// AberrationRonVondrak uses the Ron-Vondrák expression to compute corrections
// due to aberration for equatorial coordinates of an object.
func AberrationRonVondrak(α unit.RA, δ unit.Angle, jd float64) (Δα unit.HourAngle, Δδ unit.Angle) {
	T := base.J2000Century(jd)
	r := &rv{
		T:  T,
		L2: 3.1761467 + 1021.3285546*T,
		L3: 1.7534703 + 628.3075849*T,
		L4: 6.2034809 + 334.0612431*T,
		L5: 0.5995465 + 52.9690965*T,
		L6: 0.8740168 + 21.3299095*T,
		L7: 5.4812939 + 7.4781599*T,
		L8: 5.3118863 + 3.8133036*T,
		Lp: 3.8103444 + 8399.6847337*T,
		D:  5.1984667 + 7771.3771486*T,
		Mp: 2.3555559 + 8328.6914289*T,
		F:  1.6279052 + 8433.4661601*T,
	var Xp, Yp, Zp float64
	// sum smaller terms first
	for i := 35; i >= 0; i-- {
		x, y, z := rvTerm[i](r)
		Xp += x
		Yp += y
		Zp += z
	sα, cα := α.Sincos()
	sδ, cδ := δ.Sincos()
	// (23.4) p. 156
	Δα = unit.HourAngle((Yp*cα - Xp*sα) / (c * cδ))
	Δδ = unit.Angle(-((Xp*cα+Yp*sα)*sδ - Zp*cδ) / c)
// Topocentric2 returns topocentric corrections including parallax.
// This function implements the "non-rigorous" method descripted in the text.
// Note that results are corrections, not corrected coordinates.
func Topocentric2(α unit.RA, δ unit.Angle, Δ, ρsφʹ, ρcφʹ float64, L unit.Angle, jde float64) (Δα unit.HourAngle, Δδ unit.Angle) {
	π := Horizontal(Δ)
	θ0 := sidereal.Apparent(jde)
	H := (θ0.Angle() - L - unit.Angle(α)).Mod1()
	sH, cH := H.Sincos()
	sδ, cδ := δ.Sincos()
	Δα = unit.HourAngle(-π.Mul(ρcφʹ * sH / cδ)) // (40.4) p. 280
	Δδ = -π.Mul(ρsφʹ*cδ - ρcφʹ*cH*sδ)           // (40.5) p. 280
// Nutation returns corrections due to nutation for equatorial coordinates
// of an object.
// Results are invalid for objects very near the celestial poles.
func Nutation(α unit.RA, δ unit.Angle, jd float64) (Δα1 unit.HourAngle, Δδ1 unit.Angle) {
	ε := nutation.MeanObliquity(jd)
	sε, cε := ε.Sincos()
	Δψ, Δε := nutation.Nutation(jd)
	sα, cα := α.Sincos()
	tδ := δ.Tan()
	// (23.1) p. 151
	Δα1 = unit.HourAngle((cε+sε*sα*tδ)*Δψ.Rad() - cα*tδ*Δε.Rad())
	Δδ1 = Δψ.Mul(sε*cα) + Δε.Mul(sα)
// Topocentric returns topocentric positions including parallax.
// Arguments α, δ are geocentric right ascension and declination in radians.
// Δ is distance to the observed object in AU.  ρsφʹ, ρcφʹ are parallax
// constants (see package globe.) L is geographic longitude of the observer,
// jde is time of observation.
// Results are observed topocentric ra and dec in radians.
func Topocentric(α unit.RA, δ unit.Angle, Δ, ρsφʹ, ρcφʹ float64, L unit.Angle, jde float64) (αʹ unit.RA, δʹ unit.Angle) {
	π := Horizontal(Δ)
	θ0 := sidereal.Apparent(jde)
	H := (θ0.Angle() - L - unit.Angle(α)).Mod1()
	sπ := π.Sin()
	sH, cH := H.Sincos()
	sδ, cδ := δ.Sincos()
	// (40.2) p. 279
	Δα := unit.HourAngle(math.Atan2(-ρcφʹ*sπ*sH, cδ-ρcφʹ*sπ*cH))
	αʹ = α.Add(Δα)
	// (40.3) p. 279
	δʹ = unit.Angle(math.Atan2((sδ-ρsφʹ*sπ)*Δα.Cos(), cδ-ρcφʹ*sπ*cH))
文件: eqtime.go 项目: soniakeys/meeus
// ESmart computes the "equation of time" for the given JDE.
// Result is equation of time as an hour angle.
// Result is less accurate that E() but the function has the advantage
// of not requiring the V87Planet object.
func ESmart(jde float64) unit.HourAngle {
	ε := nutation.MeanObliquity(jde)
	t := ε.Mul(.5).Tan()
	y := t * t
	T := base.J2000Century(jde)
	L0 := l0(T * .1)
	e := solar.Eccentricity(T)
	M := solar.MeanAnomaly(T)
	s2L0, c2L0 := L0.Mul(2).Sincos()
	sM := M.Sin()
	// (28.3) p. 185, with double angle identity
	return unit.HourAngle(y*s2L0 - 2*e*sM + 4*e*y*sM*c2L0 -
		y*y*s2L0*c2L0 - 1.25*e*e*M.Mul(2).Sin())
// Topocentric3 returns topocentric hour angle and declination including parallax.
// This function implements the "alternative" method described in the text.
// The method should be similarly rigorous to that of Topocentric() and results
// should be virtually consistent.
func Topocentric3(α unit.RA, δ unit.Angle, Δ, ρsφʹ, ρcφʹ float64, L unit.Angle, jde float64) (Hʹ unit.HourAngle, δʹ unit.Angle) {
	π := Horizontal(Δ)
	θ0 := sidereal.Apparent(jde)
	H := (θ0.Angle() - L - unit.Angle(α)).Mod1()
	sπ := π.Sin()
	sH, cH := H.Sincos()
	sδ, cδ := δ.Sincos()
	A := cδ * sH
	B := cδ*cH - ρcφʹ*sπ
	C := sδ - ρsφʹ*sπ
	q := math.Sqrt(A*A + B*B + C*C)
	Hʹ = unit.HourAngle(math.Atan2(A, B))
	δʹ = unit.Angle(math.Asin(C / q))
文件: eqtime.go 项目: soniakeys/meeus
// E computes the "equation of time" for the given JDE.
// Parameter e must be a planetposition.V87Planet object for Earth obtained
// with planetposition.LoadPlanet.
// Result is equation of time as an hour angle.
func E(jde float64, e *pp.V87Planet) unit.HourAngle {
	τ := base.J2000Century(jde) * .1
	L0 := l0(τ)
	// code duplicated from solar.ApparentEquatorialVSOP87 so that
	// we can keep Δψ and cε
	s, β, R := solar.TrueVSOP87(e, jde)
	Δψ, Δε := nutation.Nutation(jde)
	a := unit.AngleFromSec(-20.4898).Div(R)
	λ := s + Δψ + a
	ε := nutation.MeanObliquity(jde) + Δε
	sε, cε := ε.Sincos()
	α, _ := coord.EclToEq(λ, β, sε, cε)
	// (28.1) p. 183
	E := L0 - unit.AngleFromDeg(.0057183) - unit.Angle(α) + Δψ.Mul(cε)
	return unit.HourAngle((E + math.Pi).Mod1() - math.Pi)
// Aberration returns corrections due to aberration for equatorial
// coordinates of an object.
func Aberration(α unit.RA, δ unit.Angle, jd float64) (Δα2 unit.HourAngle, Δδ2 unit.Angle) {
	ε := nutation.MeanObliquity(jd)
	T := base.J2000Century(jd)
	s, _ := solar.True(T)
	e := solar.Eccentricity(T)
	π := perihelion(T)
	sα, cα := α.Sincos()
	sδ, cδ := δ.Sincos()
	ss, cs := s.Sincos()
	sπ, cπ := π.Sincos()
	cε := ε.Cos()
	tε := ε.Tan()
	q1 := cα * cε
	// (23.3) p. 152
	Δα2 = unit.HourAngle(κ.Rad() * (e*(q1*cπ+sα*sπ) - (q1*cs + sα*ss)) / cδ)
	q2 := cε * (tε*cδ - sα*sδ)
	q3 := cα * sδ
	Δδ2 = κ.Mul(e*(cπ*q2+sπ*q3) - (cs*q2 + ss*q3))
// NutationInRA returns "nutation in right ascension" or "equation of the
// equinoxes."
func NutationInRA(jde float64) unit.HourAngle {
	// ch 12, p.88
	Δψ, Δε := Nutation(jde)
	ε0 := MeanObliquity(jde)
	return unit.HourAngle(Δψ.Rad() * math.Cos((ε0 + Δε).Rad()))