文件: newapp.go 项目: nak3/origin
// buildPipelines converts a set of resolved, valid references into pipelines.
func (c *AppConfig) buildPipelines(components app.ComponentReferences, environment app.Environment) (app.PipelineGroup, error) {
	pipelines := app.PipelineGroup{}
	pipelineBuilder := app.NewPipelineBuilder(c.Name, c.GetBuildEnvironment(environment), c.OutputDocker).To(c.To)
	for _, group := range components.Group() {
		glog.V(4).Infof("found group: %v", group)
		common := app.PipelineGroup{}
		for _, ref := range group {
			refInput := ref.Input()
			from := refInput.String()
			var pipeline *app.Pipeline

			switch {
			case refInput.ExpectToBuild:
				glog.V(4).Infof("will add %q secrets into a build for a source build of %q", strings.Join(c.Secrets, ","), refInput.Uses)
				if err := refInput.Uses.AddBuildSecrets(c.Secrets); err != nil {
					return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to add build secrets %q: %v", strings.Join(c.Secrets, ","), err)

				var (
					image *app.ImageRef
					err   error
				if refInput.ResolvedMatch != nil {
					inputImage, err := app.InputImageFromMatch(refInput.ResolvedMatch)
					if err != nil {
						return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't build %q: %v", from, err)
					if !inputImage.AsImageStream && from != "scratch" && (refInput.Uses == nil || refInput.Uses.GetStrategy() != generate.StrategyPipeline) {
						msg := "Could not find an image stream match for %q. Make sure that a Docker image with that tag is available on the node for the build to succeed."
						glog.Warningf(msg, from)
					image = inputImage

				glog.V(4).Infof("will use %q as the base image for a source build of %q", ref, refInput.Uses)
				if pipeline, err = pipelineBuilder.NewBuildPipeline(from, image, refInput.Uses); err != nil {
					return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't build %q: %v", refInput.Uses, err)
				inputImage, err := app.InputImageFromMatch(refInput.ResolvedMatch)
				if err != nil {
					return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't include %q: %v", from, err)
				if !inputImage.AsImageStream {
					msg := "Could not find an image stream match for %q. Make sure that a Docker image with that tag is available on the node for the deployment to succeed."
					glog.Warningf(msg, from)

				glog.V(4).Infof("will include %q", ref)
				if pipeline, err = pipelineBuilder.NewImagePipeline(from, inputImage); err != nil {
					return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't include %q: %v", refInput, err)
			if c.Deploy {
				if err := pipeline.NeedsDeployment(environment, c.Labels, c.AsTestDeployment); err != nil {
					return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't set up a deployment for %q: %v", refInput, err)
			if c.NoOutput {
				pipeline.Build.Output = nil
			if refInput.Uses != nil && refInput.Uses.GetStrategy() == generate.StrategyPipeline {
				pipeline.Build.Output = nil
				pipeline.Deployment = nil
				pipeline.Image = nil
				pipeline.InputImage = nil
			common = append(common, pipeline)
			if err := common.Reduce(); err != nil {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't create a pipeline from %s: %v", common, err)
			describeBuildPipelineWithImage(c.Out, ref, pipeline, c.OriginNamespace)
		pipelines = append(pipelines, common...)
	return pipelines, nil