// checkForDuplicates checks for duplicates of the url in the database.
func (ext *ExtensionDuplicates) ProcessURL(bot *papaBot.Bot, channel, sender, msg string, urlinfo *papaBot.UrlInfo) {
	result, err := bot.Db.Query(`
		SELECT IFNULL(nick, ""), IFNULL(timestamp, datetime('now')), count(*)
		FROM urls WHERE link=? AND channel=?
		ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 1`, urlinfo.URL, channel)
	if err != nil {
		bot.Log.Warningf("Can't query the database for duplicates: %s", err)
	defer result.Close()

	// Announce a duplicate
	if result.Next() {
		var nick string
		var timestr string
		var count uint
		if err = result.Scan(&nick, &timestr, &count); err != nil {
			bot.Log.Warningf("Error getting duplicates: %s", err)
		timestamp, _ := time.Parse("2006-01-02 15:04:05", timestr)
		duplicate := ""
		// Only one duplicate
		if count == 1 {
			if bot.AreSamePeople(nick, sender) {
				nick = ext.Texts.DuplicateYou
			elapsed := utils.HumanizedSince(utils.MustForceLocalTimezone(timestamp))
			duplicate = utils.Format(ext.Texts.TempDuplicateFirst, map[string]string{"nick": nick, "elapsed": elapsed})
		} else if count > 1 { // More duplicates exist
			if bot.AreSamePeople(nick, sender) {
				nick = ext.Texts.DuplicateYou
			elapsed := utils.HumanizedSince(utils.MustForceLocalTimezone(timestamp))
			duplicate = utils.Format(ext.Texts.TempDuplicateMulti,
				map[string]string{"nick": nick, "elapsed": elapsed, "count": fmt.Sprintf("%d", count)})
		// Only announce once per 5 minutes per link.
		if duplicate != "" && time.Since(ext.announced[channel+urlinfo.URL]) > 5*time.Minute {
			// Can we fit into the ShortInfo?
			if urlinfo.ShortInfo == "" {
				urlinfo.ShortInfo = duplicate
			} else if len(urlinfo.ShortInfo) < 50 {
				urlinfo.ShortInfo += " | " + duplicate
			} else { // Better send as separate noitce.
				bot.SendNotice(channel, duplicate)
			ext.announced[channel+urlinfo.URL] = time.Now()
// loadCounters will load the counters from the database.
func (ext *ExtensionCounters) loadCounters(bot *papaBot.Bot) {
	ext.counters = map[int]*extensionCountersCounter{}

	result, err := bot.Db.Query(
		`SELECT id, channel, creator, announce_text, interval, target_date FROM counters`)
	if err != nil {
		bot.Log.Warningf("Error while loading counters: %s", err)
	defer result.Close()

	// Get vars.
	for result.Next() {
		var c extensionCountersCounter
		var dateStr string
		var id int
		var interval int
		if err = result.Scan(&id, &c.channel, &c.creator, &c.text, &interval, &dateStr); err != nil {
			bot.Log.Warningf("Can't load counter: %s", err)
		c.interval = time.Duration(interval)
		// Parse the text template.
		c.textTmp, err = template.New(fmt.Sprintf("counter_%d", id)).Parse(c.text)
		if err != nil {
			bot.Log.Warningf("Can't parse counter template '%s': %s", c.text, err)
		// Handle the date.
		c.date, err = time.Parse("2006-01-02 15:04:05", dateStr)
		if err != nil {
			bot.Log.Fatalf("Can't parse counter date %s: %s", dateStr, err)
		c.date = utils.MustForceLocalTimezone(c.date)
		// Calculate next tick. Start from next daily tick and move backwards.
		nextTick := bot.NextDailyTick()
		for {
			c.nextTick = nextTick
			nextTick = nextTick.Add(-time.Duration(c.interval) * time.Hour)
			if time.Since(nextTick) > 0 { // We moved too far back.
		bot.Log.Debugf("Counter %d, next tick: %s", id, c.nextTick)

		ext.counters[id] = &c