文件: handler.go 项目: jemacom/hydra
func (h *Handler) createRootIfNewInstall(c *config.Config) {
	ctx := c.Context()

	clients, err := h.Clients.Manager.GetClients()
	pkg.Must(err, "Could not fetch client list: %s", err)
	if len(clients) != 0 {

	rs, err := pkg.GenerateSecret(16)
	pkg.Must(err, "Could notgenerate secret because %s", err)
	secret := []byte(string(rs))

	logrus.Warn("No clients were found. Creating a temporary root client...")
	root := &fosite.DefaultClient{
		Name:          "This temporary client is generated by hydra and is granted all of hydra's administrative privileges. It must be removed when everything is set up.",
		GrantTypes:    []string{"client_credentials", "authorization_code"},
		ResponseTypes: []string{"token", "code"},
		GrantedScopes: []string{"hydra", "core"},
		RedirectURIs:  []string{"http://localhost:4445/callback"},
		Secret:        secret,

	err = h.Clients.Manager.CreateClient(root)
	pkg.Must(err, "Could not create temporary root because %s", err)
	err = ctx.LadonManager.Create(&ladon.DefaultPolicy{
		Description: "This is a policy created by hydra and issued to the first client. It grants all of hydra's administrative privileges to the client and enables the client_credentials response type.",
		Subjects:    []string{root.GetID()},
		Effect:      ladon.AllowAccess,
		Resources:   []string{"rn:hydra:<.*>"},
		Actions:     []string{"<.*>"},
	pkg.Must(err, "Could not create admin policy because %s", err)

	c.ClientID = root.ID
	c.ClientSecret = string(secret)

	logrus.Warn("Temporary root client created.")
	logrus.Warnf("client_id: %s", root.GetID())
	logrus.Warnf("client_secret: %s", string(secret))
	logrus.Warn("The root client must be removed in production. The root's credentials could be accidentally logged.")