extendc = build.String("extendc", "", "comma separated list of additional container signatures") include = build.String("limit", "", "comma separated list of PRONOM signatures to include") exclude = build.String("exclude", "", "comma separated list of PRONOM signatures to exclude") bof = build.Int("bof", 0, "define a maximum BOF offset") eof = build.Int("eof", 0, "define a maximum EOF offset") noeof = build.Bool("noeof", false, "ignore EOF segments in signatures") multi = build.String("multi", "", "control how identifiers treat multiple results") nocontainer = build.Bool("nocontainer", false, "skip container signatures") notext = build.Bool("notext", false, "skip text matcher") noname = build.Bool("noname", false, "skip filename matcher") nomime = build.Bool("nomime", false, "skip MIME matcher") noxml = build.Bool("noxml", false, "skip XML matcher") noriff = build.Bool("noriff", false, "skip RIFF matcher") noreports = build.Bool("noreports", false, "build directly from DROID file rather than PRONOM reports") doubleup = build.Bool("doubleup", false, "include byte signatures for formats that also have container signatures") rng = build.Int("range", config.Range(), "define a maximum range for segmentation") distance = build.Int("distance", config.Distance(), "define a maximum distance for segmentation") choices = build.Int("choices", config.Choices(), "define a maximum number of choices for segmentation") // HARVEST harvest = flag.NewFlagSet("harvest", flag.ExitOnError) harvestHome = harvest.String("home", config.Home(), "override the default home directory") harvestDroid = harvest.String("droid", config.Droid(), "set name/path for DROID signature file") _, htimeout, _, _ = config.HarvestOptions() timeout = harvest.Duration("timeout", htimeout, "set duration before timing-out harvesting requests e.g. 120s") throttlef = harvest.Duration("throttle", 0, "set a time to wait HTTP requests e.g. 50ms") // INSPECT (roy inspect | roy inspect fmt/121 | roy inspect usr/local/mysig.sig | roy inspect 10) inspect = flag.NewFlagSet("inspect", flag.ExitOnError) inspectHome = inspect.String("home", config.Home(), "override the default home directory") inspectReports = inspect.Bool("reports", false, "build signatures from PRONOM reports (rather than DROID xml)")
func getOptions() []config.Option { if *home != config.Home() { config.SetHome(*home) } if *inspectHome != config.Home() { config.SetHome(*inspectHome) } opts := []config.Option{} // build options if *droid != config.Droid() { opts = append(opts, config.SetDroid(*droid)) } if *container != config.Container() { opts = append(opts, config.SetContainer(*container)) } if *mi != "" { opts = append(opts, config.SetMIMEInfo(*mi)) } if *fdd != "" { opts = append(opts, config.SetLOC(*fdd)) } if *locfdd { opts = append(opts, config.SetLOC("")) } if *nopronom { opts = append(opts, config.SetNoPRONOM()) } if *name != "" { opts = append(opts, config.SetName(*name)) } if *details != config.Details() { opts = append(opts, config.SetDetails(*details)) } if *extend != "" { opts = append(opts, config.SetExtend(expandSets(*extend))) } if *extendc != "" { if *extend == "" { fmt.Println( `roy: warning! Unless the container extension only extends formats defined in the DROID signature file you should also include a regular signature extension (-extend) that includes a FileFormatCollection element describing the new formats.`) } opts = append(opts, config.SetExtendC(expandSets(*extendc))) } if *include != "" { opts = append(opts, config.SetLimit(expandSets(*include))) } if *exclude != "" { opts = append(opts, config.SetExclude(expandSets(*exclude))) } if *bof != 0 { opts = append(opts, config.SetBOF(*bof)) } if *eof != 0 { opts = append(opts, config.SetEOF(*eof)) } if *noeof { opts = append(opts, config.SetNoEOF()) } if *multi != "" { opts = append(opts, config.SetMulti(strings.ToLower(*multi))) } if *nocontainer { opts = append(opts, config.SetNoContainer()) } if *notext { opts = append(opts, config.SetNoText()) } if *noname { opts = append(opts, config.SetNoName()) } if *nomime { opts = append(opts, config.SetNoMIME()) } if *noxml { opts = append(opts, config.SetNoXML()) } if *noriff { opts = append(opts, config.SetNoRIFF()) } if *noreports { opts = append(opts, config.SetNoReports()) } if *doubleup { opts = append(opts, config.SetDoubleUp()) } if *rng != config.Range() { opts = append(opts, config.SetRange(*rng)) } if *distance != config.Distance() { opts = append(opts, config.SetDistance(*distance)) } if *choices != config.Choices() { opts = append(opts, config.SetChoices(*choices)) } // inspect options if *inspectMI != "" { opts = append(opts, config.SetMIMEInfo(*inspectMI)) } if *inspectFDD != "" { opts = append(opts, config.SetLOC(*fdd)) } if *inspectLOC { opts = append(opts, config.SetLOC("")) } if *inspectInclude != "" { opts = append(opts, config.SetLimit(expandSets(*inspectInclude))) } if *inspectExclude != "" { opts = append(opts, config.SetExclude(expandSets(*inspectExclude))) } if *inspectExtend != "" { opts = append(opts, config.SetExtend(expandSets(*inspectExtend))) } if *inspectExtendc != "" { if *inspectExtend == "" { fmt.Println( `roy: warning! Unless the container extension only extends formats defined in the DROID signature file you should also include a regular signature extension (-extend) that includes a FileFormatCollection element describing the new formats.`) } opts = append(opts, config.SetExtendC(expandSets(*inspectExtendc))) } return opts }
func (b *Matcher) addSignature(sig frames.Signature) error { segments := sig.Segment(config.Distance(), config.Range()) // apply config no eof option if config.NoEOF() { var hasEof bool var x int for i, segment := range segments { c := characterise(segment) if c > prev { hasEof = true x = i break } } if hasEof { if x == 0 { b.keyFrames = append(b.keyFrames, []keyFrame{}) return nil } segments = segments[:x] // Otherwise trim segments to the first SUCC/EOF segment } } kf := make([]keyFrame, len(segments)) clstr := newCluster(b) for i, segment := range segments { var pos position c := characterise(segment) switch c { case unknown: return fmt.Errorf("Zero length segment: signature %d, %v, segment %d", len(b.keyFrames), sig, i) case bofZero: pos = bofLength(segment, config.Choices()) case eofZero: pos = eofLength(segment, config.Choices()) default: pos = varLength(segment, config.Choices()) } if pos.length < 1 { switch c { case bofZero, bofWindow: kf[i] = b.addToFrameSet(segment, i, b.bofFrames, 0, 1) case eofZero, eofWindow: kf[i] = b.addToFrameSet(segment, i, b.eofFrames, len(segment)-1, len(segment)) default: return fmt.Errorf("Variable offset segment encountered that can't be turned into a sequence: signature %d, segment %d", len(b.keyFrames), i) } } else { switch c { case bofZero, bofWild: clstr = clstr.commit() kf[i] = clstr.add(segment, i, pos) case bofWindow: if i > 0 { kfB, _, _ := toKeyFrame(segment, pos) if crossOver(kf[i-1], kfB) { clstr = clstr.commit() } } else { clstr = clstr.commit() } kf[i] = clstr.add(segment, i, pos) case prev: kf[i] = clstr.add(segment, i, pos) case succ: if !clstr.rev { clstr = clstr.commit() clstr.rev = true } kf[i] = clstr.add(segment, i, pos) case eofZero, eofWindow, eofWild: if !clstr.rev { clstr = clstr.commit() clstr.rev = true } kf[i] = clstr.add(segment, i, pos) clstr = clstr.commit() clstr.rev = true } } } clstr.commit() updatePositions(kf) b.knownBOF, b.knownEOF = firstBOFandEOF(b.knownBOF, b.knownEOF, kf) b.maxBOF = maxBOF(b.maxBOF, kf) b.maxEOF = maxEOF(b.maxEOF, kf) b.keyFrames = append(b.keyFrames, kf) return nil }