func TestTopoPlanet(t *testing.T) { nt := novas.Date(2012, 12, 13, 12, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC) sun := novas.Sun() place := novas.NewPlace(53.21853, 6.5670, 0, 18, 1010) data := sun.Topo(nt, place, novas.REFR_NONE) tests := [][3]string{ {"Distance in AU", "0.984414", fmt.Sprintf("%.6f", data.Dis)}, {"Altitude", "13.278250", fmt.Sprintf("%.6f", data.Alt)}, {"Azimuth", "187.524224", fmt.Sprintf("%.6f", data.Az)}, } for _, test := range tests { if test[1] != test[2] { t.Errorf("%s: expected %s, got %s", test[0], test[1], test[2]) } } }
func TestAppPlanet(t *testing.T) { nt := novas.Date(2012, 12, 13, 12, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC) sun := novas.Sun() data := sun.App(nt) tests := [][3]string{ {"Right ascension", "17.411478", fmt.Sprintf("%.6f", data.RA)}, {"Declination", "-23.187681", fmt.Sprintf("%.6f", data.Dec)}, {"Distance in AU", "0.984424", fmt.Sprintf("%.6f", data.Dis)}, {"Ecliptic longitude", "261.890295", fmt.Sprintf("%.6f", data.ELon)}, {"Ecliptic latitude", "0.001756", fmt.Sprintf("%.6f", data.ELat)}, } for _, test := range tests { if test[1] != test[2] { t.Errorf("%s: expected %s, got %s", test[0], test[1], test[2]) } } }
func main() { latitude, longitude := 53.21853, 6.5670 // Groningen, The Netherlands // END OF USER SETTINGS now := novas.Now() fmt.Println(now) geo := novas.NewPlace(latitude, longitude, 0, 20, 1010) fmt.Println("\nLocation:", geo, "\n") sun := novas.Sun() fmt.Printf("Distance from earth's center: %.7f AU\n", sun.App(now).Dis) data := sun.Topo(now, geo, novas.REFR_NONE) fmt.Printf("Distance from surface location: %.7f AU\n\n", data.Dis) fmt.Printf("Altitude: %7.3f°\nAzimuth: %7.3f°\n\n", data.Alt, data.Az) fmt.Println(" Azimuth Altitude") t0 := novas.Date(now.Year(), int(now.Month()), now.Day(), 0, 0, 0, 0, now.Location()) t1, topo, err := sun.Rise(t0, geo, sundip, time.Second, novas.REFR_NONE) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } else { fmt.Printf("Sun rise: %8.2f° %s\n", topo.Az, t1) t0 = t1 } t1, topo, err = sun.High(t0, geo, time.Second, novas.REFR_NONE) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } else { fmt.Printf("High noon: %8.2f° %8.2f° %s\n", topo.Az, topo.Alt, t1) t0 = t1 } t1, topo, err = sun.Set(t0, geo, sundip, time.Second, novas.REFR_NONE) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } else { fmt.Printf("Sun set: %8.2f° %s\n", topo.Az, t1) t0 = t1 } t1, topo, err = sun.Low(t0, geo, time.Second, novas.REFR_NONE) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } else { fmt.Printf("Deep night:%8.2f° %8.2f° %s\n\n", topo.Az, topo.Alt, t1) t0 = t1 } fmt.Println("Start of seasons in northern hempisphere") fmt.Println("Spring:", novas.Spring(now.Time.Year(), time.Second)) fmt.Println("Summer:", novas.Summer(now.Time.Year(), time.Second)) fmt.Println("Autumn:", novas.Autumn(now.Time.Year(), time.Second)) fmt.Println("Winter:", novas.Winter(now.Time.Year(), time.Second)) }