文件: txn_test.go 项目: gs412/mgo
func (s *S) TestErrors(c *C) {
	doc := bson.M{"foo": 1}
	tests := []txn.Op{{
		C:  "c",
		Id: 0,
	}, {
		C:      "c",
		Id:     0,
		Insert: doc,
		Remove: true,
	}, {
		C:      "c",
		Id:     0,
		Insert: doc,
		Update: doc,
	}, {
		C:      "c",
		Id:     0,
		Update: doc,
		Remove: true,
	}, {
		C:      "c",
		Assert: doc,
	}, {
		Id:     0,
		Assert: doc,

	txn.SetChaos(txn.Chaos{KillChance: 1.0})
	for _, op := range tests {
		c.Logf("op: %v", op)
		err := s.runner.Run([]txn.Op{op}, "", nil)
		c.Assert(err, ErrorMatches, "error in transaction op 0: .*")
文件: txn_test.go 项目: gs412/mgo
func (s *S) SetUpTest(c *C) {

	s.db = s.session.DB("test")
	s.tc = s.db.C("tc")
	s.sc = s.db.C("tc.stash")
	s.accounts = s.db.C("accounts")
	s.runner = txn.NewRunner(s.tc)
文件: txn_test.go 项目: gs412/mgo
func (s *S) TestQueueStashing(c *C) {
		KillChance: 1,
		Breakpoint: "set-applying",

	opses := [][]txn.Op{{{
		C:      "accounts",
		Id:     0,
		Insert: M{"balance": 100},
	}}, {{
		C:      "accounts",
		Id:     0,
		Remove: true,
	}}, {{
		C:      "accounts",
		Id:     0,
		Insert: M{"balance": 200},
	}}, {{
		C:      "accounts",
		Id:     0,
		Update: M{"$inc": M{"balance": 100}},

	var last bson.ObjectId
	for _, ops := range opses {
		last = bson.NewObjectId()
		err := s.runner.Run(ops, last, nil)
		c.Assert(err, Equals, txn.ErrChaos)

	err := s.runner.Resume(last)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	var account Account
	err = s.accounts.FindId(0).One(&account)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Assert(account.Balance, Equals, 300)
文件: sim_test.go 项目: gs412/mgo
func simulate(c *C, params params) {
	seed := *seed
	if seed == 0 {
		seed = time.Now().UnixNano()
	c.Logf("Seed: %v", seed)

		KillChance:     params.killChance,
		SlowdownChance: params.slowdownChance,
		Slowdown:       params.slowdown,
	defer txn.SetChaos(txn.Chaos{})

	session, err := mgo.Dial(mgoaddr)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	defer session.Close()

	db := session.DB("test")
	tc := db.C("tc")

	runner := txn.NewRunner(tc)

	tclog := db.C("tc.log")
	if params.changelog {
		info := mgo.CollectionInfo{
			Capped:   true,
			MaxBytes: 1000000,
		err := tclog.Create(&info)
		c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	accounts := db.C("accounts")
	for i := 0; i < params.accounts; i++ {
		err := accounts.Insert(M{"_id": i, "balance": 300})
		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	var stop time.Time
	if params.changes <= 0 {
		stop = time.Now().Add(*duration)

	max := params.accounts
	if params.reinsertCopy || params.reinsertZeroed {
		max = int(float64(params.accounts) * 1.5)

	changes := make(chan balanceChange, 1024)

	//session.SetMode(mgo.Eventual, true)
	for i := 0; i < params.workers; i++ {
		go func() {
			n := 0
			for {
				if n > 0 && n == params.changes {
				if !stop.IsZero() && time.Now().After(stop) {

				change := balanceChange{
					id:     bson.NewObjectId(),
					origin: rand.Intn(max),
					target: rand.Intn(max),
					amount: 100,

				var old Account
				var oldExists bool
				if params.reinsertCopy || params.reinsertZeroed {
					if err := accounts.FindId(change.origin).One(&old); err != mgo.ErrNotFound {
						c.Check(err, IsNil)
						change.amount = old.Balance
						oldExists = true

				var ops []txn.Op
				switch {
				case params.reinsertCopy && oldExists:
					ops = []txn.Op{{
						C:      "accounts",
						Id:     change.origin,
						Assert: M{"balance": change.amount},
						Remove: true,
					}, {
						C:      "accounts",
						Id:     change.target,
						Assert: txn.DocMissing,
						Insert: M{"balance": change.amount},
				case params.reinsertZeroed && oldExists:
					ops = []txn.Op{{
						C:      "accounts",
						Id:     change.target,
						Assert: txn.DocMissing,
						Insert: M{"balance": 0},
					}, {
						C:      "accounts",
						Id:     change.origin,
						Assert: M{"balance": change.amount},
						Remove: true,
					}, {
						C:      "accounts",
						Id:     change.target,
						Assert: txn.DocExists,
						Update: M{"$inc": M{"balance": change.amount}},
				case params.changeHalf:
					ops = []txn.Op{{
						C:      "accounts",
						Id:     change.origin,
						Assert: M{"balance": M{"$gte": change.amount}},
						Update: M{"$inc": M{"balance": -change.amount / 2}},
					}, {
						C:      "accounts",
						Id:     change.target,
						Assert: txn.DocExists,
						Update: M{"$inc": M{"balance": change.amount / 2}},
					}, {
						C:      "accounts",
						Id:     change.origin,
						Update: M{"$inc": M{"balance": -change.amount / 2}},
					}, {
						C:      "accounts",
						Id:     change.target,
						Update: M{"$inc": M{"balance": change.amount / 2}},
					ops = []txn.Op{{
						C:      "accounts",
						Id:     change.origin,
						Assert: M{"balance": M{"$gte": change.amount}},
						Update: M{"$inc": M{"balance": -change.amount}},
					}, {
						C:      "accounts",
						Id:     change.target,
						Assert: txn.DocExists,
						Update: M{"$inc": M{"balance": change.amount}},

				err = runner.Run(ops, change.id, nil)
				if err != nil && err != txn.ErrAborted && err != txn.ErrChaos {
					c.Check(err, IsNil)
				changes <- change
			changes <- balanceChange{}

	alive := params.workers
	changeLog := make([]balanceChange, 0, 1024)
	for alive > 0 {
		change := <-changes
		if change.id == "" {
		} else {
			changeLog = append(changeLog, change)
	c.Check(len(changeLog), Not(Equals), 0, Commentf("No operations were even attempted."))

	err = runner.ResumeAll()
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	n, err := accounts.Count()
	c.Check(err, IsNil)
	c.Check(n, Equals, params.accounts, Commentf("Number of accounts has changed."))

	n, err = accounts.Find(M{"balance": M{"$lt": 0}}).Count()
	c.Check(err, IsNil)
	c.Check(n, Equals, 0, Commentf("There are %d accounts with negative balance.", n))

	globalBalance := 0
	iter := accounts.Find(nil).Iter()
	account := Account{}
	for iter.Next(&account) {
		globalBalance += account.Balance
	c.Check(iter.Err(), IsNil)
	c.Check(globalBalance, Equals, params.accounts*300, Commentf("Total amount of money should be constant."))

	// Compute and verify the exact final state of all accounts.
	balance := make(map[int]int)
	for i := 0; i < params.accounts; i++ {
		balance[i] += 300
	var applied, aborted int
	for _, change := range changeLog {
		err := runner.Resume(change.id)
		if err == txn.ErrAborted {
		} else if err != nil {
			c.Fatalf("resuming %s failed: %v", change.id, err)
		balance[change.origin] -= change.amount
		balance[change.target] += change.amount
	iter = accounts.Find(nil).Iter()
	for iter.Next(&account) {
		c.Assert(account.Balance, Equals, balance[account.Id])
	c.Check(iter.Err(), IsNil)
	c.Logf("Total transactions: %d (%d applied, %d aborted)", len(changeLog), applied, aborted)

	if params.changelog {
		n, err := tclog.Count()
		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
		// Check if the capped collection is full.
		dummy := make([]byte, 1024)
		tclog.Insert(M{"_id": bson.NewObjectId(), "dummy": dummy})
		m, err := tclog.Count()
		c.Assert(err, IsNil)
		if m == n+1 {
			// Wasn't full, so it must have seen it all.
			c.Assert(err, IsNil)
			c.Assert(n, Equals, applied)