文件: puppet.go 项目: ffrank/mgmt
// ParseConfigFromPuppet takes a special puppet param string and config and
// returns the graph configuration structure.
func ParseConfigFromPuppet(puppetParam, puppetConf string) *gconfig.GraphConfig {
	var puppetConfArg string
	if puppetConf != "" {
		puppetConfArg = "--config=" + puppetConf

	var cmd *exec.Cmd
	if puppetParam == "agent" {
		cmd = exec.Command("puppet", "mgmtgraph", "print", puppetConfArg)
	} else if strings.HasSuffix(puppetParam, ".pp") {
		cmd = exec.Command("puppet", "mgmtgraph", "print", puppetConfArg, "--manifest", puppetParam)
	} else {
		cmd = exec.Command("puppet", "mgmtgraph", "print", puppetConfArg, "--code", puppetParam)

	log.Println("Puppet: launching translator")

	var config gconfig.GraphConfig
	if data, err := runPuppetCommand(cmd); err != nil {
		return nil
	} else if err := config.Parse(data); err != nil {
		log.Printf("Puppet: Error: Could not parse YAML output with Parse: %v", err)
		return nil

	return &config
文件: main.go 项目: ffrank/mgmt
// run is the main run target.
func run(c *cli.Context) error {
	var start = time.Now().UnixNano()
	log.Printf("This is: %v, version: %v", program, version)
	log.Printf("Main: Start: %v", start)

	hostname, _ := os.Hostname()
	// allow passing in the hostname, instead of using --hostname
	if c.IsSet("file") {
		if config := gconfig.ParseConfigFromFile(c.String("file")); config != nil {
			if h := config.Hostname; h != "" {
				hostname = h
	if c.IsSet("hostname") { // override by cli
		if h := c.String("hostname"); h != "" {
			hostname = h
	noop := c.Bool("noop")

	seeds, err := etcdtypes.NewURLs(
		util.FlattenListWithSplit(c.StringSlice("seeds"), []string{",", ";", " "}),
	if err != nil && len(c.StringSlice("seeds")) > 0 {
		log.Printf("Main: Error: seeds didn't parse correctly!")
		return cli.NewExitError("", 1)
	clientURLs, err := etcdtypes.NewURLs(
		util.FlattenListWithSplit(c.StringSlice("client-urls"), []string{",", ";", " "}),
	if err != nil && len(c.StringSlice("client-urls")) > 0 {
		log.Printf("Main: Error: clientURLs didn't parse correctly!")
		return cli.NewExitError("", 1)
	serverURLs, err := etcdtypes.NewURLs(
		util.FlattenListWithSplit(c.StringSlice("server-urls"), []string{",", ";", " "}),
	if err != nil && len(c.StringSlice("server-urls")) > 0 {
		log.Printf("Main: Error: serverURLs didn't parse correctly!")
		return cli.NewExitError("", 1)

	idealClusterSize := uint16(c.Int("ideal-cluster-size"))
	if idealClusterSize < 1 {
		log.Printf("Main: Error: idealClusterSize should be at least one!")
		return cli.NewExitError("", 1)

	if c.IsSet("file") && c.IsSet("puppet") {
		log.Println("Main: Error: the --file and --puppet parameters cannot be used together!")
		return cli.NewExitError("", 1)

	if c.Bool("no-server") && len(c.StringSlice("remote")) > 0 {
		// TODO: in this case, we won't be able to tunnel stuff back to
		// here, so if we're okay with every remote graph running in an
		// isolated mode, then this is okay. Improve on this if there's
		// someone who really wants to be able to do this.
		log.Println("Main: Error: the --no-server and --remote parameters cannot be used together!")
		return cli.NewExitError("", 1)

	cConns := uint16(c.Int("cconns"))
	if cConns < 0 {
		log.Printf("Main: Error: --cconns should be at least zero!")
		return cli.NewExitError("", 1)

	if c.IsSet("converged-timeout") && cConns > 0 && len(c.StringSlice("remote")) > c.Int("cconns") {
		log.Printf("Main: Error: combining --converged-timeout with more remotes than available connections will never converge!")
		return cli.NewExitError("", 1)

	depth := uint16(c.Int("depth"))
	if depth < 0 { // user should not be using this argument manually
		log.Printf("Main: Error: negative values for --depth are not permitted!")
		return cli.NewExitError("", 1)

	if c.IsSet("prefix") && c.Bool("tmp-prefix") {
		log.Println("Main: Error: combining --prefix and the request for a tmp prefix is illogical!")
		return cli.NewExitError("", 1)
	if s := c.String("prefix"); c.IsSet("prefix") && s != "" {
		prefix = s

	// make sure the working directory prefix exists
	if c.Bool("tmp-prefix") || os.MkdirAll(prefix, 0770) != nil {
		if c.Bool("tmp-prefix") || c.Bool("allow-tmp-prefix") {
			if prefix, err = ioutil.TempDir("", program+"-"); err != nil {
				log.Printf("Main: Error: Can't create temporary prefix!")
				return cli.NewExitError("", 1)
			log.Println("Main: Warning: Working prefix directory is temporary!")

		} else {
			log.Printf("Main: Error: Can't create prefix!")
			return cli.NewExitError("", 1)
	log.Printf("Main: Working prefix is: %s", prefix)

	var wg sync.WaitGroup
	exit := make(chan bool) // exit signal
	var G, fullGraph *pgraph.Graph

	// exit after `max-runtime` seconds for no reason at all...
	if i := c.Int("max-runtime"); i > 0 {
		go func() {
			time.Sleep(time.Duration(i) * time.Second)
			exit <- true

	// setup converger
	converger := converger.NewConverger(
		nil, // stateFn gets added in by EmbdEtcd
	go converger.Loop(true) // main loop for converger, true to start paused

	// embedded etcd
	if len(seeds) == 0 {
		log.Printf("Main: Seeds: No seeds specified!")
	} else {
		log.Printf("Main: Seeds(%v): %v", len(seeds), seeds)
	EmbdEtcd := etcd.NewEmbdEtcd(
	if EmbdEtcd == nil {
		// TODO: verify EmbdEtcd is not nil below...
		log.Printf("Main: Etcd: Creation failed!")
		exit <- true
	} else if err := EmbdEtcd.Startup(); err != nil { // startup (returns when etcd main loop is running)
		log.Printf("Main: Etcd: Startup failed: %v", err)
		exit <- true
	convergerStateFn := func(b bool) error {
		// exit if we are using the converged-timeout and we are the
		// root node. otherwise, if we are a child node in a remote
		// execution hierarchy, we should only notify our converged
		// state and wait for the parent to trigger the exit.
		if depth == 0 && c.Int("converged-timeout") >= 0 {
			if b {
				log.Printf("Converged for %d seconds, exiting!", c.Int("converged-timeout"))
				exit <- true // trigger an exit!
			return nil
		// send our individual state into etcd for others to see
		return etcd.EtcdSetHostnameConverged(EmbdEtcd, hostname, b) // TODO: what should happen on error?
	if EmbdEtcd != nil {

	exitchan := make(chan struct{}) // exit on close
	go func() {
		startchan := make(chan struct{}) // start signal
		go func() { startchan <- struct{}{} }()
		file := c.String("file")
		var configchan chan bool
		var puppetchan <-chan time.Time
		if !c.Bool("no-watch") && c.IsSet("file") {
			configchan = ConfigWatch(file)
		} else if c.IsSet("puppet") {
			interval := puppet.PuppetInterval(c.String("puppet-conf"))
			puppetchan = time.Tick(time.Duration(interval) * time.Second)
		log.Println("Etcd: Starting...")
		etcdchan := etcd.EtcdWatch(EmbdEtcd)
		first := true // first loop or not
		for {
			log.Println("Main: Waiting...")
			select {
			case <-startchan: // kick the loop once at start
				// pass

			case b := <-etcdchan:
				if !b { // ignore the message
				// everything else passes through to cause a compile!

			case <-puppetchan:
				// nothing, just go on

			case msg := <-configchan:
				if c.Bool("no-watch") || !msg {
					continue // not ready to read config
			// XXX: case compile_event: ...
			// ...
			case <-exitchan:

			var config *gconfig.GraphConfig
			if c.IsSet("file") {
				config = gconfig.ParseConfigFromFile(file)
			} else if c.IsSet("puppet") {
				config = puppet.ParseConfigFromPuppet(c.String("puppet"), c.String("puppet-conf"))
			if config == nil {
				log.Printf("Config: Parse failure")

			if config.Hostname != "" && config.Hostname != hostname {
				log.Printf("Config: Hostname changed, ignoring config!")
			config.Hostname = hostname // set it in case it was ""

			// run graph vertex LOCK...
			if !first { // TODO: we can flatten this check out I think
				converger.Pause() // FIXME: add sync wait?
				G.Pause()         // sync

			// build graph from yaml file on events (eg: from etcd)
			// we need the vertices to be paused to work on them
			if newFullgraph, err := config.NewGraphFromConfig(fullGraph, EmbdEtcd, noop); err == nil { // keep references to all original elements
				fullGraph = newFullgraph
			} else {
				log.Printf("Config: Error making new graph from config: %v", err)
				// unpause!
				if !first {
					G.Start(&wg, first) // sync
					converger.Start()   // after G.Start()

			G = fullGraph.Copy() // copy to active graph
			// XXX: do etcd transaction out here...
			G.AutoEdges() // add autoedges; modifies the graph
			G.AutoGroup() // run autogroup; modifies the graph
			// TODO: do we want to do a transitive reduction?

			log.Printf("Graph: %v", G) // show graph
			err := G.ExecGraphviz(c.String("graphviz-filter"), c.String("graphviz"))
			if err != nil {
				log.Printf("Graphviz: %v", err)
			} else {
				log.Printf("Graphviz: Successfully generated graph!")
			// G.Start(...) needs to be synchronous or wait,
			// because if half of the nodes are started and
			// some are not ready yet and the EtcdWatch
			// loops, we'll cause G.Pause(...) before we
			// even got going, thus causing nil pointer errors
			G.Start(&wg, first) // sync
			converger.Start()   // after G.Start()
			first = false

	configWatcher := NewConfigWatcher()
	events := configWatcher.Events()
	if !c.Bool("no-watch") {
		configWatcher.Add(c.StringSlice("remote")...) // add all the files...
	} else {
		events = nil // signal that no-watch is true

	// initialize the add watcher, which calls the f callback on map changes
	convergerCb := func(f func(map[string]bool) error) (func(), error) {
		return etcd.EtcdAddHostnameConvergedWatcher(EmbdEtcd, f)

	// build remotes struct for remote ssh
	remotes := remote.NewRemotes(
		c.StringSlice("remote"), // list of files
		events,                  // watch for file changes

	// TODO: is there any benefit to running the remotes above in the loop?
	// wait for etcd to be running before we remote in, which we do above!
	go remotes.Run()

	if !c.IsSet("file") && !c.IsSet("puppet") {
		converger.Start() // better start this for empty graphs
	log.Println("Main: Running...")

	waitForSignal(exit) // pass in exit channel to watch


	configWatcher.Close() // stop sending file changes to remotes
	remotes.Exit()        // tell all the remote connections to shutdown; waits!

	G.Exit() // tell all the children to exit

	// tell inner main loop to exit

	// cleanup etcd main loop last so it can process everything first
	if err := EmbdEtcd.Destroy(); err != nil { // shutdown and cleanup etcd
		log.Printf("Etcd exited poorly with: %v", err)

	if global.DEBUG {
		log.Printf("Graph: %v", G)

	wg.Wait() // wait for primary go routines to exit

	// TODO: wait for each vertex to exit...
	return nil