// generateNominalUnwrapping generates the expression source for the unwrapping of a nominal instance of a base type.
func (eg *expressionGenerator) generateNominalUnwrapping(nominalUnwrapping *codedom.NominalUnwrappingNode, context generationContext) esbuilder.ExpressionBuilder {
	// If this is an unwrap is of a wrap, then try to either cancel both operations (if we can),
	// or simplify the unwrapping operation.
	childExpression := nominalUnwrapping.ChildExpression
	if wrapping, ok := nominalUnwrapping.ChildExpression.(*codedom.NominalWrappingNode); ok {
		// If the value that was being wrapped is, itself, nominal or structural, then we still
		// need to unwrap it, but we can fast-path by ignoring the wrap and directly unwrapping
		// the nominal/struct. Otherwise, we can simply just collapse the unwrap+wrap into a NOOP.
		if !wrapping.IsLiteralWrap && wrapping.ChildExpressionType.IsNominalOrStruct() {
			childExpression = wrapping.ChildExpression
		} else {
			// Otherwise, we can just collapse both operations into nothing.
			return eg.generateExpression(wrapping.ChildExpression, context)

	// If the child expression being unwrapped is non-nullable and we know it is boxed, then
	// we can use a fast-path unbox call without the extra checks.
	if !nominalUnwrapping.ChildExpressionType.NullValueAllowed() &&
		nominalUnwrapping.ChildExpressionType.IsNominalOrStruct() {
		access := codedom.NativeAccess(
		return eg.generateExpression(access, context)

	call := codedom.RuntimeFunctionCall(
	return eg.generateExpression(call, context)
// generateMemberAssignment generates the expression source for a member assignment.
func (eg *expressionGenerator) generateMemberAssignment(memberAssign *codedom.MemberAssignmentNode, context generationContext) esbuilder.ExpressionBuilder {
	basisNode := memberAssign.BasisNode()

	// If the target member is an operator, then we need to invoke it as a function call, with the first
	// argument being the argument to the child call, and the second argument being the assigned child
	// expression.
	if memberAssign.Target.IsOperator() {
		childCall := memberAssign.NameExpression.(*codedom.MemberCallNode)
		memberRef := childCall.ChildExpression.(*codedom.MemberReferenceNode)

		// If this is a native operator, change it into a native indexing and assignment.
		if memberAssign.Target.IsNative() {
			nativeAssign := codedom.NativeAssign(
					childCall.Arguments[0], basisNode),

			return eg.generateExpression(nativeAssign, context)
		} else {
			memberCall := codedom.MemberCall(
				codedom.NativeAccess(memberRef.ChildExpression, eg.pather.GetMemberName(memberAssign.Target), memberRef.BasisNode()),
				[]codedom.Expression{childCall.Arguments[0], memberAssign.Value},

			return eg.generateExpression(memberCall, context)

	// If the target member is implicitly called, then this is a property that needs to be assigned via a call.
	if memberAssign.Target.IsImplicitlyCalled() {
		memberRef := memberAssign.NameExpression.(*codedom.MemberReferenceNode)

		memberCall := codedom.MemberCall(
			codedom.NativeAccess(memberRef.ChildExpression, eg.pather.GetSetterName(memberRef.Member), memberRef.BasisNode()),

		return eg.generateExpression(memberCall, context)

	value := eg.generateExpression(memberAssign.Value, context)
	targetExpr := eg.generateExpression(memberAssign.NameExpression, context)
	return esbuilder.Assignment(targetExpr, value)
// generateMemberReference generates the expression for a reference to a module or type member.
func (eg *expressionGenerator) generateMemberReference(memberReference *codedom.MemberReferenceNode, context generationContext) esbuilder.ExpressionBuilder {
	// If the target member is implicitly called, then this is a property that needs to be accessed via a call.
	if memberReference.Member.IsImplicitlyCalled() {
		basisNode := memberReference.BasisNode()
		memberCall := codedom.MemberCall(
			codedom.NativeAccess(memberReference.ChildExpression, memberReference.Member.Name(), basisNode),

		return eg.generateExpression(memberCall, context)

	// This handles the native new case for WebIDL. We should probably handle this directly.
	if memberReference.Member.IsStatic() && !memberReference.Member.IsPromising() {
		return eg.generateExpression(codedom.StaticMemberReference(memberReference.Member, eg.scopegraph.TypeGraph().AnyTypeReference(), memberReference.BasisNode()), context)

	childExpr := eg.generateExpression(memberReference.ChildExpression, context)
	return childExpr.Member(eg.pather.GetMemberName(memberReference.Member))
// buildLoopStatement builds the CodeDOM for a loop statement.
func (db *domBuilder) buildLoopStatement(node compilergraph.GraphNode) (codedom.Statement, codedom.Statement) {
	startStatement := codedom.EmptyStatement(node)

	finalStatement := codedom.EmptyStatement(node)

	// Save initial continue and break statements for the loop.
	db.continueStatementMap[node.NodeId] = startStatement
	db.breakStatementMap[node.NodeId] = finalStatement

	// A loop statement is buildd as a start statement which conditionally jumps to either the loop body
	// (on true) or, on false, jumps to a final state after the loop.
	if loopExpr, hasLoopExpr := db.tryGetExpression(node, parser.NodeLoopStatementExpression); hasLoopExpr {
		// Check for a named value under the loop. If found, this is a loop over a stream or streamable.
		namedValue, hasNamedValue := node.TryGetNode(parser.NodeStatementNamedValue)
		if hasNamedValue {
			namedValueName := namedValue.Get(parser.NodeNamedValueName)
			resultVarName := db.generateScopeVarName(node)

			namedValueScope, _ := db.scopegraph.GetScope(namedValue)

			// Create the stream variable.
			streamVarName := db.generateScopeVarName(node)
			var streamVariable = codedom.VarDefinitionWithInit(streamVarName, loopExpr, node)

			// If the expression is Streamable, first call .Stream() on the expression to get the stream
			// for the variable.
			if namedValueScope.HasLabel(proto.ScopeLabel_STREAMABLE_LOOP) {
				// Call .Stream() on the expression.
				streamableMember, _ := db.scopegraph.TypeGraph().StreamableType().GetMember("Stream")
				streamExpr := codedom.MemberCall(
					codedom.MemberReference(loopExpr, streamableMember, namedValue),

				streamVariable = codedom.VarDefinitionWithInit(streamVarName, streamExpr, node)

			// Create variables to hold the named value (as requested in the SRG) and the loop result.
			namedVariable := codedom.VarDefinition(namedValueName, node)
			resultVariable := codedom.VarDefinition(resultVarName, node)

			// Create an expression statement to set the result variable to a call to Next().
			streamMember, _ := db.scopegraph.TypeGraph().StreamType().GetMember("Next")
			nextCallExpr := codedom.MemberCall(
				codedom.MemberReference(codedom.LocalReference(streamVarName, node), streamMember, node),

			resultExpressionStatement := codedom.ExpressionStatement(codedom.LocalAssignment(resultVarName, nextCallExpr, namedValue), namedValue)

			// Set the continue statement to call Next() again.
			db.continueStatementMap[node.NodeId] = resultExpressionStatement

			// Create an expression statement to set the named variable to the first part of the tuple.
			namedExpressionStatement := codedom.ExpressionStatement(
						codedom.LocalReference(resultVarName, namedValue), "First", namedValue),

			// Jump to the body state if the second part of the tuple in the result variable is true.
			bodyStart, bodyEnd := db.getStatements(node, parser.NodeLoopStatementBlock)

			checkJump := codedom.ConditionalJump(
				codedom.NativeAccess(codedom.LocalReference(resultVarName, node), "Second", node),

			// Steps:
			// 1) Empty statement
			// 2) Create the stream's variable (with no value)
			// 3) Create the named value variable (with no value)
			// 4) Create the result variable (with no value)
			// 5) (loop starts here) Pull the Next() result out of the stream
			// 6) Pull the true/false bool out of the result
			// 7) Pull the named value out of the result
			// 8) Jump based on the true/false boolean value
			codedom.AssignNextStatement(startStatement, streamVariable)
			codedom.AssignNextStatement(streamVariable, namedVariable)
			codedom.AssignNextStatement(namedVariable, resultVariable)
			codedom.AssignNextStatement(resultVariable, resultExpressionStatement)
			codedom.AssignNextStatement(resultExpressionStatement, namedExpressionStatement)
			codedom.AssignNextStatement(namedExpressionStatement, checkJump)

			// Jump to the result checking expression once the loop body completes.
			directJump := codedom.UnconditionalJump(resultExpressionStatement, node)
			codedom.AssignNextStatement(bodyEnd, directJump)

			return startStatement, finalStatement
		} else {
			bodyStart, bodyEnd := db.getStatements(node, parser.NodeLoopStatementBlock)

			// Loop over a direct boolean expression which is evaluated on each iteration.
			initialJump := codedom.ConditionalJump(loopExpr, bodyStart, finalStatement, node)
			directJump := codedom.UnconditionalJump(initialJump, node)

			codedom.AssignNextStatement(bodyEnd, directJump)
			codedom.AssignNextStatement(startStatement, initialJump)

			return startStatement, finalStatement
	} else {
		bodyStart, bodyEnd := db.getStatements(node, parser.NodeLoopStatementBlock)

		// A loop without an expression just loops infinitely over the body.
		directJump := codedom.UnconditionalJump(bodyStart, node)

		codedom.AssignNextStatement(bodyEnd, directJump)
		codedom.AssignNextStatement(startStatement, bodyStart)

		return startStatement, directJump