func fetchPage(payload *gabs.Container) error {
	//request the http url
	url := payload.Path("initial_input.url").Data().(string)
	payload.SetP(url, "return_value.url")

	//Example of forcing a halting condition and returning an error up to the bolt engine and api client
	//payload.SetP(boltsdk.HaltCallCommandName, "nextCommand")
	//payload.SetP("FAKE ERROR", "error")
	//return errors.New("FAKE ERROR")

	resp, err := http.Get(url)
	if err != nil {
		payload.SetP("Error getting url content: "+err.Error(), "error.fetchPage")
		return errors.New("Error getting url content: " + err.Error())

	defer resp.Body.Close()
	body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
	if err != nil {
		payload.SetP("Error getting url content: "+err.Error(), "error.fetchPage")
		return errors.New("Error getting url content: " + err.Error())
	payload.SetP(string(body), "return_value.html")

	return nil
func getBaseResults(payload *gabs.Container) error {
	//do some work/db queries, etc (in this case, 'query' the search index)
	stopAt := int(payload.Path("params.stopAt").Data().(float64))
	results := doSearch(payload.Path("initial_input.searchtext").Data().(string), stopAt)
	_, err := payload.SetP(results, "return_value.results")
	return err
func parseKeywords(payload *gabs.Container) error {
	//parse through html to extract unique 5+ letter a-zA-Z keywords
	html := ""
	if payload.Path("return_value.html").Data() != nil {
		html = payload.Path("return_value.html").Data().(string)

	//super inefficient way to do this, a full app would parse the html tree
	//properly, treat certain elements differently, etc
	tmptokens := strings.Split(html, " ")

	//easy way to de-dupe keywords we'll be filling this map using the keys as the keyword
	//could also use it to up the # of occurences of the keyword to add weights
	keywords := make(map[string]int)
	for i := range tmptokens {
		//here we make sure to only include tokens that are alpha w/ no numerics or special chars
		matched, err := regexp.MatchString("^[a-zA-Z]+$", tmptokens[i])
		if err == nil && len(tmptokens[i]) >= 5 && matched {
			keywords[strings.ToLower(tmptokens[i])] = 1

	//fill a slice with the unique keywords
	kwarray := []string{}
	for kw := range keywords {
		kwarray = append(kwarray, kw)

	//cheapo extract title of page without full html parse
	title := "(Unknown)"
	i := strings.Index(html, "<title>")
	e := strings.Index(html, "</title>")
	if i >= 0 && e >= 0 && i < e {
		title = html[i+7 : e]

	//add to the payload
	payload.SetP(kwarray, "return_value.keywords")
	payload.SetP(title, "return_value.title")
	payload.SetP("", "return_value.html") //clear out the html, no need to send it to next workers

	return nil
func saveToIndex(payload *gabs.Container) error {
	//loop through keywords, adding the url to keyword maps
	//(in a real application, this would be some sort of real datastore, of course)
	kw := payload.Path("return_value.keywords").Data().([]interface{})
	url := payload.Path("return_value.url").Data().(string)
	title := payload.Path("return_value.title").Data().(string)

	//fmt.Println(kw, url, title)
	sites[url] = &ResultInfo{Title: title, URL: url, Meta: ""}

	//with multiple worker threads running, this might cause locking and need a mutex, but for example purpose its ok.
	//we look through all keywords, and store the association to the url
	for keywordi := range kw {
		keyword := kw[keywordi].(string)
		urls, ok := keywords[keyword]
		if ok {
			skip := false
			for u := range urls.C {
				if url == urls.C[u] { //site already in this keyword assoc
					skip = true
			if !skip {
				urls.C = append(urls.C, url)
		} else {
			keywords[keyword] = &URLCollection{C: []string{url}}
	return nil