// UnmarshalError unmarshals a response error for the EC2 protocol. func UnmarshalError(r *request.Request) { defer r.HTTPResponse.Body.Close() resp := &xmlErrorResponse{} err := xml.NewDecoder(r.HTTPResponse.Body).Decode(resp) if err != nil && err != io.EOF { r.Error = awserr.New("SerializationError", "failed decoding EC2 Query error response", err) } else { r.Error = awserr.NewRequestFailure( awserr.New(resp.Code, resp.Message, nil), r.HTTPResponse.StatusCode, resp.RequestID, ) } }
// Retrieve retrieves credentials from the EC2 service. // Error will be returned if the request fails, or unable to extract // the desired credentials. func (m *EC2RoleProvider) Retrieve() (credentials.Value, error) { if m.Client == nil { m.Client = ec2metadata.New(nil) } credsList, err := requestCredList(m.Client) if err != nil { return credentials.Value{}, err } if len(credsList) == 0 { return credentials.Value{}, awserr.New("EmptyEC2RoleList", "empty EC2 Role list", nil) } credsName := credsList[0] roleCreds, err := requestCred(m.Client, credsName) if err != nil { return credentials.Value{}, err } m.SetExpiration(roleCreds.Expiration, m.ExpiryWindow) return credentials.Value{ AccessKeyID: roleCreds.AccessKeyID, SecretAccessKey: roleCreds.SecretAccessKey, SessionToken: roleCreds.Token, }, nil }
func buildHeader(r *request.Request, v reflect.Value, name string) { str, err := convertType(v) if err != nil { r.Error = awserr.New("SerializationError", "failed to encode REST request", err) } else if str != nil { r.HTTPRequest.Header.Add(name, *str) } }
func buildQueryString(r *request.Request, v reflect.Value, name string, query url.Values) { str, err := convertType(v) if err != nil { r.Error = awserr.New("SerializationError", "failed to encode REST request", err) } else if str != nil { query.Set(name, *str) } }
func unmarshalError(r *request.Request) { defer r.HTTPResponse.Body.Close() _, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r.HTTPResponse.Body) if err != nil { r.Error = awserr.New("SerializationError", "unable to unmarshal EC2 metadata error respose", err) } // TODO extract the error... }
// requestCredList requests a list of credentials from the EC2 service. // If there are no credentials, or there is an error making or receiving the request func requestCredList(client *ec2metadata.Client) ([]string, error) { resp, err := client.GetMetadata(iamSecurityCredsPath) if err != nil { return nil, awserr.New("EC2RoleRequestError", "failed to list EC2 Roles", err) } credsList := []string{} s := bufio.NewScanner(strings.NewReader(resp)) for s.Scan() { credsList = append(credsList, s.Text()) } if err := s.Err(); err != nil { return nil, awserr.New("SerializationError", "failed to read list of EC2 Roles", err) } return credsList, nil }
func unmarshalHandler(r *request.Request) { defer r.HTTPResponse.Body.Close() b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r.HTTPResponse.Body) if err != nil { r.Error = awserr.New("SerializationError", "unable to unmarshal EC2 metadata respose", err) } data := r.Data.(*metadataOutput) data.Content = string(b) }
func buildHeaderMap(r *request.Request, v reflect.Value, prefix string) { for _, key := range v.MapKeys() { str, err := convertType(v.MapIndex(key)) if err != nil { r.Error = awserr.New("SerializationError", "failed to encode REST request", err) } else if str != nil { r.HTTPRequest.Header.Add(prefix+key.String(), *str) } } }
func buildURI(r *request.Request, v reflect.Value, name string) { value, err := convertType(v) if err != nil { r.Error = awserr.New("SerializationError", "failed to encode REST request", err) } else if value != nil { uri := r.HTTPRequest.URL.Path uri = strings.Replace(uri, "{"+name+"}", EscapePath(*value, true), -1) uri = strings.Replace(uri, "{"+name+"+}", EscapePath(*value, false), -1) r.HTTPRequest.URL.Path = uri } }
// Unmarshal unmarshals a response body for the EC2 protocol. func Unmarshal(r *request.Request) { defer r.HTTPResponse.Body.Close() if r.DataFilled() { decoder := xml.NewDecoder(r.HTTPResponse.Body) err := xmlutil.UnmarshalXML(r.Data, decoder, "") if err != nil { r.Error = awserr.New("SerializationError", "failed decoding EC2 Query response", err) return } } }
func unmarshalBody(r *request.Request, v reflect.Value) { if field, ok := v.Type().FieldByName("SDKShapeTraits"); ok { if payloadName := field.Tag.Get("payload"); payloadName != "" { pfield, _ := v.Type().FieldByName(payloadName) if ptag := pfield.Tag.Get("type"); ptag != "" && ptag != "structure" { payload := v.FieldByName(payloadName) if payload.IsValid() { switch payload.Interface().(type) { case []byte: b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r.HTTPResponse.Body) if err != nil { r.Error = awserr.New("SerializationError", "failed to decode REST response", err) } else { payload.Set(reflect.ValueOf(b)) } case *string: b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r.HTTPResponse.Body) if err != nil { r.Error = awserr.New("SerializationError", "failed to decode REST response", err) } else { str := string(b) payload.Set(reflect.ValueOf(&str)) } default: switch payload.Type().String() { case "io.ReadSeeker": payload.Set(reflect.ValueOf(aws.ReadSeekCloser(r.HTTPResponse.Body))) case "aws.ReadSeekCloser", "io.ReadCloser": payload.Set(reflect.ValueOf(r.HTTPResponse.Body)) default: r.Error = awserr.New("SerializationError", "failed to decode REST response", fmt.Errorf("unknown payload type %s", payload.Type())) } } } } } } }
func unmarshalLocationElements(r *request.Request, v reflect.Value) { for i := 0; i < v.NumField(); i++ { m, field := v.Field(i), v.Type().Field(i) if n := field.Name; n[0:1] == strings.ToLower(n[0:1]) { continue } if m.IsValid() { name := field.Tag.Get("locationName") if name == "" { name = field.Name } switch field.Tag.Get("location") { case "statusCode": unmarshalStatusCode(m, r.HTTPResponse.StatusCode) case "header": err := unmarshalHeader(m, r.HTTPResponse.Header.Get(name)) if err != nil { r.Error = awserr.New("SerializationError", "failed to decode REST response", err) break } case "headers": prefix := field.Tag.Get("locationName") err := unmarshalHeaderMap(m, r.HTTPResponse.Header, prefix) if err != nil { r.Error = awserr.New("SerializationError", "failed to decode REST response", err) break } } } if r.Error != nil { return } } }
// requestCred requests the credentials for a specific credentials from the EC2 service. // // If the credentials cannot be found, or there is an error reading the response // and error will be returned. func requestCred(client *ec2metadata.Client, credsName string) (ec2RoleCredRespBody, error) { resp, err := client.GetMetadata(path.Join(iamSecurityCredsPath, credsName)) if err != nil { return ec2RoleCredRespBody{}, awserr.New("EC2RoleRequestError", fmt.Sprintf("failed to get %s EC2 Role credentials", credsName), err) } respCreds := ec2RoleCredRespBody{} if err := json.NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(resp)).Decode(&respCreds); err != nil { return ec2RoleCredRespBody{}, awserr.New("SerializationError", fmt.Sprintf("failed to decode %s EC2 Role credentials", credsName), err) } if respCreds.Code != "Success" { // If an error code was returned something failed requesting the role. return ec2RoleCredRespBody{}, awserr.New(respCreds.Code, respCreds.Message, nil) } return respCreds, nil }
// Build builds a request for the EC2 protocol. func Build(r *request.Request) { body := url.Values{ "Action": {r.Operation.Name}, "Version": {r.Service.APIVersion}, } if err := queryutil.Parse(body, r.Params, true); err != nil { r.Error = awserr.New("SerializationError", "failed encoding EC2 Query request", err) } if r.ExpireTime == 0 { r.HTTPRequest.Method = "POST" r.HTTPRequest.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8") r.SetBufferBody([]byte(body.Encode())) } else { // This is a pre-signed request r.HTTPRequest.Method = "GET" r.HTTPRequest.URL.RawQuery = body.Encode() } }
func buildBody(r *request.Request, v reflect.Value) { if field, ok := v.Type().FieldByName("SDKShapeTraits"); ok { if payloadName := field.Tag.Get("payload"); payloadName != "" { pfield, _ := v.Type().FieldByName(payloadName) if ptag := pfield.Tag.Get("type"); ptag != "" && ptag != "structure" { payload := reflect.Indirect(v.FieldByName(payloadName)) if payload.IsValid() && payload.Interface() != nil { switch reader := payload.Interface().(type) { case io.ReadSeeker: r.SetReaderBody(reader) case []byte: r.SetBufferBody(reader) case string: r.SetStringBody(reader) default: r.Error = awserr.New("SerializationError", "failed to encode REST request", fmt.Errorf("unknown payload type %s", payload.Type())) } } } } } }
package credentials import ( "github.com/swapagarwal/aws-remote/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/awserr" ) var ( // ErrNoValidProvidersFoundInChain Is returned when there are no valid // providers in the ChainProvider. // // @readonly ErrNoValidProvidersFoundInChain = awserr.New("NoCredentialProviders", "no valid providers in chain", nil) ) // A ChainProvider will search for a provider which returns credentials // and cache that provider until Retrieve is called again. // // The ChainProvider provides a way of chaining multiple providers together // which will pick the first available using priority order of the Providers // in the list. // // If none of the Providers retrieve valid credentials Value, ChainProvider's // Retrieve() will return the error ErrNoValidProvidersFoundInChain. // // If a Provider is found which returns valid credentials Value ChainProvider // will cache that Provider for all calls to IsExpired(), until Retrieve is // called again. // // Example of ChainProvider to be used with an EnvProvider and EC2RoleProvider. // In this example EnvProvider will first check if any credentials are available // vai the environment variables. If there are none ChainProvider will check
package aws import "github.com/swapagarwal/aws-remote/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/awserr" var ( // ErrMissingRegion is an error that is returned if region configuration is // not found. // // @readonly ErrMissingRegion error = awserr.New("MissingRegion", "could not find region configuration", nil) // ErrMissingEndpoint is an error that is returned if an endpoint cannot be // resolved for a service. // // @readonly ErrMissingEndpoint error = awserr.New("MissingEndpoint", "'Endpoint' configuration is required for this service", nil) )
package credentials import ( "os" "github.com/swapagarwal/aws-remote/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/awserr" ) var ( // ErrAccessKeyIDNotFound is returned when the AWS Access Key ID can't be // found in the process's environment. // // @readonly ErrAccessKeyIDNotFound = awserr.New("EnvAccessKeyNotFound", "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID or AWS_ACCESS_KEY not found in environment", nil) // ErrSecretAccessKeyNotFound is returned when the AWS Secret Access Key // can't be found in the process's environment. // // @readonly ErrSecretAccessKeyNotFound = awserr.New("EnvSecretNotFound", "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY or AWS_SECRET_KEY not found in environment", nil) ) // A EnvProvider retrieves credentials from the environment variables of the // running process. Environment credentials never expire. // // Environment variables used: // // * Access Key ID: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID or AWS_ACCESS_KEY // * Secret Access Key: AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY or AWS_SECRET_KEY type EnvProvider struct { retrieved bool
package credentials import ( "github.com/swapagarwal/aws-remote/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go/aws/awserr" ) var ( // ErrStaticCredentialsEmpty is emitted when static credentials are empty. // // @readonly ErrStaticCredentialsEmpty = awserr.New("EmptyStaticCreds", "static credentials are empty", nil) ) // A StaticProvider is a set of credentials which are set pragmatically, // and will never expire. type StaticProvider struct { Value } // NewStaticCredentials returns a pointer to a new Credentials object // wrapping a static credentials value provider. func NewStaticCredentials(id, secret, token string) *Credentials { return NewCredentials(&StaticProvider{Value: Value{ AccessKeyID: id, SecretAccessKey: secret, SessionToken: token, }}) } // Retrieve returns the credentials or error if the credentials are invalid. func (s *StaticProvider) Retrieve() (Value, error) {