文件: main.go 项目: lamproae/hprof
func prepare() {
	// group objects by type
	byType = make([]bucket, len(d.FTList))
	for i := 0; i < d.NumObjects(); i++ {
		x := read.ObjId(i)
		tid := d.Ft(x).Id
		b := byType[tid]
		b.bytes += d.Size(x)
		b.objects = append(b.objects, x)
		byType[tid] = b

	// compute referrers
	ref1 = make([]read.ObjId, d.NumObjects())
	for i := 0; i < d.NumObjects(); i++ {
		ref1[i] = read.ObjNil
	ref2 = map[read.ObjId][]read.ObjId{}
	for i := 0; i < d.NumObjects(); i++ {
		x := read.ObjId(i)
		for _, e := range d.Edges(x) {
			r := ref1[e.To]
			if r == read.ObjNil {
				ref1[e.To] = x
			} else if x != r {
				s := ref2[e.To]
				if len(s) == 0 || x != s[len(s)-1] {
					ref2[e.To] = append(s, x)

文件: main.go 项目: lamproae/hprof
func objHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	q := r.URL.Query()
	v := q["id"]
	if len(v) != 1 {
		http.Error(w, "id parameter missing", 405)
	id, err := strconv.ParseUint(v[0], 10, 64)
	if err != nil {
		http.Error(w, err.Error(), 405)

	if int(id) >= d.NumObjects() {
		http.Error(w, "object not found", 405)
	x := read.ObjId(id)

	fld := getFields(d.Contents(x), d.Ft(x).Fields, d.Edges(x))
	if len(fld) > maxFields {
		msg := fmt.Sprintf("<font color=Red>elided for display: %d fields</font>", len(fld)-(maxFields-1))
		fld = fld[:maxFields-1]
		fld = append(fld, Field{msg, "", ""})

	ref := getReferrers(x)
	if len(ref) > maxFields {
		msg := fmt.Sprintf("<font color=Red>elided for display: %d referrers</font>", len(ref)-(maxFields-1))
		ref = ref[:maxFields-1]
		ref = append(ref, msg)

	info := objInfo{
	if err := objTemplate.Execute(w, info); err != nil {
文件: main.go 项目: lamproae/hprof
func main() {
	args := flag.Args()
	var d *read.Dump
	if len(args) == 2 {
		d = read.Read(args[0], args[1])
	} else {
		d = read.Read(args[0], "")

	// eliminate unreachable objects
	// TODO: have reader do this?
	reachable := make([]bool, d.NumObjects())
	var q []read.ObjId
	for _, f := range d.Frames {
		for _, e := range f.Edges {
			if !reachable[e.To] {
				reachable[e.To] = true
				q = append(q, e.To)
	for _, x := range []*read.Data{d.Data, d.Bss} {
		for _, e := range x.Edges {
			if !reachable[e.To] {
				reachable[e.To] = true
				q = append(q, e.To)
	for _, r := range d.Otherroots {
		for _, e := range r.Edges {
			if !reachable[e.To] {
				reachable[e.To] = true
				q = append(q, e.To)
	for _, f := range d.QFinal {
		for _, e := range f.Edges {
			if !reachable[e.To] {
				reachable[e.To] = true
				q = append(q, e.To)

	for _, g := range d.Goroutines {
		if g.Ctxt != read.ObjNil {
			if !reachable[g.Ctxt] {
				reachable[g.Ctxt] = true
				q = append(q, g.Ctxt)
	for len(q) > 0 {
		x := q[0]
		q = q[1:]
		for _, e := range d.Edges(x) {
			if !reachable[e.To] {
				reachable[e.To] = true
				q = append(q, e.To)

	fmt.Printf("digraph {\n")

	// print object graph
	for i := 0; i < d.NumObjects(); i++ {
		x := read.ObjId(i)
		if !reachable[x] {
			fmt.Printf("  v%d [style=filled fillcolor=gray];\n", x)
		fmt.Printf("  v%d [label=\"%s\\n%d\"];\n", x, d.Ft(x).Name, d.Size(x))
		for _, e := range d.Edges(x) {
			var taillabel, headlabel string
			if e.FieldName != "" {
				taillabel = fmt.Sprintf(" [taillabel=\"%s\"]", e.FieldName)
			} else if e.FromOffset != 0 {
				taillabel = fmt.Sprintf(" [taillabel=\"%d\"]", e.FromOffset)
			if e.ToOffset != 0 {
				headlabel = fmt.Sprintf(" [headlabel=\"%d\"]", e.ToOffset)
			fmt.Printf("  v%d -> v%d%s%s;\n", x, e.To, taillabel, headlabel)

	// goroutines and stacks
	for _, t := range d.Goroutines {
		fmt.Printf("  \"goroutines\" [shape=diamond];\n")
		fmt.Printf("  \"goroutines\" -> f%x_0;\n", t.Bos.Addr)

	// stack frames
	for _, f := range d.Frames {
		fmt.Printf("  f%x_%d [label=\"%s\\n%d\" shape=rectangle];\n", f.Addr, f.Depth, f.Name, len(f.Data))
		if f.Parent != nil {
			fmt.Printf("  f%x_%d -> f%x_%d;\n", f.Addr, f.Depth, f.Parent.Addr, f.Parent.Depth)
		for _, e := range f.Edges {
			if e.To != read.ObjNil {
				var taillabel, headlabel string
				if e.FieldName != "" {
					taillabel = fmt.Sprintf(" [taillabel=\"%s\"]", e.FieldName)
				} else if e.FromOffset != 0 {
					taillabel = fmt.Sprintf(" [taillabel=\"%d\"]", e.FromOffset)
				if e.ToOffset != 0 {
					headlabel = fmt.Sprintf(" [headlabel=\"%d\"]", e.ToOffset)
				fmt.Printf("  f%x_%d -> v%d%s%s;\n", f.Addr, f.Depth, e.To, taillabel, headlabel)
	for _, x := range []*read.Data{d.Data, d.Bss} {
		for _, e := range x.Edges {
			if e.To != read.ObjNil {
				var headlabel string
				if e.ToOffset != 0 {
					headlabel = fmt.Sprintf(" [headlabel=\"%d\"]", e.ToOffset)
				fmt.Printf("  \"%s\" [shape=diamond];\n", e.FieldName)
				fmt.Printf("  \"%s\" -> v%d%s;\n", e.FieldName, e.To, headlabel)
	for _, r := range d.Otherroots {
		for _, e := range r.Edges {
			var headlabel string
			if e.ToOffset != 0 {
				headlabel = fmt.Sprintf(" [headlabel=\"%d\"]", e.ToOffset)
			fmt.Printf("  \"%s\" [shape=diamond];\n", r.Description)
			fmt.Printf("  \"%s\" -> v%d%s;\n", r.Description, e.To, headlabel)
	for _, f := range d.QFinal {
		for _, e := range f.Edges {
			var headlabel string
			if e.ToOffset != 0 {
				headlabel = fmt.Sprintf(" [headlabel=\"%d\"]", e.ToOffset)
			fmt.Printf("  \"queued finalizers\" [shape=diamond];\n")
			fmt.Printf("  \"queued finalizers\" -> v%d%s;\n", e.To, headlabel)

文件: main.go 项目: lamproae/hprof
func main() {
	args := flag.Args()
	var outfile string
	if len(args) == 2 {
		d = read.Read(args[0], "")
		outfile = args[1]
	} else {
		d = read.Read(args[0], args[1])
		outfile = args[2]

	// some setup
	usedIds = make(map[uint64]struct{}, 0)
	for _, typ := range d.Types {
		usedIds[typ.Addr] = struct{}{}
	for i := 0; i < d.NumObjects(); i++ {
		usedIds[d.Addr(read.ObjId(i))] = struct{}{}
	stringCache = make(map[string]uint64, 0)
	threadSerialNumbers = make(map[*read.GoRoutine]uint32, 0)
	stackTraceSerialNumbers = make(map[*read.GoRoutine]uint32, 0)

	// std header
	hprof = append(hprof, []byte("JAVA PROFILE 1.0.1\x00")...)
	hprof = append32(hprof, 8) // IDs are 8 bytes (TODO: d.PtrSize?)
	hprof = append32(hprof, 0) // dummy base time
	hprof = append32(hprof, 0) // dummy base time

	// fake entries to make java tools happy
	java_lang_class, _ = addLoadClass("java.lang.Class")
	java_lang_classloader, _ = addLoadClass("java.lang.ClassLoader")
	java_lang_object, java_lang_object_ser = addLoadClass("java.lang.Object")
	java_lang_string, _ = addLoadClass("java.lang.String")
	java_lang_objectarray, _ = addLoadClass("Object[]")
	go_class, go_class_ser = addLoadClass("go")

	addDummyThread() // must come after addLoadClass(java.lang.Object)


	// the full heap is one big tag

	// write final file to output
	file, err := os.Create(outfile)
	if err != nil {
文件: main.go 项目: lamproae/hprof
func addHeapDump() {
	// a few fake class dumps to keep java tools happy
	dump = append(dump, fakeClassDump(java_lang_object, 0)...)
	dump = append(dump, fakeClassDump(java_lang_class, java_lang_object)...)
	dump = append(dump, fakeClassDump(java_lang_classloader, java_lang_object)...)
	dump = append(dump, fakeClassDump(java_lang_string, java_lang_object)...)

	// scratch space for modifying object data
	var data []byte

	// output each object as an instance
	for i := 0; i < d.NumObjects(); i++ {
		x := read.ObjId(i)
		if d.Size(x) >= 8<<32 {
			// file format can't record objects this big.  TODO: error/warning?  Truncate?

		// figure out what class to use for this object
		var c uint64
		if d.Ft(x).Typ == nil {
			c = NoPtrClass(d.Size(x))
		} else {
			switch d.Ft(x).Kind {
			case read.TypeKindObject:
				c = StdClass(d.Ft(x).Typ, d.Size(x))
			case read.TypeKindArray:
				c = ArrayClass(d.Ft(x).Typ, d.Size(x))
			case read.TypeKindChan:
				c = ChanClass(d.Ft(x).Typ, d.Size(x))
			// TODO: TypeKindConservative
				log.Fatal("unhandled kind")

		// make a copy of the object data so we can modify it
		data = append(data[:0], d.Contents(x)...)

		// Any pointers to objects get adjusted to point to the object head.
		for _, e := range d.Edges(x) {
			writePtr(data[e.FromOffset:], d.Addr(e.To))

		// convert to big-endian representation
		if c == bigNoPtrArray {
			for i := uint64(0); i < uint64(len(data)); i += 8 {
		} else if c == bigPtrArray {
			for i := uint64(0); i < uint64(len(data)); i += d.PtrSize {
		} else {
			off := uint64(0)
			for _, f := range javaFields[c] {
				switch f.kind {
				case T_CLASS:
					off += d.PtrSize
				case T_BOOLEAN:
				case T_FLOAT:
					off += 4
				case T_DOUBLE:
					off += 8
				case T_BYTE:
				case T_SHORT:
					off += 2
				case T_INT:
					off += 4
				case T_LONG:
					off += 8
					log.Fatalf("bad type %d\n", f.kind)

		// dump object header
		if c == bigNoPtrArray {
			dump = append(dump, HPROF_GC_PRIM_ARRAY_DUMP)
			dump = appendId(dump, d.Addr(x))
			dump = append32(dump, stack_trace_serial_number)
			dump = append32(dump, uint32(d.Size(x)/8))
			dump = append(dump, T_LONG)
		} else if c == bigPtrArray {
			dump = append(dump, HPROF_GC_OBJ_ARRAY_DUMP)
			dump = appendId(dump, d.Addr(x))
			dump = append32(dump, stack_trace_serial_number)
			dump = append32(dump, uint32(d.Size(x)/8))
			dump = appendId(dump, java_lang_objectarray)
		} else {
			dump = append(dump, HPROF_GC_INSTANCE_DUMP)
			dump = appendId(dump, d.Addr(x))
			dump = append32(dump, stack_trace_serial_number)
			dump = appendId(dump, c)
			dump = append32(dump, uint32(d.Size(x)))
		// dump object data
		dump = append(dump, data...)

	// output threads
	for _, t := range d.Goroutines {
		dump = append(dump, HPROF_GC_ROOT_THREAD_OBJ)
		dump = appendId(dump, t.Addr)
		dump = append32(dump, threadSerialNumbers[t])
		dump = append32(dump, stackTraceSerialNumbers[t])

	// stack roots
	for _, t := range d.Goroutines {
		for f := t.Bos; f != nil; f = f.Parent {
			for _, e := range f.Edges {
				// we make one "thread" per field, because the roots
				// get identified by "thread" in jhat.
				id := newId()      // id of thread object
				cid := newId()     // id of class of thread object
				tid := newSerial() // thread serial number

				// this is the class of the thread object.  Its name
				// is what gets displayed with the root entry.
				addClass(cid, 0, f.Name+"."+e.FieldName, nil)

				// new thread object
				dump = append(dump, HPROF_GC_INSTANCE_DUMP)
				dump = appendId(dump, id)
				dump = append32(dump, stack_trace_serial_number)
				dump = appendId(dump, cid)
				dump = append32(dump, 0) // no data

				// mark it as a thread
				dump = append(dump, HPROF_GC_ROOT_THREAD_OBJ)
				dump = appendId(dump, id)
				dump = append32(dump, tid)
				dump = append32(dump, stack_trace_serial_number)

				// finally, make root come from this thread
				dump = append(dump, HPROF_GC_ROOT_JAVA_FRAME)
				dump = appendId(dump, d.Addr(e.To))
				dump = append32(dump, tid)
				dump = append32(dump, 0) // depth
	// data roots
	for _, x := range []*read.Data{d.Data, d.Bss} {
		// adjust edges to point to object beginnings
		for _, e := range x.Edges {
			writePtr(x.Data[e.FromOffset:], d.Addr(e.To))
		for _, f := range x.Fields {
			addGlobal(f.Name, f.Kind, x.Data[f.Offset:])
	for _, t := range d.Otherroots {
		for _, e := range t.Edges {
			dump = append(dump, HPROF_GC_ROOT_UNKNOWN)
			dump = appendId(dump, d.Addr(e.To))

	addTag(HPROF_HEAP_DUMP, dump)
文件: main.go 项目: lamproae/hprof
func dom() {
	fmt.Println("Computing dominators...")
	n := d.NumObjects()

	// make list of roots
	// TODO: have loader compute this?
	roots := map[read.ObjId]struct{}{}
	for _, s := range []*read.Data{d.Data, d.Bss} {
		for _, e := range s.Edges {
			roots[e.To] = struct{}{}
	for _, f := range d.Frames {
		for _, e := range f.Edges {
			roots[e.To] = struct{}{}
	for _, x := range d.Otherroots {
		for _, e := range x.Edges {
			roots[e.To] = struct{}{}

	// compute postorder traversal
	// object states:
	// 0 - not seen yet
	// 1 - seen, added to queue, not yet expanded children
	// 2 - seen, already expanded children
	// 3 - added to postorder
	postorder := make([]read.ObjId, 0, n)
	postnum := make([]int, n+1)
	state := make([]byte, n)
	var q []read.ObjId // stack of work to do, holds state 1 and 2 objects
	for x := range roots {
		if state[x] != 0 {
			if state[x] != 3 {
				log.Fatal("bad state found")
		state[x] = 1
		q = q[:0]
		q = append(q, x)
		for len(q) > 0 {
			y := q[len(q)-1]
			if state[y] == 2 {
				state[y] = 3
				q = q[:len(q)-1]
				postnum[y] = len(postorder)
				postorder = append(postorder, y)
			} else {
				if state[y] != 1 {
					log.Fatal("bad state")
				state[y] = 2
				for _, e := range d.Edges(y) {
					z := e.To
					if state[z] == 0 {
						state[z] = 1
						q = append(q, z)
	postnum[n] = n // virtual start node

	// compute immediate dominators
	// http://www.hipersoft.rice.edu/grads/publications/dom14.pdf
	idom := make([]read.ObjId, n+1)
	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		idom[i] = read.ObjNil
	idom[n] = read.ObjId(n)
	for r := range roots {
		idom[r] = read.ObjId(n)
	var redges []read.ObjId
	change := true
	for change {
		change = false
		for i := len(postorder) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
			x := postorder[i]
			// get list of incoming edges
			redges = redges[:0]
			if ref1[x] != read.ObjNil {
				redges = append(redges, ref1[x])
				redges = append(redges, ref2[x]...)
			a := read.ObjNil
			for _, b := range redges {
				if idom[b] == read.ObjNil {
				if a == read.ObjNil {
					a = b
				for a != b {
					if postnum[a] < postnum[b] {
						a = idom[a]
					} else {
						b = idom[b]
			if _, ok := roots[x]; ok {
				a = read.ObjId(n)
			if a != idom[x] {
				idom[x] = a
				change = true

	domsize = make([]uint64, n+1)
	for _, x := range postorder {
		domsize[x] += d.Size(x)
		domsize[idom[x]] += domsize[x]
	// Note: unreachable objects will have domsize of 0.