// ApplyTo applies the action to the given vg.Canvas. func (a *Comment) ApplyTo(c vg.Canvas) { if c, ok := c.(Commenter); ok { c.Comment(a.Text) } }
// ApplyTo applies the action to the given vg.Canvas. func (a *Fill) ApplyTo(c vg.Canvas) { c.Fill(a.Path) }
// ApplyTo applies the action to the given vg.Canvas. func (a *FillString) ApplyTo(c vg.Canvas) { c.FillString(a.fonts[fontID{name: a.Font, size: a.Size}], a.X, a.Y, a.String) }
// ApplyTo applies the action to the given vg.Canvas. func (a *Pop) ApplyTo(c vg.Canvas) { c.Pop() }
// ApplyTo applies the action to the given vg.Canvas. func (a *Stroke) ApplyTo(c vg.Canvas) { c.Stroke(a.Path) }
// ApplyTo applies the action to the given vg.Canvas. func (a *Scale) ApplyTo(c vg.Canvas) { c.Scale(a.X, a.Y) }
// ApplyTo applies the action to the given vg.Canvas. func (a *Push) ApplyTo(c vg.Canvas) { c.Push() }
// ApplyTo applies the action to the given vg.Canvas. func (a *Translate) ApplyTo(c vg.Canvas) { c.Translate(a.X, a.Y) }
// ApplyTo applies the action to the given vg.Canvas. func (a *Rotate) ApplyTo(c vg.Canvas) { c.Rotate(a.Angle) }
// ApplyTo applies the action to the given vg.Canvas. func (a *SetColor) ApplyTo(c vg.Canvas) { c.SetColor(a.Color) }
// ApplyTo applies the action to the given vg.Canvas. func (a *SetLineDash) ApplyTo(c vg.Canvas) { c.SetLineDash(a.Dashes, a.Offsets) }
// ApplyTo applies the action to the given vg.Canvas. func (a *SetLineWidth) ApplyTo(c vg.Canvas) { c.SetLineWidth(a.Width) }