapi.Scheme.ConvertToVersion(&openshiftRoleBindings[i], latest.Version.String())
		if err != nil {
			return err
		policyTemplate.Objects = append(policyTemplate.Objects, versionedObject)

	versionedPolicyTemplate, err := kapi.Scheme.ConvertToVersion(policyTemplate, latest.Version.String())
	if err != nil {
		return err

	buffer := &bytes.Buffer{}
	(&kubectl.JSONPrinter{}).PrintObj(versionedPolicyTemplate, buffer)

	if err := ioutil.WriteFile(o.File, buffer.Bytes(), 0644); err != nil {
		return err

	return nil
// ChangedClusterRoles returns the roles that must be created and/or updated to
// match the recommended bootstrap policy
func (o *ReconcileClusterRolesOptions) ChangedClusterRoles() ([]*authorizationapi.ClusterRole, []*authorizationapi.ClusterRole, error) {
	changedRoles := []*authorizationapi.ClusterRole{}
	skippedRoles := []*authorizationapi.ClusterRole{}

	rolesToReconcile := sets.NewString(o.RolesToReconcile...)
	rolesNotFound := sets.NewString(o.RolesToReconcile...)
	bootstrapClusterRoles := bootstrappolicy.GetBootstrapClusterRoles()
	for i := range bootstrapClusterRoles {
		expectedClusterRole := &bootstrapClusterRoles[i]
		if (len(rolesToReconcile) > 0) && !rolesToReconcile.Has(expectedClusterRole.Name) {

		actualClusterRole, err := o.RoleClient.Get(expectedClusterRole.Name)
		if kapierrors.IsNotFound(err) {
			changedRoles = append(changedRoles, expectedClusterRole)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, nil, err

		// Copy any existing labels/annotations, so the displayed update is correct
		// This assumes bootstrap roles will not set any labels/annotations
		// These aren't actually used during update; the latest labels/annotations are pulled from the existing object again
		expectedClusterRole.Labels = actualClusterRole.Labels
		expectedClusterRole.Annotations = actualClusterRole.Annotations

		_, extraRules := rulevalidation.Covers(expectedClusterRole.Rules, actualClusterRole.Rules)
		_, missingRules := rulevalidation.Covers(actualClusterRole.Rules, expectedClusterRole.Rules)

		// We need to reconcile:
		// 1. if we're missing rules
		// 2. if there are extra rules we need to remove
		if (len(missingRules) > 0) || (!o.Union && len(extraRules) > 0) {
			if o.Union {
				expectedClusterRole.Rules = append(expectedClusterRole.Rules, extraRules...)

			if actualClusterRole.Annotations[ReconcileProtectAnnotation] == "true" {
				skippedRoles = append(skippedRoles, expectedClusterRole)
			} else {
				changedRoles = append(changedRoles, expectedClusterRole)

	if len(rolesNotFound) != 0 {
		// return the known changes and the error so that a caller can decide if he wants a partial update
		return changedRoles, skippedRoles, fmt.Errorf("did not find requested cluster role %s", rolesNotFound.List())

	return changedRoles, skippedRoles, nil
// Some roles should always cover others
func TestCovers(t *testing.T) {
	allRoles := bootstrappolicy.GetBootstrapClusterRoles()
	var admin *authorizationapi.ClusterRole
	var editor *authorizationapi.ClusterRole
	var viewer *authorizationapi.ClusterRole
	var registryAdmin *authorizationapi.ClusterRole
	var registryEditor *authorizationapi.ClusterRole
	var registryViewer *authorizationapi.ClusterRole

	for i := range allRoles {
		role := allRoles[i]
		switch role.Name {
		case bootstrappolicy.AdminRoleName:
			admin = &role
		case bootstrappolicy.EditRoleName:
			editor = &role
		case bootstrappolicy.ViewRoleName:
			viewer = &role
		case bootstrappolicy.RegistryAdminRoleName:
			registryAdmin = &role
		case bootstrappolicy.RegistryEditorRoleName:
			registryEditor = &role
		case bootstrappolicy.RegistryViewerRoleName:
			registryViewer = &role

	if covers, _ := rulevalidation.Covers(admin.Rules, editor.Rules); !covers {
		t.Errorf("failed to cover")
	if covers, _ := rulevalidation.Covers(admin.Rules, editor.Rules); !covers {
		t.Errorf("failed to cover")
	if covers, _ := rulevalidation.Covers(admin.Rules, viewer.Rules); !covers {
		t.Errorf("failed to cover")
	if covers, _ := rulevalidation.Covers(admin.Rules, registryAdmin.Rules); !covers {
		t.Errorf("failed to cover")
	if covers, _ := rulevalidation.Covers(registryAdmin.Rules, registryEditor.Rules); !covers {
		t.Errorf("failed to cover")
	if covers, _ := rulevalidation.Covers(registryAdmin.Rules, registryViewer.Rules); !covers {
		t.Errorf("failed to cover")
func GetBootstrapPolicy() *authorizationapi.ClusterPolicy {
	policy := &authorizationapi.ClusterPolicy{
		ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{
			Name:              authorizationapi.PolicyName,
			CreationTimestamp: unversioned.Now(),
			UID:               util.NewUUID(),
		LastModified: unversioned.Now(),
		Roles:        make(map[string]*authorizationapi.ClusterRole),

	roles := bootstrappolicy.GetBootstrapClusterRoles()
	for i := range roles {
		policy.Roles[roles[i].Name] = &roles[i]

	return policy
// leave this in place so I can use when converting the SAs
func DisableTestClusterRoles(t *testing.T) {
	currentRoles := bootstrappolicy.GetBootstrapClusterRoles()
	oldRoles := oldGetBootstrapClusterRoles()

	// old roles don't have the SAs appended, so run through them.  The SAs haven't been converted yet
	for i := range oldRoles {
		oldRole := oldRoles[i]
		newRole := currentRoles[i]

		if oldRole.Name != newRole.Name {
			t.Fatalf("%v vs %v", oldRole.Name, newRole.Name)

		// @liggitt don't whine about a temporary test fataling
		if covers, missing := rulevalidation.Covers(oldRole.Rules, newRole.Rules); !covers {
			t.Fatalf("%v/%v: %#v", oldRole.Name, newRole.Name, missing)
		if covers, missing := rulevalidation.Covers(newRole.Rules, oldRole.Rules); !covers {
			t.Fatalf("%v/%v: %#v", oldRole.Name, newRole.Name, missing)
// Some roles should always cover others
func TestCovers(t *testing.T) {
	allRoles := bootstrappolicy.GetBootstrapClusterRoles()
	var admin *authorizationapi.ClusterRole
	var editor *authorizationapi.ClusterRole
	var viewer *authorizationapi.ClusterRole
	var registryAdmin *authorizationapi.ClusterRole
	var registryEditor *authorizationapi.ClusterRole
	var registryViewer *authorizationapi.ClusterRole
	var systemMaster *authorizationapi.ClusterRole
	var systemDiscovery *authorizationapi.ClusterRole
	var clusterAdmin *authorizationapi.ClusterRole
	var storageAdmin *authorizationapi.ClusterRole

	for i := range allRoles {
		role := allRoles[i]
		switch role.Name {
		case bootstrappolicy.AdminRoleName:
			admin = &role
		case bootstrappolicy.EditRoleName:
			editor = &role
		case bootstrappolicy.ViewRoleName:
			viewer = &role
		case bootstrappolicy.RegistryAdminRoleName:
			registryAdmin = &role
		case bootstrappolicy.RegistryEditorRoleName:
			registryEditor = &role
		case bootstrappolicy.RegistryViewerRoleName:
			registryViewer = &role
		case bootstrappolicy.MasterRoleName:
			systemMaster = &role
		case bootstrappolicy.DiscoveryRoleName:
			systemDiscovery = &role
		case bootstrappolicy.ClusterAdminRoleName:
			clusterAdmin = &role
		case bootstrappolicy.StorageAdminRoleName:
			storageAdmin = &role

	if covers, miss := rulevalidation.Covers(admin.Rules, editor.Rules); !covers {
		t.Errorf("failed to cover: %#v", miss)
	if covers, miss := rulevalidation.Covers(admin.Rules, editor.Rules); !covers {
		t.Errorf("failed to cover: %#v", miss)
	if covers, miss := rulevalidation.Covers(admin.Rules, viewer.Rules); !covers {
		t.Errorf("failed to cover: %#v", miss)
	if covers, miss := rulevalidation.Covers(admin.Rules, registryAdmin.Rules); !covers {
		t.Errorf("failed to cover: %#v", miss)
	if covers, miss := rulevalidation.Covers(clusterAdmin.Rules, storageAdmin.Rules); !covers {
		t.Errorf("failed to cover: %#v", miss)
	if covers, miss := rulevalidation.Covers(registryAdmin.Rules, registryEditor.Rules); !covers {
		t.Errorf("failed to cover: %#v", miss)
	if covers, miss := rulevalidation.Covers(registryAdmin.Rules, registryViewer.Rules); !covers {
		t.Errorf("failed to cover: %#v", miss)

	// Make sure we can auto-reconcile discovery
	if covers, miss := rulevalidation.Covers(systemMaster.Rules, systemDiscovery.Rules); !covers {
		t.Errorf("failed to cover: %#v", miss)
	// Make sure the master has full permissions
	if covers, miss := rulevalidation.Covers(systemMaster.Rules, clusterAdmin.Rules); !covers {
		t.Errorf("failed to cover: %#v", miss)