// WriteHeader is used to set the HTTP status code.
func (s *ResponseStream) WriteHeader(code int) {
	if s.unidirectional {
		log.Println("Error: Stream is unidirectional.")

	if s.wroteHeader {
		log.Println("Error: Multiple calls to ResponseWriter.WriteHeader.")

	s.wroteHeader = true
	s.responseCode = code
	s.header.Set(":status", strconv.Itoa(code))
	s.header.Set(":version", "HTTP/1.1")

	// Create the response SYN_REPLY.
	synReply := new(frames.SYN_REPLY)
	synReply.StreamID = s.streamID
	synReply.Header = make(http.Header)

	// Clear the headers that have been sent.
	for name, values := range s.header {
		for _, value := range values {
			synReply.Header.Add(name, value)

	// These responses have no body, so close the stream now.
	if code == 204 || code == 304 || code/100 == 1 {
		synReply.Flags = common.FLAG_FIN

	s.output <- synReply
// run is the main control path of
// the stream. It is prepared, the
// registered handler is called,
// and then the stream is cleaned
// up and closed.
func (s *ResponseStream) Run() error {
	// Catch any panics.
	defer func() {
		if v := recover(); v != nil {
			if s != nil && s.state != nil && !s.state.Closed() {
				log.Printf("Encountered stream error: %v (%[1]T)\n", v)

	// Make sure Request is prepared.
	if s.requestBody == nil || s.request.Body == nil {
		s.requestBody = new(bytes.Buffer)
		s.request.Body = &common.ReadCloser{s.requestBody}

	// Wait until the full request has been received.

	 *** HANDLER ***
	s.handler.ServeHTTP(s, s.request)

	// Make sure any queued data has been sent.
	if err := s.flow.Wait(); err != nil {

	// Close the stream with a SYN_REPLY if
	// none has been sent, or an empty DATA
	// frame, if a SYN_REPLY has been sent
	// already.
	// If the stream is already closed at
	// this end, then nothing happens.
	if !s.unidirectional {
		if s.state.OpenHere() && !s.wroteHeader {
			s.header.Set(":status", "200")
			s.header.Set(":version", "HTTP/1.1")

			// Create the response SYN_REPLY.
			synReply := new(frames.SYN_REPLY)
			synReply.Flags = common.FLAG_FIN
			synReply.StreamID = s.streamID
			synReply.Header = make(http.Header)

			for name, values := range s.header {
				for _, value := range values {
					synReply.Header.Add(name, value)

			s.output <- synReply
		} else if s.state.OpenHere() {
			// Create the DATA.
			data := new(frames.DATA)
			data.StreamID = s.streamID
			data.Flags = common.FLAG_FIN
			data.Data = []byte{}

			s.output <- data

	// Clean up state.

	if s.state.Closed() {
		return s.Close()

	return nil