// The HEAD method is identical to GET except that the server MUST NOT return a message-
// body in the response. But now the responsability for don't adding the body is from the
// mux while writing the response
func (h *DomainHandler) retrieveDomain(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	w.Header().Add("ETag", h.GetETag())
	w.Header().Add("Last-Modified", h.GetLastModifiedAt().Format(time.RFC1123))

	domainResponse := protocol.ToDomainResponse(h.domain, true)
	h.Response = &domainResponse
// Build the domain object doing a DNS query. To this function works the domain must be
// registered correctly and delegated in the DNS tree
func (h *DomainVerificationHandler) queryDomain(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	domain, err := scan.QueryDomain(h.FQDN)
	if err != nil {
		log.Println("Error while resolving FQDN. Details:", err)

	domainResponse := protocol.ToDomainResponse(domain, false)
	h.Response = &domainResponse
// Put is responsable for checking a domain object on-the-fly without persisting in
// database, useful for pre-registration validations in the registry
func (h *DomainVerificationHandler) Put(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	// We need to set the FQDN in the domain request object because it is sent only in the
	// URI and not in the domain request body to avoid information redudancy
	h.Request.FQDN = h.GetFQDN()

	var domain model.Domain
	var err error

	if domain, err = protocol.Merge(domain, h.Request); err != nil {
		messageId := ""

		switch err {
		case protocol.ErrInvalidDNSKEY:
			messageId = "invalid-dnskey"
		case protocol.ErrInvalidDSAlgorithm:
			messageId = "invalid-ds-algorithm"
		case protocol.ErrInvalidDSDigestType:
			messageId = "invalid-ds-digest-type"
		case protocol.ErrInvalidIP:
			messageId = "invalid-ip"
		case protocol.ErrInvalidLanguage:
			messageId = "invalid-language"

		if len(messageId) == 0 {
			log.Println("Error while merging domain objects for domain verification "+
				"operation. Details:", err)

		} else {
			if err := h.MessageResponse(messageId, r.URL.RequestURI()); err == nil {

			} else {
				log.Println("Error while writing response. Details:", err)


	// As we alredy did the scan, if the domain is registered in the system, we update it for this
	// results. This also gives a more intuitive design for when the user wants to force a check a
	// specific domain in the Shelter system
	domainDAO := dao.DomainDAO{
		Database: h.GetDatabase(),

	if dbDomain, err := domainDAO.FindByFQDN(domain.FQDN); err == nil {
		update := true

		// Check if we have the same nameservers, and if so update the last status
		if len(dbDomain.Nameservers) == len(domain.Nameservers) {
			for i := range dbDomain.Nameservers {
				dbNameserver := dbDomain.Nameservers[i]
				nameserver := domain.Nameservers[i]

				if dbNameserver.Host == nameserver.Host &&
					dbNameserver.IPv4.Equal(nameserver.IPv4) &&
					dbNameserver.IPv6.Equal(nameserver.IPv6) {


				} else {
					update = false

		} else {
			update = false

		// Check if we have the same DS set, and if so update the last status
		if len(dbDomain.DSSet) == len(domain.DSSet) {
			for i := range dbDomain.DSSet {
				dbDS := dbDomain.DSSet[i]
				ds := domain.DSSet[i]

				if dbDS.Keytag == ds.Keytag &&
					dbDS.Algorithm == ds.Algorithm &&
					dbDS.DigestType == ds.DigestType &&
					dbDS.Digest == ds.Digest {


				} else {
					update = false

		} else {
			update = false

		if update {
			// We don't care about errors resulted here, because the main idea of this service is to scan
			// a domaion, not persist the results

	domainResponse := protocol.ToDomainResponse(domain, false)
	h.Response = &domainResponse