func (p *test) Generate(imports generator.PluginImports, file *generator.FileDescriptor) bool { used := false randPkg := imports.NewImport("math/rand") timePkg := imports.NewImport("time") testingPkg := imports.NewImport("testing") for _, message := range file.Messages() { if !gogoproto.IsUnion(file.FileDescriptorProto, message.DescriptorProto) || !gogoproto.HasTestGen(file.FileDescriptorProto, message.DescriptorProto) { continue } if message.DescriptorProto.GetOptions().GetMapEntry() { continue } used = true ccTypeName := generator.CamelCaseSlice(message.TypeName()) p.P(`func Test`, ccTypeName, `OnlyOne(t *`, testingPkg.Use(), `.T) {`) p.In() p.P(`popr := `, randPkg.Use(), `.New(`, randPkg.Use(), `.NewSource(`, timePkg.Use(), `.Now().UnixNano()))`) p.P(`p := NewPopulated`, ccTypeName, `(popr, true)`) p.P(`v := p.GetValue()`) p.P(`msg := &`, ccTypeName, `{}`) p.P(`if !msg.SetValue(v) {`) p.In() p.P(`t.Fatalf("OnlyOne: Could not set Value")`) p.Out() p.P(`}`) p.P(`if !p.Equal(msg) {`) p.In() p.P(`t.Fatalf("%#v !OnlyOne Equal %#v", msg, p)`) p.Out() p.P(`}`) p.Out() p.P(`}`) } return used }
func (p *plugin) Generate(file *generator.FileDescriptor) { p.atleastOne = false p.PluginImports = generator.NewPluginImports(p.Generator) p.varGen = NewVarGen() proto3 := gogoproto.IsProto3(file.FileDescriptorProto) p.localName = generator.FileName(file) protoPkg := p.NewImport("") if !gogoproto.ImportsGoGoProto(file.FileDescriptorProto) { protoPkg = p.NewImport("") } for _, message := range file.Messages() { if !gogoproto.HasPopulate(file.FileDescriptorProto, message.DescriptorProto) { continue } if message.DescriptorProto.GetOptions().GetMapEntry() { continue } p.atleastOne = true ccTypeName := generator.CamelCaseSlice(message.TypeName()) p.P(`func NewPopulated`, ccTypeName, `(r randy`, p.localName, `, easy bool) *`, ccTypeName, ` {`) p.In() p.P(`this := &`, ccTypeName, `{}`) if gogoproto.IsUnion(message.File(), message.DescriptorProto) && len(message.Field) > 0 { loopLevels := make([]int, len(message.Field)) maxLoopLevel := 0 for i, field := range message.Field { loopLevels[i] = p.loops(field, message) if loopLevels[i] > maxLoopLevel { maxLoopLevel = loopLevels[i] } } ran := 0 for i := range loopLevels { ran += int(math.Pow10(maxLoopLevel - loopLevels[i])) } p.P(`fieldNum := r.Intn(`, fmt.Sprintf("%d", ran), `)`) p.P(`switch fieldNum {`) k := 0 for i, field := range message.Field { is := []string{} ran := int(math.Pow10(maxLoopLevel - loopLevels[i])) for j := 0; j < ran; j++ { is = append(is, fmt.Sprintf("%d", j+k)) } k += ran p.P(`case `, strings.Join(is, ","), `:`) p.In() p.GenerateField(file, message, field) p.Out() } p.P(`}`) } else { var maxFieldNumber int32 for _, field := range message.Field { if field.IsRequired() || (!gogoproto.IsNullable(field) && !field.IsRepeated()) || (proto3 && !field.IsMessage()) { p.GenerateField(file, message, field) } else { p.P(`if r.Intn(10) != 0 {`) p.In() p.GenerateField(file, message, field) p.Out() p.P(`}`) } if field.GetNumber() > maxFieldNumber { maxFieldNumber = field.GetNumber() } } if message.DescriptorProto.HasExtension() { p.P(`if !easy && r.Intn(10) != 0 {`) p.In() p.P(`l := r.Intn(5)`) p.P(`for i := 0; i < l; i++ {`) p.In() if len(message.DescriptorProto.GetExtensionRange()) > 1 { p.P(`eIndex := r.Intn(`, strconv.Itoa(len(message.DescriptorProto.GetExtensionRange())), `)`) p.P(`fieldNumber := 0`) p.P(`switch eIndex {`) for i, e := range message.DescriptorProto.GetExtensionRange() { p.P(`case `, strconv.Itoa(i), `:`) p.In() p.P(`fieldNumber = r.Intn(`, strconv.Itoa(int(e.GetEnd()-e.GetStart())), `) + `, strconv.Itoa(int(e.GetStart()))) p.Out() if e.GetEnd() > maxFieldNumber { maxFieldNumber = e.GetEnd() } } p.P(`}`) } else { e := message.DescriptorProto.GetExtensionRange()[0] p.P(`fieldNumber := r.Intn(`, strconv.Itoa(int(e.GetEnd()-e.GetStart())), `) + `, strconv.Itoa(int(e.GetStart()))) if e.GetEnd() > maxFieldNumber { maxFieldNumber = e.GetEnd() } } p.P(`wire := r.Intn(4)`) p.P(`if wire == 3 { wire = 5 }`) p.P(`data := randField`, p.localName, `(nil, r, fieldNumber, wire)`) p.P(protoPkg.Use(), `.SetRawExtension(this, int32(fieldNumber), data)`) p.Out() p.P(`}`) p.Out() p.P(`}`) } if maxFieldNumber < (1 << 10) { p.P(`if !easy && r.Intn(10) != 0 {`) p.In() if gogoproto.HasUnrecognized(file.FileDescriptorProto, message.DescriptorProto) { p.P(`this.XXX_unrecognized = randUnrecognized`, p.localName, `(r, `, strconv.Itoa(int(maxFieldNumber+1)), `)`) } p.Out() p.P(`}`) } } p.P(`return this`) p.Out() p.P(`}`) p.P(``) } if !p.atleastOne { return } p.P(`type randy`, p.localName, ` interface {`) p.In() p.P(`Float32() float32`) p.P(`Float64() float64`) p.P(`Int63() int64`) p.P(`Int31() int32`) p.P(`Uint32() uint32`) p.P(`Intn(n int) int`) p.Out() p.P(`}`) p.P(`func randUTF8Rune`, p.localName, `(r randy`, p.localName, `) rune {`) p.In() p.P(`ru := r.Intn(62)`) p.P(`if ru < 10 {`) p.In() p.P(`return rune(ru+48)`) p.Out() p.P(`} else if ru < 36 {`) p.In() p.P(`return rune(ru+55)`) p.Out() p.P(`}`) p.P(`return rune(ru+61)`) p.Out() p.P(`}`) p.P(`func randString`, p.localName, `(r randy`, p.localName, `) string {`) p.In() p.P(p.varGen.Next(), ` := r.Intn(100)`) p.P(`tmps := make([]rune, `, p.varGen.Current(), `)`) p.P(`for i := 0; i < `, p.varGen.Current(), `; i++ {`) p.In() p.P(`tmps[i] = randUTF8Rune`, p.localName, `(r)`) p.Out() p.P(`}`) p.P(`return string(tmps)`) p.Out() p.P(`}`) p.P(`func randUnrecognized`, p.localName, `(r randy`, p.localName, `, maxFieldNumber int) (data []byte) {`) p.In() p.P(`l := r.Intn(5)`) p.P(`for i := 0; i < l; i++ {`) p.In() p.P(`wire := r.Intn(4)`) p.P(`if wire == 3 { wire = 5 }`) p.P(`fieldNumber := maxFieldNumber + r.Intn(100)`) p.P(`data = randField`, p.localName, `(data, r, fieldNumber, wire)`) p.Out() p.P(`}`) p.P(`return data`) p.Out() p.P(`}`) p.P(`func randField`, p.localName, `(data []byte, r randy`, p.localName, `, fieldNumber int, wire int) []byte {`) p.In() p.P(`key := uint32(fieldNumber)<<3 | uint32(wire)`) p.P(`switch wire {`) p.P(`case 0:`) p.In() p.P(`data = encodeVarintPopulate`, p.localName, `(data, uint64(key))`) p.P(p.varGen.Next(), ` := r.Int63()`) p.P(`if r.Intn(2) == 0 {`) p.In() p.P(p.varGen.Current(), ` *= -1`) p.Out() p.P(`}`) p.P(`data = encodeVarintPopulate`, p.localName, `(data, uint64(`, p.varGen.Current(), `))`) p.Out() p.P(`case 1:`) p.In() p.P(`data = encodeVarintPopulate`, p.localName, `(data, uint64(key))`) p.P(`data = append(data, byte(r.Intn(256)), byte(r.Intn(256)), byte(r.Intn(256)), byte(r.Intn(256)), byte(r.Intn(256)), byte(r.Intn(256)), byte(r.Intn(256)), byte(r.Intn(256)))`) p.Out() p.P(`case 2:`) p.In() p.P(`data = encodeVarintPopulate`, p.localName, `(data, uint64(key))`) p.P(`ll := r.Intn(100)`) p.P(`data = encodeVarintPopulate`, p.localName, `(data, uint64(ll))`) p.P(`for j := 0; j < ll; j++ {`) p.In() p.P(`data = append(data, byte(r.Intn(256)))`) p.Out() p.P(`}`) p.Out() p.P(`default:`) p.In() p.P(`data = encodeVarintPopulate`, p.localName, `(data, uint64(key))`) p.P(`data = append(data, byte(r.Intn(256)), byte(r.Intn(256)), byte(r.Intn(256)), byte(r.Intn(256)))`) p.Out() p.P(`}`) p.P(`return data`) p.Out() p.P(`}`) p.P(`func encodeVarintPopulate`, p.localName, `(data []byte, v uint64) []byte {`) p.In() p.P(`for v >= 1<<7 {`) p.In() p.P(`data = append(data, uint8(uint64(v)&0x7f|0x80))`) p.P(`v >>= 7`) p.Out() p.P(`}`) p.P(`data = append(data, uint8(v))`) p.P(`return data`) p.Out() p.P(`}`) }
func (p *union) Generate(file *generator.FileDescriptor) { p.PluginImports = generator.NewPluginImports(p.Generator) for _, message := range file.Messages() { if !gogoproto.IsUnion(file.FileDescriptorProto, message.DescriptorProto) { continue } if message.DescriptorProto.HasExtension() { panic("onlyone does not currently support extensions") } if message.DescriptorProto.GetOptions().GetMapEntry() { continue } ccTypeName := generator.CamelCaseSlice(message.TypeName()) p.P(`func (this *`, ccTypeName, `) GetValue() interface{} {`) p.In() for _, field := range message.Field { fieldname := p.GetFieldName(message, field) if fieldname == "Value" { panic("cannot have a onlyone message " + ccTypeName + " with a field named Value") } p.P(`if this.`, fieldname, ` != nil {`) p.In() p.P(`return this.`, fieldname) p.Out() p.P(`}`) } p.P(`return nil`) p.Out() p.P(`}`) p.P(``) p.P(`func (this *`, ccTypeName, `) SetValue(value interface{}) bool {`) p.In() p.P(`switch vt := value.(type) {`) p.In() for _, field := range message.Field { fieldname := p.GetFieldName(message, field) goTyp, _ := p.GoType(message, field) p.P(`case `, goTyp, `:`) p.In() p.P(`this.`, fieldname, ` = vt`) p.Out() } p.P(`default:`) p.In() for _, field := range message.Field { fieldname := p.GetFieldName(message, field) if field.IsMessage() { goTyp, _ := p.GoType(message, field) obj := p.ObjectNamed(field.GetTypeName()).(*generator.Descriptor) if gogoproto.IsUnion(obj.File(), obj.DescriptorProto) { p.P(`this.`, fieldname, ` = new(`, generator.GoTypeToName(goTyp), `)`) p.P(`if set := this.`, fieldname, `.SetValue(value); set {`) p.In() p.P(`return true`) p.Out() p.P(`}`) p.P(`this.`, fieldname, ` = nil`) } } } p.P(`return false`) p.Out() p.P(`}`) p.P(`return true`) p.Out() p.P(`}`) } }