// NewDenseIIR wrapps a sound in an IIR filter, as specified by the coefficients. // TODO(padster): Also implement the filter design algorithms, e.g: // http://engineerjs.com/?sidebar=docs/iir.html // http://www.mikroe.com/chapters/view/73/chapter-3-iir-filters/ // http://www-users.cs.york.ac.uk/~fisher/mkfilter/ // // For example, to use a high-pass filter for 800hz+ with sample rate of 44.1k: // sound := s.NewDenseIIR(...some sound..., // []float64{0.8922, -2.677, 2.677, -0.8922}, // []float64{2.772, -2.57, 0.7961}, // ) func NewDenseIIR(wrapped Sound, inCoef []float64, outCoef []float64) Sound { // TODO(padster): Verify this is doing what it should...hard to tell just by listening. data := denseIIR{ wrapped, inCoef, outCoef, types.NewBuffer(len(inCoef)), types.NewBuffer(len(outCoef)), } return NewBaseSound(&data, wrapped.Length()) }
// RenderLinesWithEvents renders multiple channels of samples to screen, and draws events. func (s *Screen) RenderLinesWithEvents(lines []Line, events <-chan interface{}, sampleRate int) { s.lines = lines runtime.LockOSThread() // NOTE: It appears that glfw 3.1 uses its own internal error callback. // glfw.SetErrorCallback(func(err glfw.ErrorCode, desc string) { // log.Fatalf("%v: %s\n", err, desc) // }) if err := glfw.Init(); err != nil { log.Fatalf("Can't init glfw: %v!", err) } defer glfw.Terminate() window, err := glfw.CreateWindow(s.width, s.height, "Muse", nil, nil) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("CreateWindow failed: %s", err) } if aw, ah := window.GetSize(); aw != s.width || ah != s.height { log.Fatalf("Window doesn't have the requested size: want %d,%d got %d,%d", s.width, s.height, aw, ah) } window.MakeContextCurrent() // Must gl.Init() *after* MakeContextCurrent if err := gl.Init(); err != nil { log.Fatalf("Can't init gl: %v!", err) } // Set window up to be [0, -1.0] -> [width, 1.0], black. gl.MatrixMode(gl.MODELVIEW) gl.LoadIdentity() gl.Translated(-1, 0, 0) gl.Scaled(2/float64(s.width), 1.0, 1.0) gl.ClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) // Actually start writing data to the buffer for i, _ := range s.lines { s.lines[i].valueBuffer = types.NewBuffer(int(float64(s.width) / s.pixelsPerSample)) s.lines[i].valueBuffer.GoPushChannel(s.lines[i].Values, sampleRate) } if events != nil { s.eventBuffer.GoPushChannel(events, sampleRate) } // Keep drawing while we still can (and should). for !window.ShouldClose() && !s.bufferFinished() { if window.GetKey(glfw.KeyEscape) == glfw.Press { break } gl.Clear(gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) s.drawSignal() window.SwapBuffers() glfw.PollEvents() } // Keep window around, only close on esc. for !window.ShouldClose() && window.GetKey(glfw.KeyEscape) != glfw.Press { glfw.PollEvents() } }