func (q *AMQP) Connect() error { q.Lock() defer q.Unlock() q.headers = amqp.Table{ "precision": q.Precision, "database": q.Database, "retention_policy": q.RetentionPolicy, } var connection *amqp.Connection // make new tls config tls, err := internal.GetTLSConfig( q.SSLCert, q.SSLKey, q.SSLCA, q.InsecureSkipVerify) if err != nil { return err } if tls != nil { connection, err = amqp.DialTLS(q.URL, tls) } else { connection, err = amqp.Dial(q.URL) } if err != nil { return err } channel, err := connection.Channel() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Failed to open a channel: %s", err) } err = channel.ExchangeDeclare( q.Exchange, // name "topic", // type true, // durable false, // delete when unused false, // internal false, // no-wait nil, // arguments ) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Failed to declare an exchange: %s", err) } = channel go func() { log.Printf("Closing: %s", <-connection.NotifyClose(make(chan *amqp.Error))) log.Printf("Trying to reconnect") for err := q.Connect(); err != nil; err = q.Connect() { log.Println(err) time.Sleep(10 * time.Second) } }() return nil }
// openChannel opens up a RabbitMQ channel. func openChannel(conn *amqp.Connection) *amqp.Channel { ch, err := conn.Channel() if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Failed to open a channel: %s", err) } return ch }
func (server *Server) ServeConn(conn *amqp.Connection, queue string) { ch, err := conn.Channel() failOnError(err, "Failed to open a channel") q, err := ch.QueueDeclare( queue, // name false, // durable false, // delete when usused false, // exclusive false, // noWait nil, // arguments ) failOnError(err, "Failed to declare a queue") msgs, err := ch.Consume( q.Name, // queue "", // consumer true, // autoAck false, // exclusive false, // noLocal false, // noWait nil, // arguments ) failOnError(err, "Failed to register a consumer") codec := &serverCodec{ conn: conn, ch: ch, msgs: msgs, pending: make(map[uint64]prop), } server.s.ServeCodec(codec) }
/* If ch is nil, a new Connection and Channel will be created, and this publisher will 'own' the connection. A call to close() will close both channel and connection. If ch is provided, then this publisher will reuse the channel and calls to close() will do nothing. */ func newPublisher(serverURI string, cfg *ChannelConfig, ch *amqp.Channel) *Publisher { var conn *amqp.Connection var err error if ch == nil { conn, err = amqp.Dial(serverURI) if err != nil { panic(fmt.Errorf("Failed to connect to RabbitMQ: %v", err)) } ch, err = conn.Channel() if err != nil { panic(fmt.Errorf("Failed to open a channel: %v", err)) } } _, err = ch.QueueDeclare(*cfg.Name, *cfg.Durable, *cfg.AutoDelete, *cfg.Exclusive, false, *cfg.Args) if err != nil { panic(fmt.Errorf("Failed to declare queue %s: %v", cfg.Name, err)) } ch.QueuePurge(*cfg.Name, true) return &Publisher{exch: "", routingKey: *cfg.Name, conn: conn, ch: ch, typeTag: *cfg.TypeTag} }
func Consume(connection *amqp.Connection, queue string, outChannel chan *protobuf.Notification) { // create a channel on this connection channel, err := connection.Channel() if err != nil { panic(err) } defer channel.Close() // start consuming data consumerTag := queue + "-consumer" deliveries, err := channel.Consume( queue, // name consumerTag, // consumerTag false, // noAck false, // exclusive false, // noLocal false, // noWait nil, // arguments ) if err != nil { panic(err) } defer channel.Cancel(consumerTag, false) for delivery := range deliveries { notif := &protobuf.Notification{} proto.Unmarshal(delivery.Body, notif) outChannel <- notif if err := delivery.Ack(false); err != nil { panic(err) } } }
func CreateHelloTopology(connection *amqp.Connection) (*amqp.Channel, error) { channel, err := connection.Channel() if err != nil { log.Println("Failed to get channel!: ", err) return nil, err } err = channel.ExchangeDeclare("hello-exchange", "direct", true, false, false, false, nil) if err != nil { log.Println("Failed to declare exchange!: ", err) return nil, err } _, err = channel.QueueDeclare("hello-queue", false, false, false, false, nil) if err != nil { log.Println("Failed to declare queue!: ", err) return nil, err } err = channel.QueueBind("hello-queue", "hola", "hello-exchange", false, nil) if err != nil { log.Println("Failed to bind to queue!: ", err) return nil, err } return channel, nil }
//NewServerCodec returns a new rpc.ClientCodec using AMQP on conn. serverRouting is the routing //key with with RPC calls are received, encodingCodec is an EncodingCoding implementation. This package provdes JSONCodec and GobCodec for the JSON and Gob encodings respectively. func NewServerCodec(conn *amqp.Connection, serverRouting string, encodingCodec EncodingCodec) (rpc.ServerCodec, error) { channel, err := conn.Channel() if err != nil { return nil, err } queue, err := channel.QueueDeclare(serverRouting, false, false, false, false, nil) if err != nil { return nil, err } messages, err := channel.Consume(queue.Name, "", true, false, false, false, nil) if err != nil { return nil, err } server := &serverCodec{ codec: &codec{ conn: conn, channel: channel, routing: queue.Name, codec: encodingCodec, message: messages, }, lock: new(sync.RWMutex), calls: make(map[uint64]route), seq: 0, } return server, err }
func newConsumeChannel(conn *amqp.Connection, queueName string) (<-chan amqp.Delivery, error) { ch, err := conn.Channel() if err != nil { return nil, err } return ch.Consume(queueName, "", false, false, false, false, nil) }
//NewClientCodec returns a new rpc.ClientCodec using AMQP on conn. serverRouting is the routing //key with with RPC calls are sent, it should be the same routing key used with NewServerCodec. //encodingCodec is an EncodingCoding implementation. This package provdes JSONCodec and GobCodec //for the JSON and Gob encodings respectively. func NewClientCodec(conn *amqp.Connection, serverRouting string, encodingCodec EncodingCodec) (rpc.ClientCodec, error) { channel, err := conn.Channel() if err != nil { return nil, err } queue, err := channel.QueueDeclare("", false, true, false, false, nil) if err != nil { return nil, err } serverQueue, err := channel.QueueDeclare(serverRouting, false, false, false, false, nil) if err != nil { return nil, err } if serverQueue.Consumers == 0 { return nil, ErrNoConsumers } message, err := channel.Consume(queue.Name, "", true, false, false, false, nil) client := &clientCodec{ codec: &codec{ conn: conn, channel: channel, routing: queue.Name, codec: encodingCodec, message: message, }, serverRouting: serverRouting, } return client, err }
func connect(conn *amqp.Connection, exchange string, wg *sync.WaitGroup) { ch, err := conn.Channel() utils.FailOnError(err, "Failed to open a channel") defer conn.Close() err = ch.ExchangeDeclare( exchange, // name "direct", // type true, // durable false, // auto-deleted false, // internal false, // no-wait nil, // arguments ) utils.FailOnError(err, "Failed to declare an exchange") keys := []string{"create", "update"} for { for _, key := range keys { go connectKey(ch, key, exchange) } log.Printf("Break \n \n") time.Sleep(40 * time.Second) } }
func Log(connection *amqp.Connection, inChannel chan *protobuf.Log) { // create a channel on this connection channel, err := connection.Channel() if err != nil { panic(err) } defer channel.Close() for log := range inChannel { body, err := proto.Marshal(log) if err != nil { panic(err) } err = channel.Publish( exchange, // publish to an exchange routingKey, // routing to 0 or more queues false, // mandatory false, // immediate amqp.Publishing{ Headers: amqp.Table{}, ContentType: "", ContentEncoding: "", Body: body, DeliveryMode: amqp.Transient, // 1=non-persistent, 2=persistent Priority: 0, // 0-9 // a bunch of application/implementation-specific fields }, ) if err != nil { panic(err) } } }
// redial continually connects to the URL, exiting the program when no longer possible func redial(ctx context.Context, url, exchange string) chan chan session { sessions := make(chan chan session) go func() { sess := make(chan session) defer close(sessions) for { select { case sessions <- sess: case <-ctx.Done(): log.Info("shutting down session factory") return } connected := false var conn *amqp.Connection var ch *amqp.Channel var err error for !connected { log.Debug("dialing amqp url: %s", url) conn, err = amqp.Dial(url) if err != nil { log.Error(3, "cannot (re)dial: %v: %q", err, url) time.Sleep(time.Second) continue } log.Debug("connected to %s", url) log.Debug("creating new channel on AMQP connection.") ch, err = conn.Channel() if err != nil { log.Error(3, "cannot create channel: %v", err) conn.Close() time.Sleep(time.Second) continue } log.Debug("Ensuring that %s topic exchange exists on AMQP server.", exchange) if err := ch.ExchangeDeclare(exchange, "topic", true, false, false, false, nil); err != nil { log.Error(3, "cannot declare topic exchange: %v", err) conn.Close() time.Sleep(time.Second) } log.Debug("Successfully connected to RabbitMQ.") connected = true } select { case sess <- session{conn, ch}: case <-ctx.Done(): log.Info("shutting down new session") return } } }() return sessions }
/** * Retrieves a channel from the given connection, ConnectionDefinition */ func OpenChannel(connection *amqp.Connection, cd ConnectionDefinition) error { channel, err := connection.Channel() if err != nil { return err } Channel[cd.Vhost] = channel return nil }
func receive(conn *amqp.Connection, exchange string, key string, wg *sync.WaitGroup) { ch, err := conn.Channel() utils.FailOnError(err, "Failed to open a channel") defer ch.Close() err = ch.ExchangeDeclare( exchange, // name "direct", // type true, // durable false, // auto-deleted false, // internal false, // no-wait nil, // arguments ) utils.FailOnError(err, "Failed to declare an exchange") q, err := ch.QueueDeclare( "", // name false, // durable false, // delete when usused true, // exclusive false, // no-wait nil, // arguments ) utils.FailOnError(err, "Failed to declare a queue") err = ch.QueueBind( q.Name, // queue name key, // routing key exchange, // exchange false, nil) utils.FailOnError(err, "Failed to bind a queue") msgs, err := ch.Consume( q.Name, // queue "", // consumer true, // auto-ack false, // exclusive false, // no-local false, // no-wait nil, // args ) utils.FailOnError(err, "Failed to register a consumer") forever := make(chan bool) go func() { for msg := range msgs { log.Printf(" [i] %s", key) go processMessage(msg.Body) } }() log.Printf(" [*] Waiting for logs. To exit press CTRL+C") <-forever }
// CreateChannel is a wrapper to simplify creating a channel with its attendant // exchange. func CreateChannel(conn *amqp.Connection, exchange, exchangeType string) (*amqp.Channel, error) { ch, err := conn.Channel() if err != nil { return nil, err } if err = ch.ExchangeDeclare(exchange, exchangeType, true, false, false, false, nil); err != nil { return nil, err } return ch, nil }
// Fire is called when an event should be sent to the message broker.k func (q amqpConn) Fire(entry *logrus.Entry) error { ch, err := q.Connection.Channel() if err != nil { // Any other error other than connection closed, return. if err != amqp.ErrClosed { return err } // Attempt to connect again. var conn *amqp.Connection conn, err = amqp.Dial(q.params.URL) if err != nil { return err } ch, err = conn.Channel() if err != nil { return err } } defer ch.Close() err = ch.ExchangeDeclare( q.params.Exchange, q.params.ExchangeType, q.params.Durable, q.params.AutoDeleted, q.params.Internal, q.params.NoWait, nil, ) if err != nil { return err } body, err := entry.String() if err != nil { return err } err = ch.Publish( q.params.Exchange, q.params.RoutingKey, q.params.Mandatory, q.params.Immediate, amqp.Publishing{ ContentType: "application/json", Body: []byte(body), }) if err != nil { return err } return nil }
func Publish(messages chan *amqp.Publishing, connectionUri, exchange, routingKey string, mandatory, immediate bool, results chan *PublishResult) { var err error var conn *amqp.Connection var channel *amqp.Channel defer close(results) if conn, err = amqp.Dial(connectionUri); err != nil { results <- &PublishResult{"Failed to connect", err, true} return } defer conn.Close() if channel, err = conn.Channel(); err != nil { results <- &PublishResult{"Failed to get channel", err, true} return } pubAcks, pubNacks := channel.NotifyConfirm(make(chan uint64), make(chan uint64)) chanClose := channel.NotifyClose(make(chan *amqp.Error)) if err = channel.Confirm(false); err != nil { results <- &PublishResult{ "Failed to put channel into confirm mode", err, true, } return } for message := range messages { err = channel.Publish(exchange, routingKey, mandatory, immediate, *message) if err != nil { results <- &PublishResult{"Failed to publish message", err, false} continue } select { case err = <-chanClose: results <- &PublishResult{"Channel closed!", err, true} case <-pubAcks: results <- &PublishResult{ fmt.Sprintf("Published to exchange '%s' routing key '%v': %+v", exchange, routingKey, message), nil, false, } case <-pubNacks: results <- &PublishResult{"Received basic.nack for message", errors.New("'basic.nack'"), false} } } }
// Connects to the message queue, opens a channel, declares a queue func open(cnf *config.Config) (*amqp.Connection, *amqp.Channel, amqp.Queue, error) { var conn *amqp.Connection var channel *amqp.Channel var queue amqp.Queue var err error conn, err = amqp.Dial(cnf.Broker) if err != nil { return conn, channel, queue, fmt.Errorf("Dial: %s", err) } channel, err = conn.Channel() if err != nil { return conn, channel, queue, fmt.Errorf("Channel: %s", err) } if err := channel.ExchangeDeclare( cnf.Exchange, // name of the exchange cnf.ExchangeType, // type true, // durable false, // delete when complete false, // internal false, // noWait nil, // arguments ); err != nil { return conn, channel, queue, fmt.Errorf("Exchange: %s", err) } queue, err = channel.QueueDeclare( cnf.DefaultQueue, // name true, // durable false, // delete when unused false, // exclusive false, // no-wait nil, // arguments ) if err != nil { return conn, channel, queue, fmt.Errorf("Queue Declare: %s", err) } if err := channel.QueueBind( queue.Name, // name of the queue cnf.BindingKey, // binding key cnf.Exchange, // source exchange false, // noWait nil, // arguments ); err != nil { return conn, channel, queue, fmt.Errorf("Queue Bind: %s", err) } return conn, channel, queue, nil }
// Build a Consumer to use in Workers that will consume an AMQP queue // // @param {String} tag(consumer_tag) // @param {*amqp.Connection} connection // @return {*Consumer}, {error} // @api public func BuildConsumer(tag string, connection *amqp.Connection) (*Consumer, error) { c := &Consumer{ Conn: connection, Channel: nil, Tag: tag, Done: make(chan error), } var err error c.Channel, err = connection.Channel() if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Channel: %s", err) } return c, nil }
func channelHelper( tc *testClient, conn *amqpclient.Connection, ) ( *amqpclient.Channel, chan amqpclient.Return, chan *amqpclient.Error, ) { ch, err := conn.Channel() if err != nil { panic("Bad channel!") } retChan := make(chan amqpclient.Return) closeChan := make(chan *amqpclient.Error) ch.NotifyReturn(retChan) ch.NotifyClose(closeChan) return ch, retChan, closeChan }
// Start endpoint, stopping first if it was already running. update index func (m *EndpointMgr) RestartEndpoint(conn *amqp.Connection, cfg config.EndpointConfig) error { if old, ok := m.eps[cfg.Name]; ok { old.Stop() delete(m.eps, cfg.Name) } ch, err := conn.Channel() if err != nil { return err } s, err := GetStrategy(cfg.ConsumerStrategy, cfg.DeliveryStrategy) if err != nil { return err } ep, err := New(ch, cfg, s) if err != nil { return err } m.eps[cfg.Name] = ep return nil }
func newAMQPLogWriter(ctx gocontext.Context, conn *amqp.Connection, jobID uint64) (*amqpLogWriter, error) { channel, err := conn.Channel() if err != nil { return nil, err } err = channel.ExchangeDeclare("reporting", "topic", true, false, false, false, nil) if err != nil { return nil, err } _, err = channel.QueueDeclare("", true, false, false, false, nil) if err != nil { return nil, err } err = channel.QueueBind("", "", "reporting", false, nil) if err != nil { return nil, err } writer := &amqpLogWriter{ ctx: context.FromComponent(ctx, "log_writer"), amqpConn: conn, amqpChan: channel, jobID: jobID, closeChan: make(chan struct{}), buffer: new(bytes.Buffer), timer: time.NewTimer(time.Hour), timeout: 0, } context.LoggerFromContext(ctx).WithFields(logrus.Fields{ "writer": writer, "job_id": jobID, }).Debug("created new log writer") go writer.flushRegularly() return writer, nil }
// Function to open channel on the amqp connection func OpenChannel(conn *amqp.Connection, msgType string) (*amqp.Channel, error) { // Open a channel to communicate with the server channel, err := conn.Channel() if err != nil { return nil, err } // Declare the exchange to use when publishing if err := channel.ExchangeDeclare( msgType, "direct", false, false, false, false, nil, ); err != nil { return nil, err } // Declare the queue to use when publishing channel.QueueDeclare( msgType, false, true, false, false, nil, ) // Bind the queue to the exchange channel.QueueBind( msgType, "", msgType, false, nil, ) return channel, nil }
// NewAMQPJobQueue creates a AMQPJobQueue backed by the given AMQP connections and // connects to the AMQP queue with the given name. The queue will be declared // in AMQP when this function is called, so an error could be raised if the // queue already exists, but with different attributes than we expect. func NewAMQPJobQueue(conn *amqp.Connection, queue string) (*AMQPJobQueue, error) { channel, err := conn.Channel() if err != nil { return nil, err } _, err = channel.QueueDeclare(queue, true, false, false, false, nil) if err != nil { return nil, err } err = channel.Close() if err != nil { return nil, err } return &AMQPJobQueue{ conn: conn, queue: queue, }, nil }
func emptyQueue(amqpURI, queueName string) error { var conn *amqp.Connection var channel *amqp.Channel var err error var ok bool var msg amqp.Delivery log.Printf("dialing %q", amqpURI) conn, err = amqp.Dial(amqpURI) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Dial: %s", err) } log.Printf("got Connection, getting Channel") channel, err = conn.Channel() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Channel: %s", err) } for { if msg, ok, err = channel.Get( queueName, // name of the queue false, // autoAck ); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Queue Get: %s", err) } if ok != true { log.Printf("Queue empty") break } log.Printf( "got %dB delivery: [%v] %q", len(msg.Body), msg.DeliveryTag, msg.Body, ) msg.Ack(false) } return nil }
func consume(conn *amqp.Connection, workerNum int, wg sync.WaitGroup) { //START OMIT2 channel, err1 := conn.Channel() if err1 != nil { panic(err1.Error()) } defer channel.Close() defer wg.Done() //END OMIT2 //START OMIT3 name := "TransactionFirehose" durable := true autoDelete := false exclusive := false noWait := false queue, err2 := channel.QueueDeclare(name, durable, autoDelete, exclusive, noWait, nil) if err2 != nil { panic(err2.Error()) } //END OMIT3 //START4 OMIT consumer := "" autoAck := true cons_exclusive := false noLocal := false cons_noWait := false msgs, err3 := channel.Consume(queue.Name, consumer, autoAck, cons_exclusive, noLocal, cons_noWait, nil) if err3 != nil { panic(err3.Error()) } for d := range msgs { log.Printf("Worker %v got a message: %s", workerNum, d.Body) } //END4 OMIT }
func consumer(id int, db *sql.DB, conn *amqp.Connection) { fmt.Println("starting processer") channel, _ := conn.Channel() channel.QueueDeclare("repos", false, false, false, false, nil) channel.QueueDeclare("repos-priority", false, false, false, false, nil) channel.Qos(1, 0, true) priRepos, _ := channel.Consume("repos-priority", "consumer-"+strconv.Itoa(rand.Int()), false, false, false, false, nil) regRepos, _ := channel.Consume("repos", "consumer-"+strconv.Itoa(rand.Int()), false, false, false, false, nil) for { var message amqp.Delivery select { case message = <-priRepos: processRepo(string(message.Body), db, id) message.Ack(false) case message = <-regRepos: processRepo(string(message.Body), db, id) message.Ack(false) } } }
func (que *TSQueue) Channel(conn *amqp.Connection) *amqp.Channel { var err error var ch *amqp.Channel ch, err = conn.Channel() if que.Acknowledge { ch.Confirm(false) que.Ack, que.NAck = ch.NotifyConfirm(make(chan uint64, 1), make(chan uint64, 1)) } Fail(err, "Failed to open a channel") _, err = ch.QueueDeclare( que.Name, // name false, // durable false, // delete when unused false, // exclusive false, // no-wait nil, // arguments ) Fail(err, "Failed to declare a queue") return ch }
func CreateRPCTopology(connection *amqp.Connection) (channel *amqp.Channel, err error) { if channel, err = connection.Channel(); err != nil { log.Println("Failed to get channel!: ", err) return nil, err } if err = channel.ExchangeDeclare("rpc", "direct", true, false, false, false, nil); err != nil { log.Println("Failed to declare exchange!: ", err) return nil, err } if _, err = channel.QueueDeclare("ping", false, false, false, false, nil); err != nil { log.Println("Failed to declare queue!: ", err) return nil, err } if err = channel.QueueBind("ping", "ping", "rpc", false, nil); err != nil { log.Println("Failed to bind to queue!: ", err) return nil, err } return channel, nil }
// Publish a Protocol Buffer to an AMQP Exchange // // @param {String} key // @param {[]byte} body // @param {*amqp.Connection} connection // @return {error} // @api public func Publish(key string, body []byte, connection *amqp.Connection) error { channel, err := connection.Channel() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Channel: %s", err) } defer channel.Close() // Reliable publisher confirms require support from the // connection. if reliable { if err := channel.Confirm(false); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Channel could not be put into confirm mode: %s", err) } ack, nack := channel.NotifyConfirm(make(chan uint64), make(chan uint64)) defer confirmOne(ack, nack) } if err = channel.Publish( exchangeName, // publish to an exchange key, // routing to 0 or more queues true, // mandatory false, // immediate amqp.Publishing{ Headers: amqp.Table{}, ContentType: "", ContentEncoding: "", Body: body, DeliveryMode: amqp.Persistent, Priority: 0, // 0-9 }, ); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Exchange Publish: %s", err) } return nil }