func (e *periodicExporter) scrapeSlaves() { e.slaves.Lock() urls := make([]string, len(e.slaves.urls)) copy(urls, e.slaves.urls) e.slaves.Unlock() urlCount := len(urls) log.Debugf("active slaves: %d", urlCount) urlChan := make(chan string) metricsChan := make(chan prometheus.Metric) go e.setMetrics(metricsChan) poolSize := concurrentFetch if urlCount < concurrentFetch { poolSize = urlCount } log.Debugf("creating fetch pool of size %d", poolSize) var wg sync.WaitGroup wg.Add(poolSize) for i := 0; i < poolSize; i++ { go e.fetch(urlChan, metricsChan, &wg) } for _, url := range urls { urlChan <- url } close(urlChan) wg.Wait() close(metricsChan) }
func (c *runitCollector) Update(ch chan<- prometheus.Metric) error { services, err := runit.GetServices("/etc/service") if err != nil { return err } for _, service := range services { status, err := service.Status() if err != nil { log.Debugf("Couldn't get status for %s: %s, skipping...", service.Name, err) continue } log.Debugf("%s is %d on pid %d for %d seconds", service.Name, status.State, status.Pid, status.Duration) c.state.WithLabelValues(service.Name).Set(float64(status.State)) c.stateDesired.WithLabelValues(service.Name).Set(float64(status.Want)) c.stateTimestamp.WithLabelValues(service.Name).Set(float64(status.Timestamp.Unix())) if status.NormallyUp { c.stateNormal.WithLabelValues(service.Name).Set(1) } else { c.stateNormal.WithLabelValues(service.Name).Set(0) } } c.state.Collect(ch) c.stateDesired.Collect(ch) c.stateNormal.Collect(ch) c.stateTimestamp.Collect(ch) return nil }
func (c *gmondCollector) setMetric(name, cluster string, metric ganglia.Metric) { if _, ok := c.metrics[name]; !ok { var desc string var title string for _, element := range metric.ExtraData.ExtraElements { switch element.Name { case "DESC": desc = element.Val case "TITLE": title = element.Val } if title != "" && desc != "" { break } } log.Debugf("Register %s: %s", name, desc) c.metrics[name] = prometheus.NewGaugeVec( prometheus.GaugeOpts{ Namespace: gangliaNamespace, Name: name, Help: desc, }, []string{"cluster"}, ) } log.Debugf("Set %s{cluster=%q}: %f", name, cluster, metric.Value) c.metrics[name].WithLabelValues(cluster).Set(metric.Value) }
// Expose filesystem fullness. func (c *filesystemCollector) GetStats() (stats []filesystemStats, err error) { mpds, err := mountPointDetails() if err != nil { return nil, err } stats = []filesystemStats{} for _, mpd := range mpds { if c.ignoredMountPointsPattern.MatchString(mpd.mountPoint) { log.Debugf("Ignoring mount point: %s", mpd.mountPoint) continue } buf := new(syscall.Statfs_t) err := syscall.Statfs(mpd.mountPoint, buf) if err != nil { log.Debugf("Statfs on %s returned %s", mpd.mountPoint, err) continue } labelValues := []string{mpd.device, mpd.mountPoint, mpd.fsType} stats = append(stats, filesystemStats{ labelValues: labelValues, size: float64(buf.Blocks) * float64(buf.Bsize), free: float64(buf.Bfree) * float64(buf.Bsize), avail: float64(buf.Bavail) * float64(buf.Bsize), files: float64(buf.Files), filesFree: float64(buf.Ffree), }) } return stats, nil }
// StopScraper implements Target. func (t *Target) StopScraper() { log.Debugf("Stopping scraper for target %v...", t) close(t.scraperStopping) <-t.scraperStopped log.Debugf("Scraper for target %v stopped.", t) }
// Stop implements the TargetProvider interface. func (sd *ServersetDiscovery) Stop() { log.Debugf("Stopping serverset service discovery for %s %s", sd.conf.Servers, sd.conf.Paths) // Terminate Run. sd.runDone <- struct{}{} log.Debugf("Serverset service discovery for %s %s stopped", sd.conf.Servers, sd.conf.Paths) }
func probeTCP(target string, w http.ResponseWriter, module Module) bool { deadline := time.Now().Add(module.Timeout) conn, err := net.DialTimeout("tcp", target, module.Timeout) if err != nil { return false } defer conn.Close() // Set a deadline to prevent the following code from blocking forever. // If a deadline cannot be set, better fail the probe by returning an error // now rather than blocking forever. if err := conn.SetDeadline(deadline); err != nil { return false } scanner := bufio.NewScanner(conn) for _, qr := range module.TCP.QueryResponse { log.Debugf("Processing query response entry %+v", qr) send := qr.Send if qr.Expect != "" { re, err := regexp.Compile(qr.Expect) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Could not compile %q into regular expression: %v", qr.Expect, err) return false } var match []int // Read lines until one of them matches the configured regexp. for scanner.Scan() { log.Debugf("read %q\n", scanner.Text()) match = re.FindSubmatchIndex(scanner.Bytes()) if match != nil { log.Debugf("regexp %q matched %q", re, scanner.Text()) break } } if scanner.Err() != nil { return false } if match == nil { return false } send = string(re.Expand(nil, []byte(send), scanner.Bytes(), match)) } if send != "" { log.Debugf("Sending %q", send) if _, err := fmt.Fprintf(conn, "%s\n", send); err != nil { return false } } } return true }
func (e *exporter) scrape(ch chan<- prometheus.Metric) { defer close(ch) servers := []string{} if e.useExhibitor { url := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/exhibitor/v1/cluster/list", e.addrs[0]) rr, err := http.NewRequest("GET", url, nil) if err != nil { panic(err) } rresp, err := httpClient.Transport.RoundTrip(rr) if err != nil { e.recordErr(err) return } defer rresp.Body.Close() body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(rresp.Body) if err != nil { e.recordErr(err) return } var serverList Servers err = json.Unmarshal(body, &serverList) if err != nil { e.recordErr(err) return } log.Debugf("Got serverlist from Exhibitor: %s", serverList) for _, host := range serverList.Servers { servers = append(servers, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", host, serverList.Port)) } } else { servers = e.addrs } log.Debugf("Polling servers: %s", servers) var wg sync.WaitGroup for _, server := range servers { log.Debugf("Polling server: %s", server) wg.Add(1) go e.pollServer(server, ch, &wg) } wg.Wait() }
func ParseReceiver(s string) (receiver string, err error) { var si interface{} rdr := bytes.NewReader([]byte(s)) v, err := ReadRESP(rdr) if err != nil { return _EMPTY_, err } log.Debugf("[ParseReceiver] %v: %q", reflect.TypeOf(v), v) switch t := v.(type) { case []interface{}: si = t[receiverPos] default: return _EMPTY_, errors.New("No receiver found.") } switch t := si.(type) { case interface{}: receiver = t.(string) case string: receiver = t case int: receiver = strconv.Itoa(t) } if receiver == _EMPTY_ { return receiver, errors.New("No receiver found.") } return }
// Expose filesystem fullness. func (c *filesystemCollector) Update(ch chan<- prometheus.Metric) (err error) { var mntbuf *C.struct_statfs count := C.getmntinfo(&mntbuf, C.MNT_NOWAIT) if count == 0 { return errors.New("getmntinfo() failed") } mnt := (*[1 << 30]C.struct_statfs)(unsafe.Pointer(mntbuf)) for i := 0; i < int(count); i++ { name := C.GoString(&mnt[i].f_mntonname[0]) if c.ignoredMountPointsPattern.MatchString(name) { log.Debugf("Ignoring mount point: %s", name) continue } c.size.WithLabelValues(name).Set(float64(mnt[i].f_blocks) * float64(mnt[i].f_bsize))[i].f_bfree) * float64(mnt[i].f_bsize)) c.avail.WithLabelValues(name).Set(float64(mnt[i].f_bavail) * float64(mnt[i].f_bsize)) c.files.WithLabelValues(name).Set(float64(mnt[i].f_files)) c.filesFree.WithLabelValues(name).Set(float64(mnt[i].f_ffree)) } c.size.Collect(ch) c.avail.Collect(ch) c.files.Collect(ch) c.filesFree.Collect(ch) return err }
// Store sends a batch of samples to InfluxDB via its HTTP API. func (c *Client) Store(samples model.Samples) error { points := make([]influx.Point, 0, len(samples)) for _, s := range samples { v := float64(s.Value) if math.IsNaN(v) || math.IsInf(v, 0) { log.Debugf("cannot send value %f to InfluxDB, skipping sample %#v", v, s) c.ignoredSamples.Inc() continue } points = append(points, influx.Point{ Measurement: string(s.Metric[model.MetricNameLabel]), Tags: tagsFromMetric(s.Metric), Time: s.Timestamp.Time(), Precision: "ms", Fields: map[string]interface{}{ "value": v, }, }) } bps := influx.BatchPoints{ Points: points, Database: c.database, RetentionPolicy: c.retentionPolicy, } _, err := c.client.Write(bps) return err }
func (tc *zookeeperTreeCache) loop(failureMode bool) { retryChan := make(chan struct{}) failure := func() { failureMode = true time.AfterFunc(time.Second*10, func() { retryChan <- struct{}{} }) } if failureMode { failure() } for { select { case ev := < log.Debugf("Received Zookeeper event: %s", ev) if failureMode { continue } if ev.Type == zk.EventNotWatching { log.Infof("Lost connection to Zookeeper.") failure() } else { path := strings.TrimPrefix(ev.Path, tc.prefix) parts := strings.Split(path, "/") node := tc.head for _, part := range parts[1:] { childNode := node.children[part] if childNode == nil { childNode = &zookeeperTreeCacheNode{ events:, children: map[string]*zookeeperTreeCacheNode{}, done: make(chan struct{}, 1), } node.children[part] = childNode } node = childNode } err := tc.recursiveNodeUpdate(ev.Path, node) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Error during processing of Zookeeper event: %s", err) failure() } } case <-retryChan: log.Infof("Attempting to resync state with Zookeeper") err := tc.recursiveNodeUpdate(tc.prefix, tc.head) if err == nil { failureMode = false } else { log.Errorf("Error during Zookeeper resync: %s", err) failure() } case <-tc.stop: close( return } } }
func activateHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { // TODO(kendall): Count activations // TODO(kendall): Return errors or at least clean up the logic // TODO(kendall): Flag for ssl? // TODO(kendall): Figure out host and port // TODO(kendall): Authtoken // TODO(kendall): postrate // TODO(kendall): highprec var activation ted5000ActivationRequest var port_suffix string var port int var err error if err := xml.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&activation); err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(w, "Could not parse activation XML: %s", err) } log.Debugf("Activation request: %s", activation) if _, port_suffix, err = net.SplitHostPort(*listenAddress); err != nil { fmt.Printf("Could not determine port from %s: %s", *listenAddress, err) } if port, err = strconv.Atoi(port_suffix); err != nil { fmt.Printf("Could not create port (%s) to int: %s", port, err) } if err := xml.NewEncoder(w).Encode(ted5000ActivationResponse{ PostServer: r.Host, UseSSL: false, PostPort: port, PostRate: *postRate, PostURL: "/post", HighPrec: "T"}); err != nil { fmt.Fprintf(w, "Could not create XML activation response: %s", err) } }
func ParsePayload(s string) (payload string, err error) { var pi interface{} rdr := bytes.NewReader([]byte(s)) v, err := ReadRESP(rdr) if err != nil { return _EMPTY_, err } log.Debugf("%v: %q", reflect.TypeOf(v), v) switch t := v.(type) { case []interface{}: pi = t[payloadPos] default: return _EMPTY_, errors.New("No receiver found.") } switch t := pi.(type) { case interface{}: payload = t.(string) case string: payload = t case int: payload = strconv.Itoa(t) } if payload == _EMPTY_ { return payload, errors.New("No payload found.") } return }
func ParseEvent(s string) (event string, err error) { var ei interface{} rdr := bytes.NewReader([]byte(s)) v, err := ReadRESP(rdr) if err != nil { return _EMPTY_, err } log.Debugf("[ParseEvent] %v: %v", reflect.TypeOf(v), v) switch t := v.(type) { case []interface{}: ei = t[eventPos] default: return _EMPTY_, errors.New("No receiver found.") } switch t := ei.(type) { case interface{}: event = t.(string) case string: event = t case int: event = strconv.Itoa(t) } if event == _EMPTY_ { return event, errors.New("No event found.") } return }
func (c *timeCollector) Update(ch chan<- prometheus.Metric) (err error) { now := float64(time.Now().Unix()) log.Debugf("Set time: %f", now) c.metric.Set(now) c.metric.Collect(ch) return err }
// Expose filesystem fullness. func (c *filesystemCollector) Update(ch chan<- prometheus.Metric) (err error) { mpds, err := mountPointDetails() if err != nil { return err } for _, mpd := range mpds { if c.ignoredMountPointsPattern.MatchString(mpd.mountPoint) { log.Debugf("Ignoring mount point: %s", mpd.mountPoint) continue } buf := new(syscall.Statfs_t) err := syscall.Statfs(mpd.mountPoint, buf) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Statfs on %s returned %s", mpd.mountPoint, err) } c.size.WithLabelValues(mpd.device, mpd.mountPoint, mpd.fsType).Set(float64(buf.Blocks) * float64(buf.Bsize)), mpd.mountPoint, mpd.fsType).Set(float64(buf.Bfree) * float64(buf.Bsize)) c.avail.WithLabelValues(mpd.device, mpd.mountPoint, mpd.fsType).Set(float64(buf.Bavail) * float64(buf.Bsize)) c.files.WithLabelValues(mpd.device, mpd.mountPoint, mpd.fsType).Set(float64(buf.Files)) c.filesFree.WithLabelValues(mpd.device, mpd.mountPoint, mpd.fsType).Set(float64(buf.Ffree)) } c.size.Collect(ch) c.avail.Collect(ch) c.files.Collect(ch) c.filesFree.Collect(ch) return err }
// Expose filesystem fullness. func (c *filesystemCollector) GetStats() (stats []filesystemStats, err error) { var mntbuf *C.struct_statfs count := C.getmntinfo(&mntbuf, C.MNT_NOWAIT) if count == 0 { return nil, errors.New("getmntinfo() failed") } mnt := (*[1 << 30]C.struct_statfs)(unsafe.Pointer(mntbuf)) stats = []filesystemStats{} for i := 0; i < int(count); i++ { name := C.GoString(&mnt[i].f_mntonname[0]) if c.ignoredMountPointsPattern.MatchString(name) { log.Debugf("Ignoring mount point: %s", name) continue } labelValues := []string{name} stats = append(stats, filesystemStats{ labelValues: labelValues, size: float64(mnt[i].f_blocks) * float64(mnt[i].f_bsize), free: float64(mnt[i].f_bfree) * float64(mnt[i].f_bsize), avail: float64(mnt[i].f_bavail) * float64(mnt[i].f_bsize), files: float64(mnt[i].f_files), filesFree: float64(mnt[i].f_ffree), }) } return stats, nil }
// Query handles the /api/query endpoint. func (api *API) Query(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { setAccessControlHeaders(w) w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json") params := httputil.GetQueryParams(r) expr := params.Get("expr") timestamp, err := parseTimestampOrNow(params.Get("timestamp"), api.Now()) if err != nil { httpJSONError(w, fmt.Errorf("invalid query timestamp %s", err), http.StatusBadRequest) return } query, err := api.QueryEngine.NewInstantQuery(expr, timestamp) if err != nil { httpJSONError(w, err, http.StatusOK) return } res := query.Exec() if res.Err != nil { httpJSONError(w, res.Err, http.StatusOK) return } log.Debugf("Instant query: %s\nQuery stats:\n%s\n", expr, query.Stats()) httputil.RespondJSON(w, res.Value) }
func (c *gmondCollector) Update(ch chan<- prometheus.Metric) (err error) { conn, err := net.Dial(gangliaProto, gangliaAddress) log.Debugf("gmondCollector Update") if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Can't connect to gmond: %s", err) } conn.SetDeadline(time.Now().Add(gangliaTimeout)) ganglia := ganglia.Ganglia{} decoder := xml.NewDecoder(bufio.NewReader(conn)) decoder.CharsetReader = toUtf8 err = decoder.Decode(&ganglia) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Couldn't parse xml: %s", err) } for _, cluster := range ganglia.Clusters { for _, host := range cluster.Hosts { for _, metric := range host.Metrics { name := illegalCharsRE.ReplaceAllString(metric.Name, "_") c.setMetric(name, cluster.Name, metric) } } } for _, m := range c.metrics { m.Collect(ch) } return err }
func parseNetDevStats(r io.Reader, ignore *regexp.Regexp) (map[string]map[string]string, error) { scanner := bufio.NewScanner(r) scanner.Scan() // skip first header scanner.Scan() parts := strings.Split(string(scanner.Text()), "|") if len(parts) != 3 { // interface + receive + transmit return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid header line in %s: %s", procNetDev, scanner.Text()) } header := strings.Fields(parts[1]) netDev := map[string]map[string]string{} for scanner.Scan() { line := strings.TrimLeft(string(scanner.Text()), " ") parts := procNetDevFieldSep.Split(line, -1) if len(parts) != 2*len(header)+1 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid line in %s: %s", procNetDev, scanner.Text()) } dev := parts[0][:len(parts[0])] if ignore.MatchString(dev) { log.Debugf("Ignoring device: %s", dev) continue } netDev[dev] = map[string]string{} for i, v := range header { netDev[dev]["receive_"+v] = parts[i+1] netDev[dev]["transmit_"+v] = parts[i+1+len(header)] } } return netDev, nil }
func (m *MetricNames) get(api newRelicApi, appId int) error { log.Debugf("Requesting metrics names for application id %d.", appId) path := fmt.Sprintf("/v2/applications/%s/metrics.json", strconv.Itoa(appId)) body, err := api.req(path, "") if err != nil { log.Print("Error getting metric names: ", err) return err } dec := json.NewDecoder(bytes.NewReader(body)) for { var part MetricNames if err = dec.Decode(&part); err == io.EOF { break } else if err != nil { log.Print("Error decoding metric names: ", err) return err } tmpMetrics := append(m.Metrics, part.Metrics...) m.Metrics = tmpMetrics } return nil }
// QueryRange handles the /api/query_range endpoint. func (api *API) QueryRange(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { setAccessControlHeaders(w) w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json") params := httputil.GetQueryParams(r) expr := params.Get("expr") duration, err := parseDuration(params.Get("range")) if err != nil { httpJSONError(w, fmt.Errorf("invalid query range: %s", err), http.StatusBadRequest) return } step, err := parseDuration(params.Get("step")) if err != nil { httpJSONError(w, fmt.Errorf("invalid query resolution: %s", err), http.StatusBadRequest) return } end, err := parseTimestampOrNow(params.Get("end"), api.Now()) if err != nil { httpJSONError(w, fmt.Errorf("invalid query timestamp: %s", err), http.StatusBadRequest) return } // TODO(julius): Remove this special-case handling a while after PromDash and // other API consumers have been changed to no longer set "end=0" for setting // the current time as the end time. Instead, the "end" parameter should // simply be omitted or set to an empty string for that case. if end == 0 { end = api.Now() } // For safety, limit the number of returned points per timeseries. // This is sufficient for 60s resolution for a week or 1h resolution for a year. if duration/step > 11000 { err := errors.New("exceeded maximum resolution of 11,000 points per timeseries. Try decreasing the query resolution (?step=XX)") httpJSONError(w, err, http.StatusBadRequest) return } // Align the start to step "tick" boundary. end = end.Add(-time.Duration(end.UnixNano() % int64(step))) start := end.Add(-duration) query, err := api.QueryEngine.NewRangeQuery(expr, start, end, step) if err != nil { httpJSONError(w, err, http.StatusOK) return } matrix, err := query.Exec().Matrix() if err != nil { httpJSONError(w, err, http.StatusOK) return } log.Debugf("Range query: %s\nQuery stats:\n%s\n", expr, query.Stats()) httputil.RespondJSON(w, matrix) }
// handleTargetUpdates receives target group updates and handles them in the // context of the given job config. func (tm *TargetManager) handleTargetUpdates(cfg *config.ScrapeConfig, ch <-chan *config.TargetGroup) { for tg := range ch { log.Debugf("Received potential update for target group %q", tg.Source) if err := tm.updateTargetGroup(tg, cfg); err != nil { log.Errorf("Error updating targets: %s", err) } } }
func (c *lastLoginCollector) Update(ch chan<- prometheus.Metric) (err error) { last, err := getLastLoginTime() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("couldn't get last seen: %s", err) } log.Debugf("Set node_last_login_time: %f", last) c.metric.Set(last) c.metric.Collect(ch) return err }
// stop shuts down the file watcher. func (fd *FileDiscovery) stop() { log.Debugf("Stopping file discovery for %s...", fd.paths) // Closing the watcher will deadlock unless all events and errors are drained. go func() { for { select { case <-fd.watcher.Errors: case <-fd.watcher.Events: // Drain all events and errors. default: return } } }() fd.watcher.Close() log.Debugf("File discovery for %s stopped.", fd.paths) }
func (c *loadavgCollector) Update(ch chan<- prometheus.Metric) (err error) { load, err := getLoad1() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Couldn't get load: %s", err) } log.Debugf("Set node_load: %f", load) c.metric.Set(load) c.metric.Collect(ch) return err }
func (c *ntpCollector) Update(ch chan<- prometheus.Metric) (err error) { t, err := ntp.Time(*ntpServer) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Couldn't get ntp drift: %s", err) } drift := t.Sub(time.Now()) log.Debugf("Set ntp_drift_seconds: %f", drift.Seconds()) c.drift.Set(drift.Seconds()) c.drift.Collect(ch) return err }
func (a *AppList) get(api newRelicApi) error { log.Debugf("Requesting application list from %s.", api.server.String()) body, err := api.req("/v2/applications.json", "") if err != nil { log.Print("Error getting application list: ", err) return err } err = json.Unmarshal(body, a) return err }
// Stop implements the TargetProvider interface. func (cd *ConsulDiscovery) Stop() { log.Debugf("Stopping Consul service discovery for %s", cd.clientConf.Address) // The lock prevents Run from terminating while the watchers attempt // to send on their channels. defer // The watching goroutines will terminate after their next watch timeout. // As this can take long, the channel is buffered and we do not wait. for _, srv := range { srv.done <- struct{}{} } cd.srvsDone <- struct{}{} // Terminate Run. cd.runDone <- struct{}{} log.Debugf("Consul service discovery for %s stopped.", cd.clientConf.Address) }