func (s *DisconnectSnapSuite) SetUpTest(c *C) { s.repo = NewRepository() err := s.repo.AddInterface(&TestInterface{InterfaceName: "iface-a"}) c.Assert(err, IsNil) err = s.repo.AddInterface(&TestInterface{InterfaceName: "iface-b"}) c.Assert(err, IsNil) s.s1 = snaptest.MockInfo(c, ` name: s1 plugs: iface-a: slots: iface-b: `, nil) err = s.repo.AddSnap(s.s1) c.Assert(err, IsNil) s.s2 = snaptest.MockInfo(c, ` name: s2 plugs: iface-b: slots: iface-a: `, nil) c.Assert(err, IsNil) err = s.repo.AddSnap(s.s2) c.Assert(err, IsNil) }
// internal helper that creates a new repository with two snaps, one // is a content plug and one a content slot func makeContentConnectionTestSnaps(c *C, plugContentToken, slotContentToken string) (*Repository, *snap.Info, *snap.Info) { repo := NewRepository() err := repo.AddInterface(&TestInterface{InterfaceName: "content", AutoConnectFlag: true}) plugSnap := snaptest.MockInfo(c, fmt.Sprintf(` name: content-plug-snap plugs: import-content: interface: content content: %s `, plugContentToken), nil) slotSnap := snaptest.MockInfo(c, fmt.Sprintf(` name: content-slot-snap slots: exported-content: interface: content content: %s `, slotContentToken), nil) err = repo.AddSnap(plugSnap) c.Assert(err, IsNil) err = repo.AddSnap(slotSnap) c.Assert(err, IsNil) return repo, plugSnap, slotSnap }
func (s *DbusInterfaceSuite) TestConnectionMismatchName(c *C) { const plugYaml = `name: plugger version: 1.0 plugs: this: interface: dbus bus: session name: org.slotter.session ` const slotYaml = `name: slotter version: 1.0 slots: this: interface: dbus bus: session name: org.slotter.nomatch ` plugInfo := snaptest.MockInfo(c, plugYaml, nil) plug := &interfaces.Plug{PlugInfo: plugInfo.Plugs["this"]} slotInfo := snaptest.MockInfo(c, slotYaml, nil) slot := &interfaces.Slot{SlotInfo: slotInfo.Slots["this"]} snippet, err := s.iface.ConnectedPlugSnippet(plug, slot, interfaces.SecurityAppArmor) c.Assert(err, IsNil) c.Assert(snippet, IsNil) }
func (s *RepositorySuite) SetUpTest(c *C) { consumer := snaptest.MockInfo(c, ` name: consumer apps: app: hooks: apply-config: plugs: plug: interface: interface label: label attr: value `, nil) s.plug = &Plug{PlugInfo: consumer.Plugs["plug"]} producer := snaptest.MockInfo(c, ` name: producer apps: app: hooks: apply-config: slots: slot: interface: interface label: label attr: value `, nil) s.slot = &Slot{SlotInfo: producer.Slots["slot"]} s.emptyRepo = NewRepository() s.testRepo = NewRepository() err := s.testRepo.AddInterface(s.iface) c.Assert(err, IsNil) }
func (s *policySuite) TestSnapTypeCheckConnection(c *C) { gadgetSnap := snaptest.MockInfo(c, ` name: gadget type: gadget plugs: gadgethelp: slots: trustedhelp: `, nil) coreSnap := snaptest.MockInfo(c, ` name: core type: os slots: gadgethelp: trustedhelp: `, nil) cand := policy.ConnectCandidate{ Plug: gadgetSnap.Plugs["gadgethelp"], Slot: coreSnap.Slots["gadgethelp"], BaseDeclaration: s.baseDecl, } c.Check(cand.Check(), IsNil) cand = policy.ConnectCandidate{ Plug: s.plugSnap.Plugs["gadgethelp"], Slot: coreSnap.Slots["gadgethelp"], BaseDeclaration: s.baseDecl, } c.Check(cand.Check(), ErrorMatches, "connection not allowed.*") for _, trustedSide := range []*snap.Info{coreSnap, gadgetSnap} { cand = policy.ConnectCandidate{ Plug: s.plugSnap.Plugs["trustedhelp"], PlugSnapDeclaration: s.plugDecl, Slot: trustedSide.Slots["trustedhelp"], BaseDeclaration: s.baseDecl, } c.Check(cand.Check(), IsNil) } cand = policy.ConnectCandidate{ Plug: s.plugSnap.Plugs["trustedhelp"], PlugSnapDeclaration: s.plugDecl, Slot: s.slotSnap.Slots["trustedhelp"], BaseDeclaration: s.baseDecl, } c.Check(cand.Check(), ErrorMatches, "connection not allowed.*") }
func (s *checkSnapSuite) TestCheckSnapCheckCallbackOK(c *C) { const yaml = `name: foo version: 1.0` si := &snap.SideInfo{ SnapID: "snap-id", } var openSnapFile = func(path string, si *snap.SideInfo) (*snap.Info, snap.Container, error) { info := snaptest.MockInfo(c, yaml, si) return info, nil, nil } r1 := snapstate.MockOpenSnapFile(openSnapFile) defer r1() checkCbCalled := false checkCb := func(st *state.State, s, cur *snap.Info, flags snapstate.Flags) error { c.Assert(s.Name(), Equals, "foo") c.Assert(s.SnapID, Equals, "snap-id") checkCbCalled = true return nil } r2 := snapstate.MockCheckSnapCallbacks([]snapstate.CheckSnapCallback{checkCb}) defer r2() err := snapstate.CheckSnap(, "snap-path", si, nil, snapstate.Flags{}) c.Check(err, IsNil) c.Check(checkCbCalled, Equals, true) }
func (s *AddRemoveSuite) TestAddSnapComplexErrorHandling(c *C) { err := s.repo.AddInterface(&TestInterface{ InterfaceName: "invalid-plug-iface", SanitizePlugCallback: func(plug *Plug) error { return fmt.Errorf("plug is invalid") }, SanitizeSlotCallback: func(slot *Slot) error { return fmt.Errorf("slot is invalid") }, }) err = s.repo.AddInterface(&TestInterface{ InterfaceName: "invalid-slot-iface", SanitizePlugCallback: func(plug *Plug) error { return fmt.Errorf("plug is invalid") }, SanitizeSlotCallback: func(slot *Slot) error { return fmt.Errorf("slot is invalid") }, }) snapInfo := snaptest.MockInfo(c, ` name: complex plugs: invalid-plug-iface: unknown-plug-iface: slots: invalid-slot-iface: unknown-slot-iface: `, nil) err = s.repo.AddSnap(snapInfo) c.Check(err, ErrorMatches, `snap "complex" has bad plugs or slots: invalid-plug-iface \(plug is invalid\); invalid-slot-iface \(slot is invalid\); unknown-plug-iface, unknown-slot-iface \(unknown interface\)`) // Nothing was added c.Check(s.repo.Plug("complex", "invalid-plug-iface"), IsNil) c.Check(s.repo.Plug("complex", "unknown-plug-iface"), IsNil) c.Check(s.repo.Slot("complex", "invalid-slot-iface"), IsNil) c.Check(s.repo.Slot("complex", "unknown-slot-iface"), IsNil) }
func (s *ContentSuite) TestConnectedPlugSnippetSimple(c *C) { const mockSnapYaml = `name: content-slot-snap version: 1.0 slots: content-slot: interface: content read: - shared/read write: - shared/write plugs: content-plug: interface: content target: import ` info := snaptest.MockInfo(c, mockSnapYaml, nil) slot := &interfaces.Slot{SlotInfo: info.Slots["content-slot"]} plug := &interfaces.Plug{PlugInfo: info.Plugs["content-plug"]} content, err := s.iface.ConnectedPlugSnippet(plug, slot, interfaces.SecurityMount) c.Assert(err, IsNil) expected := fmt.Sprintf(`%[1]s/content-slot-snap/unset/shared/read %[1]s/content-slot-snap/unset/import none bind,ro 0 0 %[1]s/content-slot-snap/unset/shared/write %[1]s/content-slot-snap/unset/import none bind 0 0 `, dirs.SnapMountDir) c.Assert(string(content), DeepEquals, expected) }
func (s *BoolFileInterfaceSuite) SetUpTest(c *C) { info := snaptest.MockInfo(c, ` name: ubuntu-core slots: gpio: interface: bool-file path: /sys/class/gpio/gpio13/value led: interface: bool-file path: "/sys/class/leds/input27::capslock/brightness" missing-path: bool-file bad-path: interface: bool-file path: path parent-dir-path: interface: bool-file path: "/sys/class/gpio/../value" bad-interface-slot: other-interface plugs: plug: bool-file bad-interface-plug: other-interface `, &snap.SideInfo{}) s.gpioSlot = &interfaces.Slot{SlotInfo: info.Slots["gpio"]} s.ledSlot = &interfaces.Slot{SlotInfo: info.Slots["led"]} s.missingPathSlot = &interfaces.Slot{SlotInfo: info.Slots["missing-path"]} s.badPathSlot = &interfaces.Slot{SlotInfo: info.Slots["bad-path"]} s.parentDirPathSlot = &interfaces.Slot{SlotInfo: info.Slots["parent-dir-path"]} s.badInterfaceSlot = &interfaces.Slot{SlotInfo: info.Slots["bad-interface-slot"]} s.plug = &interfaces.Plug{PlugInfo: info.Plugs["plug"]} s.badInterfacePlug = &interfaces.Plug{PlugInfo: info.Plugs["bad-interface-plug"]} }
func (s *GpioInterfaceSuite) SetUpTest(c *C) { gadgetInfo := snaptest.MockInfo(c, ` name: my-device type: gadget slots: my-pin: interface: gpio number: 100 missing-number: interface: gpio bad-number: interface: gpio number: forty-two bad-interface-slot: other-interface plugs: plug: gpio bad-interface-plug: other-interface `, nil) s.gadgetGpioSlot = &interfaces.Slot{SlotInfo: gadgetInfo.Slots["my-pin"]} s.gadgetMissingNumberSlot = &interfaces.Slot{SlotInfo: gadgetInfo.Slots["missing-number"]} s.gadgetBadNumberSlot = &interfaces.Slot{SlotInfo: gadgetInfo.Slots["bad-number"]} s.gadgetBadInterfaceSlot = &interfaces.Slot{SlotInfo: gadgetInfo.Slots["bad-interface-slot"]} s.gadgetPlug = &interfaces.Plug{PlugInfo: gadgetInfo.Plugs["plug"]} s.gadgetBadInterfacePlug = &interfaces.Plug{PlugInfo: gadgetInfo.Plugs["bad-interface-plug"]} osInfo := snaptest.MockInfo(c, ` name: my-core type: os slots: my-pin: interface: gpio number: 777 direction: out `, nil) s.osGpioSlot = &interfaces.Slot{SlotInfo: osInfo.Slots["my-pin"]} appInfo := snaptest.MockInfo(c, ` name: my-app slots: my-pin: interface: gpio number: 154 direction: out `, nil) s.appGpioSlot = &interfaces.Slot{SlotInfo: appInfo.Slots["my-pin"]} }
func (s *DbusInterfaceSuite) TestConnectionBoth(c *C) { const plugYaml = `name: plugger version: 1.0 plugs: that: interface: dbus bus: system name: org.slotter.other-session this: interface: dbus bus: session name: org.slotter.session ` const slotYaml = `name: slotter version: 1.0 slots: this: interface: dbus bus: session name: org.slotter.session that: interface: dbus bus: system name: org.slotter.other-session ` plugInfo := snaptest.MockInfo(c, plugYaml, nil) matchingPlug1 := &interfaces.Plug{PlugInfo: plugInfo.Plugs["this"]} matchingPlug2 := &interfaces.Plug{PlugInfo: plugInfo.Plugs["that"]} slotInfo := snaptest.MockInfo(c, slotYaml, nil) matchingSlot1 := &interfaces.Slot{SlotInfo: slotInfo.Slots["this"]} matchingSlot2 := &interfaces.Slot{SlotInfo: slotInfo.Slots["that"]} snippet, err := s.iface.ConnectedPlugSnippet(matchingPlug1, matchingSlot1, interfaces.SecurityAppArmor) c.Assert(err, IsNil) c.Assert(snippet, Not(IsNil)) c.Check(string(snippet), testutil.Contains, "org.slotter.session") c.Check(string(snippet), testutil.Contains, "bus=session") snippet, err = s.iface.ConnectedPlugSnippet(matchingPlug2, matchingSlot2, interfaces.SecurityAppArmor) c.Assert(err, IsNil) c.Assert(snippet, Not(IsNil)) c.Check(string(snippet), testutil.Contains, "org.slotter.other-session") c.Check(string(snippet), testutil.Contains, "bus=system") }
func (s *policySuite) TestDollarPlugPublisherIDCheckConnection(c *C) { // no known publishers cand := policy.ConnectCandidate{ Plug: s.plugSnap.Plugs["same-plug-publisher-id"], Slot: s.randomSnap.Slots["same-plug-publisher-id"], BaseDeclaration: s.baseDecl, } c.Check(cand.Check(), ErrorMatches, "connection not allowed.*") // no slot-side declaration cand = policy.ConnectCandidate{ Plug: s.plugSnap.Plugs["same-plug-publisher-id"], PlugSnapDeclaration: s.plugDecl, Slot: s.randomSnap.Slots["same-plug-publisher-id"], BaseDeclaration: s.baseDecl, } c.Check(cand.Check(), ErrorMatches, "connection not allowed.*") // slot-side declaration, wrong publisher-id cand = policy.ConnectCandidate{ Plug: s.plugSnap.Plugs["same-plug-publisher-id"], PlugSnapDeclaration: s.plugDecl, Slot: s.randomSnap.Slots["same-plug-publisher-id"], SlotSnapDeclaration: s.randomDecl, BaseDeclaration: s.baseDecl, } c.Check(cand.Check(), ErrorMatches, "connection not allowed.*") // slot publisher id == plug publisher id samePubSlotSnap := snaptest.MockInfo(c, ` name: same-pub-slot-snap slots: same-plug-publisher-id: `, nil) a, err := asserts.Decode([]byte(`type: snap-declaration authority-id: canonical series: 16 snap-name: same-pub-slot-snap snap-id: samepublslotsnapidididididididid publisher-id: plug-publisher timestamp: 2016-09-30T12:00:00Z sign-key-sha3-384: Jv8_JiHiIzJVcO9M55pPdqSDWUvuhfDIBJUS-3VW7F_idjix7Ffn5qMxB21ZQuij AXNpZw==`)) c.Assert(err, IsNil) samePubSlotDecl := a.(*asserts.SnapDeclaration) cand = policy.ConnectCandidate{ Plug: s.plugSnap.Plugs["same-plug-publisher-id"], PlugSnapDeclaration: s.plugDecl, Slot: samePubSlotSnap.Slots["same-plug-publisher-id"], SlotSnapDeclaration: samePubSlotDecl, BaseDeclaration: s.baseDecl, } c.Check(cand.Check(), IsNil) }
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestAutoConnectBlacklist(c *C) { // Add two interfaces, one with automatic connections, one with manual repo := s.emptyRepo err := repo.AddInterface(&TestInterface{InterfaceName: "auto", AutoConnectFlag: true}) c.Assert(err, IsNil) err = repo.AddInterface(&TestInterface{InterfaceName: "manual"}) c.Assert(err, IsNil) // Add a pair of snaps with plugs/slots using those two interfaces consumer := snaptest.MockInfo(c, ` name: consumer plugs: auto: manual: `, nil) producer := snaptest.MockInfo(c, ` name: producer type: os slots: auto: manual: `, nil) err = repo.AddSnap(producer) c.Assert(err, IsNil) err = repo.AddSnap(consumer) c.Assert(err, IsNil) // Sanity check, our test is valid because plug "auto" is a candidate // for auto-connection c.Assert(repo.AutoConnectCandidates("consumer", "auto"), HasLen, 1) // Without any connections in place, the plug "auto" is blacklisted // because in normal circumstances it would be auto-connected. blacklist := repo.AutoConnectBlacklist("consumer") c.Check(blacklist, DeepEquals, map[string]bool{"auto": true}) // Connect the "auto" plug and slots together err = repo.Connect("consumer", "auto", "producer", "auto") c.Assert(err, IsNil) // With the connection in place the "auto" plug is not blacklisted. blacklist = repo.AutoConnectBlacklist("consumer") c.Check(blacklist, IsNil) }
// InstallSnap "installs" a snap from YAML. func (s *BackendSuite) InstallSnap(c *C, opts interfaces.ConfinementOptions, snapYaml string, revision int) *snap.Info { snapInfo := snaptest.MockInfo(c, snapYaml, &snap.SideInfo{ Revision: snap.R(revision), Developer: "acme", }) s.addPlugsSlots(c, snapInfo) err := s.Backend.Setup(snapInfo, opts, s.Repo) c.Assert(err, IsNil) return snapInfo }
func (s *ContentSuite) TestResolveSpecialVariable(c *C) { info := snaptest.MockInfo(c, "name: name", &snap.SideInfo{Revision: snap.R(42)}) c.Check(builtin.ResolveSpecialVariable("foo", info), Equals, "/snap/name/42/foo") c.Check(builtin.ResolveSpecialVariable("$SNAP/foo", info), Equals, "/snap/name/42/foo") c.Check(builtin.ResolveSpecialVariable("$SNAP_DATA/foo", info), Equals, "/var/snap/name/42/foo") c.Check(builtin.ResolveSpecialVariable("$SNAP_COMMON/foo", info), Equals, "/var/snap/name/common/foo") c.Check(builtin.ResolveSpecialVariable("$SNAP", info), Equals, "/snap/name/42") c.Check(builtin.ResolveSpecialVariable("$SNAP_DATA", info), Equals, "/var/snap/name/42") c.Check(builtin.ResolveSpecialVariable("$SNAP_COMMON", info), Equals, "/var/snap/name/common") }
// InstallSnap "installs" a snap from YAML. func (s *BackendSuite) InstallSnap(c *C, devMode bool, snapYaml string, revision int) *snap.Info { snapInfo := snaptest.MockInfo(c, snapYaml, &snap.SideInfo{ Revision: snap.R(revision), Developer: "acme", }) s.addPlugsSlots(c, snapInfo) err := s.Backend.Setup(snapInfo, devMode, s.Repo) c.Assert(err, IsNil) return snapInfo }
func (s *ContentSuite) TestSanitizeSlotNoPaths(c *C) { const mockSnapYaml = `name: content-slot-snap version: 1.0 slots: content-slot: interface: content ` info := snaptest.MockInfo(c, mockSnapYaml, nil) slot := &interfaces.Slot{SlotInfo: info.Slots["content-slot"]} err := s.iface.SanitizeSlot(slot) c.Assert(err, ErrorMatches, "read or write path must be set") }
func (s *baseDeclSuite) connectCand(c *C, iface, slotYaml, plugYaml string) *policy.ConnectCandidate { if slotYaml == "" { slotYaml = fmt.Sprintf(`name: slot-snap slots: %s: `, iface) } if plugYaml == "" { plugYaml = fmt.Sprintf(`name: plug-snap plugs: %s: `, iface) } slotSnap := snaptest.MockInfo(c, slotYaml, nil) plugSnap := snaptest.MockInfo(c, plugYaml, nil) return &policy.ConnectCandidate{ Plug: plugSnap.Plugs[iface], Slot: slotSnap.Slots[iface], BaseDeclaration: s.baseDecl, } }
func (s *ContentSuite) TestSanitizePlugSimpleNoTarget(c *C) { const mockSnapYaml = `name: content-slot-snap version: 1.0 plugs: content-plug: interface: content ` info := snaptest.MockInfo(c, mockSnapYaml, nil) plug := &interfaces.Plug{PlugInfo: info.Plugs["content-plug"]} err := s.iface.SanitizePlug(plug) c.Assert(err, ErrorMatches, "content plug must contain target path") }
// UpdateSnap "updates" an existing snap from YAML. func (s *BackendSuite) UpdateSnap(c *C, oldSnapInfo *snap.Info, devMode bool, snapYaml string, revision int) *snap.Info { newSnapInfo := snaptest.MockInfo(c, snapYaml, &snap.SideInfo{ Revision: snap.R(revision), Developer: "acme", }) c.Assert(newSnapInfo.Name(), Equals, oldSnapInfo.Name()) s.removePlugsSlots(c, oldSnapInfo) s.addPlugsSlots(c, newSnapInfo) err := s.Backend.Setup(newSnapInfo, devMode, s.Repo) c.Assert(err, IsNil) return newSnapInfo }
func (s *ContentSuite) TestSanitizePlugSimpleTargetRelative(c *C) { const mockSnapYaml = `name: content-slot-snap version: 1.0 plugs: content-plug: interface: content target: ../foo ` info := snaptest.MockInfo(c, mockSnapYaml, nil) plug := &interfaces.Plug{PlugInfo: info.Plugs["content-plug"]} err := s.iface.SanitizePlug(plug) c.Assert(err, ErrorMatches, "content interface target path is not clean:.*") }
func (s *snapTestSuite) TestMockInfo(c *C) { snapInfo := snaptest.MockInfo(c, sampleYaml, &snap.SideInfo{Revision: snap.R(42)}) // Data from YAML is used c.Check(snapInfo.Name(), Equals, "sample") // Data from SideInfo is used c.Check(snapInfo.Revision, Equals, snap.R(42)) // The YAML is *not* placed on disk _, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(dirs.SnapMountDir, "sample", "42", "meta", "snap.yaml")) c.Assert(os.IsNotExist(err), Equals, true) // More c.Check(snapInfo.Apps["app"].Command, Equals, "foo") c.Check(snapInfo.Plugs["network"].Interface, Equals, "network") }
func (s *ContentSuite) TestSanitizePlugSimple(c *C) { const mockSnapYaml = `name: content-slot-snap version: 1.0 plugs: content-plug: interface: content target: import ` info := snaptest.MockInfo(c, mockSnapYaml, nil) plug := &interfaces.Plug{PlugInfo: info.Plugs["content-plug"]} err := s.iface.SanitizePlug(plug) c.Assert(err, IsNil) }
// Check that sharing of writable common data is possible func (s *ContentSuite) TestConnectedPlugSnippetSharingSnapCommon(c *C) { const consumerYaml = `name: consumer plugs: content: target: $SNAP_COMMON/import ` consumerInfo := snaptest.MockInfo(c, consumerYaml, &snap.SideInfo{Revision: snap.R(7)}) plug := &interfaces.Plug{PlugInfo: consumerInfo.Plugs["content"]} const producerYaml = `name: producer slots: content: write: - $SNAP_COMMON/export ` producerInfo := snaptest.MockInfo(c, producerYaml, &snap.SideInfo{Revision: snap.R(5)}) slot := &interfaces.Slot{SlotInfo: producerInfo.Slots["content"]} content, err := s.iface.ConnectedPlugSnippet(plug, slot, interfaces.SecurityMount) c.Assert(err, IsNil) expected := "/var/snap/producer/common/export /var/snap/consumer/common/import none bind 0 0\n" c.Assert(string(content), Equals, expected) }
// ResolveConnect prefers the "core" snap if (by any chance) both are available func (s *RepositorySuite) TestResolveConnectImplicitSlotPrefersCore(c *C) { coreSnap := snaptest.MockInfo(c, ` name: core type: os slots: slot: interface: interface `, nil) ubuntuCoreSnap := snaptest.MockInfo(c, ` name: ubuntu-core type: os slots: slot: interface: interface `, nil) c.Assert(s.testRepo.AddSnap(coreSnap), IsNil) c.Assert(s.testRepo.AddSnap(ubuntuCoreSnap), IsNil) c.Assert(s.testRepo.AddPlug(s.plug), IsNil) conn, err := s.testRepo.ResolveConnect("consumer", "plug", "", "slot") c.Check(err, IsNil) c.Check(conn.SlotRef.Snap, Equals, "core") }
func (s *deviceMgrSuite) TestCheckKernel(c *C) { release.OnClassic = false s.state.Lock() defer s.state.Unlock() // nothing is setup kernelInfo := snaptest.MockInfo(c, `type: kernel name: lnrk`, nil) err := devicestate.CheckGadgetOrKernel(s.state, kernelInfo, nil, snapstate.Flags{}) c.Check(err, ErrorMatches, `cannot install kernel without model assertion`) // setup model assertion model, err := s.storeSigning.Sign(asserts.ModelType, map[string]interface{}{ "series": "16", "brand-id": "canonical", "model": "pc", "gadget": "pc", "kernel": "krnl", "architecture": "amd64", "timestamp": time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339), }, nil, "") c.Assert(err, IsNil) err = assertstate.Add(s.state, model) c.Assert(err, IsNil) err = auth.SetDevice(s.state, &auth.DeviceState{ Brand: "canonical", Model: "pc", }) c.Assert(err, IsNil) err = devicestate.CheckGadgetOrKernel(s.state, kernelInfo, nil, snapstate.Flags{}) c.Check(err, ErrorMatches, `cannot install kernel "lnrk", model assertion requests "krnl"`) // install krnl kernel krnlKernelInfo := snaptest.MockInfo(c, `type: kernel name: krnl`, nil) err = devicestate.CheckGadgetOrKernel(s.state, krnlKernelInfo, nil, snapstate.Flags{}) c.Check(err, IsNil) }
func (s *RepositorySuite) TestAutoConnectCandidates(c *C) { // Add two interfaces, one with automatic connections, one with manual repo := s.emptyRepo err := repo.AddInterface(&TestInterface{InterfaceName: "auto"}) c.Assert(err, IsNil) err = repo.AddInterface(&TestInterface{InterfaceName: "manual"}) c.Assert(err, IsNil) policyCheck := func(plug *Plug, slot *Slot) bool { return slot.Interface == "auto" } // Add a pair of snaps with plugs/slots using those two interfaces consumer := snaptest.MockInfo(c, ` name: consumer plugs: auto: manual: `, nil) producer := snaptest.MockInfo(c, ` name: producer type: os slots: auto: manual: `, nil) err = repo.AddSnap(producer) c.Assert(err, IsNil) err = repo.AddSnap(consumer) c.Assert(err, IsNil) candidateSlots := repo.AutoConnectCandidates("consumer", "auto", policyCheck) c.Assert(candidateSlots, HasLen, 1) c.Check(candidateSlots[0].Snap.Name(), Equals, "producer") c.Check(candidateSlots[0].Interface, Equals, "auto") c.Check(candidateSlots[0].Name, Equals, "auto") }
func (s *baseDeclSuite) installPlugCand(c *C, iface string, snapType snap.Type, yaml string) *policy.InstallCandidate { if yaml == "" { yaml = fmt.Sprintf(`name: install-plug-snap type: %s plugs: %s: `, snapType, iface) } snap := snaptest.MockInfo(c, yaml, nil) return &policy.InstallCandidate{ Snap: snap, BaseDeclaration: s.baseDecl, } }
func (s *BrowserSupportInterfaceSuite) TestSanitizePlugWithAttrib(c *C) { const mockSnapYaml = `name: browser-support-plug-snap version: 1.0 plugs: browser-support-plug: interface: browser-support allow-sandbox: true ` info := snaptest.MockInfo(c, mockSnapYaml, nil) plug := &interfaces.Plug{PlugInfo: info.Plugs["browser-support-plug"]} err := s.iface.SanitizePlug(plug) c.Assert(err, IsNil) }
func (s *MprisInterfaceSuite) TestGetNameMissing(c *C) { const mockSnapYaml = `name: mpris-client version: 1.0 slots: mpris-slot: interface: mpris ` info := snaptest.MockInfo(c, mockSnapYaml, nil) slot := &interfaces.Slot{SlotInfo: info.Slots["mpris-slot"]} iface := &builtin.MprisInterface{} name, err := builtin.MprisGetName(iface, slot.Attrs) c.Assert(err, IsNil) c.Assert(name, Equals, "@{SNAP_NAME}") }