func TestPrecessor_Precess(t *testing.T) {
	// Exercise, p. 136.
	eqFrom := &coord.Equatorial{
		RA:  base.NewRA(2, 31, 48.704).Rad(),
		Dec: base.NewAngle(false, 89, 15, 50.72).Rad(),
	mα := base.NewHourAngle(false, 0, 0, .19877)
	mδ := base.NewAngle(false, 0, 0, -.0152)
	epochs := []float64{
	answer := []string{
		"α = 1ʰ22ᵐ33ˢ.90   δ = +88°46′26″.18",
		"α = 3ʰ48ᵐ16ˢ.43   δ = +89°27′15″.38",
		"α = 5ʰ53ᵐ29ˢ.17   δ = +89°32′22″.18",
	eqTo := &coord.Equatorial{}
	for i, epochTo := range epochs {
		precess.Position(eqFrom, eqTo, 2000, epochTo, mα, mδ)
		if answer[i] != fmt.Sprintf("α = %0.2d   δ = %+0.2d",
			base.NewFmtRA(eqTo.RA), base.NewFmtAngle(eqTo.Dec)) {
// Exercise, p. 136.
func TestPosition(t *testing.T) {
	eqFrom := &coord.Equatorial{
		base.NewRA(2, 31, 48.704).Rad(),
		base.NewAngle(false, 89, 15, 50.72).Rad(),
	eqTo := &coord.Equatorial{}
	mα := base.NewHourAngle(false, 0, 0, 0.19877)
	mδ := base.NewAngle(true, 0, 0, 0.0152)
	for _, tc := range []struct {
		α, δ string
		jde  float64
		{"1 22 33.90", "88 46 26.18", base.BesselianYearToJDE(1900)},
		{"3 48 16.43", "89 27 15.38", base.JulianYearToJDE(2050)},
		{"5 53 29.17", "89 32 22.18", base.JulianYearToJDE(2100)},
	} {
		epochTo := base.JDEToJulianYear(tc.jde)
		precess.Position(eqFrom, eqTo, 2000.0, epochTo, mα, mδ)
		αStr := fmt.Sprintf("%.2x", base.NewFmtRA(eqTo.RA))
		δStr := fmt.Sprintf("%.2x", base.NewFmtAngle(eqTo.Dec))
		if αStr != tc.α {
			t.Fatal("got:", αStr, "want:", tc.α)
		if δStr != tc.δ {
// Exercise, p. 136.
func TestPosition(t *testing.T) {
	eqFrom := &coord.Equatorial{
		unit.NewRA(2, 31, 48.704),
		unit.NewAngle(' ', 89, 15, 50.72),
	eqTo := &coord.Equatorial{}
	mα := unit.HourAngleFromSec(0.19877)
	mδ := unit.AngleFromSec(-0.0152)
	for _, tc := range []struct {
		α, δ string
		jde  float64
		{"1ʰ22ᵐ33.90ˢ", "88°46′26.18″", base.BesselianYearToJDE(1900)},
		{"3ʰ48ᵐ16.43ˢ", "89°27′15.38″", base.JulianYearToJDE(2050)},
		{"5ʰ53ᵐ29.17ˢ", "89°32′22.18″", base.JulianYearToJDE(2100)},
	} {
		epochTo := base.JDEToJulianYear(tc.jde)
		precess.Position(eqFrom, eqTo, 2000.0, epochTo, mα, mδ)
		αStr := fmt.Sprintf("%.2s", sexa.FmtRA(eqTo.RA))
		δStr := fmt.Sprintf("%.2s", sexa.FmtAngle(eqTo.Dec))
		if αStr != tc.α {
			t.Fatal("got:", αStr, "want:", tc.α)
		if δStr != tc.δ {
// Position computes the apparent position of an object.
// Position is computed for equatorial coordinates in eqFrom, considering
// proper motion, precession, nutation, and aberration.  Result is in
// eqTo.  EqFrom and eqTo must be non-nil, but may point to the same struct.
func Position(eqFrom, eqTo *coord.Equatorial, epochFrom, epochTo float64, mα sexa.HourAngle, mδ sexa.Angle) *coord.Equatorial {
	precess.Position(eqFrom, eqTo, epochFrom, epochTo, mα, mδ)
	jd := base.JulianYearToJDE(epochTo)
	Δα1, Δδ1 := Nutation(eqTo.RA, eqTo.Dec, jd)
	Δα2, Δδ2 := Aberration(eqTo.RA, eqTo.Dec, jd)
	eqTo.RA += Δα1 + Δα2
	eqTo.Dec += Δδ1 + Δδ2
	return eqTo
// PositionRonVondrak computes the apparent position of an object using
// the Ron-Vondrák expression for aberration.
// Position is computed for equatorial coordinates in eqFrom, considering
// proper motion, aberration, precession, and nutation.  Result is in
// eqTo.  EqFrom and eqTo must be non-nil, but may point to the same struct.
// Note the Ron-Vondrák expression is only valid for the epoch J2000.
// EqFrom must be coordinates at epoch J2000.
func PositionRonVondrak(eqFrom, eqTo *coord.Equatorial, epochTo float64, mα sexa.HourAngle, mδ sexa.Angle) *coord.Equatorial {
	t := epochTo - 2000
	eqTo.RA = eqFrom.RA + mα.Rad()*t
	eqTo.Dec = eqFrom.Dec + mδ.Rad()*t
	jd := base.JulianYearToJDE(epochTo)
	Δα, Δδ := AberrationRonVondrak(eqTo.RA, eqTo.Dec, jd)
	eqTo.RA += Δα
	eqTo.Dec += Δδ
	precess.Position(eqTo, eqTo, 2000, epochTo, 0, 0)
	Δα1, Δδ1 := Nutation(eqTo.RA, eqTo.Dec, jd)
	eqTo.RA += Δα1
	eqTo.Dec += Δδ1
	return eqTo
// PositionRonVondrak computes the apparent position of an object using
// the Ron-Vondrák expression for aberration.
// Position is computed for equatorial coordinates in eqFrom, considering
// proper motion, aberration, precession, and nutation.  Result is in
// eqTo.  EqFrom and eqTo must be non-nil, but may point to the same struct.
// Note the Ron-Vondrák expression is only valid for the epoch J2000.
// EqFrom must be coordinates at epoch J2000.
func PositionRonVondrak(eqFrom, eqTo *coord.Equatorial, epochTo float64, mα unit.HourAngle, mδ unit.Angle) *coord.Equatorial {
	t := epochTo - 2000
	eqTo.RA = eqFrom.RA.Add(mα.Mul(t))
	eqTo.Dec = eqFrom.Dec + mδ.Mul(t)
	jd := base.JulianYearToJDE(epochTo)
	Δα, Δδ := AberrationRonVondrak(eqTo.RA, eqTo.Dec, jd)
	eqTo.RA = eqTo.RA.Add(Δα)
	eqTo.Dec += Δδ
	precess.Position(eqTo, eqTo, 2000, epochTo, 0, 0)
	Δα1, Δδ1 := Nutation(eqTo.RA, eqTo.Dec, jd)
	eqTo.RA = eqTo.RA.Add(Δα1)
	eqTo.Dec += Δδ1
	return eqTo
func ExamplePosition() {
	// Example 21.b, p. 135.
	eq := &coord.Equatorial{
		base.NewRA(2, 44, 11.986).Rad(),
		base.NewAngle(false, 49, 13, 42.48).Rad(),
	epochFrom := 2000.0
	jdTo := julian.CalendarGregorianToJD(2028, 11, 13.19)
	epochTo := base.JDEToJulianYear(jdTo)
	precess.Position(eq, eq, epochFrom, epochTo,
		base.NewHourAngle(false, 0, 0, 0.03425),
		base.NewAngle(true, 0, 0, 0.0895))
	fmt.Printf("%0.3d\n", base.NewFmtRA(eq.RA))
	fmt.Printf("%+0.2d\n", base.NewFmtAngle(eq.Dec))
	// Output:
	// 2ʰ46ᵐ11ˢ.331
	// +49°20′54″.54