文件: mt.go 项目: pschlump/lexie
// n from beginning to m from end.
func (mt *MtType) EvalExpr(Context *eval.ContextType, n, m int) bool {
	m = len(mt.SVal) - m // Convert to Pos
	sv := mt.SVal[n:m]   // Slice of params to eval.
	fmt.Printf("mt.EvalExpr - TOP: n=%d m=%d, Range [n:m]\n", n, m)
	fmt.Printf("mt.EvalExpr - TOP: ealuate sv=%+v (Subset) ----------------------------------------------------- \n", sv)
	fmt.Printf("mt.EvalExpr - TOP: ealuate mt.SVal=%+v (Orig)----------------------------------------------------- \n", mt.SVal)
	// xyzzy -- temporary -- incomplete!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
	evalData := &eval.EvalType{
		Pos:           0,
		Ctx:           Context,
		Mm:            mt.TokVal[n:m], // []tok.Token
		PrintErrorMsg: true,

	// hot patch - xyzzy
	//if evalData.Mm[0].Match == "[" {
	// evalData.Mm[0].TokNo = 38
	// hot patch - xyzzy

	fmt.Printf("INPUT m=%d n=%d, %s ----------------------------------------------------- \n", m, n, com.SVarI(evalData))
	tr := evalData.PresTop()
	fmt.Printf("BOTTOM: %s ----------------------------------------------------- \n", com.SVarI(tr))
	//s := sv[0]
	//v, t, _ := Context.GetFromContext(s)
	//fmt.Printf("At: %s - in EvalExpr, v=%v t=%v for >%s<-\n", com.LF(), v, t, s)
	mt.DataType = tr.DataType
	mt.XValue = tr.CurValue
	fmt.Printf("At bottom of EvalExpr - Type = %d == %T, value = %v\n", tr.DataType, tr.CurValue, tr.CurValue)
	return true
// n from beginning to m from end.
func (mt *MtType) EvalExpr(Context *eval.ContextType, n, m int) bool {
	m = len(mt.SVal) - m // Convert to Pos
	sv := mt.SVal[n:m]   // Slice of params to eval.
	fmt.Printf("mt.EvalExpr - TOP: ealuate sv=%+v ----------------------------------------------------- \n", sv)
	fmt.Printf("mt.EvalExpr - TOP: ealuate mt.SVal=%+v ----------------------------------------------------- \n", mt.SVal)
	// xyzzy -- temporary -- incomplete!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
	evalData := &eval.EvalType{
		Pos: 0,
		Ctx: Context,
		Mm:  mt.TokVal[n:m], // []tok.Token
	fmt.Printf("INPUT m=%d n=%d, %s ----------------------------------------------------- \n", m, n, com.SVarI(evalData))
	tr := evalData.Pres2()
	fmt.Printf("BOTTOM: %s ----------------------------------------------------- \n", com.SVarI(tr))
	s := sv[0]
	v, t, _ := Context.GetFromContext(s)
	fmt.Printf("At: %s - in EvalExpr, v=%v t=%v for >%s<-\n", com.LF(), v, t, s)
	// xyzzy nil, 9 -- 9 is error, not found
	if t == eval.CtxType_Bool {
		fmt.Printf("Setting bool to true\n")
		mt.DataType = t
		mt.XValue = v
	return true
文件: st.go 项目: pschlump/lexie
func (st *SymbolTable) DumpSymbolTable(fo io.Writer) {
	for ii, vv := range st.Symbols {
		fmt.Fprintf(fo, "\t[%s] Body=%s SymType=%d FxId=%d\n", ii, vv.Body, vv.SymType, vv.FxId)
		if vv.SymType == gen.Tok_Template {
			fmt.Fprintf(fo, "\t\tTemplate\n")
			mtv := vv.AnyData.(*mt.MtType)
			fmt.Fprintf(fo, "AnyData = %s\n", com.SVarI(mtv))
文件: main.go 项目: pschlump/lexie
func ProcessFileList(pt *test01.Parse2Type, inList []string, outFn string) (err error) {

	var fp *os.File

	if outFn != "" {
		fp, err = com.Fopen(outFn, "w")
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Fatal: Unable to create output file\n")
			err = fmt.Errorf("Fatal: Unable to create output file")
		defer fp.Close()
	} else {
		fp = os.Stdout

	for _, fn := range inList {
		if !com.Exists(fn) {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Fatal: Missing input file %s\n", fn)
			err = fmt.Errorf("Fatal: Missing input file %s", fn)

	go func() {
		r := pbread.NewPbRead()
		for _, fn := range inList {
		pt.Lex.MatcherLexieTable(r, "S_Init")

	// ------------------------------------------------------ process tokens --------------------------------------------------------------
	// Generate a parse tree and print out.
	xpt := pt.GenParseTree(0)
	pt.TheTree = xpt
	xpt.DumpMtType(test01.Dbf, 0, 0)
	if false {
		fmt.Fprintf(test01.Dbf, "----------------------------------- debug output ----------------------------------------------------\n")
		fmt.Fprintf(test01.Dbf, "%s\n", com.SVarI(xpt))
	fmt.Fprintf(test01.Dbf, "----------------------------------- errors ----------------------------------------------------\n")
	pp := pt.CollectErrorNodes(0)
	for ii, vv := range pp {
		fmt.Fprintf(test01.Dbf, "Error [%3d]: msg=%s\n", ii, vv.ErrorMsg)
	fmt.Fprintf(test01.Dbf, "----------------------------------- final template results  ----------------------------------------------------\n")
	pt.OutputTree(test01.Dbf, 0)

	pt.OutputTree(fp, 0)

文件: in.go 项目: pschlump/lexie
func ParsePlist(pl string) (aa []string) {
	t1 := pl_re.FindAllStringSubmatch(pl, -1)
	if t1 != nil {
		com.DbPrintf("in", "t1=%s\n", com.SVarI(t1))
		for _, vv := range t1 {
			if len(vv) > 3 && vv[2] != "" {
				aa = append(aa, vv[2])
文件: re.go 项目: pschlump/lexie
func (lr *LexReType) DumpParseNodes() {
	com.DbPrintf("DumpParseNodes", "\nDumpParseNodes: At %s\n", com.LF())
	for ii, vv := range lr.Tree.Children {
		com.DbPrintf("DumpParseNodes", "at %s [step %d] ", com.LF(), ii)
		com.DbPrintf("DumpParseNodes", "Item: [%s] %d=%s, N-Children=%d\n", vv.Item, vv.LR_Tok, NameOfLR_TokType(vv.LR_Tok), len(vv.Children))
		if len(vv.Children) > 0 {
			lr.DumpParseNodesChild(vv.Children, 1)
	com.DbPrintf("DumpParseNodes", "DumpParseNodes: Done %s\n\n", com.LF())
	com.DbPrintf("DumpParseNodesX", "DumpParseNodes: %s\n\n", com.SVarI(lr.Tree))
文件: in.go 项目: pschlump/lexie
// Rv(Name) Ignore(Xxx)
func ParseActionItem(act string) (aa string, pp string) {
	aa, pp = "", ""
	t1 := fx_re.FindAllStringSubmatch(act, -1)
	if t1 != nil {
		com.DbPrintf("in", "t1=%s\n", com.SVarI(t1))
		aa = t1[0][1]
		if len(t1[0]) > 1 {
			pp = t1[0][2]
	} else {
		aa = act
文件: in.go 项目: pschlump/lexie
// Tok_Name=1 Tok_Name "T O K"
func ParseNameValue(nv string) (name string, value string) {
	name, value = "", ""
	t1 := pnv_re.FindAllStringSubmatch(nv, -1)
	com.DbPrintf("in", "t1=%s\n", com.SVarI(t1))
	if t1 != nil && len(t1[0]) > 0 {
		name = t1[0][1]
		if len(t1[0]) > 3 {
			value = t1[0][3]
	} else {
		name = nv
文件: mt_test.go 项目: pschlump/lexie
// test Replace sub-tree  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// func ReplaceBlocksWithNew(search_in_tree, new_block *MtType) {
func Test_Mt02(t *testing.T) {
	var bob *MtType
	bob = NewMtType(1, "bob")
	bob.List = append(bob.List, NewMtType(1, "bob.1"))
	bob.List = append(bob.List, NewMtType(1, "bob.2"))
	bob.List = append(bob.List, NewMtType(1, "bob.3"))
	bob.List[2].List = append(bob.List[2].List, NewMtType(gen.Fx_block, "bob.3.1"))
	bob.List[2].List[0].SVal = make([]string, 1, 1)
	bob.List[2].List[0].FxId = gen.Fx_block
	bob.List[2].List[0].SVal[0] = "mike"
	bob.List[2].List[0].List = append(bob.List[2].List[0].List, NewMtType(1, "bob.3.1.1"))
	bob.List[2].List[0].List[0].HTML_Output = "Original Chunk 1"
	bob.List[2].List[0].List = append(bob.List[2].List[0].List, NewMtType(1, "bob.3.1.2"))
	bob.List[2].List[0].List[1].HTML_Output = "Original Chunk 2"
	bob.List[2].List[0].List = append(bob.List[2].List[0].List, NewMtType(1, "bob.3.1.3"))
	bob.List[2].List = append(bob.List[2].List, NewMtType(1, "bob.3.2"))
	bob.List[2].List = append(bob.List[2].List, NewMtType(1, "bob.3.3"))
	bob.List[2].List = append(bob.List[2].List, NewMtType(1, "bob.3.4"))
	bob.List[2].List = append(bob.List[2].List, NewMtType(1, "bob.3.5"))
	bob.List = append(bob.List, NewMtType(1, "bob.4"))
	bob.List = append(bob.List, NewMtType(1, "bob.5"))
	fmt.Printf("bob before change =%s\n\n", com.SVarI(bob))

	var repl *MtType
	repl = NewMtType(gen.Fx_block, "bob")
	repl.SVal = make([]string, 1, 1)
	repl.SVal[0] = "mike"
	repl.List = append(repl.List, NewMtType(1, "repl.1"))
	repl.List = append(repl.List, NewMtType(1, "repl.1.1"))
	repl.List[0].HTML_Output = "Replacement Text 1.1"
	repl.List = append(repl.List, NewMtType(1, "repl.1.2"))
	fmt.Printf("repl before change =%s\n\n", com.SVarI(repl))

	ReplaceBlocksWithNew(&bob, repl)
	fmt.Printf("bob after change =%s\n\n", com.SVarI(bob))

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
func (pt *Parse2Type) ReadFileAndRun(fn, fn_o string) {

	go func() {
		r := pbread.NewPbRead()
		pt.Lex.MatcherLexieTable(r, "S_Init")

	xpt := pt.GenParseTree(0)
	pt.TheTree = xpt
	fmt.Printf("Tree Dump = %s\n", com.SVarI(xpt))

	fp_o, err := com.Fopen(fn_o, "w")
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error: %s\n", err)
	} else {
		pt.OutputTree(fp_o, 0)

func (s *Reader_TestSuite) TestLexie(c *C) {

	fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Test Matcher test from ../in/django3.lex file, %s\n", com.LF())

	com.DbOnFlags["db_DumpDFAPool"] = true
	com.DbOnFlags["db_DumpPool"] = true
	com.DbOnFlags["db_Matcher_02"] = true
	// com.DbOnFlags["db_NFA_LnNo"] = true
	com.DbOnFlags["match"] = true
	// com.DbOnFlags["nfa3"] = true
	com.DbOnFlags["output-machine"] = true
	com.DbOnFlags["match"] = true
	com.DbOnFlags["match_x"] = true
	// com.DbOnFlags["nfa3"] = true
	// com.DbOnFlags["nfa4"] = true
	// com.DbOnFlags["db_DFAGen"] = true
	// com.DbOnFlags["pbbuf02"] = true
	// com.DbOnFlags["DumpParseNodes2"] = true
	com.DbOnFlags["db_FlushTokenBeforeBefore"] = true
	com.DbOnFlags["db_FlushTokenBeforeAfter"] = true
	com.DbOnFlags["db_tok01"] = true
	com.DbOnFlags["in-echo-machine"] = true // Output machine

	lex := NewLexie()

	for ii, vv := range Lexie02Data {

		if !vv.SkipTest {

			fmt.Printf("\n\nTest:%s ------------------------- Start --------------------------, %d, Input: -->>%s<<--\n", vv.Test, ii, vv.Inp)

			// r := strings.NewReader(vv.Inp)
			r := pbread.NewPbRead()
			r.SetPos(1, 1, fmt.Sprintf("sf-%d.txt", ii)) // simulate  file = sf-

			fmt.Printf("At: %s\n", com.LF())
			lex.MatcherLexieTable(r, "S_Init")
			fmt.Printf("At: %s\n", com.LF())

			if len(vv.Result) > 0 {
				fmt.Printf("At: %s\n", com.LF())
				if len(lex.TokList.TokenData) != len(vv.Result) {
					fmt.Printf("Lengths did not match, %s", com.SVarI(lex.TokList.TokenData))
					c.Check(len(lex.TokList.TokenData), Equals, len(vv.Result))
				} else {
					for i := 0; i < len(vv.Result); i++ {
						if vv.Result[i].StrTokNo != "" {
							c.Check(vv.Result[i].StrTokNo, Equals, in.Lookup_Tok_Name(int(lex.TokList.TokenData[i].TokNo)))
						} else {
							c.Check(vv.Result[i].TokNo, Equals, int(lex.TokList.TokenData[i].TokNo))
						c.Check(vv.Result[i].Match, Equals, lex.TokList.TokenData[i].Match)
						if vv.Result[i].LineNo > 0 {
							c.Check(vv.Result[i].LineNo, Equals, lex.TokList.TokenData[i].LineNo)
						if vv.Result[i].ColNo > 0 {
							c.Check(vv.Result[i].ColNo, Equals, lex.TokList.TokenData[i].ColNo)
						if vv.Result[i].FileName != "" {
							c.Check(vv.Result[i].FileName, Equals, lex.TokList.TokenData[i].FileName)

			fmt.Printf("At: %s\n", com.LF())
			fmt.Printf("Test:%s ------------------------- End --------------------------\n\n", vv.Test)


文件: re.go 项目: pschlump/lexie
func (lr *LexReType) parseExpression(depth int, d_depth int, xTree *ReTreeNodeType) []ReTreeNodeType {
	//var first *ReTreeNodeType
	//var last *ReTreeNodeType
	pre := strings.Repeat("    ", depth)
	if depth == 0 {
		xTree = lr.Tree
		com.DbPrintf("parseExpression", "%sat %s !!!top!!!, depth=%d \n", pre, com.LF(), depth)
	isFirst := true
	inOr := false
	com.DbPrintf("parseExpression", "%sat %s\n", pre, com.LF())
	c, w := lr.Next()
	for w != LR_EOF {
		com.DbPrintf("parseExpression", "%sat %s !!!top!!!, depth=%d c=->%s<- w=%d %s -- Loop Top -- xTree=%s\n\n",
			pre, com.LF(), depth, c, w, NameOfLR_TokType(w), com.SVarI(xTree))
		switch w {
		case LR_CL_BR: // }
		case LR_COMMA: // ,
		case LR_E_CCL:
		case LR_MINUS: // -		-- Text if not in CCL and not 1st char in CCL
		case LR_Text: //			-- Add a node to list, move right
			//if true {
			xTree.Children = append(xTree.Children, ReTreeNodeType{Item: c, LR_Tok: LR_Text})
			//} else {
			// // Bad Idea - mucks up '*' and other processing -  To Simplify Tree needs to be done post-generation with Simp-Rules
			//	ll := len(lr.Tree.Children) - 1
			//	if ll >= 0 && lr.Tree.Children[ll].LR_Tok == LR_Text {
			//		lr.Tree.Children[ll].Item += c
			//	} else {
			//		xTree.Children = append(xTree.Children, ReTreeNodeType{Item: c, LR_Tok: LR_Text})
			//	}

		case LR_CARROT: // ^		-- BOL		-- If at beginning, or after ( or | then BOL - else just text??
		case LR_DOLLAR: // $		-- BOL		-- If at end, or just before ) or | the EOL - else just text??
		case LR_DOT: // .		-- Match any char
			xTree.Children = append(xTree.Children, ReTreeNodeType{Item: c, LR_Tok: w})

		case LR_OP_BR: // {
			if isFirst {
				lr.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid '%s' at beginning of R.E. assumed to be a text character missing esacape.", c))
				xTree.Children = append(xTree.Children, ReTreeNodeType{Item: c, LR_Tok: LR_Text})
			} else {
				ll := len(xTree.Children) - 1
				tmp := xTree.Children[ll]
				newTree := lr.parseIterator(depth + 1)
				if newTree.Mm == 0 && newTree.Nn == InfiniteIteration {
					ll := len(xTree.Children) - 1
					tmp := xTree.Children[ll]
					com.DbPrintf("parseExpression", "%sAT %s, w=%d %s, ll=%d, xTree=%s tmp=%s\n", pre, com.LF(), w, NameOfLR_TokType(w), ll, com.SVarI(xTree), com.SVarI(tmp))
					xTree.Children[ll] = ReTreeNodeType{Item: "*", LR_Tok: LR_STAR, Children: []ReTreeNodeType{tmp}}
				} else {
					if newTree.Mm > newTree.Nn {
						lr.Error = append(lr.Error, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid Range, Start is bigger than end, {%d,%d}, %s", newTree.Mm, newTree.Nn, com.LF())))
					com.DbPrintf("parseExpression", "%sAT %s, w=%d %s, ll=%d, xTree=%s tmp=%s\n", pre, com.LF(), w, NameOfLR_TokType(w), ll, com.SVarI(xTree), com.SVarI(tmp))
					// xTree.Children[ll] = ReTreeNodeType{Item: c, LR_Tok: LR_OP_BR, Children: []ReTreeNodeType{tmp}, Mm: newTree.Mm, Nn: newTree.Nn}
					newTree.Children = []ReTreeNodeType{tmp}
					xTree.Children[ll] = newTree
					// CCL: xTree.Children = append(xTree.Children, lr.parseCCL(depth+1, w)) // xyzzy needs work ---------------------------------------------------
				com.DbPrintf("parseExpression", "%sat %s\n", pre, com.LF())

		case LR_STAR: // *		-- Error if 1st char, else take prev item from list, star and replace it.
		case LR_PLUS: // +		-- Error if 1st char
		case LR_QUEST: // ?		-- Error if 1st char
			if isFirst {
				lr.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid '%s' at beginning of R.E. assumed to be a text character missing esacape.", c))
				xTree.Children = append(xTree.Children, ReTreeNodeType{Item: c, LR_Tok: LR_Text})
			} else {
				ll := len(xTree.Children) - 1
				tmp := xTree.Children[ll]
				com.DbPrintf("parseExpression", "%sAT %s, w=%d %s, ll=%d, xTree=%s tmp=%s\n", pre, com.LF(), w, NameOfLR_TokType(w), ll, com.SVarI(xTree), com.SVarI(tmp))
				xTree.Children[ll] = ReTreeNodeType{Item: c, LR_Tok: w, Children: []ReTreeNodeType{tmp}}
				com.DbPrintf("parseExpression", "%sat %s\n", pre, com.LF())

		case LR_OR: // |		n-ary or operator
			com.DbPrintf("parseExpression", "%sat %s\n", pre, com.LF())
			inOr = true

			// Left Machine is collected to be sub-machine == Beginnig-to-current
			// left := xTree.Children // change to be left section back to but not including "|" node - or all if no | node.
			kk := -1
			for jj := len(xTree.Children) - 1; jj >= 0; jj-- {
				if xTree.Children[jj].LR_Tok == LR_OR {
					kk = jj
			if kk == -1 { // No OR tok found
				left := xTree.Children // change to be left section back to but not including "|" node - or all if no | node.
				ll := len(left)
				leftNode := ReTreeNodeType{Item: "", LR_Tok: LR_null, Children: make([]ReTreeNodeType, ll, ll)}
				for jj := range left {
					leftNode.Children[jj] = left[jj]

				newTop := ReTreeNodeType{Item: "|", LR_Tok: LR_OR, Children: make([]ReTreeNodeType, 0, 10)}
				newTop.Children = append(newTop.Children, leftNode) // only if no "or" node, else ref to "or" node
				xTree.Children = xTree.Children[:0]
				xTree.Children = append(xTree.Children, newTop)
				com.DbPrintf("parseExpression", "%sAT %s, w=%d %s, left=%s\n", pre, com.LF(), w, NameOfLR_TokType(w), com.SVarI(left))
			} else {
				if kk >= 0 {
					if kk < len(xTree.Children) {
						tmp := xTree.Children[kk+1:]
						xTree.Children = xTree.Children[0 : kk+1]
						newNode := ReTreeNodeType{Item: "", LR_Tok: LR_null, Children: make([]ReTreeNodeType, len(tmp), len(tmp))}
						for i := 0; i < len(tmp); i++ {
							newNode.Children[i] = tmp[i]
						xTree.Children[kk].Children = append(xTree.Children[kk].Children, newNode)

			// Or node is created like (LR_STAR)
			// Recursive call to parse rest of items at this level
			//newNode := ReTreeNodeType{Item: "", LR_Tok: LR_null, Children: make([]ReTreeNodeType, 1, 10)} // No recursive call
			//lr.parseExpression(depth+1, depth, &newNode.Children[0])
			//newTop.Children = append(newTop.Children, newNode.Children[0])

			// Take results of recursion and put in as RIGHT machine under LR_OR (optimize for N-Tree OR at this point)
			//xTree.Children = append(xTree.Children, newTop)
			//if depth > d_depth {
			//com.DbPrintf("parseExpression", "%sat %s, depth=%d d_detph=%d\n", pre, com.LF(), depth, d_depth)
			//	return xTree.Children

		case LR_OP_PAR: // (		-- Start of Sub_Re
			com.DbPrintf("parseExpression", "%sat %s\n", pre, com.LF())

			newNode := ReTreeNodeType{Item: c, LR_Tok: LR_OP_PAR, Children: make([]ReTreeNodeType, 1, 10)}

			lr.parseExpression(depth+1, depth+1, &newNode.Children[0])

			newNode.Children[0].Item = c
			newNode.Children[0].LR_Tok = LR_OP_PAR

			xTree.Children = append(xTree.Children, newNode.Children[0])

			com.DbPrintf("parseExpression", "%sat %s\n", pre, com.LF())

		case LR_CL_PAR: // )
			// If in "or" node set - then collect last section to "or" ------------------------ <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
			com.DbPrintf("parseExpression", "%sat %s\n", pre, com.LF())
			if depth == 0 {
				com.DbPrintf("parseExpression", "%sat %s\n", pre, com.LF())
				lr.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid '%s' at not properly nested.   Assuming that this was to match a character.", c))
				xTree.Children = append(xTree.Children, ReTreeNodeType{Item: c, LR_Tok: LR_Text})
				com.DbPrintf("parseExpression", "%sat %s\n", pre, com.LF())
			} else {
				com.DbPrintf("parseExpression", "%sat %s\n", pre, com.LF())
				if inOr {
					com.DbPrintf("parseExpression", "%sAT Top of new code %s, BOTTOM xTree=%s\n", pre, com.LF(), com.SVarI(xTree))
					kk := -1
					for jj := len(xTree.Children) - 1; jj >= 0; jj-- {
						if xTree.Children[jj].LR_Tok == LR_OR {
							kk = jj
					if kk >= 0 {
						if kk < len(xTree.Children) {
							tmp := xTree.Children[kk+1:]
							xTree.Children = xTree.Children[0 : kk+1]
							newNode := ReTreeNodeType{Item: "", LR_Tok: LR_null, Children: make([]ReTreeNodeType, len(tmp), len(tmp))}
							for i := 0; i < len(tmp); i++ {
								newNode.Children[i] = tmp[i]
							xTree.Children[kk].Children = append(xTree.Children[kk].Children, newNode)
					com.DbPrintf("parseExpression", "%sAT Bo5 of new code %s, BOTTOM xTree=%s\n", pre, com.LF(), com.SVarI(xTree))
				return xTree.Children
			com.DbPrintf("parseExpression", "%sat %s\n", pre, com.LF())
			inOr = false

		case LR_CCL: // [...]	-- CCL Node (Above)
		case LR_N_CCL: // [^...]	-- N_CCL Node
			xTree.Children = append(xTree.Children, lr.parseCCL(depth+1, w)) // xyzzy needs work ---------------------------------------------------

			lr.Error = append(lr.Error, errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Invalid LR Token Type, '%d', '%s', %s", w, NameOfLR_TokType(w), com.LF())))
			return xTree.Children
		isFirst = false
		com.DbPrintf("parseExpression", "%sAT %s, BOTTOM xTree=%s\n", pre, com.LF(), com.SVarI(xTree))
		c, w = lr.Next()
	// If in "or" node set - then collect last section to "or" ------------------------ <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
	if inOr {
		com.DbPrintf("parseExpression", "%sAT Top of new code %s, BOTTOM xTree=%s\n", pre, com.LF(), com.SVarI(xTree))
		kk := -1
		for jj := len(xTree.Children) - 1; jj >= 0; jj-- {
			if xTree.Children[jj].LR_Tok == LR_OR {
				kk = jj
		if kk >= 0 {
			if kk < len(xTree.Children) {
				tmp := xTree.Children[kk+1:]
				xTree.Children = xTree.Children[0 : kk+1]
				newNode := ReTreeNodeType{Item: "", LR_Tok: LR_null, Children: make([]ReTreeNodeType, len(tmp), len(tmp))}
				for i := 0; i < len(tmp); i++ {
					newNode.Children[i] = tmp[i]
				xTree.Children[kk].Children = append(xTree.Children[kk].Children, newNode)
		com.DbPrintf("parseExpression", "%sAT Bo5 of new code %s, BOTTOM xTree=%s\n", pre, com.LF(), com.SVarI(xTree))
	return xTree.Children
func FxFor(callNo int, pt *Parse2Type, Context *eval.ContextType, curTree *MtType) (err error) {
	fmt.Printf("Fx_For Called, %d\n", callNo)
	fmt.Printf("---------------------------------------------------------------------------- for tree -------------------------------------------------------------------------\n")
	if false {
		fmt.Printf("%s\n\n", com.SVarI(curTree))
	} else {
		curTree.DumpMtType(os.Stdout, 0, 0)

	tmpMt := func(ss []*MtType) (rv *MtType) {
		rv = &MtType{
			NodeType: gen.Tok_Tree_List,
			List:     make([]*MtType, 0, len(ss)),
			LineNo:   ss[0].LineNo,
			ColNo:    ss[0].ColNo,
			FileName: ss[0].FileName,
		for _, vv := range ss {
			rv.List = append(rv.List, vv)

	var walkTreeEmptyOutput func(mt *MtType, pos, depth int)
	walkTreeEmptyOutput = func(mt *MtType, pos, depth int) {
		mt.HTML_Output = ""
		for ii, vv := range mt.List {
			walkTreeEmptyOutput(vv, ii, depth+1)

	if callNo == 11 {
		if !curTree.MoreThan(1) {
		} else {
			ifp := FindTags(curTree.List[0], gen.Tok_Tree_Empty, gen.Tok_Tree_EndFor) // find parts of for loop
			fmt.Printf("ifp=%+v\n", ifp)
			if curTree.EvalExpr(Context, 0, 0) {
				x := tmpMt(curTree.List[0].List[0:ifp[0]])
				curTree.HTML_Output = ""
				// xyzzy - check type
				for ii, vv := range curTree.XValue.([]interface{}) {
					Context.SetInContext("$index", eval.CtxType_Int, ii) // xyzzy - conversion to string not correct -- needs to push $index - on endfor pop
					Context.SetInContext("$value", eval.CtxType_Str, vv) // xyzzy - conversion to string not correct
					//Context.SetInContext("key", fmt.Sprintf("%d", ii))    // xyzzy - conversion to string not correct	 -- key should be ID, Value too.
					//Context.SetInContext("value", fmt.Sprintf("%v", vv))  // xyzzy - conversion to string not correct
					pt.x_walk(x, pt.pos, pt.depth)
					curTree.HTML_Output += pt.CollectTree(x, 0) // Need to collect HTML_Output and append it to curTree.HTML_Output
				mx := len(ifp)
				// xyzzy - check type
				if len(curTree.XValue.([]interface{})) == 0 && mx > 1 && curTree.List[0].List[ifp[mx-1]].NodeType == gen.Tok_Tree_Empty {
					i := mx - 1
					x := tmpMt(curTree.List[0].List[ifp[i]+1 : ifp[i+1]])
					pt.x_walk(x, pt.pos, pt.depth)
					curTree.HTML_Output += pt.CollectTree(x, 0) // Need to collect HTML_Output and append it to curTree.HTML_Output
				walkTreeEmptyOutput(curTree.List[0], 0, 0) // set children's HTML_Output to ""
文件: ab_test.go 项目: pschlump/lexie
// func ParseAction(ln string) [][]string {
func Test_ParseAction(t *testing.T) {
	tst1 := false
	com.DbOnFlags["in-echo-machine"] = true // Output machine
	for ii, vv := range In01Test {
		if !vv.SkipTest {
			// fmt.Printf("\nTest %s ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n", vv.Test)
			if tst1 {
				x := ParseAction(vv.Inp)
				fmt.Printf("%3d=%s\n", ii, com.SVarI(x))
			if vv.ResultTst4 != "" {

				cls := ClasifyLine(vv.Inp)
				// fmt.Printf("Test %s cls: %s for -->>%s<<--, %s\n", vv.Test, cls, vv.Inp, com.LF())
				atFront, rest := PickOffPatternAtBeginning(cls, vv.Inp)
				_ = rest

				if vv.ResultTst2 != "" {
					_, _, opt := ParsePattern(cls, vv.Inp)
					r := fmt.Sprintf("%v", opt)
					if r != vv.ResultTst2 {
						t.Errorf("Test %s Failed, Expected ->%s<- Got ->%s<-, %s\n", vv.Test, vv.ResultTst2, r, com.LF())
				if atFront != vv.ResultTst4 {
					t.Errorf("Test %s Failed, Expected ->%s<- Got ->%s<-, %s\n", vv.Test, vv.ResultTst4, atFront, com.LF())

			} else if vv.ResultTst2 != "" {
				cls := ClasifyLine(vv.Inp)
				pat, flag, opt := ParsePattern(cls, vv.Inp)
				r := fmt.Sprintf("%v", opt)
				if r != vv.ResultTst2 {
					t.Errorf("Test %s Failed, Expected ->%s<- Got ->%s<-, %s\n", vv.Test, vv.ResultTst2, r, com.LF())
				if false {
					fmt.Printf("%3d: %v %v %v\n", ii, pat, flag, opt)

			if len(vv.ResultTst5) > 0 {
				name, value := ParseNameValue(vv.Inp)
				// fmt.Printf("name=%s value=%s\n", name, value)
				if name != vv.ResultTst5[0] {
					t.Errorf("Test %s Failed, Expected ->%s<- Got ->%s<-, %s\n", vv.Test, vv.ResultTst5[0], name, com.LF())
				if value != vv.ResultTst5[1] {
					t.Errorf("Test %s Failed, Expected ->%s<- Got ->%s<-, %s\n", vv.Test, vv.ResultTst5[1], value, com.LF())

			if len(vv.ResultTst6) > 0 {
				name, value := ParseActionItem(vv.Inp)
				// fmt.Printf("name=%s value=%s\n", name, value)
				if name != vv.ResultTst6[0] {
					t.Errorf("Test %s Failed, Expected ->%s<- Got ->%s<-, %s\n", vv.Test, vv.ResultTst6[0], name, com.LF())
				if value != vv.ResultTst6[1] {
					t.Errorf("Test %s Failed, Expected ->%s<- Got ->%s<-, %s\n", vv.Test, vv.ResultTst6[1], value, com.LF())

			if len(vv.ResultTst7) > 0 {
				pl := ParsePlist(vv.Inp)
				if len(pl) != len(vv.ResultTst7) {
					t.Errorf("Test %s Failed, Expected %d length Got %d, %s\n", vv.Test, len(vv.ResultTst7), len(pl), com.LF())
				tt := fmt.Sprintf("%s", pl)
				ss := fmt.Sprintf("%s", vv.ResultTst7)
				if ss != tt {
					t.Errorf("Test %s Failed, Expected ->%s<- Got ->%s<-, %s\n", vv.Test, ss, tt, com.LF())

	//xp := ParsePlist("abc, def, ghi")
	//fmt.Printf("xp=%+v\n", xp)
func (s *LexieTestSuite) TestLexie(c *C) {

	// return
	fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Test Parsing of REs, Test genration of NFAs %s\n", com.LF())

	com.DbOnFlags["db_NFA"] = true
	com.DbOnFlags["db_NFA_LnNo"] = true
	com.DbOnFlags["db_DumpPool"] = true
	com.DbOnFlags["parseExpression"] = true
	com.DbOnFlags["CalcLength"] = true

	// Add a test for any issue
	c.Check(42, Equals, 42)
	// c.Assert("nope", Matches, "hel.*there")
	fmt.Printf("**** In Test Issues\n")
	//x := test7GenDFA()
	//c.Check(x, Equals, 0)

	n_err := 0
	n_skip := 0

	for ii, vv := range Lexie01Data {
		if !vv.SkipTest {
			fmt.Printf("\n\n--- %d Test: %s -----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n", ii, vv.Test)

			Pool := NewNFA_Pool()
			Cur := Pool.GetNFA()
			Pool.InitState = Cur

			Pool.AddReInfo(vv.Re, "", 1, vv.Rv, InfoType{})
			Pool.Sigma = Pool.GenerateSigma()

			if false {
				com.DbPrintf("test7", "Pool=%s\n", com.SVarI(Pool))
			Pool.DumpPoolJSON(os.Stdout, vv.Re, vv.Rv)

			fmt.Printf("Sigma: ->%s<-\n", Pool.Sigma)

			newFile := fmt.Sprintf("../ref/nfa_%s.tst", vv.Test)
			cmpFile := fmt.Sprintf("../ref/nfa_%s.ref", vv.Test)
			gvFile := fmt.Sprintf("../ref/nfa_%s.gv", vv.Test)
			svgFile := fmt.Sprintf("../ref/nfa_%s.svg", vv.Test)
			fp, _ := com.Fopen(newFile, "w")
			Pool.DumpPoolJSON(fp, vv.Re, vv.Rv)
			newData, err := ioutil.ReadFile(newFile)
			if err != nil {
				panic("unable to read file, " + cmpFile)

			if com.Exists(cmpFile) {
				ref, err := ioutil.ReadFile(cmpFile)
				if err != nil {
					panic("unable to read file, " + cmpFile)
				if string(ref) != string(newData) {
					c.Check(string(newData), Equals, string(ref))
					fmt.Printf("%sError%s: Test case %s failed to match\n", com.Red, com.Reset, vv.Test)
			} else {

			gv, _ := com.Fopen(gvFile, "w")
			Pool.GenerateGVFile(gv, vv.Re, vv.Rv)

			out, err := exec.Command("/usr/local/bin/dot", "-Tsvg", "-o"+svgFile, gvFile).Output()
			if err != nil {
				fmt.Printf("Error from dot, %s, %s\n", err, com.LF())
				fmt.Printf("Output: %s\n", out)
	if n_skip > 0 {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%sSkipped, # of files without automated checks = %d%s\n", com.Yellow, n_skip, com.Reset)
		com.DbPrintf("debug", "\n\n%sSkipped, # of files without automated checks = %d%s\n", com.Yellow, n_skip, com.Reset)
	if n_err > 0 {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%sFailed, # of errors = %d%s\n", com.Red, n_err, com.Reset)
		com.DbPrintf("debug", "\n\n%sFailed, # of errors = %d%s\n", com.Red, n_err, com.Reset)
	} else {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%sPASS%s\n", com.Green, com.Reset)
		com.DbPrintf("debug", "\n\n%sPASS%s\n", com.Green, com.Reset)
func main() {
	var fp *os.File

	// ------------------------------------------------------ cli processing --------------------------------------------------------------
	ifnList, err := flags.ParseArgs(&opts, os.Args)

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("Invalid Command Line: %s\n", err)

	if opts.Debug != "" {
		s := strings.Split(opts.Debug, ",")
		com.DbOnFlags[opts.Debug] = true
		for _, v := range s {
			com.DbOnFlags[v] = true

	if opts.Echo != "" {
		com.DbOnFlags["in-echo-machine"] = true // Output machine

	fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Test Matcher test from %s file, %s\n", opts.LexPat, com.LF())

	// ------------------------------------------------------ setup Lexie --------------------------------------------------------------
	pt := NewParse2Type()
	pt.Lex = dfa.NewLexie()
	pt.Lex.SetChanelOnOff(true) // Set for getting back stuff via Chanel

	// ------------------------------------------------------ input machine  --------------------------------------------------------------
	if opts.LexPat != "" {
		pt.Lex.NewReadFile(opts.LexPat) // pstk.Lex.NewReadFile("../in/django3.lex")
	} else if opts.ReadMachine != "" {
		fmt.Printf("Should input machine at this point\n")
		// xyzzy
	} else {
		fmt.Printf("Fatal: Must have -l <fn> or -r <fn>, neither supplied.\n")

	if opts.Machine != "" {
		fmt.Printf("Should output machine at this point\n")
		// xyzzy

	// -------------------------------------------------- start scanning process  ----------------------------------------------------------
	if opts.Tokens != "" {
		fp, _ = com.Fopen(opts.Tokens, "w")
	} else {
		fp = os.Stdout

	if opts.Input != "" {

		go func() {
			r := pbread.NewPbRead()
			pt.Lex.MatcherLexieTable(r, "S_Init")

	} else {

		go func() {
			r := pbread.NewPbRead()
			for _, fn := range ifnList[1:] {
			pt.Lex.MatcherLexieTable(r, "S_Init")


	// ------------------------------------------------------ process tokens --------------------------------------------------------------
	if false {
		// just print tokens out to check the scanning prcess and CLI options
		for msg := range pt.Lex.Message {
			fmt.Fprintf(fp, "%+v\n", msg)
	} else {
		// Generate a parse tree and print out.
		xpt := pt.GenParseTree(0)
		pt.TheTree = xpt
		xpt.DumpMtType(fp, 0, 0)
		fmt.Printf("----------------------------------- start execute ----------------------------------------------------\n")
		fmt.Printf("----------------------------------- debug output ----------------------------------------------------\n")
		if true {
			fmt.Printf("%s\n", com.SVarI(xpt))
		fmt.Printf("----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------------------------\n")
		for i := 0; i < 1000000; i++ {
			pt.OutputTree0(fp, 0)
		fmt.Printf("----------------------------------- errors ----------------------------------------------------\n")
		pp := pt.CollectErrorNodes(0)
		for ii, vv := range pp {
			fmt.Printf("Error [%3d]: msg=%s\n", ii, vv.ErrorMsg)
		fmt.Printf("----------------------------------- final template results  ----------------------------------------------------\n")
		pt.OutputTree(fp, 0)

	if opts.Tokens != "" {

文件: re.go 项目: pschlump/lexie
func (lr *LexReType) CalcLengthChild(tree *ReTreeNodeType, d int) (x int, hard bool) {
	t := 0

	hard = false
	if d == 1 {
		com.DbPrintf("CalcLength", "CalcLengthChild at top: %s\n\n", com.SVarI(tree))

	switch tree.LR_Tok {
	case LR_null: //
		for jj := range tree.Children {
			t, hard = lr.CalcLengthChild(&tree.Children[jj], d+1)
			x += t
	case LR_Text: //
		// com.DbPrintf("CalcLength", "Len of item(%s) = %d, %s\n", tree.Item, len(tree.Item), com.LF())
		x += len(tree.Item)
		hard = true
	case LR_EOF: //
		hard = true
	case LR_DOT: // .
		x += 1
	case LR_STAR: // *
		x = 0
		// com.DbPrintf("CalcLength", "After * x = %d, hard=%v\n", x, hard)
	case LR_PLUS: // +
		// patch to fix the problem with [0-9]+ not working -- In reality the length is only if it is a "FIXED" length, 0 else
		//		if len(tree.Children) > 0 {
		//			t, hard = lr.CalcLengthChild(&tree.Children[0], d+1)
		//			x += t
		//		}
		//		hard = true
		x = 0
	case LR_QUEST: // ?
		x = 0
	case LR_OP_BR: // { 			// {m,n} - need to calculate length of ( m times, length of children
		x = 0
	case LR_OP_PAR: // (
		if len(tree.Children) > 0 {
			t, hard = lr.CalcLengthChild(&tree.Children[0], d+1)
			x += t
		// com.DbPrintf("CalcLength", "After ( x = %d, hard=%v\n", x, hard)
	case LR_CL_PAR: // )
		x = 0
	case LR_CCL: // [...]
		x += 1
		hard = true
	case LR_N_CCL: // [^...]
		x += 1
	case LR_E_CCL: // ]
		x += 1
	case LR_CARROT: // ^
		x += 0
		hard = true
	case LR_MINUS: // -
		x += 1
		hard = true
	case LR_DOLLAR: // $
		hard = true

	case LR_OR: // |
		y := -1
		z := 0
		hard = false
		if len(tree.Children) > 0 {
			hard = true
			h := false
			for jj := range tree.Children {
				z, h = lr.CalcLengthChild(&tree.Children[jj], d+1)
				if y == -1 {
					y = z
				} else if y < z {
					y = z
				if !h {
					hard = false
		x += y
		// com.DbPrintf("CalcLength", "After | x = %d, hard = %v\n", x, hard)

文件: re.go 项目: pschlump/lexie
func init() {
	if false {
		fmt.Printf("", com.SVarI(nil), com.LF())
文件: main.go 项目: pschlump/lexie
func CopyInAssets(optsSiteName string, BaseAssets string, SiteAssets string, optsOutput string, User string, Theme string, forcedCpFlag bool) {

	// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	data := make(map[string]string)
	data["site_name"] = optsSiteName
	data["user"] = User
	data["theme"] = Theme

	//if opts.Input == "" && optsSiteName != "" {
	//	opts.Input = com.Qt("./site/%{site_name%}/", data2)

	if optsOutput == "" && optsSiteName != "" {
		optsOutput = com.Qt("./www/%{site_name%}/", data)

	// Generate list of top directories to search
	top := make([]string, 0, 10)
	topDirs := com.Qt(SiteAssets+"/%{user%}/%{theme%}/", data) // ./site_assets/%{site_name%} ->  ./site_assets/%{site_name%}/%{user%}/%{theme%}/
	if com.Exists(topDirs) {
		top = append(top, topDirs)

	data["user"] = ""
	// data["theme"] = "A-Theme"
	topDirs = com.Qt(SiteAssets+"/%{user%}/%{theme%}/", data) // ./site_assets/%{site_name%} ->  ./site_assets/%{site_name%}/%{user%}/%{theme%}/
	if com.Exists(topDirs) {
		top = append(top, topDirs)

	data["user"] = User
	// data["user"] = ""
	data["theme"] = ""
	topDirs = com.Qt(SiteAssets+"/%{user%}/%{theme%}/", data) // ./site_assets/%{site_name%} ->  ./site_assets/%{site_name%}/%{user%}/%{theme%}/
	if com.Exists(topDirs) {
		top = append(top, topDirs)

	top = append(top, BaseAssets)
	// top has array in order of top level dirs to copy from.

	var infn, outfn, dirs []string

	cpList2 := make(map[string]string)

	for ii := range top {
		jj := (len(top) - 1) - ii
		dir := top[jj]

		t_fns, t_dirs, err := com.GetFilenamesRecrusive(dir)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Printf("Error: %s\n", err)
		} else {

			// if base-fiel-name is not in fns, then add it
			infn = append(infn, t_fns...)
			t_fns = com.ReplaceEach(t_fns, opts.Input, optsOutput)
			outfn = append(outfn, t_fns...)
			outfn = com.ReplaceEach(outfn, dir, optsOutput)

			for kk, in := range infn {
				// fmt.Printf("Loop %2d: in=>%s<- dir=%s\n", kk, in, dir)
				if com.Exists(in) {
					// xyzzy - compare time stamps and size
					if InputModified(in, outfn[kk], forcedCpFlag) || FileSizeDiffers(in, outfn[kk]) {
						cpList2[outfn[kk]] = in

			// if base-dir-name is not in dirs then add base dir name
			t_dirs = com.ReplaceEach(t_dirs, dir, optsOutput)
			for _, x := range t_dirs {
				if !com.InArray(x, dirs) {
					dirs = append(dirs, x)

			if db_debug4 {
				debugPrintStrinSlice(infn, "\t\t")
				debugPrintStrinSlice(outfn, "\t\t")
				fmt.Printf("\tdirs 0=\n")
				debugPrintStrinSlice(dirs, "\t\t")
	if db_debug4 {
		fmt.Printf("cp: %s\n", com.SVarI(cpList2))

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
func FxIf(callNo int, pt *Parse2Type, Context *eval.ContextType, curTree *MtType) (err error) {
	fmt.Printf("Fx_If Called, %d\n", callNo)
	fmt.Printf("---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if tree -------------------------------------------------------------------------\n")
	if false {
		fmt.Printf("%s\n\n", com.SVarI(curTree))
	} else {
		curTree.DumpMtType(os.Stdout, 0, 0)

	tmpMt := func(ss []*MtType) (rv *MtType) {
		rv = &MtType{
			NodeType: gen.Tok_Tree_List,
			List:     make([]*MtType, 0, len(ss)),
			LineNo:   ss[0].LineNo,
			ColNo:    ss[0].ColNo,
			FileName: ss[0].FileName,
		for _, vv := range ss {
			rv.List = append(rv.List, vv)

	if callNo == 11 {
		fmt.Printf("n options = %d, opts = %v AT: %s\n", len(curTree.SVal), curTree.SVal, com.LF())
		if !curTree.MoreThan(0) {
		} else {
			ifp := FindTags(curTree.List[0], gen.Tok_Tree_ElsIf, gen.Tok_Tree_Else, gen.Tok_Tree_Endif) // find parts of if/else
			fmt.Printf("ifp=%+v, 1st expr = %v\n", ifp, curTree.EvalExpr(Context, 0, 0))
			// xyzzy - should check order of ElsIf...Else...EndIf
			if curTree.EvalExpr(Context, 0, 0) {
				if curTree.DataType == eval.CtxType_Bool && curTree.XValue.(bool) {
					x := tmpMt(curTree.List[0].List[0:ifp[0]])
					pt.x_walk(x, pt.pos, pt.depth)
			fmt.Printf("At AT: %s\n", com.LF())
			for i := 0; i < len(ifp)-1; i++ {
				ct := curTree.List[0].List[ifp[i]]
				fmt.Printf("At AT: %s\n", com.LF())
				if ct.NodeType == gen.Tok_Tree_ElsIf {
					fmt.Printf("At AT, it is (((ElsIf))): %s\n", com.LF()) //
					if ct.EvalExpr(Context, 0, 0) {                        // expression is correct
						fmt.Printf("At AT: %s, ct=%+v\n", com.LF(), ct)           //
						if ct.DataType == eval.CtxType_Bool && ct.XValue.(bool) { // If true value for expression
							x := tmpMt(curTree.List[0].List[ifp[i]+1 : ifp[i+1]])
							fmt.Printf("At -- Need to collect results -- AT: %s -------- elsif sub-tree Range[%d,%d] is %s\n", com.LF(), ifp[i]+1, ifp[i+1], com.SVarI(x))
							pt.x_walk(x, pt.pos, pt.depth)
				} else if ct.NodeType == gen.Tok_Tree_Else {
					fmt.Printf("At AT, it is (((Else))): %s\n", com.LF())
					x := tmpMt(curTree.List[0].List[ifp[i]+1 : ifp[i+1]])
					pt.x_walk(x, pt.pos, pt.depth)