func main() {

	// Read in the configuration file settings. I think we should instead
	// serialize to JSON and treat this like a view.
	// haproxy.Transform()

	flag.StringVar(&flagConfigFile, "configFile", DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE, "Path to toml file")
	flag.StringVar(&flagDebugMode, "debugMode", false, "Enable debug mode")

	conf, err := LoadConfig(flagConfigFile)

	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal("Could not load configuration", err)

	server := new(haproxy.Server)

	// We use two channels— one to send actions to the server and one to recieve
	// notifications from it. Create them right now.
	actionChan := make(chan haproxy.Action)
	notificationChan := make(chan haproxy.Event)

	// Handle signals gracefully in another goroutine
	go gracefulSignals(server, actionChan, notificationChan)

	// Start up the HAProxy Server
	go server.Start(notificationChan, actionChan)

	// Setup the ELB HTTP Handlers
	go elb.InitApiHandlers()

	// Fire up statsd goroutine if statsd is enabled. This might be better off in
	// a seperate binary to monitor HAProxy.
	if conf.Statsd.Enabled {
		go statsd.SendMetrics(server)

	// Event loop for handling events from the HAProxy server
	// (right now, it only sends start/stop notifications)
	for _ = range notificationChan {
		log.Println("Received a notification")

		server.Socket = conf.Haproxy.Socket
		serverInfo := server.GetInfo()
