func (ms *ManaSource) GobDecode(data []byte) error { base.Log().Printf("GobDecode") dec := gob.NewDecoder(bytes.NewBuffer(data)) err := dec.Decode(&ms.options) var d1, d2 int if err == nil { var d uint32 err = dec.Decode(&d) ms.thinks = int(d) base.Log().Printf("Decoded %d", d) } if err == nil { var d uint32 err = dec.Decode(&d) d1 = int(d) base.Log().Printf("Decoded %d", d1) } if err == nil { var d uint32 err = dec.Decode(&d) d2 = int(d) base.Log().Printf("Decoded %d", d2) } if err == nil { err = dec.Decode(&ms.rawNodes) } if err == nil { ms.nodes = make([][]node, d1) for i := range ms.nodes { ms.nodes[i] = ms.rawNodes[i*d2 : (i+1)*d2] } } return err }
func makePathingData(room *Room) *PathingData { start := time.Now() defer func() { base.Log().Printf("Pathing: %v", time.Now().Sub(start)) }() var pd PathingData dx := (room.Dx + pathingDataGrid - 1) / pathingDataGrid dy := (room.Dy + pathingDataGrid - 1) / pathingDataGrid pd.finishDirectPaths.Add(dx * dy) go func() { pd.dirs = make([][][][]pathingDataCell, dx) pd.conns = make([][][]pathingConnection, dx) pd.dstData = make([][]pathingDstData, dx) for i := range pd.dirs { pd.dirs[i] = make([][][]pathingDataCell, dy) pd.conns[i] = make([][]pathingConnection, dy) pd.dstData[i] = make([]pathingDstData, dy) for j := range pd.dirs[i] { pd.dirs[i][j] = make([][]pathingDataCell, dx) for k := range pd.dirs[i][j] { pd.dirs[i][j][k] = make([]pathingDataCell, dy) } go pd.findAllDirectPaths(i, j, room) } } }() return &pd }
func (pd *PathingData) Dir(src, dst linear.Vec2) linear.Vec2 { x := int(src.X / pathingDataGrid) y := int(src.Y / pathingDataGrid) x2 := int(dst.X / pathingDataGrid) y2 := int(dst.Y / pathingDataGrid) if x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= len(pd.dstData) || y >= len(pd.dstData[x]) { return linear.Vec2{0, 0} } if x2 < 0 || y2 < 0 || x2 >= len(pd.dstData) || y2 >= len(pd.dstData[x2]) { return linear.Vec2{0, 0} } dstData := &pd.dstData[x2][y2] dstData.RLock() defer dstData.RUnlock() if !dstData.complete { dstData.once.Do(func() { base.Log().Printf("Eval: %2.2v %2.2v", src, dst) go func() { pd.finishDirectPaths.Wait() dstData.Lock() defer dstData.Unlock() pd.findAllPaths(x2, y2) dstData.complete = true }() }) return dst.Sub(src).Norm() } cell := pd.dirs[x2][y2][x][y] if ! { return (linear.Vec2{1, 0}).Rotate(cell.angle) } return dst.Sub(src).Norm() }
func (lm *LogModule) Printf(vs ...runtime.Val) runtime.Val { var args []interface{} for _, v := range vs[1:] { args = append(args, v.Native()) } base.Log().Printf(vs[0].String(), args...) return runtime.Nil }
func debugHookup(version string) *cgf.Engine { var err error for false && len(sys.GetActiveDevices()[gin.DeviceTypeController]) < 2 { time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 100) sys.Think() } var engine *cgf.Engine if version != "host" { engine, err = cgf.NewClientEngine(17, "", 20007, base.EmailCrashReport, base.Log()) if err != nil { base.Log().Printf("Unable to connect: %v", err) base.Error().Fatalf("%v", err.Error()) } } else { sys.Think() g := game.MakeGame() if version == "host" { engine, err = cgf.NewHostEngine(g, 17, "", 20007, base.EmailCrashReport, base.Log()) if err != nil { panic(err) } err = cgf.Host(20007, "thunderball") if err != nil { panic(err) } } else { engine, err = cgf.NewLocalEngine(g, 17, base.EmailCrashReport, base.Log()) } if err != nil { base.Error().Fatalf("%v", err.Error()) } } engine.Pause() engine.GetState().(*game.Game).SetSystem(sys) engine.Unpause() base.Log().Printf("Engine Id: %v", engine.Id()) base.Log().Printf("All Ids: %v", engine.Ids()) return engine }
func (ms *ManaSource) GobEncode() ([]byte, error) { base.Log().Printf("GobEncode") buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil) enc := gob.NewEncoder(buf) err := enc.Encode(ms.options) if err == nil { err = enc.Encode(uint32(ms.thinks)) base.Log().Printf("Encode thinks: %d", ms.thinks) } if err == nil { err = enc.Encode(uint32(len(ms.nodes))) base.Log().Printf("Encode dx: %d", len(ms.nodes)) } if err == nil { err = enc.Encode(uint32(len(ms.nodes[0]))) base.Log().Printf("Encode dy: %d", len(ms.nodes[0])) } if err == nil { err = enc.Encode(ms.rawNodes) } return buf.Bytes(), err }
func (jr jotaResolver) Resolve(id string) (io.Reader, error) { jr.cacheMutex.Lock() defer jr.cacheMutex.Unlock() if data, ok := jr.cache[id]; ok { return bytes.NewReader(data), nil } base.Log().Printf("Opening: %s", jr.root) data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(jr.root, id+".agora")) if err != nil { return nil, err } jr.cache[id] = data return bytes.NewReader(data), nil }
func init() { runtime.LockOSThread() sys = system.Make(gos.GetSystemInterface()) datadir = filepath.Join(os.Args[0], "..", "..") base.SetDatadir(datadir) base.Log().Printf("Setting datadir: %s", datadir) wdx = 1000 wdy = 800 var key_binds base.KeyBinds base.LoadJson(filepath.Join(datadir, "key_binds.json"), &key_binds) fmt.Printf("Prething: %v\n", key_binds) key_map = key_binds.MakeKeyMap() base.SetDefaultKeyMap(key_map) }
func (p *PosWidget) Draw(region Region, style StyleStack) { gl.Disable(gl.TEXTURE_2D) gl.Color4ub(0, 255, 0, 255) gl.Begin(gl.QUADS) x := gl.Int(region.X) y := gl.Int(region.Y) dx := gl.Int(base.GetDictionary("luxisr").StringWidth(p.text, float64(p.Size))) dy := gl.Int(p.Size) gl.Vertex2i(x, y) gl.Vertex2i(x, y+dy) gl.Vertex2i(x+dx, y+dy) gl.Vertex2i(x+dx, y) gl.End() base.Log().Printf("%v %v %v %v", x, y, dx, dy) gl.Color4ub(255, 0, 255, 255) base.GetDictionary("luxisr").RenderString(p.text, float64(region.X), float64(region.Y), 0, float64(p.Size), gui.Left) }
func setupSound() { soundInit.Do(func() { var err error // fmodSys, err = fmod.CreateSystem() if err != nil { // base.Error().Fatalf("Unable to initialize fmod: %v", err) } // err = fmodSys.Init(2, 0, nil) if err != nil { // base.Error().Fatalf("Unable to initialize fmod: %v", err) } target := filepath.Join(base.GetDataDir(), "sound/ping.wav") base.Log().Printf("Trying to load ", target) // sound, err = fmodSys.CreateSound_FromFilename(target, fmod.MODE_DEFAULT) if err != nil { base.Error().Fatalf("Unable to load sound: %v", err) } }) }
func MakeGame() *Game { var g Game g.Setup = &SetupData{} g.Setup.Players = make(map[int64]*SetupPlayerData) // NOTE: Obviously this isn't threadsafe, but I don't intend to be Init()ing // multiple game objects at the same time. base.RemoveRegistry("champs") base.RegisterRegistry("champs", make(map[string]*champ.ChampionDef)) base.RegisterAllObjectsInDir("champs", filepath.Join(base.GetDataDir(), "champs"), ".json", "json") names := base.GetAllNamesInRegistry("champs") g.Champs = make([]champ.Champion, len(names)) for i, name := range names { g.Champs[i].Defname = name base.GetObject("champs", &g.Champs[i]) base.Log().Printf("Champ %v has %v", name, g.Champs[i].Abilities) } return &g }
func mainLoop(engine *cgf.Engine, mode string) { defer engine.Kill() var profile_output *os.File var contention_output *os.File var num_mem_profiles int // ui.AddChild(base.MakeConsole()) ticker := time.Tick(time.Millisecond * 17) ui := g2.Make(0, 0, wdx, wdy) ui.AddChild(&game.GameWindow{Engine: engine, Dims: g2.Dims{wdx - 50, wdy - 50}}, g2.AnchorDeadCenter) ui.AddChild(g2.MakeConsole(wdx-50, wdy-50), g2.AnchorDeadCenter) // side0Index := gin.In().BindDerivedKeyFamily("Side0", gin.In().MakeBindingFamily(gin.Key1, []gin.KeyIndex{gin.EitherControl}, []bool{true})) // side1Index := gin.In().BindDerivedKeyFamily("Side1", gin.In().MakeBindingFamily(gin.Key2, []gin.KeyIndex{gin.EitherControl}, []bool{true})) // side2Index := gin.In().BindDerivedKeyFamily("Side2", gin.In().MakeBindingFamily(gin.Key3, []gin.KeyIndex{gin.EitherControl}, []bool{true})) // side0Key := gin.In().GetKeyFlat(side0Index, gin.DeviceTypeAny, gin.DeviceIndexAny) // side1Key := gin.In().GetKeyFlat(side1Index, gin.DeviceTypeAny, gin.DeviceIndexAny) // side2Key := gin.In().GetKeyFlat(side2Index, gin.DeviceTypeAny, gin.DeviceIndexAny) defer ui.StopEventListening() for { <-ticker if gin.In().GetKey(gin.AnyEscape).FramePressCount() != 0 { return } start := time.Now() sys.Think() start = time.Now() render.Queue(func() { ui.Draw() }) render.Queue(func() { start = time.Now() sys.SwapBuffers() }) render.Purge() start = time.Now() // TODO: Replace the 'P' key with an appropriate keybind var err error if gin.In().GetKey(gin.AnyKeyP).FramePressCount() > 0 { if profile_output == nil { profile_output, err = os.Create(filepath.Join(datadir, "")) if err == nil { err = pprof.StartCPUProfile(profile_output) if err != nil { base.Log().Printf("Unable to start CPU profile: %v\n", err) profile_output.Close() profile_output = nil } base.Log().Printf("cpu prof: %v\n", profile_output) } else { base.Log().Printf("Unable to start CPU profile: %v\n", err) } } else { pprof.StopCPUProfile() profile_output.Close() profile_output = nil } } if gin.In().GetKey(gin.AnyKeyL).FramePressCount() > 0 { if contention_output == nil { contention_output, err = os.Create(filepath.Join(datadir, "")) if err == nil { runtime.SetBlockProfileRate(1) base.Log().Printf("contention prof: %v\n", contention_output) } else { base.Log().Printf("Unable to start contention profile: %v\n", err) } } else { pprof.Lookup("block").WriteTo(contention_output, 0) contention_output.Close() contention_output = nil } } // TODO: Replace the 'M' key with an appropriate keybind if gin.In().GetKey(gin.AnyKeyM).FramePressCount() > 0 { f, err := os.Create(filepath.Join(datadir, fmt.Sprintf("", num_mem_profiles))) if err != nil { base.Error().Printf("Unable to write mem profile: %v", err) } pprof.WriteHeapProfile(f) f.Close() num_mem_profiles++ } } }
func (g *Game) ThinkGame() { // cache wall data if g.local.temp.AllWalls == nil || g.local.temp.AllWallsDirty { g.local.temp.AllWallsDirty = false g.local.temp.AllWalls = nil g.local.temp.WallCache = nil g.local.temp.VisibleWallCache = nil // Can't use a nil slice, otherwise we'll run this block every Think for levels // with no walls. allWalls := make([]linear.Seg2, 0) base.DoOrdered(g.Level.Room.Walls, func(a, b string) bool { return a < b }, func(_ string, walls linear.Poly) { for i := range walls { allWalls = append(allWalls, walls.Seg(i)) } }) g.local.temp.AllWalls = allWalls g.local.temp.WallCache = &wallCache{} g.local.temp.WallCache.SetWalls(g.Level.Room.Dx, g.Level.Room.Dy, allWalls, 100) g.local.temp.VisibleWallCache = &wallCache{} g.local.temp.VisibleWallCache.SetWalls(g.Level.Room.Dx, g.Level.Room.Dy, allWalls, stats.LosPlayerHorizon) g.local.pathingData = makePathingData(&g.Level.Room) } // cache ent data for _, ent := range g.local.temp.AllEnts { if ent.Dead() { if _, ok := ent.(*PlayerEnt); ok { var id int64 _, err := fmt.Sscanf(string(ent.Id()), "Engine:%d", &id) if err != nil { _, err = fmt.Sscanf(string(ent.Id()), "Ai:%d", &id) id = -id // Ai's engine ids are negative } if err != nil { base.Error().Printf("Unable to parse player id '%v'", ent.Id()) } else { if engineData, ok := g.Engines[id]; ok { if !ok { base.Error().Printf("Unable to find engine %d for player %v", id, ent.Id()) } else { engineData.CountdownFrames = 60 * 10 base.Log().Printf("%v died, counting down....", *engineData) } } } } ent.OnDeath(g) g.RemoveEnt(ent.Id()) } } // Death countdown base.DoOrdered(g.Engines, func(a, b int64) bool { return a < b }, func(_ int64, engineData *PlayerData) { if engineData.CountdownFrames > 0 { engineData.CountdownFrames-- if engineData.CountdownFrames == 0 { g.AddPlayers([]*PlayerData{engineData}) } } }) if g.local.temp.AllEnts == nil || g.local.temp.AllEntsDirty { g.local.temp.AllEnts = g.local.temp.AllEnts[0:0] g.DoForEnts(func(gid Gid, ent Ent) { g.local.temp.AllEnts = append(g.local.temp.AllEnts, ent) }) g.local.temp.AllEntsDirty = false } if g.local.temp.EntGrid == nil { g.local.temp.EntGrid = MakeEntCache(g.Level.Room.Dx, g.Level.Room.Dy) } g.local.temp.EntGrid.SetEnts(g.local.temp.AllEnts) for _, proc := range g.Processes { proc.Think(g) } algorithm.Choose(&g.Processes, func(proc Process) bool { return !proc.Dead() }) // Advance players, check for collisions, add segments eps := 1.0e-3 for _, ent := range g.local.temp.AllEnts { ent.Think(g) for _, ab := range ent.Abilities() { ab.Think(ent, g) } pos := ent.Pos() pos.X = clamp(pos.X, eps, float64(g.Level.Room.Dx)-eps) pos.Y = clamp(pos.Y, eps, float64(g.Level.Room.Dy)-eps) ent.SetPos(pos) } var nearby []Ent for i := 0; i < len(g.local.temp.AllEnts); i++ { outerEnt := g.local.temp.AllEnts[i] outerSize := outerEnt.Stats().Size() if outerSize == 0 { continue } g.local.temp.EntGrid.EntsInRange(outerEnt.Pos(), 100, &nearby) for _, innerEnt := range nearby { innerSize := innerEnt.Stats().Size() if innerSize == 0 { continue } distSq := outerEnt.Pos().Sub(innerEnt.Pos()).Mag2() colDist := innerSize + outerSize if distSq > colDist*colDist { continue } if distSq < 0.015625 { // this means that dist < 0.125 continue } dist := math.Sqrt(distSq) force := 50.0 * (colDist - dist) innerEnt.ApplyForce(innerEnt.Pos().Sub(outerEnt.Pos()).Scale(force / dist)) } } g.Level.ManaSource.Think(g.Ents) }
func (u SetupComplete) Apply(_g interface{}) { g := _g.(*Game) if g.Setup == nil { return } sideCount := make(map[int]int) // Must have at least two sides sideCount[0] = 0 sideCount[1] = 0 for _, spd := range g.Setup.Players { sideCount[spd.Side]++ } g.Engines = make(map[int64]*PlayerData) for id, player := range g.Setup.Players { var gid Gid if id < 0 { gid = Gid(fmt.Sprintf("Ai:%d", -id)) } else { gid = Gid(fmt.Sprintf("Engine:%d", id)) } g.Engines[id] = &PlayerData{ PlayerGid: Gid(gid), Side: player.Side, ChampIndex: player.ChampIndex, } } // Now that we have the information we can set up a lot of the local data for // this engine's player. if g.IsPlaying() { g.local.Side = g.Engines[g.local.Engine.Id()].Side g.local.Gid = g.Engines[g.local.Engine.Id()].PlayerGid g.local.Data = g.Engines[g.local.Engine.Id()] } var room Room err := base.LoadJson(filepath.Join(base.GetDataDir(), "rooms/basic.json"), &room) if err != nil { base.Error().Fatalf("%v", err) } errs := room.Validate() for _, err := range errs { base.Error().Printf("%v", err) } if len(errs) > 0 { base.Error().Fatalf("Errors with the level, bailing...") } g.Level = &Level{} g.Level.Room = room g.Rng = cmwc.MakeGoodCmwc() g.Rng.Seed(u.Seed) g.Ents = make(map[Gid]Ent) g.Friction = 0.97 g.losCache = makeLosCache(g.Level.Room.Dx, g.Level.Room.Dy) sides := make(map[int][]int64) var playerDatas []*PlayerData base.DoOrdered(g.Engines, func(a, b int64) bool { return a < b }, func(id int64, data *PlayerData) { sides[data.Side] = append(sides[data.Side], id) playerDatas = append(playerDatas, data) }) for id, ed := range g.Engines { base.Log().Printf("%v -> %v", id, *ed) } g.AddPlayers(playerDatas) g.MakeControlPoints() g.Init() base.Log().Printf("Nillifying g.Setup()") g.Setup = nil }