// Fork current private template into an other private one.
// Copies the whole directory from /templates/private/{host}/{current_template} to /templates/private/{host}/{inp:new_private_name}
func ForkPrivate(db *mgo.Database, opt map[string]interface{}, inp map[string][]string, root, host string) error {
	if scut.TemplateType(opt) != "private" {
		return fmt.Errorf("Your current template is not a private one.") // Kinda unsensical error message but ok...
	rule := map[string]interface{}{
		"new_template_name": "must",
	dat, e_err := extract.New(rule).Extract(inp)
	if e_err != nil {
		return e_err
	new_template_name := dat["new_template_name"].(string)
	to := filepath.Join(root, "templates", "private", host, new_template_name)
	e, e_err := Exists(to)
	if e_err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Can't determine if private template exists.")
	if e {
		return fmt.Errorf("Private template named %v already exists.", new_template_name)
	from := filepath.Join(root, "templates", "private", host, scut.TemplateName(opt))
	copy_err := copyrecur.CopyDir(from, to)
	if copy_err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("There was an error while copying.")
	id := basic.CreateOptCopy(db)
	q := m{"_id": id}
	upd := m{
		"$set": m{
			"Template": new_template_name,
	return db.C("options").Update(q, upd)
// Publish a private template, so others can use it too.
// Copies the whole directory of /templates/private/{host}/{current_template} to /templates/public/{input:public_name}
// Fails if a public template with the chosen name already exists.
func PublishPrivate(db *mgo.Database, opt map[string]interface{}, inp map[string][]string, root, host string) error {
	if scut.TemplateType(opt) == "public" {
		return fmt.Errorf("You can't publish your current template, because it is already public.")
	rule := map[string]interface{}{
		"public_name": map[string]interface{}{
			"must": 1,
			"type": "string",
			"min":  2,
	dat, ex_err := extract.New(rule).Extract(inp)
	if ex_err != nil {
		return ex_err
	public_name := dat["public_name"].(string)
	from := filepath.Join(root, "templates", "private", host, scut.TemplateName(opt))
	to := filepath.Join(root, "templates", "public", public_name)
	// copyrecur.CopyDir checks for existence too, but for safety reasons we check here in case copyrecur semantics change.
	exis, exis_err := Exists(to)
	if exis {
		return fmt.Errorf("Public template with name " + public_name + " already exists.")
	if exis_err != nil {
		return exis_err
	copy_err := copyrecur.CopyDir(from, to)
	if copy_err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("There was an error while copying.")
	return nil
func (v *V) view(current bool, filepath_str string) map[string]interface{} {
	uni := v.uni
	opt := uni.Opt
	root := uni.Root
	host := uni.Req.Host
	typ := scut.TemplateType(uni.Opt)
	name := scut.TemplateName(uni.Opt)
	ret := map[string]interface{}{}
	tpath, path_err := threePath(host, typ, name)
	if path_err != nil {
		ret["error"] = path_err
		return ret
	ret["template_name"] = name
	ret["breadcrumb"] = te_model.CreateBreadCrumb(strings.Split(filepath_str, "/"))
	ret["can_modify"] = canMod(typ)
	ret["current"] = current
	ret["typ"] = typ
	if typ == "mod" {
		ret["is_mod"] = true
	ret["filepath"] = filepath.Join(tpath, filepath_str)
	ret["raw_path"] = filepath_str
	if te_model.IsDir(filepath_str) {
		fileinfos, read_err := ioutil.ReadDir(filepath.Join(root, tpath, filepath_str))
		if read_err != nil {
			ret["error"] = read_err.Error()
			return ret
		ret["dir"] = fileinfos
		ret["is_dir"] = true
	} else {
		file_b, read_err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(root, tpath, filepath_str))
		if read_err != nil {
			ret["error"] = "Can't find specified file."
			return ret
		if len(file_b) == 0 {
			ret["file"] = "[Empty file.]" // A temporary hack, because the codemirror editor is not displayed when editing an empty file. It is definitely a client-side javascript problem.
		} else {
			ret["included"] = te_model.ReqLinks(opt, string(file_b), root, host)
			ret["file"] = string(file_b)
	return ret
文件: display.go 项目: Laller/hypecms
// Tries to dislay a template file.
func DisplayTemplate(uni *context.Uni, filep string) error {
	_, src := uni.Req.Form["src"]
	file, err := require.R("", filep+".tpl",
		func(root, fi string) ([]byte, error) {
			return GetFileAndConvert(uni.Root, fi, uni.Opt, uni.Req.Host, nil)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Cant find template file %v.", filep)
	if src {
		return nil
	uni.Dat["_tpl"] = "/templates/" + scut.TemplateType(uni.Opt) + "/" + scut.TemplateName(uni.Opt) + "/"
	prepareAndExec(uni, string(file))
	return nil
// Delete a whole private template.
func DeletePrivate(opt map[string]interface{}, inp map[string][]string, root, host string) error {
	rule := map[string]interface{}{
		"template_name": "must",
	dat, e_err := extract.New(rule).Extract(inp)
	if e_err != nil {
		return e_err
	template_name := dat["template_name"].(string)
	if template_name == scut.TemplateName(opt) {
		return fmt.Errorf("For safety reasons you can only delete private templates not in use.")
	full_p := filepath.Join(root, "templates", "private", host, template_name)
	err := os.RemoveAll(full_p)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Can't delete private template named %v. It probably does not exist.", template_name)
	return nil
// Forks a public template into a private one: creates a deep recursive copy of the whole directory tree, so the user
// can edit his own template files as he wishes.
func ForkPublic(db *mgo.Database, opt map[string]interface{}, root, host string) error {
	if CanModifyTemplate(opt) {
		return fmt.Errorf("Template is already private.")
	from := filepath.Join(root, scut.GetTPath(opt, host))
	to := filepath.Join(root, "templates", "private", host, scut.TemplateName(opt))
	copy_err := copyrecur.CopyDir(from, to)
	if copy_err != nil { // && copy_err.Error() != "Destination already exists"
		return copy_err
	id := basic.CreateOptCopy(db)
	q := m{"_id": id}
	upd := m{
		"$set": m{
			"TplIsPrivate": true,
	return db.C("options").Update(q, upd)
// Extracts all requires ( {{require example.t}} ) from a given file.
// Takes into account fallback files too.
// First it checks if the file exists in the current template. If yes, the link will point to that file.
// If not, then the link will point to the fallback module file.
// TODO: Case when the required file does not exists anywhere is not handled.
func ReqLinks(opt map[string]interface{}, file, root, host string) []ReqLink {
	pos := require.RequirePositions(file)
	ret := []ReqLink{}
	for _, v := range pos {
		fi := file[v[0]+10 : v[1]-2] // cut {{require anything/anything.t}} => anything/anything.t
		var typ, path, name string
		exists_in_template, err := Exists(filepath.Join(root, scut.GetTPath(opt, host), fi))
		if err != nil {
		if exists_in_template {
			typ = scut.TemplateType(opt)
			path = fi
			name = scut.TemplateName(opt)
		} else {
			path = scut.GetModTPath(fi)[1]
			typ = "mod"
			name = strings.Split(fi, "/")[0]
		rl := ReqLink{typ, name, path}
		ret = append(ret, rl)
	return ret
func (v *V) Index() error {
	uni := v.uni
	uni.Dat["template_name"] = scut.TemplateName(uni.Opt)
	uni.Dat["can_modify"] = te_model.CanModifyTemplate(uni.Opt)
	return nil