// Int64 creates a new entry in the flag set with Int64 value.
// The environment value used as a default, if it exists
func Int64(flagName, envName string, value int64, usage string) *int64 {
	verifyNames(flagName, envName)
	envValStr := lookupEnv(envName)
	if envValStr != "" {
		value, _ = strconv.ParseInt(envValStr, 10, 64)

	flag.Int64(flagName, value, usage)
	return pflag.Int64(flagName, value, usage)
	goruntime "runtime"

	flag "github.com/spf13/pflag"

var (
	authConfig = flag.String("auth_config", os.Getenv("HOME")+"/.kubernetes_auth", "Path to the auth info file.")
	certDir    = flag.String("cert_dir", "", "Path to the directory containing the certs. Default is empty, which doesn't use certs.")
	host       = flag.String("host", "", "The host to connect to")
	repoRoot   = flag.String("repo_root", "./", "Root directory of kubernetes repository, for finding test files. Default assumes working directory is repository root")
	provider   = flag.String("provider", "", "The name of the Kubernetes provider")
	orderseed  = flag.Int64("orderseed", 0, "If non-zero, seed of random test shuffle order. (Otherwise random.)")
	times      = flag.Int("times", 1, "Number of times each test is eligible to be run. Individual order is determined by shuffling --times instances of each test using --orderseed (like a multi-deck shoe of cards).")
	testList   util.StringList

func init() {
	flag.VarP(&testList, "test", "t", "Test to execute (may be repeated or comma separated list of tests.) Defaults to running all tests.")

func main() {
	if *provider == "" {
		glog.Error("e2e needs the have the --provider flag set")
	_ "github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes/plugin/pkg/scheduler/algorithmprovider"

	flag "github.com/spf13/pflag"

var (
	addr           = flag.String("addr", "", "The address to use for the apiserver.")
	port           = flag.Int("port", 8080, "The port for the apiserver to use.")
	dockerEndpoint = flag.String("docker_endpoint", "", "If non-empty, use this for the docker endpoint to communicate with")
	etcdServer     = flag.String("etcd_server", "http://localhost:4001", "If non-empty, path to the set of etcd server to use")
	// TODO: Discover these by pinging the host machines, and rip out these flags.
	nodeMilliCPU           = flag.Int64("node_milli_cpu", 1000, "The amount of MilliCPU provisioned on each node")
	nodeMemory             = flag.Int64("node_memory", 3*1024*1024*1024, "The amount of memory (in bytes) provisioned on each node")
	masterServiceNamespace = flag.String("master_service_namespace", api.NamespaceDefault, "The namespace from which the kubernetes master services should be injected into pods")
	enableProfiling        = flag.Bool("profiling", false, "Enable profiling via web interface host:port/debug/pprof/")
	deletingPodsQps        = flag.Float32("deleting_pods_qps", 0.1, "")
	deletingPodsBurst      = flag.Int("deleting_pods_burst", 10, "")

type delegateHandler struct {
	delegate http.Handler

func (h *delegateHandler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
	if h.delegate != nil {
		h.delegate.ServeHTTP(w, req)
	flag "github.com/spf13/pflag"

var (
	port            = flag.Int("port", ports.ControllerManagerPort, "The port that the controller-manager's http service runs on")
	address         = util.IP(net.ParseIP(""))
	clientConfig    = &client.Config{}
	cloudProvider   = flag.String("cloud_provider", "", "The provider for cloud services.  Empty string for no provider.")
	cloudConfigFile = flag.String("cloud_config", "", "The path to the cloud provider configuration file.  Empty string for no configuration file.")
	minionRegexp    = flag.String("minion_regexp", "", "If non empty, and -cloud_provider is specified, a regular expression for matching minion VMs.")
	machineList     util.StringList
	// TODO: Discover these by pinging the host machines, and rip out these flags.
	// TODO: in the meantime, use resource.QuantityFlag() instead of these
	nodeMilliCPU = flag.Int64("node_milli_cpu", 1000, "The amount of MilliCPU provisioned on each node")
	nodeMemory   = resource.QuantityFlag("node_memory", "3Gi", "The amount of memory (in bytes) provisioned on each node")

func init() {
	flag.Var(&address, "address", "The IP address to serve on (set to for all interfaces)")
	flag.Var(&machineList, "machines", "List of machines to schedule onto, comma separated.")
	client.BindClientConfigFlags(flag.CommandLine, clientConfig)

func verifyMinionFlags() {
	if *cloudProvider == "" || *minionRegexp == "" {
		if len(machineList) == 0 {
			glog.Info("No machines specified!")