func NewAccessGrant(ao *AccessGrantOptions, cs *ClientSettings) *AccessGrant { messaging.SetResumeOnReconnect(ao.ResumeOnReconnect) messaging.SetSubscribeTimeout(uint16(ao.SubscribeTimeout)) messaging.SetOrigin(ao.Origin) p := sync.Pool{ New: func() interface{} { return NewPubNubClient(cs) }, } return &AccessGrant{pool: p} }
// Init asks the user the basic settings to initialize to the pubnub struct. // Settings include the pubnub channel(s) to connect to. // Ssl settings // Cipher key // Secret Key // Custom Uuid // Proxy details // // The method returns false if the channel name is not provided. // // returns: a bool, true if the user completed the initail settings. func Init() (b bool) { fmt.Println("") fmt.Println(messaging.VersionInfo()) messaging.SetMaxIdleConnsPerHost(20) fmt.Println("") fmt.Println("Please enter the channel name(s). Enter multiple channels separated by comma without spaces.") reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin) line, _, err := reader.ReadLine() if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } else { connectChannels = string(line) if strings.TrimSpace(connectChannels) != "" { fmt.Println("Channel: ", connectChannels) fmt.Println("Enable SSL? Enter y for Yes, n for No.") var enableSsl string fmt.Scanln(&enableSsl) if enableSsl == "y" || enableSsl == "Y" { ssl = true fmt.Println("SSL enabled") } else { ssl = false fmt.Println("SSL disabled") } fmt.Println("Please enter a subscribe key, leave blank for default key.") fmt.Scanln(&subscribeKey) if strings.TrimSpace(subscribeKey) == "" { subscribeKey = "demo" } fmt.Println("Subscribe Key: ", subscribeKey) fmt.Println("") fmt.Println("Please enter a publish key, leave blank for default key.") fmt.Scanln(&publishKey) if strings.TrimSpace(publishKey) == "" { publishKey = "demo" } fmt.Println("Publish Key: ", publishKey) fmt.Println("") fmt.Println("Please enter a secret key, leave blank for default key.") fmt.Scanln(&secretKey) if strings.TrimSpace(secretKey) == "" { secretKey = "demo" } fmt.Println("Secret Key: ", secretKey) fmt.Println("") fmt.Println("Please enter a CIPHER key, leave blank if you don't want to use this.") fmt.Scanln(&cipher) fmt.Println("Cipher: ", cipher) fmt.Println("Please enter a Custom UUID, leave blank for default.") fmt.Scanln(&uuid) fmt.Println("UUID: ", uuid) fmt.Println("Display error messages? Enter y for Yes, n for No. Default is Yes") var enableErrorMessages = "y" fmt.Scanln(&enableErrorMessages) if enableErrorMessages == "y" || enableErrorMessages == "Y" { displayError = true fmt.Println("Error messages will be displayed") } else { displayError = false fmt.Println("Error messages will not be displayed") } fmt.Println("Enable resume on reconnect? Enter y for Yes, n for No. Default is Yes") var enableResumeOnReconnect = "y" fmt.Scanln(&enableResumeOnReconnect) if enableResumeOnReconnect == "y" || enableResumeOnReconnect == "Y" { messaging.SetResumeOnReconnect(true) fmt.Println("Resume on reconnect enabled") } else { messaging.SetResumeOnReconnect(false) fmt.Println("Resume on reconnect disabled") } fmt.Println("Set subscribe timeout? Enter numerals.") var subscribeTimeout = "" fmt.Scanln(&subscribeTimeout) val, err := strconv.Atoi(subscribeTimeout) if err != nil { fmt.Println("Entered value is invalid. Using default value.") } else { messaging.SetSubscribeTimeout(uint16(val)) } fmt.Println("Enable logging? Enter y for Yes, n for No. Default is Yes") var enableLogging = "y" fmt.Scanln(&enableLogging) if enableLogging == "y" || enableLogging == "Y" { messaging.LoggingEnabled(true) logfileName := "pubnubMessaging.log" f, err := os.OpenFile(logfileName, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND, 0666) if err != nil { fmt.Println("error opening file: ", err.Error()) fmt.Println("Logging disabled") } else { fmt.Println("Logging enabled writing to ", logfileName) messaging.SetLogOutput(f) } } else { messaging.SetResumeOnReconnect(false) fmt.Println("Logging disabled") } messaging.SetOrigin("") var pubInstance = messaging.NewPubnub(publishKey, subscribeKey, secretKey, cipher, ssl, uuid) pub = pubInstance SetupProxy() presenceHeartbeat := askNumber16("Presence Heartbeat", true) pub.SetPresenceHeartbeat(presenceHeartbeat) fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("Presence Heartbeat set to :%d", pub.GetPresenceHeartbeat())) presenceHeartbeatInterval := askNumber16("Presence Heartbeat Interval", true) pub.SetPresenceHeartbeat(presenceHeartbeatInterval) fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("Presence Heartbeat set to :%d", pub.GetPresenceHeartbeat())) fmt.Println("Pubnub instance initialized") return true } fmt.Println("Channel cannot be empty.") } return false }