func init() { funcMap = template.FuncMap{ "urlize": helpers.URLize, "sanitizeURL": helpers.SanitizeURL, "sanitizeurl": helpers.SanitizeURL, "eq": Eq, "ne": Ne, "gt": Gt, "ge": Ge, "lt": Lt, "le": Le, "in": In, "slicestr": Slicestr, "substr": Substr, "split": Split, "intersect": Intersect, "isSet": IsSet, "isset": IsSet, "echoParam": ReturnWhenSet, "safeHTML": SafeHTML, "safeCSS": SafeCSS, "safeURL": SafeURL, "absURL": func(a string) template.HTML { return template.HTML(helpers.AbsURL(a)) }, "relURL": func(a string) template.HTML { return template.HTML(helpers.RelURL(a)) }, "markdownify": Markdownify, "first": First, "last": Last, "after": After, "where": Where, "delimit": Delimit, "sort": Sort, "highlight": Highlight, "add": func(a, b interface{}) (interface{}, error) { return doArithmetic(a, b, '+') }, "sub": func(a, b interface{}) (interface{}, error) { return doArithmetic(a, b, '-') }, "div": func(a, b interface{}) (interface{}, error) { return doArithmetic(a, b, '/') }, "mod": Mod, "mul": func(a, b interface{}) (interface{}, error) { return doArithmetic(a, b, '*') }, "modBool": ModBool, "lower": func(a string) string { return strings.ToLower(a) }, "upper": func(a string) string { return strings.ToUpper(a) }, "title": func(a string) string { return strings.Title(a) }, "partial": Partial, "ref": Ref, "relref": RelRef, "apply": Apply, "chomp": Chomp, "replace": Replace, "trim": Trim, "dateFormat": DateFormat, "getJSON": GetJSON, "getCSV": GetCSV, "readDir": ReadDir, "seq": helpers.Seq, "getenv": func(varName string) string { return os.Getenv(varName) }, } }
func init() { funcMap = template.FuncMap{ "absURL": func(a string) template.HTML { return template.HTML(helpers.AbsURL(a)) }, "add": func(a, b interface{}) (interface{}, error) { return helpers.DoArithmetic(a, b, '+') }, "after": after, "apply": apply, "base64Decode": base64Decode, "base64Encode": base64Encode, "chomp": chomp, "countrunes": countRunes, "countwords": countWords, "default": dfault, "dateFormat": dateFormat, "delimit": delimit, "dict": dictionary, "div": func(a, b interface{}) (interface{}, error) { return helpers.DoArithmetic(a, b, '/') }, "echoParam": returnWhenSet, "emojify": emojify, "eq": eq, "findRE": findRE, "first": first, "ge": ge, "getCSV": getCSV, "getJSON": getJSON, "getenv": func(varName string) string { return os.Getenv(varName) }, "gt": gt, "hasPrefix": func(a, b string) bool { return strings.HasPrefix(a, b) }, "highlight": highlight, "humanize": humanize, "in": in, "index": index, "int": func(v interface{}) int { return cast.ToInt(v) }, "intersect": intersect, "isSet": isSet, "isset": isSet, "jsonify": jsonify, "last": last, "le": le, "lower": func(a string) string { return strings.ToLower(a) }, "lt": lt, "markdownify": markdownify, "md5": md5, "mod": mod, "modBool": modBool, "mul": func(a, b interface{}) (interface{}, error) { return helpers.DoArithmetic(a, b, '*') }, "ne": ne, "partial": partial, "plainify": plainify, "pluralize": pluralize, "querify": querify, "readDir": readDirFromWorkingDir, "readFile": readFileFromWorkingDir, "ref": ref, "relURL": func(a string) template.HTML { return template.HTML(helpers.RelURL(a)) }, "relref": relRef, "replace": replace, "replaceRE": replaceRE, "safeCSS": safeCSS, "safeHTML": safeHTML, "safeHTMLAttr": safeHTMLAttr, "safeJS": safeJS, "safeURL": safeURL, "sanitizeURL": helpers.SanitizeURL, "sanitizeurl": helpers.SanitizeURL, "seq": helpers.Seq, "sha1": sha1, "shuffle": shuffle, "singularize": singularize, "slice": slice, "slicestr": slicestr, "sort": sortSeq, "split": split, "string": func(v interface{}) string { return cast.ToString(v) }, "sub": func(a, b interface{}) (interface{}, error) { return helpers.DoArithmetic(a, b, '-') }, "substr": substr, "title": func(a string) string { return strings.Title(a) }, "trim": trim, "upper": func(a string) string { return strings.ToUpper(a) }, "urlize": helpers.URLize, "where": where, } }
func init() { funcMap = template.FuncMap{ "urlize": helpers.URLize, "sanitizeURL": helpers.SanitizeURL, "sanitizeurl": helpers.SanitizeURL, "eq": Eq, "ne": Ne, "gt": Gt, "ge": Ge, "lt": Lt, "le": Le, "in": In, "slicestr": Slicestr, "substr": Substr, "split": Split, "intersect": Intersect, "isSet": IsSet, "isset": IsSet, "echoParam": ReturnWhenSet, "safeHTML": SafeHTML, "safeCSS": SafeCSS, "safeURL": SafeURL, "absURL": func(a string) template.HTML { return template.HTML(helpers.AbsURL(a)) }, "relURL": func(a string) template.HTML { return template.HTML(helpers.RelURL(a)) }, "markdownify": Markdownify, "first": First, "where": Where, "delimit": Delimit, "sort": Sort, "highlight": Highlight, "add": func(a, b interface{}) (interface{}, error) { return doArithmetic(a, b, '+') }, "sub": func(a, b interface{}) (interface{}, error) { return doArithmetic(a, b, '-') }, "div": func(a, b interface{}) (interface{}, error) { return doArithmetic(a, b, '/') }, "mod": Mod, "mul": func(a, b interface{}) (interface{}, error) { return doArithmetic(a, b, '*') }, "modBool": ModBool, "lower": func(a string) string { return strings.ToLower(a) }, "upper": func(a string) string { return strings.ToUpper(a) }, "title": func(a string) string { return strings.Title(a) }, "partial": Partial, "ref": Ref, "relref": RelRef, "apply": Apply, "chomp": Chomp, "replace": Replace, "trim": Trim, "dateFormat": DateFormat, "getJSON": GetJSON, "getCSV": GetCSV, "seq": helpers.Seq, "getenv": func(varName string) string { return os.Getenv(varName) }, // "getJson" is deprecated. Will be removed in 0.15. "getJson": func(urlParts ...string) interface{} { helpers.Deprecated("Template", "getJson", "getJSON") return GetJSON(urlParts...) }, // "getJson" is deprecated. Will be removed in 0.15. "getCsv": func(sep string, urlParts ...string) [][]string { helpers.Deprecated("Template", "getCsv", "getCSV") return GetCSV(sep, urlParts...) }, // "safeHtml" is deprecated. Will be removed in 0.15. "safeHtml": func(text string) template.HTML { helpers.Deprecated("Template", "safeHtml", "safeHTML") return SafeHTML(text) }, // "safeCss" is deprecated. Will be removed in 0.15. "safeCss": func(text string) template.CSS { helpers.Deprecated("Template", "safeCss", "safeCSS") return SafeCSS(text) }, // "safeUrl" is deprecated. Will be removed in 0.15. "safeUrl": func(text string) template.URL { helpers.Deprecated("Template", "safeUrl", "safeURL") return SafeURL(text) }, } }
func init() { funcMap = template.FuncMap{ "urlize": helpers.URLize, "sanitizeURL": helpers.SanitizeURL, "sanitizeurl": helpers.SanitizeURL, "eq": Eq, "ne": Ne, "gt": Gt, "ge": Ge, "lt": Lt, "le": Le, "in": In, "slicestr": Slicestr, "substr": Substr, "intersect": Intersect, "isSet": IsSet, "isset": IsSet, "echoParam": ReturnWhenSet, "safeHTML": SafeHTML, "safeCSS": SafeCSS, "safeURL": SafeURL, "absURL": func(a string) template.HTML { return template.HTML(helpers.AbsURL(a)) }, "relURL": func(a string) template.HTML { return template.HTML(helpers.RelURL(a)) }, "markdownify": Markdownify, "first": First, "last": Last, "after": After, "where": Where, "delimit": Delimit, "sort": Sort, "highlight": Highlight, "add": func(a, b interface{}) (interface{}, error) { return doArithmetic(a, b, '+') }, "sub": func(a, b interface{}) (interface{}, error) { return doArithmetic(a, b, '-') }, "div": func(a, b interface{}) (interface{}, error) { return doArithmetic(a, b, '/') }, "mod": Mod, "mul": func(a, b interface{}) (interface{}, error) { return doArithmetic(a, b, '*') }, "math": Math, "modBool": ModBool, "lower": func(a string) string { return strings.ToLower(a) }, "upper": func(a string) string { return strings.ToUpper(a) }, "title": func(a string) string { return strings.Title(a) }, "partial": Partial, "ref": Ref, "relref": RelRef, "apply": Apply, "chomp": Chomp, "replace": Replace, "trim": Trim, "dateFormat": DateFormat, "getJSON": GetJSON, "getCSV": GetCSV, "readDir": ReadDir, "seq": helpers.Seq, "getenv": func(varName string) string { return os.Getenv(varName) }, "base64Decode": Base64Decode, "base64Encode": Base64Encode, "uuid": func() string { return uuid.New() }, "uniquify": Uniquify, "log": Log, "pluralize": func(in interface{}) (string, error) { word, err := cast.ToStringE(in) if err != nil { return "", err } return inflect.Pluralize(word), nil }, "singularize": func(in interface{}) (string, error) { word, err := cast.ToStringE(in) if err != nil { return "", err } return inflect.Singularize(word), nil }, } }
func init() { funcMap = template.FuncMap{ "absURL": func(a string) template.HTML { return template.HTML(helpers.AbsURL(a)) }, "add": func(a, b interface{}) (interface{}, error) { return doArithmetic(a, b, '+') }, "after": After, "apply": Apply, "base64Decode": Base64Decode, "base64Encode": Base64Encode, "chomp": Chomp, "countrunes": CountRunes, "countwords": CountWords, "dateFormat": DateFormat, "delimit": Delimit, "dict": Dictionary, "div": func(a, b interface{}) (interface{}, error) { return doArithmetic(a, b, '/') }, "echoParam": ReturnWhenSet, "eq": Eq, "first": First, "ge": Ge, "getCSV": GetCSV, "getJSON": GetJSON, "getenv": func(varName string) string { return os.Getenv(varName) }, "gt": Gt, "hasPrefix": func(a, b string) bool { return strings.HasPrefix(a, b) }, "highlight": Highlight, "humanize": Humanize, "in": In, "int": func(v interface{}) int { return cast.ToInt(v) }, "intersect": Intersect, "isSet": IsSet, "isset": IsSet, "last": Last, "le": Le, "lower": func(a string) string { return strings.ToLower(a) }, "lt": Lt, "markdownify": Markdownify, "mod": Mod, "modBool": ModBool, "mul": func(a, b interface{}) (interface{}, error) { return doArithmetic(a, b, '*') }, "ne": Ne, "partial": Partial, "pluralize": Pluralize, "readDir": ReadDir, "ref": Ref, "relURL": func(a string) template.HTML { return template.HTML(helpers.RelURL(a)) }, "relref": RelRef, "replace": Replace, "safeCSS": SafeCSS, "safeHTML": SafeHTML, "safeJS": SafeJS, "safeURL": SafeURL, "sanitizeURL": helpers.SanitizeURL, "sanitizeurl": helpers.SanitizeURL, "seq": helpers.Seq, "shuffle": Shuffle, "singularize": Singularize, "slicestr": Slicestr, "sort": Sort, "split": Split, "string": func(v interface{}) string { return cast.ToString(v) }, "sub": func(a, b interface{}) (interface{}, error) { return doArithmetic(a, b, '-') }, "substr": Substr, "title": func(a string) string { return strings.Title(a) }, "trim": Trim, "upper": func(a string) string { return strings.ToUpper(a) }, "urlize": helpers.URLize, "where": Where, } }