文件: proof.go 项目: NioTeX/neat
func run(name string, f func() *starter.Context) {
	wg := new(sync.WaitGroup)
	ch := make(chan float64, trials)
	for i := 0; i < trials; i++ {
		go func() {
			ctx := f()
			exp := &neat.Experiment{ExperimentSettings: ctx}
			if err := neat.Run(exp); err != nil {
				log.Fatalf("Fatal error in %s: %v\n", name, err)
			if exp.Stopped() {
				ch <- 0.0
			} else {
				ch <- 1.0

	sum := 0.0
	for i := 0; i < trials; i++ {
		sum += <-ch
	log.Println(name, "success rate:", sum/10.0)
文件: run.go 项目: NioTeX/neat
func Run(f func(int) (*neat.Experiment, error)) error {

	if *Profile {
		defer profile.Start(profile.CPUProfile).Stop()

	// Create the collection variables
	n := *Trials
	exps := make([]*neat.Experiment, n)
	best := make([]neat.Genome, n)
	noso := make([]bool, n)
	fail := make([]bool, n)
	skip := make([]bool, n)
	errs := make([]error, n)

	var secs stats.Float64Data = make([]float64, 0, n)
	var fits stats.Float64Data = make([]float64, 0, n)
	var iters stats.Float64Data = make([]float64, 0, n)
	var nodes stats.Float64Data = make([]float64, 0, n)
	var conns stats.Float64Data = make([]float64, 0, n)

	var se, fi, it, no, co float64

	// Begin the display
	fmt.Printf("Beginning trials %v\n", time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339))
	fmt.Printf("\t%d trials requested\n", *Trials)
	if *CheckStop {
		fmt.Println("\tstop signals successful trial")
	if *SkipEvolve {
		fmt.Println("\tskipping the evolution phase")
	if *ShowWork {
		fmt.Println("\tshowing the detailed evaluation of best in each generation")
	fmt.Printf("Run   Iters.   Seconds    Nodes     Conns    Fitness   Fail   Comment \n")
	fmt.Printf("--- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------ ---------\n")

	// Iterate the trials
	var showTime, showBest bool
	var err error
	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		var t0, t1 time.Time
		t0 = time.Now()
		if exps[i], err = f(i); err != nil {
			errs[i] = err
			fail[i] = true
			showBest = false
			showTime = false
		} else {
			if *SkipEvolve && len(exps[i].Population().Genomes) > 0 {
				skip[i] = true
			} else if err = neat.Run(exps[i]); err != nil {
				t1 = time.Now()
				errs[i] = err
				fail[i] = true
			} else {
				t1 = time.Now()
				if *CheckStop && !exps[i].Stopped() {
					errs[i] = fmt.Errorf("No solution found")
					noso[i] = true

			// Update the time stats
			if exps[i].Iteration() > 0 {
				showTime = true
				it = float64(exps[i].Iteration())
				se = t1.Sub(t0).Seconds()
				if !fail[i] && !skip[i] {
					iters = append(iters, it)
					secs = append(secs, se)
			} else {
				showTime = false

			// Find the best and update the results
			if !fail[i] && len(exps[i].Population().Genomes) > 0 {
				showBest = true
				best[i] = findBest(exps[i].Population())
				no = float64(len(best[i].Nodes))
				co = float64(len(best[i].Conns))
				fi = best[i].Fitness

				if !noso[i] {
					nodes = append(nodes, no)
					conns = append(conns, co)
					fits = append(fits, fi)
			} else {
				showBest = false
		showTrial(padInt(i, 3), showTime, showBest, it, se, no, co, fi, fail[i] || noso[i], skip[i], errs[i])

	// Display the summary
	funcs := []func(stats.Float64Data) (float64, error){stats.Mean, stats.Median, stats.StdDevP, stats.Min, stats.Max}
	labs := []string{"AVG", "MED", "SDV", "MIN", "MAX"} // 3 characters
	var itm, sem, nom, com, fim [5]float64
	if len(iters) > 0 {
		showTime = true
		for i := 0; i < len(funcs); i++ {
			itm[i], _ = funcs[i](iters)
			sem[i], _ = funcs[i](secs)
	} else {
		showTime = false
	if len(nodes) > 0 {
		showBest = true
		for i := 0; i < len(funcs); i++ {
			nom[i], _ = funcs[i](nodes)
			com[i], _ = funcs[i](conns)
			fim[i], _ = funcs[i](fits)
	} else {
		showBest = false

	fmt.Printf("\nSummary for trials excluding failures (and time for skipped)\n")
	fmt.Printf("      Iters.   Seconds    Nodes     Conns    Fitness\n")
	fmt.Printf("--- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------\n")
	for i := 0; i < len(itm); i++ {
		showTrial(labs[i], showTime, showBest, itm[i], sem[i], nom[i], com[i], fim[i], false, false, nil)

	// Show the evaluations of the best
	if *ShowWork {
		for i := 0; i < len(exps); i++ {
			if dh, ok := exps[i].Context().Evaluator().(neat.Demonstrable); ok {
				if rst, ok := exps[i].Context().Archiver().(neat.Restorer); ok {
					ctx := exps[i].Context()
					if err := rst.Restore(ctx); err != nil {
						fmt.Printf("Error restoring the context for trial %d: %v\n", i, err)
				if p, err := exps[i].Context().Decoder().Decode(best[i]); err != nil {
					fmt.Printf("Error decoding phenome in show work: %v\n", err)
				} else {
					evl := exps[i].Context().Evaluator()
					if th, ok := evl.(neat.Trialable); ok {
					r := evl.Evaluate(p)
					if r.Err() != nil {
						fmt.Printf("Error demonstrating phenome: %v\n", r.Err())
	return nil