func newColumnDefinition(column map[string]interface{}, order DataTableOrder) *ColumnDefinition {
	return &ColumnDefinition{
		Name:       column["data"].(string),
		Searchable: cast.ToBool(column["searchable"]),
		Orderable:  cast.ToBool(column["orderable"]),
		Order:      order,
		Search:     newSearchDefinition(column["search"].(map[string]interface{})),
文件: confer.go 项目: MightyE/confer
// Get returns an interface..
// Must be typecast or used by something that will typecast
func (manager *Config) Get(key string) interface{} {
	jww.TRACE.Println("Looking for", key)

	v := manager.Find(key)

	if v == nil {
		return nil

	jww.TRACE.Println("Found value", v)
	switch v.(type) {
	case bool:
		return cast.ToBool(v)
	case string:
		return cast.ToString(v)
	case int64, int32, int16, int8, int:
		return cast.ToInt(v)
	case float64, float32:
		return cast.ToFloat64(v)
	case time.Time:
		return cast.ToTime(v)
	case []string:
		return v
	return v
func (v *Viper) Get(key string) interface{} {
	key = strings.ToLower(key)
	val := v.find(key)

	if val == nil {
		return nil

	switch val.(type) {
	case bool:
		return cast.ToBool(val)
	case string:
		return cast.ToString(val)
	case int64, int32, int16, int8, int:
		return cast.ToInt(val)
	case float64, float32:
		return cast.ToFloat64(val)
	case time.Time:
		return cast.ToTime(val)
	case time.Duration:
		return cast.ToDuration(val)
	case []string:
		return val
	return val
文件: page.go 项目: JTrembl1/hugo
func (p *Page) getParam(key string, stringToLower bool) interface{} {
	v := p.Params[strings.ToLower(key)]

	if v == nil {
		return nil

	switch v.(type) {
	case bool:
		return cast.ToBool(v)
	case string:
		if stringToLower {
			return strings.ToLower(cast.ToString(v))
		return cast.ToString(v)
	case int64, int32, int16, int8, int:
		return cast.ToInt(v)
	case float64, float32:
		return cast.ToFloat64(v)
	case time.Time:
		return cast.ToTime(v)
	case []string:
		if stringToLower {
			return helpers.SliceToLower(v.([]string))
		return v.([]string)
	case map[string]interface{}: // JSON and TOML
		return v
	case map[interface{}]interface{}: // YAML
		return v

	jww.ERROR.Printf("GetParam(\"%s\"): Unknown type %s\n", key, reflect.TypeOf(v))
	return nil
func (v *Viper) Get(key string) interface{} {
	lcaseKey := strings.ToLower(key)
	val := v.find(lcaseKey)
	if val == nil {
		return nil

	valType := val
	if v.typeByDefValue {
		// TODO(bep) this branch isn't covered by a single test.
		path := strings.Split(lcaseKey, v.keyDelim)
		defVal := v.searchMap(v.defaults, path)
		if defVal != nil {
			valType = defVal

	switch valType.(type) {
	case bool:
		return cast.ToBool(val)
	case string:
		return cast.ToString(val)
	case int64, int32, int16, int8, int:
		return cast.ToInt(val)
	case float64, float32:
		return cast.ToFloat64(val)
	case time.Time:
		return cast.ToTime(val)
	case time.Duration:
		return cast.ToDuration(val)
	case []string:
		return cast.ToStringSlice(val)
	return val
func (c *Config) ShouldGzip(contentType string) bool {
	mediaType, _, _ := mime.ParseMediaType(contentType)
	if mediaType != "" {
		return cast.ToBool(c.gzipPatterns.get(mediaType))
	return false
// Get can retrieve any value given the key to use
// Get returns an interface. For a specific value use one of the Get____ methods.
func (c RawConfig) Get(key string) interface{} {
	path := strings.Split(key, keyDelim)

	val := c.find(strings.ToLower(key))

	if val == nil {
		source := c.find(path[0])
		if source == nil {
			return nil

		if reflect.TypeOf(source).Kind() == reflect.Map {
			val = c.searchMap(cast.ToStringMap(source), path[1:])

	switch val.(type) {
	case bool:
		return cast.ToBool(val)
	case string:
		return cast.ToString(val)
	case int64, int32, int16, int8, int:
		return cast.ToInt(val)
	case float64, float32:
		return cast.ToFloat64(val)
	case time.Time:
		return cast.ToTime(val)
	case time.Duration:
		return cast.ToDuration(val)
	case []string:
		return val
	return val
文件: viper.go 项目: DLag/viper
func (v *Viper) Get(key string) interface{} {
	path := strings.Split(key, v.keyDelim)

	var val interface{}
	lcaseKey := strings.ToLower(key)
	source := v.find(path[0])
	if source != nil {
		if reflect.TypeOf(source).Kind() == reflect.Map {
			val = v.searchMap(cast.ToStringMap(source), path[1:])

	if val == nil {
		val = v.find(lcaseKey)

	if val == nil {
		return nil

	var valType interface{}
	if !v.typeByDefValue {
		valType = val
	} else {
		defVal, defExists := v.defaults[lcaseKey]
		if defExists {
			valType = defVal
		} else {
			valType = val

	switch valType.(type) {
	case bool:
		return cast.ToBool(val)
	case string:
		return cast.ToString(val)
	case int64, int32, int16, int8, int:
		return cast.ToInt(val)
	case float64, float32:
		return cast.ToFloat64(val)
	case time.Time:
		return cast.ToTime(val)
	case time.Duration:
		return cast.ToDuration(val)
	case []string:
		return cast.ToStringSlice(val)
	return val
func (v *Viper) BindPFlag(key string, flag *pflag.Flag) (err error) {
	if flag == nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("flag for %q is nil", key)
	v.pflags[strings.ToLower(key)] = flag

	switch flag.Value.Type() {
	case "int", "int8", "int16", "int32", "int64":
		SetDefault(key, cast.ToInt(flag.Value.String()))
	case "bool":
		SetDefault(key, cast.ToBool(flag.Value.String()))
		SetDefault(key, flag.Value.String())
	return nil
文件: config_test.go 项目: dyweb/Ayi
func (suite *GitConfigTestSuite) TestCast() {
	assert := assert.New(suite.T())
	hostsRaw := viper.Get("git.hosts")
	hostsSlice := cast.ToSlice(hostsRaw)

	for _, host := range hostsSlice {
		hostMap := cast.ToStringMap(host)
		name := cast.ToString(hostMap["name"])
		https := cast.ToBool(hostMap["https"])
		if name == "git.saber.io" {
			assert.Equal(false, https)
// Modify user
func PutUser(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, ps httprouter.Params) {
	jr := jresp.NewJsonResp()
	if !authUser(r) {
		jr.Error("User not authorized for Change User")
		fmt.Fprint(w, jr.ToString(conf.Debug))
	admin := getUser(r)
	if !admin.HasRole("admin") {
		jr.Error("User not allowed to Change User")
		fmt.Fprint(w, jr.ToString(conf.Debug))

	// Verify two factor for change user
	if res, _ := admin.ValidateTotp(r.PostFormValue("token")); res == false {
		jr.Error("Invalid two factor token")
		fmt.Fprint(w, jr.ToString(conf.Debug))

	// Username
	username := r.PostFormValue("username")
	user := server.userStore.ByName(username)
	if user == nil {
		jr.Error("Cannot find user to modify")
		fmt.Fprint(w, jr.ToString(conf.Debug))
	for key, _ := range r.PostForm {
		switch key {
		case "enable":
			user.Enabled = cast.ToBool(r.PostFormValue(key))
		case "username", "token":
			jr.Error("Invalid change request")
			fmt.Fprint(w, jr.ToString(conf.Debug))

	jr.Set("changed", true)
	fmt.Fprint(w, jr.ToString(conf.Debug))
文件: confer.go 项目: MightyE/confer
// Binds a configuration key to a command line flag:
//	 pflag.Int("port", 8080, "The best alternative port")
//	 confer.BindPFlag("port", pflag.Lookup("port"))
func (manager *Config) BindPFlag(key string, flag *pflag.Flag) (err error) {
	if flag == nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("flag for %q is nil", key)

	manager.pflags.Set(key, flag)

	switch flag.Value.Type() {
	case "int", "int8", "int16", "int32", "int64":
		manager.SetDefault(key, cast.ToInt(flag.Value.String()))
	case "bool":
		manager.SetDefault(key, cast.ToBool(flag.Value.String()))
		manager.SetDefault(key, flag.Value.String())
	return nil
func (c *Config) loadGzip(seq sequence) error {
	c.gzipPatterns = newGlobList(false)
	el, ok := seq.elForKey("gzip")
	if !ok {
		return nil
	if cast.ToBool(el.value) {
		// el.value == `true`, load defaults
		return c.loadGzipValues(defaultCompressableMimeTypes)
	} else if list := el.stringSliceForSeqValues(); len(list) > 0 {
		// el.value == string sequence
		return c.loadGzipValues(list)
	} else if len(el.value) > 0 {
		// el.value == string
		return c.loadGzipValues([]string{el.value})
	return nil
文件: viper.go 项目: DLag/viper
func (v *Viper) BindPFlags(flags *pflag.FlagSet) (err error) {
	flags.VisitAll(func(flag *pflag.Flag) {
		if err != nil {
			// an error has been encountered in one of the previous flags

		err = v.BindPFlag(flag.Name, flag)
		switch flag.Value.Type() {
		case "int", "int8", "int16", "int32", "int64":
			v.SetDefault(flag.Name, cast.ToInt(flag.Value.String()))
		case "bool":
			v.SetDefault(flag.Name, cast.ToBool(flag.Value.String()))
			v.SetDefault(flag.Name, flag.Value.String())
//get Config value by key
func (c *Config) Get(key string) interface{} {
	val := c.get(key)

	switch val.(type) {
	case bool:
		return cast.ToBool(val)
	case string:
		return cast.ToString(val)
	case int64, int32, int16, int8, int:
		return cast.ToInt(val)
	case float64, float32:
		return cast.ToFloat64(val)
	case time.Time:
		return cast.ToTime(val)
	case time.Duration:
		return cast.ToDuration(val)
	case []string:
		return val

	return val
文件: config.go 项目: dyweb/Ayi
// ReadConfigFile read user defined hosts in .ayi.yml
func ReadConfigFile() {
	log.Debug("Read git section in config file")
	hostsMap = make(map[string]Host)
	hostsSlice := cast.ToSlice(viper.Get("git.hosts"))

	for _, h := range hostsSlice {
		m := cast.ToStringMap(h)
		_, exists := m["name"]
		if !exists {
			log.Warn("Skipp host without name")

		// TODO: more attributes, the following is not working
		// - http port
		// - support ssh
		name := cast.ToString(m["name"])
		https := cast.ToBool(util.GetWithDefault(m, "https", true))
		port := cast.ToInt(util.GetWithDefault(m, "port", DefaultSSHPort))

		h := NewHost(name)
		h.SupportHTTPS = https
		h.SSHPort = port

		hosts = append(hosts, *h)
		// TODO: may add order to host
		hostsMap[name] = *h

	// only merge default hosts that are not configed in config files
	for _, defaultHost := range DefaultHosts {
		_, exists := hostsMap[defaultHost.URL]
		if !exists {
			hosts = append(hosts, defaultHost)
			hostsMap[defaultHost.URL] = defaultHost
文件: page.go 项目: juicelink/hugo
func (page *Page) GetParam(key string) interface{} {
	v := page.Params[strings.ToLower(key)]

	if v == nil {
		return nil

	switch v.(type) {
	case bool:
		return cast.ToBool(v)
	case string:
		return strings.ToLower(cast.ToString(v))
	case int64, int32, int16, int8, int:
		return cast.ToInt(v)
	case float64, float32:
		return cast.ToFloat64(v)
	case time.Time:
		return cast.ToTime(v)
	case []string:
		return sliceToLower(v.([]string))
	return nil
文件: site.go 项目: jaden/hugo
func (s *SiteInfo) GetParam(key string) interface{} {
	v := s.Params[strings.ToLower(key)]

	if v == nil {
		return nil

	switch v.(type) {
	case bool:
		return cast.ToBool(v)
	case string:
		return cast.ToString(v)
	case int64, int32, int16, int8, int:
		return cast.ToInt(v)
	case float64, float32:
		return cast.ToFloat64(v)
	case time.Time:
		return cast.ToTime(v)
	case []string:
		return v
	return nil
文件: viper.go 项目: jordie/viper
// Get returns an interface..
// Must be typecast or used by something that will typecast
func Get(key string) interface{} {
	key = strings.ToLower(key)
	v := find(key)

	if v == nil {
		return nil

	switch v.(type) {
	case bool:
		return cast.ToBool(v)
	case string:
		return cast.ToString(v)
	case int64, int32, int16, int8, int:
		return cast.ToInt(v)
	case float64, float32:
		return cast.ToFloat64(v)
	case time.Time:
		return cast.ToTime(v)
	case []string:
		return v
	return v
// Give me a struct with field tags and i'll validate you, set defaults, etc.
func (cl *ConfigLoader) Validate(iface interface{}) error {
	iValue := reflect.ValueOf(iface).Elem().Interface()
	st := reflect.TypeOf(iValue)
	ps := reflect.ValueOf(iValue)

	// Loop all fields, set their default values if they have them and are empty
	// Fail if mandatory fields are not set and have no value

	for i := 0; i < ps.NumField(); i++ {
		f := st.Field(i)
		field := ps.FieldByName(f.Name)
		dataKind := field.Kind()
		var fValue interface{}

		// Is an exported field, needs to
		// start with an uppercase letter
		fValue = getFieldValue(f.Name, field)
		if !isExportedField(f.Name) {

		// Fail fast: bad regex on field
		// Validate regex
		regexStr := f.Tag.Get("regex")
		var regex *regexp.Regexp
		var err error
		if regexStr != "" && dataKind != reflect.String {
			return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Field '%s' has invalid 'regex' Tag '%s'. Regex can only be applied to string types", f.Name, regexStr))
		} else if regexStr != "" {
			regex, err = regexp.Compile(regexStr)
			if err != nil {
				return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Field '%s' has invalid regex '%s': %s", f.Name, regexStr, err.Error()))

		required := cast.ToBool(f.Tag.Get("required")) == true
		defaultVal := f.Tag.Get("default")

		if (required == true || defaultVal != "") && isZero(field) {
			if required == true && defaultVal == "" && isZero(field) {
				return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Mandatory field '%s' has not been set, and has no provided default", f.Name))

			field = reflect.ValueOf(iface).Elem().FieldByName(f.Name)
			switch dataKind {
			case reflect.Bool:
			case reflect.String:
			case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array:
				_type := field.Type().Elem()
				_newArr := strings.Split(f.Tag.Get("default"), ",")

				switch _type {
				case reflect.TypeOf(""):
				case reflect.TypeOf(1):
					// Convert array to int
					intArray := make([]int, len(_newArr))
					var err error
					for j, val := range _newArr {
						intArray[j], err = strconv.Atoi(val)
						if err != nil {

							return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Error creating default array for field '$s': %v\n", f.Name, err))
					return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Unsupported slice default type: %v\n", _type))
			case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
				s, err := strconv.ParseInt(defaultVal, 10, 64)
				if err != nil {
					return err
			case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64:
				s, err := strconv.ParseUint(defaultVal, 10, 64)
				if err != nil {
					return err
				return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Unsupported field '%s' of type: %s", f.Name, dataKind))

		} else {
			if regex != nil {
				if !regex.MatchString(fValue.(string)) {
					return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Regex validation failed on field '%s'. /%s/ does not match '%s'", f.Name, regexStr, fValue.(string)))

	return nil
// Given a key, find the value.
// Viper will check in the following order:
// flag, env, config file, key/value store, default.
// Viper will check to see if an alias exists first.
// Note: this assumes a lower-cased key given.
func (v *Viper) find(lcaseKey string) interface{} {

	var (
		val    interface{}
		exists bool
		path   = strings.Split(lcaseKey, v.keyDelim)
		nested = len(path) > 1

	// compute the path through the nested maps to the nested value
	if nested && v.isPathShadowedInDeepMap(path, castMapStringToMapInterface(v.aliases)) != "" {
		return nil

	// if the requested key is an alias, then return the proper key
	lcaseKey = v.realKey(lcaseKey)
	path = strings.Split(lcaseKey, v.keyDelim)
	nested = len(path) > 1

	// Set() override first
	val = v.searchMap(v.override, path)
	if val != nil {
		return val
	if nested && v.isPathShadowedInDeepMap(path, v.override) != "" {
		return nil

	// PFlag override next
	flag, exists := v.pflags[lcaseKey]
	if exists && flag.HasChanged() {
		switch flag.ValueType() {
		case "int", "int8", "int16", "int32", "int64":
			return cast.ToInt(flag.ValueString())
		case "bool":
			return cast.ToBool(flag.ValueString())
		case "stringSlice":
			s := strings.TrimPrefix(flag.ValueString(), "[")
			return strings.TrimSuffix(s, "]")
			return flag.ValueString()
	if nested && v.isPathShadowedInFlatMap(path, v.pflags) != "" {
		return nil

	// Env override next
	if v.automaticEnvApplied {
		// even if it hasn't been registered, if automaticEnv is used,
		// check any Get request
		if val = v.getEnv(v.mergeWithEnvPrefix(lcaseKey)); val != "" {
			return val
		if nested && v.isPathShadowedInAutoEnv(path) != "" {
			return nil
	envkey, exists := v.env[lcaseKey]
	if exists {
		if val = v.getEnv(envkey); val != "" {
			return val
	if nested && v.isPathShadowedInFlatMap(path, v.env) != "" {
		return nil

	// Config file next
	val = v.searchMapWithPathPrefixes(v.config, path)
	if val != nil {
		return val
	if nested && v.isPathShadowedInDeepMap(path, v.config) != "" {
		return nil

	// K/V store next
	val = v.searchMap(v.kvstore, path)
	if val != nil {
		return val
	if nested && v.isPathShadowedInDeepMap(path, v.kvstore) != "" {
		return nil

	// Default next
	val = v.searchMap(v.defaults, path)
	if val != nil {
		return val
	if nested && v.isPathShadowedInDeepMap(path, v.defaults) != "" {
		return nil

	// last chance: if no other value is returned and a flag does exist for the value,
	// get the flag's value even if the flag's value has not changed
	if flag, exists := v.pflags[lcaseKey]; exists {
		switch flag.ValueType() {
		case "int", "int8", "int16", "int32", "int64":
			return cast.ToInt(flag.ValueString())
		case "bool":
			return cast.ToBool(flag.ValueString())
		case "stringSlice":
			s := strings.TrimPrefix(flag.ValueString(), "[")
			return strings.TrimSuffix(s, "]")
			return flag.ValueString()
	// last item, no need to check shadowing

	return nil
文件: page.go 项目: JTrembl1/hugo
func (p *Page) update(f interface{}) error {
	if f == nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("no metadata found")
	m := f.(map[string]interface{})
	var err error
	var draft, published, isCJKLanguage *bool
	for k, v := range m {
		loki := strings.ToLower(k)
		switch loki {
		case "title":
			p.Title = cast.ToString(v)
		case "linktitle":
			p.linkTitle = cast.ToString(v)
		case "description":
			p.Description = cast.ToString(v)
		case "slug":
			p.Slug = cast.ToString(v)
		case "url":
			if url := cast.ToString(v); strings.HasPrefix(url, "http://") || strings.HasPrefix(url, "https://") {
				return fmt.Errorf("Only relative URLs are supported, %v provided", url)
			p.URL = cast.ToString(v)
		case "type":
			p.contentType = cast.ToString(v)
		case "extension", "ext":
			p.extension = cast.ToString(v)
		case "keywords":
			p.Keywords = cast.ToStringSlice(v)
		case "date":
			p.Date, err = cast.ToTimeE(v)
			if err != nil {
				jww.ERROR.Printf("Failed to parse date '%v' in page %s", v, p.File.Path())
		case "lastmod":
			p.Lastmod, err = cast.ToTimeE(v)
			if err != nil {
				jww.ERROR.Printf("Failed to parse lastmod '%v' in page %s", v, p.File.Path())
		case "publishdate", "pubdate":
			p.PublishDate, err = cast.ToTimeE(v)
			if err != nil {
				jww.ERROR.Printf("Failed to parse publishdate '%v' in page %s", v, p.File.Path())
		case "draft":
			draft = new(bool)
			*draft = cast.ToBool(v)
		case "published": // Intentionally undocumented
			published = new(bool)
			*published = cast.ToBool(v)
		case "layout":
			p.Layout = cast.ToString(v)
		case "markup":
			p.Markup = cast.ToString(v)
		case "weight":
			p.Weight = cast.ToInt(v)
		case "aliases":
			p.Aliases = cast.ToStringSlice(v)
			for _, alias := range p.Aliases {
				if strings.HasPrefix(alias, "http://") || strings.HasPrefix(alias, "https://") {
					return fmt.Errorf("Only relative aliases are supported, %v provided", alias)
		case "status":
			p.Status = cast.ToString(v)
		case "sitemap":
			p.Sitemap = parseSitemap(cast.ToStringMap(v))
		case "iscjklanguage":
			isCJKLanguage = new(bool)
			*isCJKLanguage = cast.ToBool(v)
			// If not one of the explicit values, store in Params
			switch vv := v.(type) {
			case bool:
				p.Params[loki] = vv
			case string:
				p.Params[loki] = vv
			case int64, int32, int16, int8, int:
				p.Params[loki] = vv
			case float64, float32:
				p.Params[loki] = vv
			case time.Time:
				p.Params[loki] = vv
			default: // handle array of strings as well
				switch vvv := vv.(type) {
				case []interface{}:
					if len(vvv) > 0 {
						switch vvv[0].(type) {
						case map[interface{}]interface{}: // Proper parsing structured array from YAML based FrontMatter
							p.Params[loki] = vvv
						case map[string]interface{}: // Proper parsing structured array from JSON based FrontMatter
							p.Params[loki] = vvv
							a := make([]string, len(vvv))
							for i, u := range vvv {
								a[i] = cast.ToString(u)

							p.Params[loki] = a
					} else {
						p.Params[loki] = []string{}
					p.Params[loki] = vv

	if draft != nil && published != nil {
		p.Draft = *draft
		jww.ERROR.Printf("page %s has both draft and published settings in its frontmatter. Using draft.", p.File.Path())
		return ErrHasDraftAndPublished
	} else if draft != nil {
		p.Draft = *draft
	} else if published != nil {
		p.Draft = !*published

	if p.Lastmod.IsZero() {
		p.Lastmod = p.Date

	if isCJKLanguage != nil {
		p.isCJKLanguage = *isCJKLanguage
	} else if viper.GetBool("HasCJKLanguage") {
		if cjk.Match(p.rawContent) {
			p.isCJKLanguage = true
		} else {
			p.isCJKLanguage = false

	return nil

文件: page.go 项目: johndunne/hugo
func (p *Page) update(f interface{}) error {
	if f == nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("no metadata found")
	m := f.(map[string]interface{})
	var err error
	for k, v := range m {
		loki := strings.ToLower(k)
		switch loki {
		case "title":
			p.Title = cast.ToString(v)
		case "linktitle":
			p.linkTitle = cast.ToString(v)
		case "description":
			p.Description = cast.ToString(v)
		case "slug":
			p.Slug = cast.ToString(v)
		case "url":
			if url := cast.ToString(v); strings.HasPrefix(url, "http://") || strings.HasPrefix(url, "https://") {
				return fmt.Errorf("Only relative URLs are supported, %v provided", url)
			p.URL = cast.ToString(v)
		case "type":
			p.contentType = cast.ToString(v)
		case "extension", "ext":
			p.extension = cast.ToString(v)
		case "keywords":
			p.Keywords = cast.ToStringSlice(v)
		case "date":
			p.Date, err = cast.ToTimeE(v)
			if err != nil {
				jww.ERROR.Printf("Failed to parse date '%v' in page %s", v, p.File.Path())
		case "lastmod":
			p.Lastmod, err = cast.ToTimeE(v)
			if err != nil {
				jww.ERROR.Printf("Failed to parse lastmod '%v' in page %s", v, p.File.Path())
		case "publishdate", "pubdate":
			p.PublishDate, err = cast.ToTimeE(v)
			if err != nil {
				jww.ERROR.Printf("Failed to parse publishdate '%v' in page %s", v, p.File.Path())
		case "draft":
			p.Draft = cast.ToBool(v)
		case "layout":
			p.layout = cast.ToString(v)
		case "markup":
			p.Markup = cast.ToString(v)
		case "weight":
			p.Weight = cast.ToInt(v)
		case "aliases":
			p.Aliases = cast.ToStringSlice(v)
			for _, alias := range p.Aliases {
				if strings.HasPrefix(alias, "http://") || strings.HasPrefix(alias, "https://") {
					return fmt.Errorf("Only relative aliases are supported, %v provided", alias)
		case "status":
			p.Status = cast.ToString(v)
		case "sitemap":
			p.Sitemap = parseSitemap(cast.ToStringMap(v))
			// If not one of the explicit values, store in Params
			switch vv := v.(type) {
			case bool:
				p.Params[loki] = vv
			case string:
				p.Params[loki] = vv
			case int64, int32, int16, int8, int:
				p.Params[loki] = vv
			case float64, float32:
				p.Params[loki] = vv
			case time.Time:
				p.Params[loki] = vv
			default: // handle array of strings as well
				switch vvv := vv.(type) {
				case []interface{}:
					var a = make([]string, len(vvv))
					for i, u := range vvv {
						a[i] = cast.ToString(u)
					p.Params[loki] = a
					p.Params[loki] = vv

	if p.Lastmod.IsZero() {
		p.Lastmod = p.Date

	return nil

func (v *Viper) GetBool(key string) bool {
	return cast.ToBool(v.Get(key))
文件: viper.go 项目: jbeda/kubernetes
func (v *Viper) Get(key string) interface{} {
	path := strings.Split(key, v.keyDelim)

	lcaseKey := strings.ToLower(key)
	val := v.find(lcaseKey)

	if val == nil {
		source := v.find(strings.ToLower(path[0]))
		if source != nil {
			if reflect.TypeOf(source).Kind() == reflect.Map {
				val = v.searchMap(cast.ToStringMap(source), path[1:])

	// if no other value is returned and a flag does exist for the value,
	// get the flag's value even if the flag's value has not changed
	if val == nil {
		if flag, exists := v.pflags[lcaseKey]; exists {
			jww.TRACE.Println(key, "get pflag default", val)
			switch flag.ValueType() {
			case "int", "int8", "int16", "int32", "int64":
				val = cast.ToInt(flag.ValueString())
			case "bool":
				val = cast.ToBool(flag.ValueString())
				val = flag.ValueString()

	if val == nil {
		return nil

	var valType interface{}
	if !v.typeByDefValue {
		valType = val
	} else {
		defVal, defExists := v.defaults[lcaseKey]
		if defExists {
			valType = defVal
		} else {
			valType = val

	switch valType.(type) {
	case bool:
		return cast.ToBool(val)
	case string:
		return cast.ToString(val)
	case int64, int32, int16, int8, int:
		return cast.ToInt(val)
	case float64, float32:
		return cast.ToFloat64(val)
	case time.Time:
		return cast.ToTime(val)
	case time.Duration:
		return cast.ToDuration(val)
	case []string:
		return cast.ToStringSlice(val)
	return val
文件: page.go 项目: vinchu/hugo
func (page *Page) update(f interface{}) error {
	if f == nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("no metadata found")
	m := f.(map[string]interface{})

	for k, v := range m {
		loki := strings.ToLower(k)
		switch loki {
		case "title":
			page.Title = cast.ToString(v)
		case "linktitle":
			page.linkTitle = cast.ToString(v)
		case "description":
			page.Description = cast.ToString(v)
		case "slug":
			page.Slug = helpers.Urlize(cast.ToString(v))
		case "url":
			if url := cast.ToString(v); strings.HasPrefix(url, "http://") || strings.HasPrefix(url, "https://") {
				return fmt.Errorf("Only relative urls are supported, %v provided", url)
			page.Url = helpers.Urlize(cast.ToString(v))
		case "type":
			page.contentType = cast.ToString(v)
		case "keywords":
			page.Keywords = cast.ToStringSlice(v)
		case "date", "pubdate":
			page.Date = cast.ToTime(v)
		case "draft":
			page.Draft = cast.ToBool(v)
		case "layout":
			page.layout = cast.ToString(v)
		case "markup":
			page.Markup = cast.ToString(v)
		case "weight":
			page.Weight = cast.ToInt(v)
		case "aliases":
			page.Aliases = cast.ToStringSlice(v)
			for _, alias := range page.Aliases {
				if strings.HasPrefix(alias, "http://") || strings.HasPrefix(alias, "https://") {
					return fmt.Errorf("Only relative aliases are supported, %v provided", alias)
		case "status":
			page.Status = cast.ToString(v)
		case "sitemap":
			page.Sitemap = parseSitemap(cast.ToStringMap(v))
			// If not one of the explicit values, store in Params
			switch vv := v.(type) {
			case bool:
				page.Params[loki] = vv
			case string:
				page.Params[loki] = vv
			case int64, int32, int16, int8, int:
				page.Params[loki] = vv
			case float64, float32:
				page.Params[loki] = vv
			case time.Time:
				page.Params[loki] = vv
			default: // handle array of strings as well
				switch vvv := vv.(type) {
				case []interface{}:
					var a = make([]string, len(vvv))
					for i, u := range vvv {
						a[i] = cast.ToString(u)
					page.Params[loki] = a
					page.Params[loki] = vv
	return nil

文件: viper.go 项目: jordie/viper
func GetBool(key string) bool {
	return cast.ToBool(Get(key))
文件: viper.go 项目: jbeda/kubernetes
// Given a key, find the value
// Viper will check in the following order:
// flag, env, config file, key/value store, default
// Viper will check to see if an alias exists first
func (v *Viper) find(key string) interface{} {
	var val interface{}
	var exists bool

	// if the requested key is an alias, then return the proper key
	key = v.realKey(key)

	// PFlag Override first
	flag, exists := v.pflags[key]
	if exists && flag.HasChanged() {
		jww.TRACE.Println(key, "found in override (via pflag):", flag.ValueString())
		switch flag.ValueType() {
		case "int", "int8", "int16", "int32", "int64":
			return cast.ToInt(flag.ValueString())
		case "bool":
			return cast.ToBool(flag.ValueString())
			return flag.ValueString()

	val, exists = v.override[key]
	if exists {
		jww.TRACE.Println(key, "found in override:", val)
		return val

	if v.automaticEnvApplied {
		// even if it hasn't been registered, if automaticEnv is used,
		// check any Get request
		if val = v.getEnv(v.mergeWithEnvPrefix(key)); val != "" {
			jww.TRACE.Println(key, "found in environment with val:", val)
			return val

	envkey, exists := v.env[key]
	if exists {
		jww.TRACE.Println(key, "registered as env var", envkey)
		if val = v.getEnv(envkey); val != "" {
			jww.TRACE.Println(envkey, "found in environment with val:", val)
			return val
		} else {
			jww.TRACE.Println(envkey, "env value unset:")

	val, exists = v.config[key]
	if exists {
		jww.TRACE.Println(key, "found in config:", val)
		return val

	// Test for nested config parameter
	if strings.Contains(key, v.keyDelim) {
		path := strings.Split(key, v.keyDelim)

		source := v.find(path[0])
		if source != nil {
			if reflect.TypeOf(source).Kind() == reflect.Map {
				val := v.searchMap(cast.ToStringMap(source), path[1:])
				jww.TRACE.Println(key, "found in nested config:", val)
				return val

	val, exists = v.kvstore[key]
	if exists {
		jww.TRACE.Println(key, "found in key/value store:", val)
		return val

	val, exists = v.defaults[key]
	if exists {
		jww.TRACE.Println(key, "found in defaults:", val)
		return val

	return nil
文件: confer.go 项目: MightyE/confer
func (manager *Config) GetBool(key string) bool {
	return cast.ToBool(manager.Get(key))
func (c *Config) GetBool(key string) bool {
	return cast.ToBool(c.get(key))