// GenJobs generates and returns a slice of Jobs with timings
// derived from exponentially distributed random variables.
func GenJobs(sysLoad float64, simTime int, clusterSize int, outPath string, stats chan string,
	precision chan float64, threadCap *models.Semaphore, jobPool *sync.Pool) {

	var totalComputation = 0
	var numJobs = round(
		(sysLoad * float64(simTime) * float64(clusterSize)) / realExecAvg)
	var numSubmitters = round(math.Sqrt(float64(numJobs)))
	submitterEstAvgs := make([]float64, numSubmitters)
	for i := 0; i < numSubmitters; i++ {
		for {
			submitterEstAvgs[i] = rand.ExpFloat64() * estExecAvg
			if submitterEstAvgs[i] > estExecAvg/15.0 && submitterEstAvgs[i] < estExecAvg*15.0 {

	var burstSize int
	var burstAvg = sysLoad * float64(clusterSize) * burstMult

	var interval int
	var intervalLambda = float64(simTime) / (float64(numJobs) / burstAvg)

	var jobs []models.Job
	var arrival = 0
	var estExec, realExec, deadline, submitter int

	for i := 0; i < numJobs; {
		submitter = rand.Intn(numSubmitters)
		if i != 0 {
			interval = round(rand.ExpFloat64() * float64(intervalLambda))
			arrival += interval
		burstSize = round(rand.ExpFloat64() * burstAvg)
		for j := 0; j < burstSize; j++ {
			realExec = round(rand.ExpFloat64() * realExecAvg)
			for { // estExec must always be > realExec
				estExec = round(rand.ExpFloat64() * submitterEstAvgs[submitter])
				if estExec > realExec {
			for { // deadline must always be > estExec (n.b. this implicitly makes it > realExec)
				deadline = round(rand.ExpFloat64() * deadlineAvg)
				if deadline > estExec {

			var newJob *models.Job
			poolFetch := jobPool.Get()
			if poolFetch == nil {
				newJob = &models.Job{}
			} else {
				newJob = poolFetch.(*models.Job)
			newJob.ID = i
			newJob.SubmitterID = submitter
			newJob.Arrival = arrival
			newJob.EstExec = estExec
			newJob.RealExec = realExec
			newJob.Deadline = deadline
			jobs = append(jobs, *newJob)

			totalComputation += realExec
	WriteJobsToCSV(jobs, outPath)
	var trueLoad = (float64(totalComputation) / (float64(simTime) * float64(clusterSize)))
	precision <- (trueLoad / sysLoad)
	var statsMsg = "Generated jobs for:\n" +
		"    Cluster Size: %v\n" +
		"    System Load: %v\n" +
		"    Time Span: %v\n" +
		"    Actual computation load: %v\n"
	statsMsg = fmt.Sprintf(statsMsg, clusterSize, sysLoad, simTime, trueLoad)
	stats <- statsMsg