// GoLuaFunc converts an arbitrary Go function into a Lua-compatible GoFunction.
// There are special optimized cases for functions that go from strings to strings,
// and doubles to doubles, but otherwise Go
// reflection is used to provide a generic wrapper function
func GoLuaFunc(L *lua.State, fun interface{}) lua.GoFunction {
	switch f := fun.(type) {
	case func(*lua.State) int:
		return f
	case func(string) string:
		return func(L *lua.State) int {
			return 1
	case func(float64) float64:
		return func(L *lua.State) int {
			return 1
	var funv reflect.Value
	switch ff := fun.(type) {
	case reflect.Value:
		funv = ff
		funv = valueOf(fun)
	funt := funv.Type()
	targs, tout := functionArgRetTypes(funt)
	return func(L *lua.State) int {
		var lastT reflect.Type
		isVariadic := funt.IsVariadic()
		if isVariadic {
			lastT = targs[len(targs)-1].Elem()
			targs = targs[0 : len(targs)-1]
		args := make([]reflect.Value, len(targs))
		for i, t := range targs {
			val := LuaToGo(L, t, i+1)
			args[i] = valueOf(val)
		if isVariadic {
			n := L.GetTop()
			for i := len(targs) + 1; i <= n; i++ {
				val := valueOf(LuaToGo(L, lastT, i))
				args = append(args, val)
		resv := funv.Call(args)
		for i, val := range resv {
			GoToLua(L, tout[i], val)
		return len(resv)
// Convert a Lua value 'idx' on the stack to the Go value of desired type 't'. Handles
// numerical and string types in a straightforward way, and will convert tables to
// either map or slice types.
func LuaToGo(L *lua.State, t reflect.Type, idx int) interface{} {
	var value interface{}
	var kind reflect.Kind

	if t == nil { // let the Lua type drive the conversion...
		switch L.Type(idx) {
		case lua.LUA_TNIL:
			return nil // well, d'oh
		case lua.LUA_TBOOLEAN:
			kind = reflect.Bool
		case lua.LUA_TSTRING:
			kind = reflect.String
		case lua.LUA_TTABLE:
			kind = reflect.Interface
			return NewLuaObject(L, idx)
	} else if t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
		kind = t.Elem().Kind()
	} else {
		kind = t.Kind()

	switch kind {
	// various numerical types are tedious but straightforward
	case reflect.Float64:
			ptr := new(float64)
			*ptr = L.ToNumber(idx)
			value = *ptr
	case reflect.Float32:
			ptr := new(float32)
			*ptr = float32(L.ToNumber(idx))
			value = *ptr
	case reflect.Int:
			ptr := new(int)
			*ptr = int(L.ToNumber(idx))
			value = *ptr
	case reflect.Int8:
			ptr := new(byte)
			*ptr = byte(L.ToNumber(idx))
			value = *ptr
	case reflect.String:
			tos := L.ToString(idx)
			ptr := new(string)
			*ptr = tos
			value = *ptr
	case reflect.Bool:
			ptr := new(bool)
			*ptr = bool(L.ToBoolean(idx))
			value = *ptr
	case reflect.Slice:
			// if we get a table, then copy its values to a new slice
			if L.IsTable(idx) {
				value = CopyTableToSlice(L, t, idx)
			} else {
				value = unwrapProxy(L, idx)
	case reflect.Map:
			if L.IsTable(idx) {
				value = CopyTableToMap(L, t, idx)
			} else {
				value = unwrapProxy(L, idx)
	case reflect.Struct:
			if L.IsTable(idx) {
				value = CopyTableToStruct(L, t, idx)
			} else {
				value = unwrapProxy(L, idx)
	case reflect.Interface:
			if L.IsTable(idx) {
				// have to make an executive decision here: tables with non-zero
				// length are assumed to be slices!
				if L.ObjLen(idx) > 0 {
					value = CopyTableToSlice(L, nil, idx)
				} else {
					value = CopyTableToMap(L, nil, idx)
			} else if L.IsNumber(idx) {
				value = L.ToNumber(idx)
			} else if L.IsString(idx) {
				value = L.ToString(idx)
			} else if L.IsBoolean(idx) {
				value = L.ToBoolean(idx)
			} else {
				value = unwrapProxy(L, idx)
			fmt.Println("unhandled type", t)
			value = 20

	return value
// Convert a Lua value 'idx' on the stack to the Go value of desired type 't'. Handles
// numerical and string types in a straightforward way, and will convert tables to
// either map or slice types.
func LuaToGo(L *lua.State, t reflect.Type, idx int) interface{} {
	var value interface{}

	switch t.Kind() {
	// various numerical types are tedious but straightforward
	case reflect.Float64:
			ptr := new(float64)
			*ptr = L.ToNumber(idx)
			value = *ptr
	case reflect.Float32:
			ptr := new(float32)
			*ptr = float32(L.ToNumber(idx))
			value = *ptr
	case reflect.Int:
			ptr := new(int)
			*ptr = int(L.ToNumber(idx))
			value = *ptr
	case reflect.Int8:
			ptr := new(byte)
			*ptr = byte(L.ToNumber(idx))
			value = *ptr
	case reflect.String:
			tos := L.ToString(idx)
			ptr := new(string)
			*ptr = tos
			value = *ptr
	case reflect.Bool:
			ptr := new(bool)
			*ptr = bool(L.ToBoolean(idx))
			value = *ptr
	case reflect.Slice:
			// if we get a table, then copy its values to a new slice
			if L.IsTable(idx) {
				value = CopyTableToSlice(L, t, idx)
			} else {
				value = unwrapProxy(L, idx)
	case reflect.Map:
			if L.IsTable(idx) {
				value = CopyTableToMap(L, t, idx)
			} else {
				value = unwrapProxy(L, idx)
	case reflect.Func:
			if L.IsFunction(idx) {
				value = LuaGoFunc(L, t, idx)
	case reflect.Interface:
			if L.IsTable(idx) {
				// have to make an executive decision here: tables with non-zero
				// length are assumed to be slices!
				if L.ObjLen(idx) > 0 {
					value = CopyTableToSlice(L, nil, idx)
				} else {
					value = CopyTableToMap(L, nil, idx)
			} else if L.IsNumber(idx) {
				value = L.ToNumber(idx)
			} else if L.IsString(idx) {
				value = L.ToString(idx)
			} else if L.IsBoolean(idx) {
				value = L.ToBoolean(idx)
			} else {
				value = unwrapProxy(L, idx)
			fmt.Println("unhandled type", t)
			value = 20

	return value
